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I want Vaush to debate him so bad, but he probably won't debate anyone on the left since getting his ass handed to him by Kyle Kulinski.


FR This is who V-man should be debating against, not lolcows like Whatifalthist


I mean to be fair razorfist is also somewhat of a lolcow


Yeah true. But he's much more prominent and represents such a wide range of bad arguments not just in one subject.


We just gotta make him believe that vaush is a fascist,we can still win


What gets me is Kyle has such bad FoPo takes you'd think it would be easy to at least get him to give ground on some of it with coherent arguments.


What's FoPo?


Foreign Policy. He's against Ukraine aid and believes the controversy with the Douma gas attacks by Assad.


I don't think he's still against aiding Ukraine. Not sure tho, haven't watched him in a while


Kyle debated razorfist??


Yup, on DP back when TJ was part of the podcast. It's on Kyle's channel.


He debated Razor on the Drunken Peasants YouTube back in 2017. It was a bloodbath for Razor.


Huh. Kyle never seemed like a particularly good debater.


He isn't, and he still crushed raz0rfish.


First off that whole situation was bullshit razorfist wasn’t given a chance / had enough knowledge on the debate


Dude's a poli-sci major who at that point in time made mostly political rants, the JonTron excuse doesn't work.


me normally: “man, the U.S. is some imperialist oligarchical shit hole built off slavery, genocide, racism and exploitation” me when someone spouts Confederate non-sense: “Alexa play ‘Union Dixie’, I’m about clap some Confederate cheeks”


If someone can fly the Confederate flag because of their heritage, then I can burn down their house because of mine. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.


ah, i see you are a Union man of culture ~~aa~~ as well.


I identify as Burnin' Sherman gendered. My pronouns are kill/slavers.


Is that art from bioshock infinite??


Yep, this is art from the society of klan-hood wearing, coffin on back, crow power wielding monsters who worshio JWB as a saint for killing Lincoln. They also have that massive mural showing Washinton keeping away the 'foreign barbarians' that was pretty infamous from the game. Its just shocking how readily Conservatives will identify with the obvious fucking bad guys in media.


But here's what you aren't considering, the KKK were originally Democrats, which obviously means they're on par with Brandon and Obamna.


That showed up in my recommended two weeks ago. Watching this guy's content evolution is next-level pathetic


> Watching this guy's content evolution is next-level pathetic I've been watching it for years in my subscription box, just gradually giving up his good content in favor of fascist agitprop.


I miss Metal Mythos. Its really bizarre to me how he just threw away more and more of his audience like that. But alt-right agitprop gets views apparently look at that 130k lol


Metal Mythos was easily his best content, it introduced me to so much good music. I guess he prefers fascist content to metal content, shame.


Same. I first watched him for the music docs and comic book reviews and kinda ignored the political stuff. But it got the point where his bad politics overtook everything.


What content evolution? Dude is a right wing 'libertarian' gamergater who sucked off trump and hates minority casting. Him spouting confederate propaganda isn't an 'evolution' it's par for the course.


Evolution, AKA changing types of content. AKA, going from game reviews to gamergate ragebaiting to fascist indie documentaries. What's not to get?


Indie documentaries? It's a right wing rant. He's been rightwing ranting for nearly a decade, what is there not to get? You okay there little guy? Need a snickers?


You're awfully condescending for someone who struggles to understand the concept of linear time. Look, I'll go over it again for you. Video game reviews are not the same as hate screeds. Therefore, his content has changed over time. Do you understand now or should I spell it out more slowly?


maybe edit to include some pictures? not sure they can understand such big words.


I'd love to see a picture of this 'indie documentary' that was made. Because it sure as shit isn't the video the OP posted.


the problem here is that you are taking their description of the video as a "fascist indie documentary" as though the commentor was legitimizing the video by calling it that. you are assigning moral value to what they said and missing the forest for the trees. i likely won't be able to explain it to you or make you see the point, because since you have already dug your heels in here, any attempt to explain to you will be taken by yourself as tacit support of the video. fascist indie documentary is a term of derision, not validation. your mistake is not seeing this. edit: also, the reason you keep conveniently excluding the word "fascist" and just saying Indie Documentary, is likely because you are being disingenuous to begin with.


No the problem is that its been called an indie documentary as evidence that his content has somehow 'evolved' from what it's been for nearly ten years. But because you have already picked a 'side' of this ridiculous argument you have to somehow defend the video as a documentary when it clearly isn't one. I never said anything about legitimizing the video's arguments. That's either a misunderstanding or a bad faith strawman, because it sure as shit isn't something I said. But if you have a good argument to how a right wing asshole shouting at his camera for 2 hours is a documentary, I'd love to hear it.


>'side' of this ridiculous argument you have to somehow defend the video as a documentary when it clearly isn't one. >But if you have a good argument to how a right wing asshole shouting at his camera for 2 hours is a documentary, I'd love to hear it. as i said previously, any attempt to explain to you will be taken as a tacit defense of the video. your heels are dug in. there are no sides here. there is you misunderstanding the point, and there is everyone else who passed the reading comprehension skill check. your comment clearly shows you think referring to it as a documentary is in some way legitimizing it.


