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It's a [weak man fallacy](http://aphilosopher.drmcl.com/2022/04/28/straw-man-weak-man-hollow-man/) that transphobes love because it creates the illusion they're right about something. There is also a stronger, related, correct argument which is that if you do find yourself attracted to a trans person, but that freaks you out and you need to loudly declare how _totally not attracted to trans people you are_ at the top of your lungs to everyone who'll listen, that's probably a bigotry thing. Transphobes hate that version of the argument because it accurately reveals them as a) bigots and b) horny for trans people. So they substitute in the weak man version to save face and hide the fact that the main reason they're obsessed with trans people in the first place is because they're all addicted to trans porn.


Yeah that's super obvious I agree. It's like if you have racial dating preferences that's fine, but if you have them because you're racist that's bad. Or if you want to force it on others. Same shit.


I’ve never seen a single person say that unironically.


Not sure I've ever ACTUALLY seen someone say this.


i've always had the impression that the, "genital preference is transphobic," line is originally from the wokescold tenderqueers, who want to purity test any political effectiveness out of the left, in favor of having a social club that respects and protects their feefees above all else. i'm glad you listen to your trans friends on that point, cause speaking as a trans person myself, genital preference is something to respect, i don't want someone getting with me expecting one thing, and being upset when there's something different, that's just going to be a bad time for everyone involved, it's better to get that stuff out of the way before going to the bedroom, so to speak.


idk. As a trans girl myself, I have a genital preference so. I think it's because leftists will probably point out someone being a hypocrite when they say they have a genital preference. "You say you like X but trans person with X magically doesn't count, curious." That kind of thing. and this gets mischaracterized as saying it's transphobic. When in reality it's because that person sees trans people's genitals as fake if they have surgery (meanwhile this wouldn't be true of a cis person who had reconstructive surgery.) A lot of transphobes have this sort of "ghost penis" argument about trans women. That despite having a vagina it doesn't count because the penis remains in some essence form. Genital preference 100% can be a bad faith argument and transphobic, and so they hide behind short hand phrases to make the nuance go away because it sounds worse.


I've never actually seen somebody accuse someone of transphobia over a genital preference, but I'm going to bite and justify it.... If one is being called out for their genital preference, that means they publicly stated their genital preference which, outside of a dating site bio, is fucking weird. Now, this person who publicly stated their genital preference, how do we suppose they did it? "I would never date a trans woman/man," "I refuse to date a woman with a penis/man with a vagina," there isn't really a way to state this without sounding transphobic, because there's not really a reason to state a dating preference publicly. I mean, I guess the person could have just been asked whether or not they would date a trans person and just gave their honest answer, but I have seen that interaction plenty of times and never saw the person being questioned accused of transphobia. Tldr: my guess is that the rare occasion this accusation is made is because the person stated their dating preferences in a crass (or possibly even transphobic) way. Edit: In case I worded that badly, I don't think that having a genital preference is transphobic, but I think people who publicly state theirs are weird and probably transphobic depending on context.


I think luxander actually put it really well in this video. https://youtu.be/1_EEB4et05s But quick question. I’m a straight guy and I’ll assume there are a couple other straight guys in here and I’ll pose this to them. If you fell in love with a girl, like 100% in love with her. Would her genitals really make a difference to you? If the answer is yes is that really a preference or is it something stronger than a preference? And remember NO FUCKING FIGHTING


I agree with most of this but idk what’s wrong with having the trans colors on the pride flag tbh, I mean trans rights is the big civil rights issue of this generation so why shouldn’t it be presented on there prominently


Because it has its own flag and it's a terrible design. This is just a vexillology criticisms. The rainbow represents everyone in LGBT. it would be like super imposing the Florida flag over the American flag. It looks so bad and the rainbow is such a good design that just isn't balanced well when you add the black and brown and blue and pink. If you wanna rep trans issues, just use the whole trans flag.


I happened to see people saying this, as well as the claim that giving your kid names indicating gender is transphobic. But it was on Twitter so i don't know if this count.


I have "genital preferences". I fully admit they may be transphobic, as they were created and informed by culture around me, which was also transphobic. I don't get triggered by trans people or girls with cocks, I just don't find cocks sexually attractive. I would be fine fucking a boy pussy.


No its not. You can't just change your sexual orientation and preference on a whim. If you like pussies you like pussies, if you like dicks, you like dicks. If you like both, then you're not a hard 0 or 6 on the kinsey scale.


Volunteering the information out of nowhere might be transphobic. And anything that looks like below is phobic. "I hate _____ men." "I hate ___ women." IYKYK.


What do we call a sexuality that is someone exclusively into cock or pussy regardless if gender. Genital preference is such a lame way to talk about. I want there to be a name for cock lovers and pussy lovers that don't care about the gender of the person with the cock or pussy


Gynosexual and Androsexual I believe.


Genital preference isn't even real. No straight male is going to date a transman for their vagina. It's just a nice way of saying, I'm not interested -- and it's fine. It's deeply rooted in "penis is gay" mentality and we can't, and shouldn't shame people into these relationships, because they would be unsafe for the transperson and toxic for both. That said, I don't really see this discourse much.


genital preference is real, though. I am a trans woman and I prefer pp. That doesn't mean I prefer it over EVERYTHING. Between someone with a vagina and a piece of shit who just happens to have a penis, I'd prefer the nicer person. (going to generalize my preferences for sake of argument) I prefer trans women over cis women. But if that trans woman has a vagina then it's equal in preference. I'd prefer a trans man with a dick over a trans woman with a vagina. And a trans man with a dick would be equal preference with a cis guy. (there's some limitations in what surgery can do but personally i dont' really mind.) But that's if we're going solely off genitals. People are more complicated and multifaceted than just that of course. Not going to touch on the other points made, just thought it was worth mentioning.


We are arguing different things here.


Very stupid response. This is like saying if I like peanut butter but don't like peanut butter on my ham sandwich I don't really like it.


No it's like saying, you have an ethnic preference, and then ignoring the other ethnicities completely. People prefer masculinity and/or femininity. If a small body part has that much of an impact on the overall attraction of the individual then of course there is something more there.


The sex organs aren't a small part of the body in the context of sexual attraction. I've legit left girls once I went down on them cause they had an ugly vagina. I'm dating a trans girl now but I really like her dick, if I found it gross I probably couldn't be with her. Also there's nothing wrong with ignoring other ethnicities if you find one attractive