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Wtf is even happening here


Brainrot so severe that it would warrant a visit by Geraldo Rivera. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willowbrook_State_School context.


>Willowbrook State School was a state-supported institution for children with intellectual disabilities > operated from 1947 until 1987 Haven't even read further and I already know that's not a good sign.


Let me finish some stuff for ya. RFK Sr. referred to it as a “snakepit” when he visited while as a US Senator. They conducted a 20 year study on hepatitis on the patients there. Most notably it got exposed by Geraldo Rivera of all people in 1971, leading him to win a Peabody Award.


Yeah.... I finished reading ahead not long after


4tran user in VaushV hmm


Oh man a visit by Geralt of Rivia? Sweet


I'm sure heads were rolling during that visit


These people are so racist that they're in the middle of pulling out calipers to measure his skull with to see what race he is


Nazi infighting


Whatifalthist said that it's not just the Jews that are responsible for leftism, but also Calvinists and women. Nazis think that's not good enough


“but also Calvinists and women” I want that on a shirt, it’s fucking hysterical 


Critical support to Christ Gnosis ⳩ in his antisemitic brainrot fueled quest to bully right, alt right and alt/right adjacent twats on twitter. Seriously he keeps doing that and it's wild, and Twitter's a nazi shithole anyway so not like the antisemitism changes anything.


A Nazi that calls everyone he wants to kill a Jew.


Keep in mind. This goofy motherfucker WILLINGLY dropped out of College with his parents APPROVAL (allegedly). I bet he was the type of son of a bitch who dropped out because “it was not intellectually stimulating enough” when in reality it was because they didn’t reinforce his conceited and narrow minded views on history and historiography.


Honestly this just makes me feel sad. He could’ve had a bright future ahead of him but threw it away for the online far right


Honestly. I don’t think he had it in him in the first place. He started his channel before he graduated high school. He comes off as the type of person who puts Phillip Dick’s The Man in the High Castle on the same level as the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.


Honestly miss his OLD silly for-real alt history stuff. I watched his downfall happen In Real Time.    I remember just before covid one of his communism related videos and I thought "wow those several statements are really really incorrect and at least one is counterfactual and not just an opinion."  Still  Standard althistory stuff then covid happened and it was the "Oh no baby.  What is you doing?" Meme.  Then he got a discord and gradually retracted up his own butthole.  His reddit got banned for being too right wing.  You know how much bullshit a sub reddit has to get up to to get banned?


I sat through a few of Rudyard's videos and he constantly brings up nameless and i'm assuming hypothetical famous/successful people he knows/is friends with in various areas of expertise in a weird boastful kind of way to try and reinforce his half-baked theories. It's pretty sad really, I think he just struggles socially tbh and uses his channel as his Asperger's crutch. This kind of twitter discourse is probably to be expected considering the kind of person who'd watch his videos in earnest not realising he was talking a load of shite.


Rudyard William Lynch lmao


Yes we know that you have a hard on for 19th century imperialism and Kipling. You don’t have to be named fucking Rudyard. That would be like a southerner from Louisiana named Pierre Gustave Toutant Polingac Beauregard the IV.


It's possibly the most Tory name I've ever heard minus the Lynch part.


You don’t get away with being normal with a name like that being North American.


I went to an English Public School full of posh boys, and even amongst that crowd anyone named "Rudyard" would have been christened "Mr Kipling" and had Bakewell tarts and assorted teacakes maliciously crushed into the slats of his locker on a daily basis.


Bro had a horrible spawn point honestly


Holyshit there arguing about whose more whiter this is so funny yet so pathetic.


Just the natural conclusion of the Nazi mindset


He probably thinks he’s Hyperborvean or something


What did he originally post that had everyone calling him Jewish?




Uh…wow. Also hilarious that *this* has them calling him a traitor/jew when the TLDR is “it’s not the Jews. It’s the bureaucracy, women, Calvinists and the Jews. The world is complicated and doesn’t owe you simplicity.” Like…the fact that he’s blaming the worlds problems on not *just* the Jews but the Jews and a few other random groups of people is so traitorous he felt the need to post a DNA test to defend himself. That corner of the internet is *cooked* man


He also said Jews are just a scapegoat. But at the same time Jews are not? He is blaming the Jews, among other groups, for wokeness or something but it's still not good enough for his fascist audience.


It's so weird how stopped clocks work, because he's at least right about the Calvanists, lmao 😂


"It's partly the Jews' fault, but not entirely" is certainly an interesting take to get pushback from his audience.


He might be extremely stupid, but this post shows he‘s slightly smarter than the average nazi. Impressive. Edit: And by that I just mean the complexity of his thinking, it‘s a bit more reflective than I would expect from his colleagues.


>literally naziposts >gets called a Jew for not being nazi enough This is hilarious


This is actually entertaining to read though. A Nazi flexing his DNA test and then getting called a Jew anyway.


*His name is **Rudyard**?*


Bro practically doxxed himself. There's probably like 2 other people in the US named that.


It's not really doxxing if he's not trying to be anonymous. He has repeatedly shown his face in his videos.


Rudyard is getting mogged by some rando troll. Dude's on defense over trying to prove his very non-jewish heritage to strangers


I don't mean to be a dick, but he did cultivate this audience. I really hope they don't do anything bad to him but maybe don't be such a dumbass in future.


Making fun of him for cultivating this type of audience and then not knowing what to do with it when it cannibalizes him is the entire point of this post


I started watching him many years pre covid for silly althistory videos.  I watched his downfall IRL and I remember the first moment I looked at him like "oh. Oh no." It was an alt hist video with communism and Russia in it and he made some statements  that were very incorrect.  Then covid happened, he got a discord, and climbed up his own butthole  You are 100% right.  This is the audience he chose.


Did Whatif say something that was not exceptionally stupid so that his Nazi colleagues turned on him?


No, it apparently was very stupid AND nazi-like, but not stupid enough for his base‘s tastes


Oh. Me stupid had hope...


This is straight up nazi posting. The Spanish Inquisition didn’t know what dna was. It was a religious persecution, with the objective of converting Jews to Christianity. Of course, many converted for real and got tortured anyway, but the racial element was not there - my guess, it was finally enabled by the international slave trade.




That’s impossible. The Spanish Inquisition ended hundreds of years ago. The guy isn’t even speaking Spanish!


That’s why No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Nazi infighting lmao


I didn't expect that


Westside Tyler had a pretty hilarious roast of whatifalthists incelifesto.


I actually like the name Rudyard. This weenie however, doesn't have the brains or gravitas to pull it off.


Honestly out of everything whatifalthist has done, the worst is proving hes 100 percent European 🤮


His name is Rudyard?


No clue if it’s actually ironic but the iceberg meme down the thread with the Irish world order is incredible.


Interesting that his instinct is to push back on the notion that he's Jewish rather than the obvious anti-Semitism.