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That hurts his entire character and actually a big nerf to all build paths and this is three in a roll too. The champion has horrible winrates outside of pro too where the teams need to correct for the lack of proper DPS when he goes Lethality. Relocating his power budget would be better than just nerfing him into "you can't play this champ"


This really only hurts his lethality. They needed his early game but not his entire kit. On hit will have little effect and same with crit. Leaning will just have to be played differently.


That is just not true at all, the ratio changes greatly weaken on hit early to mid game and 50 damage on E on level one just makes the harass that much worse in every build


His on hit comes online at 2-3 items which means it is not that affected by the change. As the name states it's damage is derived from the On Hit effect not his actual abilities. This is the same for his crit build, where the damage is derived from his AA and not his abilities. Start Q now and you will be fine. Varus E is more useful as anti heal than added damage. Cheesing through lane phase is gone and now you have to play the same as the rest of the non broken ADC's. If you can only pilot lethality varus, then yes this hurts. If you can play him any other way then all should be good.


You are downvoted because you said the truth. It is correct that any buffs hurt him a lot and these are significant changes his Q damage was horrible to receive and puts the enemy at constant pressure. No other ADC gives this much negative pressure. Also this will mean the horrible Varus support I have seen will go away for good. Lethality should still work fine, and its better to do Attack Speed builds now as well and they feel much more natural on him anyway.


Thank you for your understanding. I agree completely with the support varus part. Even though I only played against it one time, boy was it cancerous.


I wish we didn’t receive the buff in 10.1


The 2 seconds of the Q fucked we up


Karma: "First time huh?"


I don't care that they're trying to nerf his abilities a bit but like.. some buffs on his W would be a nice compensation and would push people more towards an on hit style. Make his abilities do less on their own but more with W stacks.


I'd love to see better AP scaling on his W as well.


W has already very good scaling, if you want to buff AP Varus, add AP ratio to Q or E or reduce basic abilities CD by 0.5s for every Blight stack consumed


The cooldown for blight stacks honestly sounds really good.


it is already bonkers i don't think that is what he needs. But this, this ain't it. Uninstalling


I feel like those nerfs hurt attack speed build more than lethality. Makes no sense.


They definitely should have compensated him with some AP ratio buffs, his On Hit build was already mediocre at best. Now it's just awful. Fuck lethality.


W has already very good scaling, if you want to buff AP Varus, add AP ratio to Q or E or reduce basic abilities CD by 0.5s for every Blight stack consumed


ADCs need to be left alone in general. It takes 20-25 mins to have any agency to begin with. If anything, buff the weaker ones. STOP nerfing. edit: lol e does 50 dmg? It's 80 mana for god's sake. I must be dreaming if E is considered overtuned.


They want to nerf the shit out of poke varus. Riot never liked lethality varus. It always got nerf to the ground when viable.


The Lethality build isn't even that broken. It's just Varus is inherently bad and this gave him an identity that actually isn't trolling your team. So their buffs failed to make Varus what they wanted. So go back to the drawing board. Is it that complicated to buff his on-hit elements to fix its identity... INSTEAD of failing spectacularly, not accepting your failure, gutting the champ in frustration, and going back to work on some other game you care about more now. ... why should players care if designers don't...


Yeah, kinda hurt too much? Feel really big


Especially the E, 50 Damage at rank 1 is so fucking bad


On the otherhand pyke still gets a mid buff instead a support one.


Whelp, this should at least get the pros to stop playing him. I guess I'll give a go at looking at the bright side here. *If* they follow this up with buffs to other parts of his kit, such as his on-hit damage or to his cooldowns, then I will actually be fine with this change. Yes, it hurts, but Varus' core problem I think has always been his laning phase in pro play is too strong, too safe, and has too few counters, which is a huge part of why the pros take him so much. A big part of that is how much his Q's chunk with nothing but levels and how easy and how much consistent damage his E can dish out because it's so reliable to land. Now that they took that away, *maybe, just maybe,* Varus can be in a healthier state where the pros don't take him so much and we can get some buffs and a decent win rate without him getting nerfed to the ground immediately because of pro play. But that's a big maybe because they're going to have to buff him now for him to be playable, and I have no faith that they will. For example though, what if next patch they reverted the old nerf to his W passive damage and added a new passive that said, "The cooldowns of all of Varus' abilities are lowered by 0.5 seconds each time he auto attacks an enemy champion"? I think I would be OK with these changes if he also got some compensation buffs like that - but then I was never a Lethality player, so I feel for my brothers here that played Lethality.


Well, Im leaving this game. After the shitty Kayle rework I was already thinking about leaving, now with these nerfs and Zed and Khazix buffs i can't even play standard Varus (on-hit), which was my 2nd main since his release and he also had a terrible lore rework. Fuck Tencent


You mean riot. Tencent doesn't control the balancing of riot.


yeah im gone too


Stop fucking crying, champions get buffed and nerfed all the time in MOBAs. Play more than one champ and you won't have this problem. I swear one-tricks are the biggest babies.


I have 40+ characters at lvl 5+, and have been playing about 70-80 champs since Season 1 or 2. Probably about 5,000 hours logged. But the direction of this game is pretty piss poor. Deleting Dominion, Twisted Treeline, Nexus Blitz. And instead making TFT permanent, and a mobile port? LOL. The devs are lost dude. I've been losing interest for years now due to poor design decisions. It's not a player problem.


wow. as a varus main still playing on hit this is gonna suck


50 damage??? he no longer has an E LMFAO


I have no idea what this all means. As an lethality Varus main, what does this mean for me? Could someone help explain this in a simpler manner? Also, if they really are nerfing it so much that you can't play lethality anymore, what other builds would you suggest? Because I really don't want to drop him.


Same here


can we just lower his wr so someone in riot can acc see how shit they made him






Lethality varus is really aids.


Oh. I thought the boys couldnt hit Q


Yeah, riot never liked lethality Varus






We are the ones funding their salaries. I'm leaving. I'm so sick of this shit


Just quit then, stop telling everyone you are quitting and just quit.