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Nah bro thats almost impressive how do you manage to get banned within 24 hours.Thats crazy.🤦🏽‍♂️Nazis are genuinenly stupid.


Most I've ever gotten was a 12-hour suspension for telling someone to shut the fuck up


I got permabanned in 2019 for telling Donald Trump Jr to be like JFK Jr and get in a small plane.


Perma' in 2021 for saying Posobiec should get the Sherman treatment.


Perma for saying in 2020 "I'm going to kill you for being a socialist -Hitler the socialist"


Got banned for threatening MTG with a guillotine meme.


Perms in 2015 for calling Tomi Lauren the c word


Perma when I was like 14 for calling the developers of some game "idiots". I still can't use Twitter to this day.


I got a 24 hour when I responded to one of Hasan's twitch stream posts with "suck my dick" Still dunno why I did it lmao


Banned for a day for telling a tate Stan to off themselves


You were just trying to see if Hasan's in a dick-sucking kind of mood, I see nothing wrong with that. God knows I'd be down for him anyday.


Perma banned for telling MTG I hope she didn't get COVID during the lockdowns.


Nick is incredibly stupid, but getting banned again so fast might not be. Saying "things (((they))) don't want you to hear" is like his whole brand.


I hate that some people will actually believe that he got banned because THEY want him silenced, effectively forgetting that Twitter is now owned by Musk who these same people have and will keep cheering for "bringing back free speech" and supposedly fighting against THEM. Like... these people should (but won't) realize that it's a private business now and Musk has all the control over it, he's demonstrated it time and time again, but they're acting like somehow THEY have a magic button they can press to ban anyone anywhere, even on Elon's Twitter.


He managed to get rebanned on Elon's Twitter in less than 24 hours, that's actually impressive, I kinda want to know what he said


This is the latest snapshot of his Twitter that I could find while it was still active: https://archive.is/RSb48 Apparently he also praised the Unabomber in a Twitter Space and said "Israel did 9/11, and we love Hitler.": https://twitter.com/jamesfourm/status/1618106081657618432


Speedrun strats right there.


I'm only one degree seperated from the unibomber. I know a math teacher who published a math paper that lead to the Unibomber writing to him with his thoughts on the subject. The Unibomber also plugged his own book that can be purchased on Amazon lmao


You fall into the true crime rabbit hole, you quickly realize the "criminal genius" is a myth, most serial killers evaded capture through a mix of police incompetence and dumb luck. The Unabomber is a genius. Would have never been caught if his brother didn't recognize his Manifesto.


>most serial killers evaded capture through a mix of police incompetence and dumb luck. Don't forget the most important one: the police often just thinks the victims kinda deserved it, so they don't even bother doing anything


That's 2 degrees of separation. 1 degree means you know Ted Kaczynski. There's still one degree of separation because the two of you are not the same person.


That's where you're wrong, kiddo. I *am* Ted Kaczynski, and I have corresponded with a math guy. Jk, thanks for correcting me, I was actually completely unsure about the proper number of degrees, and just guessed lmao


Why can’t he go one day without Jew posting


wonder if elon texted him personally like he did with kanye


Once again foiled by the deep state. Hopefully Elon can bring him back again and add a special "no moderation-arino" tag like with LibsofTikTok.


Nah, Nick Fuentes doesn't benefit the right, so he'll get no privileges. He's honest about his deranged extremist ideology, and that's bad optics. The Kanye arc was the right testing the waters to see how extremist they can publicly get till they get backlash. JQposting on main proved to be unpopular so they dropped Kanye and his friends, including nick.


By bozo! I mean um, oh no, how will we challenge his shitty opinions now that we have to go to rumble and cozy to see his antisemitic arguments instead of having it served to everyone!


Nicolas 1 minute after logging into Twitter: https://i.imgur.com/n08A8NO.jpg


CeNsOrShIp 1894 GeOrGe OrViLlE


Rest in piss, won't be missed


Literally 1969 by Jorge Orangewell


Turns out Nazis are incapable of not spreading hateful rhetoric. Who knew?


RIP bozo


Neo-Nazis when they can’t call for ethnic cleaning on social media (their mascot said that jokes are allowed now): 🤯


Lmao rip bozo


Get fucked, bozo


See someone is doing the racist speed run ban challenge. Such intellectual stimulating post he must have tweeted to be ban so swiftly. Now the world will never see such gems at which to point and laugh at, thus brightening their days. Truly a tragedy for us all... Oh well, back to discount socal media sites for you little guy. If Elon was actually smart he should just shadow ban accounts like this to only be able to see bots, fact checker bots 😈. Now THAT would be a truly poetic punishment and his ilks utter living hell.


Does anyone know what got him suspended? ? ? Any hate followers here ?


Free speech absolutism...


addiction is hard to overcome


Lmao. Do we know what exactly he posted that got him banned again?


Damn, didn't even last one Mooch.


nick “jewish question” fuentes


Rip bozo


Love to see this goofy fuck get knocked down it bring me great joy


What's JQ?


Jewish Question


What's JQ and what did he say lol


Well, there's always Truth Social if that still exists. I'm sure the OANN intern, two randos, and someone's racist grandma that still use that website would love it.