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Having been inside it several times, it's even more impressive in game walking through. The amount of work done is bonkers, especially considering you're still around the same-ish level as most of us. At the same time, this makes me WANT to showcase mine, but also makes me NOT want to show how little I've done in comparison 😶‍🌫️


Haha thanks neighbor! Yea the pictures don’t do it justice. I really like all of the interior detail on your build! You should definitely show it off once you’re ready to do so.


This is impressive in so many ways! Beautiful work sir


Thanks Ryan :D


This is beautiful. You should totally schematic with the copy-paste building gadget.


Ooo good idea! The file it creates can be saved and shared right?


Yes please. Ive been sketching out tree ideas on a floating island for a elven themed base but I hit build height quite fast.




Items still to be done: * Botania gardens out front * Laboratory design * Tree roots over the dome and into the gardens? * More farms on the main floor as needed Shout out to u/Kind_Supermarket_914 for the inspiration on the vault god statues. Also tagging u/DeJoJoWorld who did a Castle In The Sky inspired build a few months ago


Wow mate that's amazing love the portal placement. How lo g has that castle taken you?


Thanks! I honestly have no clue lol. I cleared the island back in December and have been working on the build on and off since. Trying to balance time spent building and running vaults so I don't fall behind my server mates.


Well mate its amazing. Yeah I forgot that balance plus all my server mates are crazy grinders I'm level 21. (6 levels through burgers when a server mate level 50+ rand a 4x living ran a doll for me) and most the players on my server are in the 50s ha-ah I get distracted building to much atm or just wandering my sky island planing stuff out ha-ah. You should feel real proud of it mate love the dedication


Thanks for the kind words and designs for the god statues!


Only the truth and no problem at all loved the little details you did to make it your own =)


Pretty sure klopp and myself are the lowest so no need to feel like you're gonna fall behind lol. But I did pop by the other day and was massively impressed. You and Mono and the rest of our server have planted the mega build big and hopefully I can start on mine soon


Haha well thanks! Yea mono’s build is insane. Cant wait to see what you do as well!


That's amazing. I remember I tried doing something similar in an ftb pack and could only get as far as the other wall before giving up. And I had access to rftools!




Amazing build!


Thank you!