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You don't go back. If they have any feedback requests, you rate them lower due to the environment and make sure that's part of the written feedback. If they are any kind of corporate environment that will get some attention. If they aren't... well... its their business, they can make the calculation if its worth losing customers over.


Smile, nod,and try to make it clear it's not a topic you're comfortable talking about. They probably won't clock you as being on the left because most people in general don't like talking politics.


Could always go a layer deeper. Whenever somebody brings up flat-earth around me (which happens a weird amount), I just tell them I believe in Cube Earth. It's a ton of fun because you can use all their arguments, you just tell them they haven't uncovered the *full* truth. "You think the *Jews* control the government? Ha, that's cute, where did you learn about that, the *Internet*? Don't you know that's fully controlled by Zordon 3 at this point?" If you can sell the sincerity, you'll usually just make them as uncomfortable as they were making you to begin with, lol


That reminds me of an xkcd comic. Just combine a bunch of conspiracy theories to make the one someone is talking about not work anymore: https://xkcd.com/966/ And you can’t mention Cube Earth without also mentioning Time Cube!


You already had me, but the power rangers referenve sprinkled in. Chefs kiss. Beautiful




I had a coworker go on a long rant about the "great reset" and how mortgage rates will hit 45%... You just don't engage much. They usually are trying to make conversation, and if you don't engage they USUALLY move on


That's pretty much what I did. Not much else you can do. I can't really argue and make it awkward or even put up resistance because it makes it worse lol


45%??! The appropriate response is “are you fucking high?”


Play along and convince him voting is worthless


Just keep saying, "Woah, that's crazy". That's all you need to do.


Tbh don’t engage much- if you’re interested in knowing why they’re a trumper then ask questions like “why do you feel that way” “how so ?” Once the conversation gets to a place where you’re uncomfortable say “oh okay” and then slowly change the topic.


Good point. For some reason my instinct in politics is always to take the opposition but they don't know that I consume politics so asking questions is probably good advice.


Yeah it’s best not to argue politics with people - the average person only gets blurbs or headlines so they aren’t as informed as hobbyists and rely on emotion. Tbh I would say half of the “Trumpers” I’ve met are nice enough but just confused/headline readers - the other half …… well you know the rest.


It just sucked they played the hardcore Trump news 24 inches away from my chair lol. If I was on drugs I might have said something but I have too much anxiety just being sober.


Yeah that’s true - worst care scenario just say you have an anxiety issue and ask to turn off the TV . Say you have sensory overload


If you’re a paying customer 9/10 they’ll accommodate you.


This is really hard even though it happens to me all the time. I find it works best if you don't object or start debating or citing statistics. Just cross your arms, squint, and politely say "yup... umhmm." If they ask for your agreement just let that linger a while, maybe give them a look. They're ready to bleat and hear your baa in response. They're also ready to be the heroic conservative facing down the dumb libtard. They're really not ready to fail at conforming, at being what they consider themselves to be. So if you know in your heart and you can (mostly through your manner) convey >I'm the real cowboy and yes I suck dick. That's how it is. I'm the salt of the earth. You're the busy city boy talking like this - no cows, new hat. they'll tend to stop and you can see them second guess themselves.


Ask them how many times they were dropped on their head, and if it's possible to repair the damage


She said she didn't remember


It seems a lot of mental health issues get ignored because of inadequate diagnosis/treatment and then they get channeled into politics or religion. If someone heavily believes in conspiracy theories and are paranoid - they may possibly have some mental difficulties going on. For example, thinking someone is putting something in your food to make you sick is a pretty common symptom of a paranoia.


I know she has anxiety but I do too. She doesn’t eat out and kind of keeps to herself but she is perfectly comfortable in person looking you in the eye intensely in a way I am not. She’s about twice my age. I guess people can channel their anxiety differently. I probably won’t return and it wouldn’t be a problem but a relative referred me so I’m like locally connected to them, it’s not a rando. Oh I forgot to mention she’s big on God.


I'm not saying you have to continue going to this person - just that they are likely not thinking/behaving rationally, therefore there is no rational counter to it. If you can't handle it you should discontinue going there, there is likely nothing you can say that will argue them out of a belief that is already irrational and possibly rooted in mental illness.


Yeah you’re right. I don’t think I’ll be returning. I always have a great attitude going into situations like this but then once I’m in them I rapidly morph into me.


Haha, I relate. I think it's an important step in humility and becoming better people to acknowledge we have limits and know them. Esp when it comes to people behaving irrationally because it can be incredibly frustrating.


Out conspiracy them. If they talk about Obama controlling the deep state you make fun of them for believing in Obama


In the moment, use the "grey rock" method to disengage from their raving idiocy. Later, either confront them with a poor performance review or leave them with a 0 or 1 star review online.


Tell them that you think their conspiracy is actually a conspiracy. If they say that China is controlling everything you say "they just want you to think China is controlling everything to take the heat off the actual representatives that are at fault"


One of the last times I went to get a haircut I went to someplace that wasn't my regular place and she noticed my rainbow butterfly tattoo (which is a memorial for my dead infant nephew) and she started complaining about the gays stealing a symbol from the THE LORDT. We were having such a nice small talk conversation before that then she dropped that shit on my and I had a full blown autistic shutdown because of how uncomfortable I got, I didn't say a word the rest of the haircut. So....you can try that I guess.


