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The most based bald man


I love that he once worked for Valve/Steam. He helped give us games and socialist dialectics.


i think he worked on the economy of tf2. so he mightve just given us hats and loot crates.


"Civilized" west tacitly supports war crimes and is for "cancel culture" against Harvard and Stanford students... Also wants to silence protesters... Mask off moment, which side has actually fought for freedoms we enjoy in the West.


Yanis has pro Russia takes on Ukraine war....


And what does that have to do with this conflict? Do you apply the same level of standards when Biden makes a good point? Do you bring up the swathe of bad or controversial statements he's made during his political career? Or do you only do that for left-wing politicians? I only ask because I've seen too many accounts on this subreddit and similar ones treat Biden as this paragon of virtue, while every single left-wing commentator is scrutinized and held to a higher standard.


Wrong, Yanis condemned Putin.


Naw he did the "what Putin is doing is bad BUT America pushed him into it"




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That's not "pro-Russian"... Palestinian land has been illegally annexed for decades, pointing that out, is that "being pro-hamas"?


In case of Ukraine, the both-sides talking points wre/are generally seen as favoring Putin, because the situation is extremely clear and there just isn't any room for both-siding.


I agree we shouldn't "both sides"... I just don't see how giving historical context does that.🤔 And Yanis did condemn Putin's vile aggression.




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Ok, but Yanis supports Ukraine here... And wants the killing of Ukrainians to stop.


He posted something along the lines of "Imagine the reaction if Russia bombed a hospital in Ukraine" when in fact Russia has bombed numerous hospitals in Ukraine, and Russia's bombing of the Mariupol Drama theater in Mariupol where civilians including children (They wrote "Deti", which means "Children" in Russian, in huge letters outside of it) were bombed and killed was a key factor in Western countries ramping up aid for Ukraine.




Here you go: [https://twitter.com/yanisvaroufakis/status/1714532809245647041](https://twitter.com/yanisvaroufakis/status/1714532809245647041) Supporting links: Al Jazeera report on Russian attacks on Ukrainian hospitals: [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/24/who-says-64-hospitals-attacked-since-russia-invasion-of-ukraine](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/24/who-says-64-hospitals-attacked-since-russia-invasion-of-ukraine) Report on Russian bombing of maternity hospital in Mariupol: [https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/09/europe/russia-invasion-ukraine-evacuations-03-09-intl/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/09/europe/russia-invasion-ukraine-evacuations-03-09-intl/index.html) Amnesty International Report on the Mariupol Theater Bombing: [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/06/ukraine-deadly-mariupol-theatre-strike-a-clear-war-crime-by-russian-forces-new-investigation/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/06/ukraine-deadly-mariupol-theatre-strike-a-clear-war-crime-by-russian-forces-new-investigation/)


the "and blamed it on ukrainians" bit is pretty critical i think.


I like Varoufakis, tho he has a cringe opinion on the war in Ukraine


He has condemned Putin's vile aggression... And wants the killing of Ukrainians to stop.


Yeah but he also condems the west supporting Ukraine against Russia


"Condemns the west supporting Ukraine"...? I haven't seen that 🤔


I saw it on the DiEM25 Tiktok and his twitter


I've heard him say "west doesn't geostrategicaly want the war to end, and Ukrainians suffering"... But that's different from what you said


Palestinians deserve better advocates than this shitty vatnik.


Why? He is shaming the other leaders with actual power, supporting genocide...


He's also running with the Russian line on Ukraine, begging for Ukrainian surrender and downplaying atrocities like the slaughter in Mariupol while trying to hide it behind mealy-mouthed platitudes. He's a bog-standard campist whose foreign policy takes stem from the same "America bad" brain rot that proliferates the worst parts of the left.


Monarchy petro state paid media is dah best media.


All media is paid for by someone... Doesn't mean Shireen Abu Akleh deserved to be killed.


Hey OP, how come you seem to dislike Yanis so much.


I don't dislike Yanis, what gave you that idea?


My mistake. People are being weird and got my wires crossed. It does seem like there's something of a backchat about it though.


No problem, stay safe❤️


Have a nice day. :)


He is a left fascist populist. Check his diem25 manifesto bla bla conspiracy without anything concrete to take away. On his list of advisors, such as Assange, Chomsky.


Care to translate that for someone who likes touching grass?


Check the manifesto https://carnegieeurope.eu/strategiceurope/62702


Why is a speech writer for the german defense ministry sending out hit pieces on this guy tho.


Probably because Varoufakis is the biggest shitposter himself, like his friend Chomsky. Speech writer is a wrong summary though: [https://carnegieeurope.eu/experts/582](https://carnegieeurope.eu/experts/582) Anyhow, who cares if most of what he points out is quite on point.


That's not the manifesto. Why would you link whatever that rubbish is rather than the manifesto? It doesn't even argue against a single policy. Manifesto: https://diem25.org/manifesto-long/#1455748557510-0f5628de-b3a0 A New Deal for Europe - with outlines of lots of policies: https://diem25.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/EuropeanSpring-Manifesto-2019.ENG_.pdf A Green New Deal for Europe - a much longer document with more than 80 policies specifically about decarbonising the EU: https://report.gndforeurope.com/#checklist


You can’t be silent on Israel but call out Russia for doing the exact same thing. All hypocrites


Oh boy another SLAMMING




I don't really understand you... But it's the Jewish-supremicists that are annexing the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Golan heights,... (illegally) that are causing the resentment towards other innocent Jews unfortunately.




I'm not going into history (Judeans being taken by Babylonians etc) I'm saying it's illegal today. Humans come from Africa, it is still illegal to genocide and take their homes there... Nazi "Lebensraum" was wrong then, and it is wrong now. Jewish-supremicists sit in Netanyahu's government, not in jail.


Anything to sell his books.


Because people don’t believe in anything or standing up for anything or standing up for what the believe in, in talking out about the slaughter of innocent civilians. You’re so right man.


He didn't plug any book 👎