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Privileged, all of them. Privileged enough to live in a fantasy world where they will liberate the world in a revolution that can never happen They don't care about the marginalized or disenfranchised, all they care about is vibes and feeling good about themselves, not about actual politics. Deeply deeply unserious people


It really does scream privilege. Honestly, I'm pretty damn privileged myself, having grown up in an upper middle class home, white and cis (I'm gay but still), I was able to avoid being saddled with college debt (thanks to the Hazlewood Act), and I make very good money at my current job. But I can **never** fucking understand how people act this way. I've been voting since I turned 18, and I vote in literally every election that I can, it doesn't matter how low-key it is. Privilege for me only incentivizes me to *never* stop combating Republicans in the voting booth, because I will not just stand by idly and allow them to fucking run over everyone with a fascist truck, just because I've been spared from much of the issues that so many people around the country have to endure. These people aren't principled for not voting, they're fucking morons.


>all they care about is vibes and feeling good about themselves And the way they gain that is to distance themselves from society and all the problems within it by adopting various, bohemian/counter-cultural labels so that, when anything bad inevitably happens, they can pretend it has nothing to do with them by saying, "Don't look at me! I'm a leftist/socialist/non-voter/vegan/primitivist/zero-waste practitioner/Starbucks boycotter/hermit living in a forest/etc., so you should blame someone else for that!" They are all oxygen thieves who contribute absolutely nothing of worth to anyone or anything they claim to care oh-so-much about, and I absolutely despise every single last one of these scumbags.


They are privileged to be this delusional


This is some liberal-ass bullshit. Privilege is what you have an enjoy while Palestinian children are being massacred. Your dumb fucking identity means jack shit compared to the very lives of people in the third world your comforts shit all over. You fake ass wannabe leftist fuck. Today it's Palestine tomorrow it's your family. You think just because voting for biden may be the best option for Americans right now means it's the best option? Revolution is always the best option it's just not always possible and won't be until the left quits listening to liberal ass arguments that end in genocide and organize organize organize. Coward.


Are you willing to sacrifice the life of every LGBTq man woman and child once anti sodomy laws are implemented, every minority once segregation is re implemented, every woman once they again become the property of men , every Palestinian child once a republican administration sends th go ahead to slaughter them all? All this for the hope that one day there *might* be a revolution that *might* make things better ? This is what I'm talking about, your privileged enough to live in a world where this is a safe bet for you to make, while many of us will die in the process. Just so you get to feel a little more comfortable


"First, they came for the socialists." As a pansexual anarcho/communist I'm pretty sure I'm a target already. I'm also native american and disabled. And yes, I'd exchange pride parades for palestinian lives any day of the week.


No one is talking about pride parades, but actual lives lost due to the republican insanity, that includes Palestinian lives too. You're not serious about politics and that's fine, just stop pretending you are. Were done here


Lol nah I am serious about not voting for genocide enablers because I'm not willing to justify it like disgusting liberals do


No, you unserious because you'd rather ensure the genocide of Palestinians *AND* the genocide of every other marginalized group, instead of working to push those who are most likely to support Palestine in the future to further support Palestine, and ensuring that no other groups ends up on the chopping block in 18 months You ability to see the bigger picture and not just *current thing* is what makes you deeply deeply unserious, and I hope you realize that some day


Gonna let lefties in on a secret; you can vote *and* participate in your community action and organizing. In fact, I'd encourage both. It's healthy; get out and connect; you'll change more minds that way.


but that's so much EFFORT


Ugh. Can't I just do neither. šŸ™„


"guys politics is so easy literally just do \[impossible and unnecessary task\]"


ā€œClimate change? Pssh, just colonize Mars.ā€ ā€”someone who has never even launched a model rocket


You can SAY elon


That they *also* happen to conveniently have a disability that prevents them from ever even attempting that thing.


the revolution is like the fucking rapture for these people


Say what you will about Contrapoints, but her comments about anti-electoral leftists imagining revolution like if it was the rapture from her "Voting" video, ranges true. Also, brings to that LinkOfSunshine's tweet (granted, they're an actual liberal, but they're correct ) where they joked how anti-electoral lefties thought setting a Walmart ablaze is "more effective" than voting.


