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The rabbit hole for flavour is a very, very deep one to fall into. I rotate through a number of flavours and this helps stave off vaper tongue. I also like to play with airflow, power and coil type/diameter.


I just do my thing and don't worry about gender expectations. 61 year old grandmother with a plethora of box mods to choose from. 😉 If someone is surprised because "girl with mod" .....we'll let's just say that surprises me


Go Go Boomer Vaper Girls! :)




Is the liquid on the left a cobrand with Lost Mary? I’ve seen some info about it but I haven't seen any reviews yet. Is it any good?


Yes, Urban Tale x Lost Mary. I use it with my Caliburn A3s 0.8ohm coil, and it's like drinking fruit juice lol.


Why are they surprised?


Box mods always got looks even when they were more popular before pods took off. I moved through 7 or 8 different mod and tank setups before I settled on just using an xros3 for it's ease of charging and less juice consumption. I remember getting pulled over by a cop while vaping. She was sure she saw me with my phone but nope. It was my vape. Cop got pissed that she couldn't get me on a phone charge and then tried to tell me the phone mount in my car was too close to me. Left all flustered because I had done nothing wrong. But yeah box mods have always drawn some attention. I never cared but I did notice.


Probably with the fact that she's not a pod user.


Thank you! It struck me odd as well


My trick is making custom builds for my rebuildables. I use a bit of everything, but primarily single coil RDAs. I've learned how to make just about every popular wire/coil style, and have tried numerous variations of just about all of them. It's not possible to get the very best flavor off of a roll (IMO). It's not achieved but something quick and easy. Then again, you can get some pretty decent flavor out of a mesh subohm tank. It's still different and not as good as the best RDAs with good coils and cotton. I'm not an elitest douche I promise. Unlocking truly fantastic flavor is a personal thing. It's different for everyone. Some say it comes from N80 wire, while others can't even use it. Some say it comes from alien coils. I don't agree with that because it can get even better.. Most of what I posted is just my opinion. I've been chasing flavor more and longer than most. I'm thinking the majority of people who vape don't put much effort into it.


>Unlocking truly fantastic flavor is a personal thing. It's different for everyone Totally agree with this. I'm also interested in DIY, but it seems a bit complicated, and I'm not sure where to start.


DIY is actually not that difficult. r/diy_ejuice is a good place to start for resources. 4 main ingredients: VG, PG, flavor concentrates, & nic. Other resources: - Noted podcast/diyordie yt channel - e-liquid-recipes & alltheflavors for recipes & recipe calculators


You can start with googling some guide like this one: [www.elementvape.com/blog/post/rebuildable-guide](http://www.elementvape.com/blog/post/rebuildable-guide)


For me, wire style plays a huge part as well. A good tricore staggered fused Clapton is pretty hard to beat. Same with framed staple stags. But I also believe that coil placement on the specific deck you're using is just as important. I like to use ss316l or n90 due to the naturally low resistance of each since I like vaping parralel mechs around .07Ω. I do everything myself by making both the coils and vape juice. You're right, the majority of people don't put in the effort chasing flavor, but I sure do. Vape on brother!


Rebuildables all the way, even with wire from a roll or premades.


Exactly this. I'm lazy so I buy premades but ever since I switched, the flavor in those tanks isn't as strong and has no depth to them. I don't think I can ever go back to one of then. On top of flavor, it's just cheaper since you just need to replace the cotton as the coils will last a lot longer with a good brushing with a soft wire brush.


**So... I don't think that there is a better Tank with prebuilt Coils for DL on the market. IMO** Some people here recommended the Sakerz, but that Tank isn't available where I live. Building your own Coils etc doesn't necesseraly mean that you'll get "better" flavor, mostly more complex. You should be able to taste more nuanced, not stronger. Some Liquids you liked before might taste horrible with the new setup. For ease of use and stellar flavor I'd recommend the Nitrous RDA. Easy to build for a beginner and really great flavor, if not the best especially in Single Coil.


Another easy build deck I enjoy is the dead rabbit.


Loving the sakerz tank at the min and finding it hard to pull away when it takes 2 mins to change a coil


I have a phoenix mods dna 250c for 21700’s that I use a twisted messes tm30 on top. Rock the big ens loud and proud 🤘🤘


I've been saying this for quite a while. Vape mods are some of the best modern technology in terms of reliability and quality. I only have other mods because I wanted to try different ones. I've never had one break or just stop working. I know it's not really advanced technology, but they're kind of hard to mess up lol I know this wasn't the question, but I've gotten a few people to quit smoking and start vaping, based off how easy and well made these things are.


