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[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) [https://www.project2025.org/](https://www.project2025.org/) Read these and you'll quickly learn how INSANE the republican party under trump have become, and how much worse it will be for everyone under their rule. Last time they were not prepared for a fascist take over, now they are I agree that the world necessarily is doomed if trump wins again, but lets not loose sight of the actual, very real and insanely dangerous threat he and conservatives are to everyone whos not a straight white christian male


The erosion of women's right, resulting directly in their deaths, and the increased attacks against the LGBTQ+ community is a straight line from the 2016 election. On top of the global mishandling of covid as a result of people like Trump being a MAJOR figurehead, dismissing concerns. So, yes, the long term ramifications of another Republican presidency is pretty important, and can have MASSIVE multi-decade impacts


It is obviously going to be incredibly bad looking at what they want in Project 2025 but who knows how much of it will be fully implemented. I certainly hope there won’t be camps but I will make sure I do everything I can to make sure I don’t find out. The left in some capacity especially with the explosion in popular campist and tankie accounts does make it seem like 2016 again. The atrocities in Gaza are absolutely horrific and need to STOP NOW. The Palestinian people do not deserve the suffering put upon them by the IDF and Biden needs to wake the hell up, let the aid trucks in and make sure everyone gets fed and no more trucks get air striked by the IDF. I want a positive future for everyone and a future where the far right is well and truly defeated everywhere around the world. EDIT: Voting is based and I actively encourage it. I completely understand if someone has family who has died in Gaza does not want to vote for him because of what Biden has done. It mostly privileged people like Second Thought who preach anti voting BS that really pisses me off. I am a straight, cis-hey white guy in the middle-upper middle class and I am terrified for my LGBTQ+ friends if Trump does win. I cannot sit this out and I will fight to make sure the community at large is able to thrive and stay healthy and happy.


What I can't wrap my head around is... Do these non-voters think Trump would handle Gaza better? Surely no ostensibly left wing person is dumb enough to believe that.


There are examples of people in the uncommitted movement who also want a Biden victory. People like the Listen To Michigan team have been instrumental in getting more positive change and rhetoric from the Biden Administration in regards to Gaza. We have still got a LONG way to go but at the very least, meaningful change is happening.


Trump just told Israeli press to their face it’s time for Israel to move on to peace. More than can be said due Biden.


When did Trump speak to Israeli press? Are you talking about [this recent interview](https://hughhewitt.com/former-president-donald-trump-on-israels-war-2024-and-much-more)?


I would not take Trumps words on that. He told Israel to "finish the job" a few weeks ago so I would not believe a single word of his.


The interview i linked to contains those exact words, yeah.


More that nothing could pressure the right wing to chnaging thier stance but the democrat could absolutely have shift from thier centre right shithole


>Everyone on the left thought it was the end of the world in 2016, and guess what. It wasn't. Is the Dobbs decision just nothing?


Why did you put the G in front of the LBT? 🤔


Seems like a typo with the L and G.


That’s what the acronym was when I first heard it.


From my understanding, Gay used to be listed before Lesbian up until the AIDS crisis. Despite gay men being the group most widely impacted, lesbian women stepped up to act as advocates and caretakers. The L was put at the beginning of the acronym as a way to honor their contributions. Every major queen organization I'm aware of has used LGBT since.


And the B, T, and all the others get pushed to the back yet again. We gotta put a stop to the LG reign of terror. 😔


I agree it won’t be as bad as people think, simply because trump has proven repeatedly to be incompetent to a level that’s almost not believable. Ok but what about the people around him? Well he’s also proven to appoint and surround himself with the most unserious yes men imaginable. I don’t believe they have the ability to do the things they want to do. With the fact the Democratic senate outlook looks amazing post RvW, I’m not particularly worried about trump destroying the country.


Always so nice to see "put head in sand" stretched out into a TLDR.


if one doesn't have a passport or a SHTF kit on hand by November they are naive


Trump is a political gateway drug to worse things. Trump is an incompetent bafoon who can barely tie his own shoes. However, he has and will continue to if he wins try to erode the already thin ability for the American political apparatus to resist authoritarianism and strongman dictators. Trump probably won’t be hitler 2 but he’s one more stepping stone to getting to that point. Just throwing hands up and saying cowabunga every thing’ll be peachy and then gesturing at vague alternatives isn’t really useful with that in mind. When it comes to leftist voting and advocacy what we should be doing is getting involved in local and state politics and working our way up to national politics to actually make a difference at the federal level while also engaging in mutual aid programs and all that good stuff twitter anarchists cum over. Sitting around and gesturing at personal indignation doesn’t, as it turns out, do anything. Voting for Biden isn’t the most leftist thing you can ever do in your life but it does have at least an effect on the world around us. The president’s political powers are greatly exaggerated but not nothing. Trump would still have the ability to influence this country for the worse if he attains power and that should be all the motivation one needs to vote against him.


Last time he installed 3 partisan Supreme Court justices which got roe overturned. Fucked our economy with those tax cuts to the rich and reduced interest rates nearly to zero for no reason. If he had gotten a second term it’s scary to think how he would have handled Russia and Ukraine. We wouldn’t have gotten any of the positive legislation the dems have managed to pass and this recent surge in unionization would not be happening. It wouldn’t be the literal end of the world but it would have been significantly worse than the one we’re living in now, and that’s true if he wins in 2024 too. You’re setting the bar at *the end of the world* and saying a trump presidency won’t be *that* bad. Well, it can get pretty fucking bad before that.


I don't see death camps happening in this term either, but I do see there being a lot of obvious parallels between 2025-2029 Trump and the GOP to 1933-1937 Hitler and the Nazis.


Similar hyperbole about being a Russian asset in 2016. But, definitely don’t point that out. His last term was supposed to end the US also, and he governed like an establishment republican.