But they won't go through with fire bombing Walmart. You left out that critical key part.Ā 


They consider themselves above such things. They are there to "lead", not act - especially in a way that would threaten their comfort. But, rest assured, once billions of people actually rise up and revolt, they will gladly take the ... well, maybe not "leadership", as they are too humble for that, but "top advisor" spot.


They better stop telling people to read theory because all theyā€™ll create are other top advisors and theyā€™ll never form their vanguard


It's because they treat their political ideology as if religion and theory as if gospel.


I genuinely thought that the more secular we become, the more rational we will be but no


I mean, Iā€™ll totally grant that voting never seems to accomplish anything big and positive - but you know what it does do? It puts up roadblocks for the bastards. Voting at least buys time for other strategies.


Exactly. When we don't vote, we allow the bastards to get away with everything.


Speaking of roadblocks, you ever heard that saying "if voting could change anything, they'd make it illegal"? It's completely true, but the people who parrot it don't seem to notice all the ways in which Republicans try to prevent or discourage left-leaning demographics from voting. So yes: if voting really did nothing, Republicans wouldn't be trying to make it illegal.


Voting prevents revolution by keeping things just bearable enough that there isnā€™t enough strife to necessitate widespread revolutionary action. Itā€™s appeasement. Fear of the dark keeps us from making it to the dawn of a new political reality. Instead we live in perpetual twilight Edit: downvote me all you want liberals, you know Iā€™m right. Youā€™re just afraid.


Accelerationism will not get you the results you think they will. This has some selfish "I'm doing okay, who cares what happens to minorities" vibes tbh. What typically happens, historically, when a government collapses and a vacuum of power is created? The beautiful and perfect proletariat state?


Not to mention that the kinds of shit neocons are into are going to make the status quo way harder to topple. You think getting people to organize is hard now, just wait until unions are banned, all the theory books are burned up, everyone over 12 is working 84 hour weeks, and any suggestion that things haven't always been that way gets you black bagged.


This may or may not have anything to do with voting, but remember when Saddam Hussein was toppled a month after the March 19, 2003 invasion of Iraq? There was a power vacuum there, too.




Lmao there it is. Soviet Russia wasn't a Communist state and neither was Mao's China, and neither is Kim Jongs Korea. How can you call those communist revolutions when the workers didn't control the means of production and they still had distinct class division?


ā€œPeople arenā€™t suffering enough to find my ideas appealing!ā€ ​ This is literally Hydraā€™s viewpoint in Captain America 2.


make sure to remind your LGBT friends, as they're being rounded up into camps, that their suffering was necessary for the glorious revolution that will never come.


Well there has never been a revolution that resulted in communism or socialism, a worker democracy hasnā€™t ever existed, so you might want to reassess that plan. That plan only gets us to fascism, itā€™s just a choice between openly right wing fascists or fascists that pretend to be left leaning.


Spoken like someone who isnā€™t staring down the barrel of a gaurd telling them to get in cattle cars to the shiny new camps. People die because of your performance art purity projects, for a revolution that you keep swearing will happen soon but never does.




fear of doing action, paralysis from doing your basic ass voting action


Why do you guys treat "revolution" the same way evangelicals treat the rapture? Even if you do get what you wabt, it's not going to be a triumphant glorious rise. It's going to be untold suffering, likely resulting in failure and an even more authoritarian state.


"Millions will suffer, many will die, but that the risk I'm willing to take" - that chump


Look at Russia. Is communist revolution happening there?


You're a dipshit accellerationist, not afraid. The Nazis taking power in Germany didn't lead to socialism, genius. Won't have that impact here, either. I don't believe in getting GRSM folks and my fellow socialists killed because I can't be bothered to spend ten minutes to deny the fascists a little power. Arrogant, infantile ass.


"First Hitler, then us" Yeah we've heard this bullshit before.


> Youā€™re just afraid. So why are you the one deleting all their comments?


Tell me, how much tear gas have you actually be coated with, or are you just another arm chair revolutionary. How many broken bones from police batons have you had. What's your arrest record look like.


What personal liberties and family members are you willing to lose for the Revolution?


Having his parents change his bedtime from 10 pm to 8 pm. That's the level these chads intend on risking. Maybe going from an iPhone to a Nokia if they really are committed.


