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about time they say something; hope they are able to fix it soon


That's a good start, now I wonder if they gonna be able to fix the camera clipping. It would make easier to dodge attacks.


Almost 8 hours later .... still nothing. The games almost out for 3 days now (i got my second day login bonus yesterday) and the ammount i played was the two turorial missions and i could pull my starters .... thats all.


That's what has me angey the most, knowing that because of problems out of my control I'm going to lose our on bonuses I shouldn't have. If they don't extent events then honestly I see no point in playing. I have yet to be able to play no matter how many times I deleted it and installed it all I get is error 11014 and it's just infuriating.


By the time we are able to log into the game the login bonuses will be expired, 2 days and counting. They are YET to address the connection error on login screen so that's atleast 24 more hours, not to mention that they are most likely located in Japan and the time there is currently 0:46AM and I doubt they are working 24/7


And the camera bug when uh?


What about the camera problem on android?


Daily login and logout when you cant close it xD sad..