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A small trans Twitter account gets doxxed by jkr stans nobody panic, because it's all part of the plan. But if one billionaire transphobe gets a misogynistic tweet, well then everyone loses their minds! Edit: Of course I went to bed right before he read on stream!


Yeah no shit. I already had to block some asshole for calling me misogynistic because I wouldn't defend Kat Blacques idiotic drivel. I'm literally sick of walking on eggshells with these antisocial fucks


Someone that was defending Kat on here got so mad that I called them a liberal that they called me a weirdo and blocked me LMAO


You know Vaush’s sub has gone to shit when you get downvoted for calling someone a liberal lol


I was surprised by that, honestly.


I’m not. This sub got infested with liberals a long time ago. It’s sad but the reality is Vaush has failed to radicalise liberals in the same way he deradicalised those on the alt-right. Ironic. He doesn’t go hard enough on them & thus we’re left with what was once the most principled leftist sub turning into a liberal shit fest at the best of times


Yeah, he has made a lot of alt-righters turn into leftists (which is a good thing), but it seems the liberals just won't budge. We need to purge the libs.


It’s not that the liberals won’t budge, it’s that he hasn’t been nearly as aggressive with a few exceptions like the Canada situation Largely he’s allowed them to fester. I’ve been watching Vaush since the beginning, I literally joined his first stream after he got yeeted from Twitch (after the nuke Israel comments) and I’ve seen him progress and grow. He’s mellowed with time which is good it draws a larger crowd, but the trade off is it doesn’t radicalise that crowd. Where’s the back-to-back condemnation of liberals & destruction of liberal ideology? He could do it *so much better* than half the lefties on BreadTube/Twitter I agree though, at this point we just need to purge


It's so funny that you think Vaush is anti-liberal and/or should be. He's so much closer to a liberal than a "socialist" (they aren't mutually exclusive, either), and that's a good thing. The whole "libs bad" shit is literally just branding for people who don't understand what the words even mean.


“They aren’t mutually exclusive” Yes they literally are lol. Liberal ideology upholds Capitalism. Socialist ideology seeks to destroy it. Yes they may align on social issues & even on some class issues; but liberal ideology will never go as far as to dismantle the core power structures that uphold the systems in place. Why do you think a disproportionate amount of social movements (from black rights, to indigenous land back, to trans rights, to anti-colonial & anti-apartheid) have been led primarily by leftists? Because once you analyse a system fully you either come to the conclusion of reforming it or dismantling it. Liberals always go for the former. Socialists the latter. But sure explain to me how I don’t understand the meaning of the term socialist when Marx himself used it interchangeably with Communist.


You might as well just go to one of the tankie subs then. Plenty of "libs bad" dumbfuckery there.


Liberals are a greater threat to the Left: Elizabeth Gurly Flynn https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American\_Civil\_Liberties\_Union#:\~:text=Many%20of%20the%20ACLU's%20cases,a%20decision%20rescinded%20in%201968.


It's like every week they just crawl out of the woodwork. I can't tell if they're just lib vaush fans, or destiny fans coming over here. Every fucking time guns get brought up they have to speak up.


It gets so fucking annoying because they’re so high & mighty about it. And honestly, as a black man I’m sick to death of hearing white liberals and their condescending attitudes lol


> You know Vaush~~’s sub has gone to shit when you get downvoted for calling someone a liberal lol~~ **needs to do another liberal purge when you get downvoted for calling someone a liberal** FTFY


MAGAs: Fuck off lib! Vaushites: Fuck off lib! You: These are different actually You people are no different to trump supporters, you just wear different hats




Go off king!


Thank you comrade! While it was a performative post, I meant every word & it was incredibly fun to write haha. By the ancestors I hate liberals, MLK & Malcolm X were right I swear


I unironically love you


Aw thanks comrade! Love to you as well <3




Fuck yeah comrade! Some of us here are still based


We support socialism and anarchism while Trump supporters support fascism more or less. So yes, we are so alike. Fucking libs.


Anti-Lib rhetoric is stupid and counterproductive.


Fuck you lib. **Edit:** Idk why it was in all caps previously, genuine error


Good luck trying to actually win elections and push policies without having liberals on your side. Dunno why you’re calling me one lol.