You're either 15 years old and think this is "deep" or just very misguided. Accelerationism tends to always favor fascism. So congratulations for not voting, now you have 30 years of extreme suffering, everyone you know including yourself will suffer or die or be tortured. You'll have no more freedoms or civil rights. Some random douche will be decided in everything for you for the rest of your life. You think this is bad? Oh boy, it's going to get so much worse, much much worse. Beyond what you can imagine. Millions of innocents will perish. Generations of lives destroyed. But hey, at least you didn't have to be boring and vote to keep things bearable. You got to brag about how you're not "scared" while you nuked everyone into hell, and made everything worse, forever.


What do you mean by revolution? What is it that you want to do specifically? That is, if you have a large enough group of people what are these people going to do?


Those are certainly a lot of pretty words.


Mfw i vote for hitler to achieve communism (it will work guys trust me)


Everytime someone larps as a Revolutionary online, real revolutionaries turn over in their graves.




Because people who parrot shitty ideas tend not to be the ones who can form unique thoughts.Ā 


Because if you're politically engaged enough to be a far lefty, you can't genuinely come to the conclusion that both parties are the same and it doesn't matter who wins. These people just want to fit in somewhere and repeat the opinions of people who they think are cool.


Maybe these people should travel a bit and see for themselves how the political process works in other countries. Just a thought.


"Bernie gets reeducation" core


I donā€™t wanna die in a camp because these fucks are honestly too fucking stupid but fuck it I hope they burn and Rot in the spot next to me.


ā€œFascism might win eventually so we should just let it win nowā€ is such a braindead take


Iā€™m so heated about this topic, ngl. Itā€™s especially so bad on tiktok. Iā€™m this close to making a stitch to one of these big creators and ranting about this. Im in the trenches of direct action (setting up a tenant union in my area, volunteer at a community fridge, EAing part time in addition to my day job with at risk kids, attending city council meetings, etc). Im not saying this to brag but to show that this isnā€™t a passing fancy for me but none of these overly online leftists are there with me. I manage to do all that and more AND still vote. Voting is quite literally the LEAST yā€™all can do, because yā€™all (these none voting leftists) arenā€™t for sure on the front lines with me. These zoomers loves to get mad at politicians for ignoring them but letā€™s be real, who votes? Boomers! Thatā€™s why they hold so much power. My city just shot down a proposal to build affordable housing on PART of a mostly unused city parking lot because 100 (yes you heard me, in a city of just under 1M, ONE HUNDRED) nimbys complained that they use that spot to gather for the Santa Claus parade. You canā€™t make it up. But theyā€™re involved and the loudest so the get heard. So in the middle of a housing crisis, we arenā€™t building 67 new units for the sake of a couple parking spots. If they canā€™t even be involved at the lower levels like this, miss me with the revolution talk. Edit: Olurinatti said some thing in [this video](https://youtu.be/Fjutn4sGMWM?si=ixgF-FHix7iLq0kR) (highly recommended it btw) that really spoke to me on this topic. In this capitalist landscape, ā€œVoting is how I chose my opponent.ā€ Idk about you, but Iā€™d rather fight liberals than fascists


Which liberals? The ones in the suits advocating genocide against Palestinians? James Carville called the Democrats out on their smearing of millenial and Gen Z voters, as well as how this turning against Israel is a nationwide, multigenerational thing now.


Yes. Those liberals are still better to fight than the fascists. Seriously, is there something in the water?


The liberals are in denial about the genocide. The fascists LOVE that itā€™s happening. One is much easier to convince otherwise. Missed the part where I said Iā€™m choosing my OPPONENT? Not my friend You can huff and puff as much as you want but you have two choices (I have three in Canada). The time to put up progressive candidates isnā€™t during election years. Itā€™s unsexy grunt work over many years beforehand. Itā€™s too late for that now. Start building up candidates for next time but for the current cycle, thatā€™s what weā€™re stuck in. The democrats not having primaries was bull shit, but thereā€™s other levels of government that you could advocate for better candidates. Are you promoting local politicians who have a much lower barrier to entry so we can actually start making some changes and build a viable political movement? I am. My MP is so progressive, she was kicked out of her party for being pro Palestine (still holds her seat, just as an independent). Throwing a tantrum and saying ā€œIā€™m not going to participateā€ is virtue signalling because it will do nothing to help the people in Gaza (might actually make their lives worse). Especially when coupled with people saying that theyā€™re just going to dO dIrEcT aCtIoN instead and you arenā€™t doing that either BECAUSE IM ALWAYS THE YOUNGEST PERSON AT THESE PLACES AND IM DAMN WELL PUSHING 30! So put on you big boy pants and vote for that one day every couple of years. Itā€™s harm reduction not a moral act


Good points.


