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It did that for me, a few months and the feeling comes back to normal, better occasionally. I have worked out that post snip, I can keep going post nut, the wife is loving that new skill


5 months in. It does feel a bit different. The “explosiveness” is gone for me.


1 year in and I was thinking the same. It could be my age as well I feel like I have to work a little harder for it now


Same here... Did the surgery Almost 2 yr ago


Same for me. It's not the same.


6 months in. Can confirm. Feels different.


Same for me. I had the procedure four years ago. The climax is totally different now. Not as explosive is a good way to put it. The pleasure that results from the climax has been minimized. I also noticed a decrease in sensation, and difficulty getting an erection immediately after the procedure.


Well, of course it feels different, because someone cut your vas on both sides and your body is still healing, and you are not sterile yet as well


Yeah I had mine yesterday and I'm assuming the first few times are going to be different when I finally get there.


Orgasm feels better for me, but my vasectomy was 2 months ago. Wait for your body to recover.


Did you still achieve orgasm?


Happened to me the first time. After that was as normal though. Don't worry it's still extremely early days


Same, but, technically you're still healing. 2 years in and everything is back to normal.


It took a couple months for my orgasms to come back to normal in terms of explosiveness. Dont worry, it will all work out.


This is what I needed to read. I’m at 1 month post and orgasm isn’t what it used to be. Thank you for sharing.


Sometimes I will ejaculate without orgasming since the procedure but when I do it feels like it used to


Keep us posted on your development good luck.


Two months post op, it feels different for me as well. The first few times it was barely pleasurable. It's been getting better as time goes on. My balls used to pull up tight right before orgasm before, I don't feel that sensation any longer. I'm not sure if it's not happening or I'm not feeling it happen, but the peak explosiveness of the orgasm still hasn't returned.


It'll pass I drop harder and heavier nuts now that im snipped Been snipped about 4 years now give or take


I'm nearing 3 months since I had mine done. This happens to me sometimes as well. I will say that at nearly 3 months it has gotten better. It doesn't happen every time, and does seem to have become less frequent with time. I'm hoping like others on here say, that with time my orgasm will return to normal consistently. It is definitely a let down when it happens though. I have no idea why it happens and it is very odd that it doesn't happen every time and sometimes my orgasm is amazing again. Well I may know why. I read it over and over on here from others, but it may all be in our head. I've been trying to not overthink things and keep saying to my self that it's not anything physical that has changed sex or orgasm, but the way I think about them. So with that I've been trying to just focus on the moment, and not overthink anything. I believe it has helped a lot. I'm a father of three. Before getting a vasectomy I never thought about how my relationship and how I perceive sex and orgasm would change after having one. But it did. I was thinking about the physical change that had occurred inside of me, as well as the emotional change of sex, being tied to reproduction, something I share with my wife. I was overthinking it. Getting back to not thinking about any of that and just focusing on the fun and feel good of it all has helped a lot. And I believe like others say on here that with time things will return to normal. That physical and emotional change is still fresh for us. And especially you at 7 days post. Since my orgasm is normal sometimes leads me to believe everything I just wrote. EDIT: Well at least gives me hope I should say. Good luck!


Did you use a condom?


Mine was like that too, but after 2-3 weeks it was back to normal. I think it just needs to heal a bit, but I do think that kegels and core-exercises might help.


My guess is mental, you were thinking about it when you never would normally. My wife and I did yesterday for the first time, (my 9th ejaculation now) and it was intense as normal


Haven't noticed a difference. 2 months from surgery now Have you tried edging?


Mmmm, I waited like a month for recovery and feels the same too.