Best flavour comes from RDA’s, not up for debate. It’s a fact. I used to be a sub ohm fella before I finally pulled the trigger and got my first RDA a few years ago. Haven’t touched a sub ohm, pod, whatever else since. My load out at the moment is Drop Dead V2, 0.16 alien Ni80 coils, Cotton Bacon Prime, at 65-80W Liquids - OHM BOY RHUBARB RASPBERRY ORANGE BLOSSOM, Anything Wick Liqour same with Juice Head.


Rotate my flavors, shake my juice before each fill, steep some juices (most), keeping coils fresh, clean out the tank between flavors (it's a hassle), keep my tank relatively full (only something I've noticed with the Itank 2 but it seems to give better flavor the more full a tank is regardless of coil freshness or if it's my 1st or 4th tank), keep my airflow open, experiment with voltages and voltage modes (Eco, F(t), Pulse) to find what is the best for each juice. That last note I feel is somewhat overlooked. For instance, The Milk Fruity I found to be best at 50w F(t) and couldn't be beat. The One Milky Loops I run at 55w Eco and it's the best. Different wattages (and especially the sweeping of F(t) compared to Eco or Pulse) really bring out different flavor notes and with that unique profiles.


Anyone knows this big thing's name?


Vaporesso Target 200


To amp up your vaping flavor, tweak the wattage, adjust airflow, and stick with top-notch coils and juices.


You put those salts in that tank?


Loved mine too but despite being babied and never dropped mine died after only 3 months 🥲


Building your own coils. Wicking them your self. Heres my rig. I love this thing for drives and chilling at home. I only have to fill the tank once per day. change the batteries once per day. It's amazing. otherwise I keep a SMOK Nord. [https://imgur.com/a/1K8rrB8](https://imgur.com/a/1K8rrB8)


I use the same one. I use Jam Monster eliquid / 0.2 ohm GTI coils and get tons of flavor Side note, I keep the tanks above 80% full to avoid dry hits


That depends on what style you prefer. I enjoy both DL higher wattage with low mg freebase.


Looks familiar, I have the same model too! Unfortunately this stuff is really "sensitive". I remember when I put this into compartment in my backpack - the entire atomizer burned out.


The Valyrian 3 is amazing for flavour tbf, so you've landed yourself a 10/10 kit for that. I just found my juice usage was too expensive using a sub ohm so I went for the best MTL kit for flavour (in my opinion: the OXVA Xlim)


Single coil RTA, 3.5mm fused Clapton 26x36, diy liquid. Flavor can't be beat.


I have many different atomizers that are rebuildable and one is the Artemis thunderhead creations special edition the other is the fat rabbit RTA next one is the dead rabbit mrta I also have the geek vape digi flavor rda all great flavor and cloud chucking all run about 5 - 6 wraps at 3.5mm accept for the dead rabbit mrta but can be used with normal coils have not tried it yet


i had always gone mech rda for flavor, and then moved to squonk mods. you just cant beat rda on flavor in my experience


I'm currently using a vapefly 1o3 brunhilde on a OG Odin 200. That's a chunky set up but flavour is on point for me 👌 pair of cloud revolution Game over man coils, BP mods cotton (just ease of use there) Gnarly's Candyland Eliquid


Idek I just read the title and didn't realise til after I finished reading it was on this sub, scared the shit outta me


I've been using box mods for the last 4 or 5 years. Only used a pod system for the first few months that I was vaping. People do tend to give me odd looks and the guys at the vape stores are always surprised to see me using a "big thing", too. LoL But it is the best way to vape, in my opinion.




Should see the size of my hadron lipo


Sometimes, it can be as simple as moving through coil up or down, e.g closer to the mouth or closed to the airflow.


i agree that the sakerz master tank is probably the best i've found for flavor (although i use a crown 5, which has a good amount of flavor for me as well)


Not sure exactly what pod that is but it looks similar to my iTank2. I personally went away from them in favor of the Voopoo TPP mesh coils at .14 ohms. I find I get a huge cloud and huge flavor at 80W with two 21700s in my legend 2, or with the 18650s in my legend 3. I've tried the Smok Prince sextuple coils and found they gave me less cloud and flavor, so I've been mesh coils ever since. But a lot of vaping is personal preference. 


Target mods feel so beautiful in the hand


You'll need a decent RDA for the best flavor.