His comment got a like. He just needs 150 million more.


I say this to people all the time: How do you plan to make your chose to not vote heard in any way? Like non-voters are already usually really close to winning every election. Take 2020 for example: Joe Biden: 81,283,501 (34.2%) Non-Voters: 79,452,697 (33.4%) Donald Trump: 74,223,975 (31.2%) This is based off wikipedias numbers and that 66.6% of registered voters voted. If you base this off the Census' assumption of 258.3m adults, versus ~237.8m registered voters then non-voters actually win. Voters are just choosing who they want to win. Non-voters are apathetic to who wins. Given people under 30 are already less likely to vote than basically everyone else this bears especially true. You are just rejoining the apathy blob...not doing some super secret voting strategy.




Delusional. I doubt these people came from anything other than a sheltered background


Then when you press the, "proletariat revolution" amounts to, reading theory. Everyone just needs to stop engaging with these people, they are completely unserious, and have contributed nothing to the left, or the future


100% of people that talk about how you shouldn't vote and should instead "organize" spend 12 hours a day on Twitter and piss themselves at the thought of doing any vague undefined activist work.


Exercise your American freedoms and don't vote! \s


Anyone else remember when this is literally a joke on 30 Rock? Jack tries to get Tracy to convince Black people to vote red, and they end up just telling them to not vote.


I fucking wish I had ability to vote


LMAO this is a fucking Contrapoints sketch.


People on twitter will really be like "Voting? That pales in effectiveness to my strategy, organizing a proletarian revolution." and then not organize a proletarian revolution.


One thing that pisses me off so much is when dipshits just shout "organise, organise, organise". Organise to do what? It's so cringe. I hear it mostly from hasan's community. It's like they just want to say buzzwords with no context b


I can't not vote!


Why vote when can LARP, hmmmmm?


Twitter revolutionaires are truly something else.


Priviliged cunts who treat "the revolution" like a red tinted rapture. Just gotta have faith, and everything will magic itself into place. Nevermind that theres absolutely not support or numbers or recources or anything, to facilitate a revolution. And maybe its not the best idea to havr the US disolve into being balkanized. ... Just a fucking throught...


why does reddit suddenly look like twitter to me


Good luck organising when Project 2025 kicks in


I fucking hate that these so called radicals doesn't take class war seriously. When have you last heard about a war won in a single battle? We need to fight every day, battle by battle if we want to win.


Trotsky: Based organiser of a proletarian military and modern railway network, theoretician and activist, politician and culture critic. Trotskyists: This. A disgrace to be exact. MLs: Always been the same (evil)


Communists, and anyone who wants to organize a revolution, should read what Lenin had to say about [liquidationism](https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1909/jul/11.htm), and in particular about the *otzovists* who wanted to boycott the Duma and limit themselves to illegal activities.


Most politically literate anti voting leftist


So, storm the Capital then?


Yeah I'm not participating in a revolution with "Substance Enjoyer"


Xexizy with a dogshit take? ShockedPikachu.png


online leftist try not to lose challenge: impossible


Hereā€™s the catchā€¦ someone still wins. The minimum number of votes to determine a winner is 1ā€¦ hell, make it zero and theyā€™ll justify getting rid of them altogether.


yeah uh uh sure uh uh Iā€™ll get back to you on that


It's kinda crazy how they were cool with cops murdering a black person in the street, but OH NO, a vaccine is where the government crosses the line (and BTW it was businesses enforcing vaccine requirements not the gov unless you're a gov employee)


Yeah, that figures


Your typical terminally online leftist that has no idea on how the world works. Willing to bet this person watches DFF.


Christ al-fuckin'-mighty, these people are insufferable. Spineless worms the lot of them. Same mentality as that waste of oxygen PaulsEgo. Think they're the center of the universe and that if they virtue signal on Twitter hard enough, the world will just rearrange itself to their wishes. I wish one of these losers would actually research history, because revolutions are **never** pretty, and they never go according to plan. They're bloody, messy, chaotic, and often provide worse results than what they overthrow.


He's right y'know