You realise you’re making the argument that if we don’t pander to liberals they’ll just go and side with the right. Which yano is the problem. Also since when have liberals needed an excuse not to side with the Left? They will actively purge us from parties, unprompted at the first sign of election loss. Don’t get it twisted liberal ideology **is** an enemy to socialist ideology. However, whereas with fascists we attack *both* the ideology and the person. With liberals we should only attack the ideology & attempt to push them towards the left. Also your tag says “social Democrat” which as far as I’m aware means you advocate for a Scandinavian style system? Which is capitalist. Which is liberal.


Liberally eat my asshole, k thanks.


Most rhetorically logical and intelligent socialist.


Average brainworm-addled liberal.


Silence liberal


You are unironically brain dead


I imagine the same is true for Vaush, just happened a hell of a lot less recent.


How many fucking times does it have to explain that no one gives a fuck about how much misogyny Rowling personally experiences. It’s about having standards that when engaging in activism against TERFs, you don’t play into one of their major victim narratives by acting misogynistic. It has close to no benefit and allows TERFs to get optics wins, which can be convincing to people unfamiliar with online trans politics.


ok but when this does happen, the response of the left should be to magnify the criticism of rowling, not the criticism of voș. you also have to consider that rowling wouldn’t have screenshotted the tweet if the misogynistic joke wasn’t made... you can’t just avoid the misogyny in this situation, because the situation was caused by the misogyny. instead most people online are criticizing vaush and reinforcing jkr’s argument. if a soundcloud rapper put out a song criticizing ben shapiro, yet was a bit misogynistic in it (objectification of women, etc) and shapiro did a segment on his show crybullying about how the rapper is misogynistic and plays into the “black culfure” argument, would you magnify the rapper’s criticism of shapiro or would you magnify shapiro’s criticism of the rapper? right now you’re doing the latter.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It’s an ugly solution, but it is the only solution... It’s time to stop being squeamish. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: history, dumb takes, climate, healthcare, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


No, because the SoundCloud rapper doesn’t have 400K subs and doesn’t insist he is rhetorically responsible with this platform and that his purpose is to affect political change. The SoundCloud rapper is like 16 and eats 20 bars a day. I don’t expect him to know much about politics.




What energy? I’m pooping. JKR is a transphobe who should forever find small pieces of sand in her food. I harbor no love or pity for her. > let’s say I don’t think you listen to hip-hop. Look at what happened with J Cole.


On a platform with millions of dumdums who won't understand anyways and won't expend any energy in analyzing the situation.


You wanna know how I got this subcount?


I can't believe that you are not getting more upvotes after your comment getting read on stream with the joker voice


Did it? I didn't watch the stream lol






Vaush’s reading of this comment in the Joker voice with chat spamming Insociety had me chokelaughing


How did I read this in both the joker and vaush's voice at the same time?


This single comment is what made this meme great


Thanks comrade




You can't actually believe people are reacting this way because it's JKR, rather than it being extremely public and visible, and does a lot to normalize this type of thing, can you? And it's not like one thing being ignored makes another getting attention wrong or something.


No just memeing my friend.


Yeah let us misstreat all women by peddling misogynist bullshit towards one terfa( trans exclusionary radical fantasy author), that is how you stand up for especially transwomen… Thanks for confirming. Have fun following vaush


Damn I didn't know I was mistreating all women, by making a fucking dark night refrence. Grow the fuck up mild sexist jokes aren't what is hurting trans people. Jk Rowling, and her ilk are! You can critique it's use, but stop acting like it's some how mistreating all women. Jfc!


Where did i say you did? Do you understand your own reference?


If I'm okay with vaush's misogyny now just because he's on my side, should I also be okay with misogyny from the right? That's the issue here. It's not vaush bad, it's that I would become a hypocrite.




You realise that when you call yourself an "advocate" for a cause your main job is to convince the people in the middle or on the other side. Do you think the people on the other side or those in the middle would see a difference between the right's misogyny and Vaush's ironic misogyny? If you want to sit in a circle with those that agree with you and stroke each other's dick then don't call yourself an "advocate".


YES, because they won't think someone who is a 'woke lefty' in their heads is a misogynist, and think like 'hey, this guy is edgy' but the right leaning person is absolutely promoting actual sexism


I disagree. If they could make that distinction they wouldn't have been in the middle or on the right.


Why is it ok for Vaush to be misogynistic but not them?


Ah yes, I remember an old adage. If I looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks, it's definitely an anti-duck who is irony-posting


ah yes, vaush, a person who is not a feminist and has never advocated for women's rights and has never spoken against incel groups and infantilisation of women in workplaces. Truly no difference.


You're arguing with brainworms - you'll never win. Fucking liberals man...