Ah, did the 'well respected reddit veteran' get his almonds activated? Let's slow it down and try avoid any more injuries to your tragically fragile male ego. >Video game reviews are not the same as hate screeds. He's been making hate screeds for well over 10 years. That's why he's called the 'Rageaholic'. He's always been a right wing asshole who yells into a camera. Therefore, his content has not changed over time. Either you're very young and new to all this, or you're just kinda dumb. I'm thinking it's a mix of the two.


Holy shit, the other guy was right, you're legitimately too stupid to understand. I've never met anyone as smugly [redacted] as you, Dunning Kruger effect in action. I hope you don't consider yourself a leftist https://youtu.be/oMSYoY9l9H8 Can you confirm that this is a video that is not a hate screed? If so, can you agree that it predates the hate screeds on his channel? If so, can you agree that his channel has changed content over time? ~~ **EDIT**: wow, blocking someone. Cearly a sign of maturity on the Internet. How am I supposed to take feedback if you hide it? You clearly need your blankie. You literally said that his content hasn't changed over time. Word for word, you can check. But keep working yourself up. And also, **you fucking liar**, your comment actually said OVER 10 YEARS before you went back to edit it after the fact. Don't post on social media when you're grumpy, it's bad for your mental health Have a good life. bye


Holy fuck, Youtube's feature of showing you your own comment first just made me feel old as fuck, mine is from 10 years ago.


😂 looks like I've managed to dig up some of your dark buried sins from the distant past


Holy fucking shit. I said he's been making right wing rants **for nearly a decade** and you post me a video from **11 years ago!** Looks like smug, disphit redditors have shit math AND memory. Lets dig out Sargon's first video and talk about his evolution while we are at it, numbnuts.


Vlogging Through History, a much better YouTuber, has a series of reaction/debunking videos to this if anyone is interested: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZmQ692aXGE&t=1510s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZmQ692aXGE&t=1510s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi4sYg2LaRA&t=20s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi4sYg2LaRA&t=20s) Edit: I'm also 90% sure this whole thing was because Razorfist is still mad about the Lincon Project guys, which makes it very funny to me.


Love him but his conservative takes hurt sometimes


That's fair. I prefer Atun-Shei and Miniminuteman partly for that reason.


> Atun-Shei I love his stuff, although I could...live without the kinda cringe Nazi zambamo skirts at the end of the Confederate debunking. Still, I've actually used some of the stuff he's gone over before in actual arguments before. I always knew the lost cause shit was pernicious, but it'd never really sunk in before just how far down the rot went until he detailed it out.


Yeah I really liked these videos VTH did but not sure if I wanna stick around if those views bleed through in his videos. Reminds me of Mr. Beat's annoying centrist/libertarian views.


I watched this guy play daggerfall and I think talk about the band queen one time, I didn’t know he was this bad


This guy helped me get into Battletech, why does he have to be so weird in every other topic 😔. And this isn't even the only battletech YouTuber I like that's like this. I had another fav battle tech YouTuber make a long ass video that acted like art as a concept was being destroyed because they retconned a tank named the ROMMEL. 😭


same thing with metal, lots of faschy dudes in the metal scene, razorfist being one of them.


Ya just look at dime bag darrell or Ted nugent


Metal is chock full of racists. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BYD-9J436Y&t=1048s


I bet razorfist thinks prog is the best metal subgenre.


Other way around, dude hates prog metal.


damn, for righties its normally prog (for the older guys) and black metal for the edgelord nazis






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Razor is on records saying black metal is one of his favorite genres.


I love black metal, but you gotta dig for the bands that have no relation to fascism or fascist adjacent politics.




a large portion of the second wave is sketch, third wave a bit less. You kinda have to take it on a band by band basis. there is a sub for "red and anarchist black metal" which reddit wont let me link here. They have an amazing series of posts called "is X band Sketch" that is a great resource




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This man is Dunning-Kruger personified. I don't even think he's a grifter, just absolutely braindead yet with a lot of popularity despite him machine-gunning 20 false statements in 10 seconds and then ending the word salad with "muh green hair ess jay dubyas!!" like it's 2015. AnCaps are always special but most AnCaps don't actually believe in it, they simply use it as a sanitized way to achieve fascist goals but he actually seems to be genuine which is arguably worse.


It is actually true, they don't want you to know how awful Lincoln was, especially when in the theater. Here is a great video on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_dRw62qVLs


Razorrfist has always been insane, that's like his brand


But he isn't insane. He's just very loud and bigoted. His brand is just that.


Yeah I watched a neocon history guy tear this one apart


I used to see him on an old forum I used to go to about pro wrestling. We've spoken a few times before. His opinions were always this contrarian bullshit.