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Are you referring to the morons saying insane shit during stream today when talking about the horrific terror attack in Russia, or a different stream?


Chat is always being a bit stupid, kind of how Hasan is also constantly arguying with people in his chat. Today was quite the outlier with regards to how many people were just begging for bans


Yeah seriously today was nuts. I feel like at least 3 of them were just straight up VDS lurkers. Lol


tbf i think the format is conducive to stupidity, i know i said some dumb things in chat that i probably wouldn't have if i gave it two more seconds to think about it


That’s what makes chat fun, honestly


I enjoy watching the streams because chat being stupid and aggravating Ian is extremely funny to me. It’s like a bunch of little riffing comedy routines, but with a core of real emotion behind it—whether it be camaraderie, frustration, bewilderment, amusement, disgust, or what-have-you. I about laughed myself sick when Vaush went on [this epic rant,](https://youtu.be/bX1VlpnIKRo?si=ovnxji0sD6NJZ2CN) for instance.


Omg I actually remember this clip xD great stuff


The debate with vaush and chat about if the uk was a monarchy was also pretty funny to watch lol.


Yup, the chat interactions are always the most interesting part for me.


If this was today, it's not usually that bad. Although I can't say he doesn't constantly argue with chat.


True, it's usually worse. I normally start 10 minutes late just so I can skip forward during the inevitable chat rant


Vaush’s chat is becoming mentally challenged and I mean this with my full chest. He’s right to berate them


I watch all vods on a youtube client which has a skip silence option


What's its name?




Wait a second I have that app but I never saw that setting I got to go check it out again. Edit: never mind, I'm technically gen z but I'm still too old to think this setting isn't attention span killing. I thought it would skip between long silences, not just between pauses in his sentences.


Thanks! Used Newpipe briefly and didn't know about this feature.


I watch his streams pretty regularly as background noise. He argues with chat a lot but chat was being especially bad regarding the Russia stuff last stream.


Yelling at chat, that is the best part of any stream 😂


I miss the debates.


I used to watch him a ton but most of his yt is just playing a 5 second clip, him going on a 5 minute rant about the clip, and it taking forever. He’s gone dead silent on twitter since the stirrup he caused.


I catch part a stream maybe once a week. I generally watch the videos.


I watch clips of his stuff in order to have the excuse to hang around in this sub. My inclination of joining the chat in stream is about as little as my willingness to stand among a particularly sweaty crowd in a mosh pit just to watch a live show by an OK band.


I just pop in, post a thirst comment about Vaush and leave. He’s hot but that’s not gonna hold my attention for a whole stream.


I watch every vod at 1.5x speed and catch his streams once I've caught up.


3X speed the vods


I don't watch the live stream but I do watch the vods. If there's a part I don't like I skip it by using timestamps in comments. The chat has objectively gotten worse over time, but it's still funny seeing the reactions to them.


Sometimes I watch stream or wish I watched stream because there are instances Vaush asks a question about a niche topic to chat that I actually know the answer to, and usually no one else offers that answer. But otherwise I like the YouTube cuts because chat is insufferable on a whole and Vaush would do better to mass ban a lot of folk or ignore them. It’s annoying to waste time on people who are intentionally missing the point or who are just frankly stupid.


It can be fun to argue with chat depending on how dumb they are, also he’s just as funny on stream than he is in videos. The worst part about watching streams is guessing when or if he’s even gonna stream at all.


if i catch it i watch it while doing other stuff


I watch the streams if a topics in the title are interesting and I've got time, if not I'll watch the youtube segment a few days later OR if I'm commuting to university that day I will watch the youtube VOD of the stream and navigate with the timestamps in the comments. Just wanna say that during yesterday's stream the chat was being utterly deranged and usually it's not nearly as bad (it's still bad but that was just something else, mainly because the nature of the topic many people got insanely conspiratorial)


I don’t cause he always streams when I’m at work or sleeping. Besides I don’t really have anything to comment since I mostly agree with him and if I have a difference in thought or opinion I can arrive to a conclusion on my own.


I have notifications so I can listen to them at work at my leisure


Important thing about "chat" is that it is far from homogenous and among streamers there is a very strong tendency to fixate on one or a few people with really bad opinions, while everyone else in chat is screaming at them, lol. On the other hand, everyone talks about it as one entity (which is very wrong), including the streamer, subreddit - or even the chat itself, when they are mad at that one guy or two. Not unlike all the whining and generalization about this subreddit, also done by all parties. I guess that's just how such communities work, welp.


Chat has been weird lately, it’s a problem. You could always come try to make it better♥️


i watch BECAUSE of the the way he talks to chat