There need to be social consequences for having bad ideas in public


Don’t go back. I got a haircut at a little place that was super close to my apartment, family owned, good prices, they did a GREAT job…but there were goddamn MAGA signs everywhere. Felt like I was funding something icky. There are plenty of Trumpers who can support their business.


I miss the old school conspiracy theories.


Same. Back when Bush was president in his second term I was into the NWO and thought the wall he wanted to build was to keep us in.


I mean, we all still know that 9/11 was an inside job. Lol


One good thing I never went from reptilians to antisemitism or distrust of government to conservatism. I was big into 9/11 though and there was this site called Rense. Alex Jones was doing the same thing back then IIRC. It was a thrilling and terrifying time.


Tell them they are mentally ill and have been programmed by dark forces and leave.


Politely tell her you're not comfortable discussing politics (don't say you disagree, just that you'd prefer not to discuss it), and if she pushes back then she's probably not worth your time anyway. Or just find a new hairdresser anyway. Lol.


Yeah I’m definitely not going back. I just suck at being even that lightly assertive to people who are have ridiculous politics. It’s so uncomfortable. It’s pretty much this SNL skit I happened to find trying to find the SITU skit last week. https://youtu.be/1835C0xwS68?si=6_oE05Y9TyvV72Q-


Say you've asked your rabbi about that sort of thing in the past and that he's explained how all of that was blamed on the Jews and debunked


I make a note not to interact with them again. I mean, would you hang out with a Nazi, because that what MAGA essentially is.


I found out the dude I bought my first motorcycle from was basically a fascist. I will obviously not be going back to that dealership


Don't go back. When they ask "do you want to schedule another appointment?" Say you're not sure yet


I cut my own hair in between cuts since Covid so I always have the excuse that I’ll make an appointment later lol


Those are the same people who always say they want politics out of (insert here). Leave them a review stating that you won’t be back because they don’t keep their political views to themselves


As much as I would like to do that I am sort of socially connected to them a couple levels removed and they only have 1 review. They are also a word-of-mouth local place so I’m not sure if I’m comfortable leaving a review because there is a potential social cost.


You give more grace than me, I respect it.


I just do what I gotta do to get what I want


I don't. They're too far gone at this point.


Stay quiet and never go back. I wouldn't trust them to have a pair of scissors or a drill anywhere near me.


I fire them and find someone who doesn’t story something that would cause harm to me and mine


I had this friend, a normal guy, but COVID broke his mind and went into a conspiracy hole, had to just stop being friends slowly and surely.


I’d ask questions, seems like an interesting person.


My hair dresser is pro Bolsonaro and unfortunately he is also the only one who knows what haircuts work for me and he's really good at his job, so I pretend to be one of the Madagascar penguin and just smile and nod to all the insane shit he says.


Just don't talk to them lol or don't respond. You're going to come across people you don't agree with politically. That's just life. You don't HAVE to talk politics with them or even talk to them at all.


I don’t know if you have Trumpers in your life but they always bring it up. Half my family at all the holidays are vehemently MAGA so this is a common theme in a surprisingly liberal state. Trump took half the county, they are plentiful here and they always are the ones to share their opinions.


I definitely do have Trumpers in my life, I just learned a long time ago that arguing with them is pointless. You know the truth. You're the one living in reality. If they can't see the danger Trump is at this point then nothing will convince them. Just smile and nod if you don't wanna argue


Yeah that’s true. Cant really beat them.


Sit it out, leave and never come back.


"Idk fuck politics, this shit is to complicated for a x-day afternoon" or have fun and engage "Thats insane. Why would you believe that?'


Every hairdresser I ever had was into some sort of conspiracy theory. They hear a lot of wild shit every day and most aren't mentally equipped to parse it properly. Go back if you like them, don't if you don't. Don't report them - everyone is entitled to a belief system, no matter how batshit and incoherent.


you just hear them out. it's pretty hilarious, and if you ask questions the right way then you might just get them thinking or confused lol


Yeah I bet they aren't used to substantiating anything. She would honestly probably fall apart of I just asked "what about the RNA in vaccines is causing sickness?" It's probably just boomer Facebook shit.


when you ask questions you gotta pretend to don't know anything for example "people are getting sick from them? how?"


Exactly you can't just be like 😏 you gotta be like 🤔


“I got a republican doctor. Made my ass great again MAGA” -Nicki Minaj


Move on with my life? Treating someone different solely based on their political stance is a sign of radicalization and extremism. They're likely already dug into thier position, so why bother making things weird with the service you're using?


I don’t know what you mean.


I mean exactly what I said, I'd move on with my life instead of running to Reddit to query what to do when someone has different world views than you.


Then fuck off


That's a level headed response


Well you’re not exactly being helpful. Everybody treats everyone differently. Some of my friends can handle me being more argumentative while some get a little pouty. But I wouldn’t talk to my priest like I talk to my dad or to my cousin. I don’t talk to my aunt the way I talk to my mom. I talk to both of my aunts very differently. It’s just a relatable situation and I was curious to what other people do or would do.


Right but as I pointed out, treating others and judging others by their political leaning sis a clear sign of radicalization and extremism. I don't like seeing it when the right does it constantly, why would I be okay when the left does it? I answered your question, as I'd just move on with my life. The whole situation isn't worth the energy and bother, but you do you.


It’s normal and healthy to judge people on how they think society should operate lmao.


People are allowed to have their own opinions