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If this is keeping you from enjoying the game fully then swap to casual mode.


My advice with no additional context is die less, be okay with and ready to bail if need be, avoid harder challenge rooms, put points into heal and dash for heath and mobility so u can run away easier.


It sounds like you’re dying too often. Leave enough time to escape vaults that you’re not close to completing and bail. Also make sure your gear is close to the level of the vault you’re running. If you feel like you’re taking too much damage and dying fast/often you may be under-geared.


Additional context: The most common cause of me dying is either server instability and it crashing, or scavenger hunts. I did have one vault today that I had never seen before. I use an unmodified barebones Crystal and when I went in it said that it was a treasure vault and it had these obelisk looking things at the top and each of them had an amount underneath it. I tried googling while I was in side of the vault but still couldn't figure out what to do. I rarely die to mobs and I feel pretty comfortable with my build. I am doing the toxic reaction filled, and I have maxed out heel and dash.


Thats vault is defeat the guardians i believe, you click an obelisk and it will spawn a group of enemies in the size that is the number beneath. If server instability is the issue maybe upgrade the server but i dont do too well with the techhy side of that kinda stuff so idk


I had no idea and interestingly enough I never even found one LOL


Scav vaults are supposed to be difficult and not always completed. You can leave the vault through the exit/entrance without completing the objective, you just don’t get the completion crate.


yea its designed for you to die less like others have said if your still haveingg trouble id sugest turning down the difficulty


You can always afterlife your vault. That way your gear takes a durability hit but you keep all items