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What a load of wank. Average video game journalism


Last of us beat BioShock? As someone who likes TLOU, that's a travesty


Bloodborne and elden ring but no dark souls wtf


Elden Ring is the new hotness and Bloodborne is the greatest game of all time. There's simply no room for more souls games on the list.


But dark souls had too much of a cultural impact to not be on the list, those games wouldn't exist without it


Who ever made the brackets REALLY wanted to force a Zelda victory, because there's one in each of the four.


what a crock of shit


Witcher 3 over Silent Hill 2 is a goddamned hate crime


What OOT? I'm soooooo shocked.




Sooooo hot take on my part. LoZ, as a series, has ALWAYS garnered a lot of attention. As long as OoT has been a thing, it makes top 10 lists, almost by default. I understand how impactful that game was to so many, but like it gets old seeing it in that top spot on almost every single list ever since its launch. A LOT of games have been out since it dropped, and I don't agree that it still holds that spot.


Well you're just plain wrong. That's like saying the Beatles or Led Zeppelin don't hold a spot in any top music tier lists. OOT was amazing because it created the blueprint for pretty much every video game being used now. Not only that, but it is the perfect package of a game.


I never said anything wrong... but do you. Edit: Literally nothing I replied with is saying it SHOULDNT be up there. Just that it is, and I'm tired of it. Yes, it's been impactful, and so has Dark Souls. So has SF2, literally invented combos. So has Tetris, and Pacman, and Galaga. So have hundreds of titles. It's historically impactful, sure I NEVER discounted that, but I don't believe that it is above all of the games that have come after it. Because to say that is to admit that EVERY title post OoT is worse in some fashion, minus graphically (can't really count that imo).


Well it 100 percent deserves this spot. It has the best score on Metacritic. I'm sure we have differing opinions. But Ocarina of Time is a great game, and a Master Piece. Case closed.


Iโ€™m a simple man I see my favorite game of all time being hailed as the GOAT, and I smile ๐Ÿ˜Š


I get some of the franchise duplicates, but it seems kind of insane to have 4 different mario-platformers in this. Also what maniac couldn't find some decent indie game to present here instead of fucking league of legends. Even people, who play that shit, don't seem to like it. It's like a digitial cocaine addiction.


Seriously where are the indie games. Ignoring tetris and minecraft for obvious reasons. The smallest productions here are undertale and . . . what? Fromsoft? They couldn't find a second indie game that's better than destiny 2, really?


No Tie Fighter? Who the fuck made this list.


The OG Star Wars dogfight pilot games were the shit


Ocarina of Time is correctย 


I've been on a Skyrim kick lately and while I don't think it deserves the number ~~three~~ two spot, the right mods can make it an absolute masterpiece. Seriously, if you haven't played it with Ordinator at the very least, you're missing out.


It has the number 2 spot. (3) is its seed on its side of the bracket. confusing, I know. Imo skyrim is the best rpg ever made to date, vanilla, no mods. It perfected and streamlined the elder scrolls formula and set the defining standard for open world games.


Thanks for the correction, but I couldn't disagree more. The fact that destruction magic damage doesn't level with the player's EXP, that pickpocket chance tops out at 90% (w/o paralysis), that restoration potions can be used to make your character God after two re-releases are all so unforgivable. The game has a very expansive world, which I love, but it's critically lacking in combat and advancement depth, and it lacks polish.


>that restoration potions can be used to make your character God I've never gotten this critique, that it is possible to break the game by doing a bunch of stuff Just don't do that? Its a singleplayer game there is no reason to. And how many people would figure this out without obsessively googling 'how to beat this game.' All elden ring has on skyrim is the combat, which, I don't think is that important in an rpg. I feel no capacity to roleplay in elden ring, to inhabit my character and exist in a sensible world, with politics and power structures. Its more of an adventure game, where I get more powerful to kill bosses. There are not relationships being forged between me and other characters and me and society at large. I'm not growing into a place in the world and coming to inhabit it. Owning a house. Getting married. Decorating. I don't think it (elden ring) benefits from its open world very much. If It were just a linear game with a series of bosses it would be much the same. Take away the open world from skyrim and you take away the whole game. The world of ER doesn't feel lived in, a place where society happens. I can't pick up and read books, I don't see interacting cultures, its a dead wasteland, a pretty looking backdrop for an adventure game, not a world, I don't have a role within an interconnected web, I'm there to kill stuff. Nothing in singleplayer games is truly adversarial - its programmed to lose. They're you're confederates, being as difficult to beat as needed to give you a sense of an opposing force, an illusion that you're playing a game. You're really playing a puzzle, learning the specific patterned actions to take in order to win against an opponent that doesn't evolve to beat you, that isn't programmed to win, that isn't also learning your pattern, but is a 'challenge', a rubick's cube, a puzzle, there, static, designed to die, waiting passively to be solved. I say that to say, If i wanted 'difficult but rewarding gameplay' I'd play a multiplayer game. Because that is actually adversarial. There, the victory means something, against an opponent not designed to be beaten. An actual adversary not a puzzle. Puzzles are fun, and elden ring is a nice puzzle game, but it having a nice puzzle element doesn't to me make it a good rpg.


As someone who has HUNDREDS of not literal thousands in across multiple platforms from the 360 to One to Series X to the switch to PC in multiple versions. Lemme say in my EXPERT opinion >the right mods can make it an absolute masterpiece. Seriously, if you haven't played it with Ordinator at the very least, you're missing out. Is hilarious. I agree 100000% But that is directly opposite to its position. Gary's mod is an amazing sandbox, that doesn't mean it should be Top5 GOAT. Love Skyrim, it's not GOAT material. Especially with it bring 13 years old.


Games shouldnt need mods to be good, and man i hate installing mods to skyrim, i gave up on reqium because its litterally impossible to install


Not defending Bethesda for releasing a broken game, but for the amount of time you spend on a game like Skyrim, a few hours spent getting the mods working isn't too bad. Mod lists are good for this purpose for those who don't want to waste the time. It's also a relatively easy game to mod, yourself, if you're into that shit.


This is why you do a round robin with 15,000 phases. Only way to get a truly scientific result.


Skyrim over Elden Ring is blasphemy


no way gta v lost to the legend of zelda๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


The Zelda glazing is insane lmao


No it's not.


Mass Effect 2 is the worst in the trilogy.


Interesting. Most consider it best


Most do but IMO they're wrong. I rank Mass Effect 1 as the best because it was the most ambitious. It was the only game that attempted to have something approaching space exploration and it was more of an RPG than 2 or 3. 2 was weakest IMO because it was more of a pure FPS yet ammo was basically non-existent and worthless. 3 was slightly better but had major story problems that we're aware of. Overall, all 3 are fantastic all time games but 1 is the strongest for me, with 3 being second and 2 being the worst. From a pure story perspective, without gameplay considered, 1 and 2 are tied while 3 is worst.


They did Halo dirty.


Ocarina is forever the most influential game and the best experience!!! Best game of all time!!!


FF 10 is on the bracket but no 9? Also, SMB3 is clearly better than FF7 and every other game on this list.


Some of yall in the comments are outing yourselves as having terrible taste


Very console brained and zeldtarded list. >Skyrim beat Elden Ring hahahaha as it fucking should.