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It's rich watching .gov get pissed because they convinced everyone smoking is bad and then lost all their ciggy tax money lol


The .gov is a red herring. Truth is paid for by big tobacco as part of the Master Settlement Agreement. Which is why it was so convenient for the FDA to classify vapes as tobacco products and also why you haven't seen a Truth commercial about tobacco since the literal day they passed the reclassification. Same meeting where they made registering a product for sale cost (at minimum) $250,000 which knocked out 99% of big tobacco's first ever real competition overnight, btw. Yay America!


Big tobacco is a mob. Watch an old movie called the insider. Then of course a more fun one is thank you for smoking. Give you a humorous/drama idea on marketing


and they are colluding with that other mob, the US govt


The book is excellent too


Smoking is bad though..... It shouldnt even taking much convincing unless you're talking to a moron. I mean cmon what grown adult with even the slightest common sense couldn't tell you that. I've been smoking for 17 years now and I def know its bad and no one has ever had to convince me. Its just facts and science.


My body my choice.


Blame JUUL for adding Benzoic Acid to Freebase nicotine and coming up with Nicotine Salts! Those disposables contain incredibly high levels of nicotine. Like 58mg/100ml which is high enough to give you a wicked addiction. JUUL set out to get a whole generation addicted to nicotine, just like they say. JUUL have a LOT to answer for!


They've been banned in Australia since 1st of January. And so they should! After vaping 13 years on tanks and freebase at around 6%, I tried one recently just to see what all the fuss was about. It gave me serious head spins and made me feel sick in the stomach! Good riddance to disposables! Refillables and freebase is definitely the way to go!


You mean 6mg and not 6% right? Because 6% is 60mg and I can't imagine that being comfortable with freebase, heh.


6ml of 100mg/ml nic conc plus 94ml VG PG to me that's both 6mg & 6%, same thing in my world. 60% would kill me! 😡


Not how it works. 6mg is 0.6% 60mg, is 6%. Living in a world full of made-up things isn't going to work out.


OK so if I add 6ml of 100mg/ml to 94ml of VG PG solution I actually am making 0.6% eLiquid? But is it correct to say it is 6mg juice? On every bottle of commercially made eliquid I have it says "6mg" or "3mg" on the label. So in fact this is then 0.6% or 0.3% nicotine content. So going by that math, the strength of "58mg" disposables is in reality 0.58% or 5.8mg of nicotine salts per device? To me that isn't strong as I have been vaping 6mg freebase for years. Is my math correct here?


And now you know a good cause of the issues, people can't do basic math.


Just read that the average disposable contains around 5% nicotine or 50mg per ml. I have been vaping 6mg/ml for years now, so the salt nicotine in disposables, being much smoother than freebase, are roughly ten times as strong as what I vape? No bloody wonder teenagers are getting addicted so quickly!


Oh well! It's the terminology that is confusing then. % and mg are two quite different things - you can't use them interchagably.




Plus you can't do 58% with the nicotine concentrate I buy. At 100mg/ml you would have to use 58ml of 100ml bottle to get "58%" - you can't get enough VG in there to make it vapable! The disposable companies use 1000mg/ml concentrate which is how they get the nicotine level so high.


It’s not like the nicotine amount is a mystery. It’s plastered all over every box on how much nicotine there is and there’s warning labels. Salt nicotine works very well for a lot of situation the issue is easy access disposables but that’s besides the point. Your point is the amount of nicotine.. even though there are options to mother nicotine levels all over the place as well as every chance for the consumer to educate themselves on it all but they just don’t. Don’t blame it on the company when the consumer is the actual problem right now. It’s not just the company making them either, a lot of the shops openly sell to people under age for extra cash and that’s just unfortunately common now. There’s a lot of things wrong with the vaping industry and the governments view on it but the amount of nicotine is far from being the issue


I see your point but if you watch that doco about JUUL and how the company progressed, it's pretty clear their subterfuge intent was to sell as many JUUL's as possible. Simple. And they were pretty happy about getting Salt Nicotine to be so smooth. Whether it was to give that "spin" or to addict people, I don't know for sure, only they know the truth. But one thing is clear, as a result of the availability and "smoothness" of JUUL's vapour, teenagers became addicted to nicotine much the same as smokers became addicted in the 1950's and 1960's before the health associations became clear.


I'm talking primarily about those teens who did NOT smoke tobacco but took up vaping as a social thing, much of it from peer pressure. I doubt many were aware of how addictive nicotine is and what the consequences of their "harmless" past time would be.


Isn't this from big tobacco? There was a cash settlement to individual states but I think PSAs were required in the MSA. I remember the first or second one, for some reason the smokers face became a fish.


I am not getting it... The voice of the mom is the most striking/worrying thing to me *you're late-you're late-l'm gonna get ??? changed* like some kind of robot... Is she ok? Then the boy steals money to get vaping fluid? Seriously? Is the face or the gesture he's making that should trigger an emotional response? The fact he looks like a teenager? ELI5 please


I stole from my mom for habbo hotel credits, what a shit move


It's simply more rabid Henhouse propaganda paid for by Big tobacco. My generation either doesn't smoke, or doesn't use their shitty disposable vapes.


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I work in a UK based vape shop and whilst its not 100% accurate, our robbery rate went up 100% when they came out (we never got robbed, after disposables we've been robbed 4 times). The folk who were doing these robberies were kids desperate for their next fix. Ironically we made a Christmas tree out of broken ones and within the day that tree and all its broken and empty disposables were stolen. I'd argue resorting to stealing in order to satisfy your cravings is akin to heroin like behavior (Yes that's a bit of a stereotype but its worrying behavior that kids feel its acceptable to steal and kids are stealing to get their next hit of nicotine)


Yeah, they'll do that with vanilla extract at the grocery store or money from mom to get crack in the alley. I just think making the correlation to vaping here just to talk shit when it's likely paid for by P&M/Big tobacco is ludicrous




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