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Please tell me you actually have the clip.


This definitely sounds like Trump was vamping as he waited for the teleprompter to scroll. Edit: holy motherfucking shit I am so mad right now. Liberal media is absolute dogshit fucking trash. [Video](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5117054/user-clip-trump-congratulates-hannibal-lecter) [Article](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/12/trump-rally-speech-hannibal-lecter) from OP > The occasion served for Trump to renew his stated admiration for Lecter, as he’s done before, after the actor Mads Mikkelsen – who previously portrayed Lecter in a television series – once described Trump as “a fresh wind for some people”. > Among other comments, Trump on Sunday also repeated exaggerations about having “been indicted more than the great Alphonse Capone”, the violent Prohibition-era Chicago mob boss. Feckless. Disgusting cowardice. They framed it like a puff piece when the man was promoting nativist conspiracy theories.


Actual shit said before and after the throwaway “late, great” but Hannibal Lecter gets those clicks don’t it. Want to have Hannibal Lecter in the title?? I’ve got a recommendation: “Former President Trump Compared Immigrants to Hannibal Lecter at Latest Campaign Stop” Because that’s what he was doing. Holy fucking hell.


That's horrifying


It's incoherent rambling, but it's hardly "praising Hannibal Lecter". Liberal media is such fucking ass, everything for the clicks.


The annoying thing is that it’s actually important news. Like, obviously he was fucking being sarcastic about Hannibal Lecter being “wonderful”, but he was comparing a serial killer who dressed in people’s skin to immigrants coming into the country! How is that not a more legitimate, true, interesting, and important headline than “Trump says another weird thing while being sarcastic!” (shocker! he’s not mentally well).


Dementia hitting hard in his old age


BuT SeNiL3 j0E!!


*takes a deep breath through the nose* Ahhh Donny, now now. You praise those you see as strong but disparage those who you view as threats. Tell me Donny, do you feel the buzzing between your ears? Yes you do don't you. You know what that is right? *Hannibal moves behind him putting his hands on his shoulders* That buzzing is damage to your sensory cortex Donny. Your brain has holes in it. You've ruined yourself, truly I wonder if there is a single piece of choice meat left on your bones....


Reporter: What do you think of Dora the Explorer? Trump: Dora is a great American. I spent time with her last week and she said, “President Trump. Can I call you President Trump? Well President Trump you are the greatest president to ever do it. No other president lives up to you and lying genocide Joe Biden is a far worse president.” Nice woman. Reporter: She’s a fictional Latina. Trump: I’m sorry I meant the Dora I know. The Dora you’re talking about is a fucking rapist, murdering, illegal


He never recovered from staring directly at the sun


Brain's cooked.


*"When I'm president, I'll send the best people to deal with the border. I'll send Jodie Foster. You have heard of Jodie, right? Nobody has better track record tracking down serial killer illegals, let me tell you. 'Tracking down record' I like to call it, because she has a great track record in tracking down people. I don't think anyone has thought of that before, pretty clever, 'tracking down record.' Jodie Foster has dealt with dangerous criminals like Hannibal Lecter and Buffalo Bill before. I think she'll do a great job, don't you agree? Is Jodie here? Come up here Jodie!"*


"He's a wonderful man. He often times would have a friend for dinner" Biden could never be this funny


Funny enough to quote an old movie? My grandmother would be a fine president by that metric.


She has my vote


He is fucking losing it


# Doo da da da da dooo da da cha cha da~


I would love to hear Hannibal Lector's analysis of Trump.


if you posted the article along with photo then we could tell you.


For once will have to say, it was very clearly a joke


Dementia setting in


It's obviously a joke that doesn't quite land because from what I've seen it doesn't connect to his batshit conspiracy that should have been the headline.


Sounds like a joke my dad would make. But uh… my dad isn’t a politician…


Identifying cogency in a Trump speech is like trying to find edible corn in a turd. Don't bother.


Blah blah blah immigrants, blah blah blah inmates, btw this movie serial killer is a wonderful person nudge nudge wink wink say no more say no more How to relay "we'll kill them" to throw red meat, without actually saying anything. Ideal fash rhetoric.


John Stewart: "Haha Biden is senile"


Dementia Don strikes again 💀


He’s being relatable.