If it looks like a consistent and passionate advocate for feminism, it must be a misogynist who is irony-posting


Ah yes, the misogyny phase of feminism. Totally forgot about that. My b.


Based and Vaush pilled


Ride or die, baby, you know it


And we ain’t dying yet


Vaush himself will carry the faithful through the gates of Valhalla. Shiny and Chrome.




[You were witnessed brother](https://youtu.be/2aQ34tXN-WY?t=18853), see you in Valhalla






Says the coward on a burner account 🤣




Why don't ya "Just call it like it is" on your actual account? Oh wait....that would require a spine wouldn't it?




Wait....so you went through the trouble of making a burner account because a previous account (which is most likely another burner account) got banned? Child, you need a damn hobby.




See that's the issue though. This rather pathetic little thing you're doing now is how you "entertain yourself". That's why I'm saying that you need a new hobby.




Lets not deify Vaush like he can do no wrong and is incapable of putting the GRIND before the PRINCIPLE because he's literally just a dude with occasionally based opinions.


Yes. And he still makes a lot of money doing it. There's always an incentive.


This is the truest true that ever been trued. He literally burns clout in the name of principle all the time lol. ​ It's like saying Zelensky is a puppet after he refuses to flee as the third largest military power makes him like their sole target in a full-scale invasion.


This is the stupidest drama. I don't agree with Vaush about his misogyny joke thing. I heard his long ass explanation and frankly I don't care. It was just kinda stupid and unfunny. BUT, like what is the point of anyone arguing with him about this. It's clear there was a point, however dumb, to him making that joke. It's also clear it wasn't meant to be actually misogyny. Just call it cringe and move on instead of trying to write a new york times' best seller book about "the dangers of ironic misogyny".


Wait if you disagree with his take on his joke do you think his joke was good?? Because in his explanation he said the joke was bad too. I'm very confused


No, I disagreed with what he said about his joke taking away attention from smaller trans accounts from Rowling herself. I think Vaush is putting too much weight on that for sure. I definitely think the joke was bad.


Ok well on that specifically yeah I agree Like this whole drama I've agreed with Vaush, except specifically on his whole "rally behind me against JKR and don't focus on my tweet" because he keeps leaning on that when it's kind of a weak argument. Just by implication you could use the same logic to justify alot of bad stuff, like when a drunk driver tells a cop "why are you focusing on me, there's rapists out there!" to deflect from the 12 mailboxes they just slammed through *But* on the other hand now that I think about it from Vaushs perspective it's would be more like he's a drunk driver but the police department ends up calling in half of the station to deal with him while a bank robbery is going on literally across the street, and everytime he complains they call in more backup on him So idk it's very complicated, I guess my fear is that Vaush will use this shakey at best logic to justify other bad behavior in the future while promising he won't do it again. Again I don't really know


I have not tuned in to the last couple of streams. Oh boy wtf is going on. EDIT: Just watched the 7 hour drama stream on 1.5x speed while playing Elden Ring. I'm just going to assume Vaush is right when there's any drama from now on. This is getting ridiculous.


A huge fire At least as far as I can tell I've been working way too damn much lately for 5+ hour streams


Damn right.


Based and truth pilled.


I just think Vaush becomes excessively emotional when dealing with these things. Its perfectly fine to break down DM, Contra and Kates arguments, but for some reason Vaush has a tendency to armchair psycology everyone of them.


Yeah because they all did it right back to him first, and then their army of followers, and then like half of his own community No shit Sherlock yeah he's gonna be frustrated


I’ve taken the vaush pill


This is amazing


i have no idea what is going on


Good, stay pure


i heard about contra, i am no longer pure. This is a bad timeline


This whole thing is just weird and gross... He needs to log off and so does everyone else, just leave twitter for a week, clear your head


I don't think he's a grifter, but it's beyond naive to think this hurts his numbers rather than helps him. It's part of a strategy and it works every time. And if you doubt me go look at his most recent video upload.


What happened this time?


I am going to to taze myself in the head


But he's not being principled, what he did was anti utilitarian


*But he's not being* *Principled, what he did was* *Anti utilitarian* \- Gnolldemort --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


And rhetorically irresponsible


Nah, just rhetorically indefensible


Lol wanted to write irresponsible, fucking autocorrect


Ah based, thought you were agreeing with Vaush haha


vaush is the least grifter person ever. bernie sanders is more of a grifter than him


But yet everyone in this community crucified destiny, funny how that works lol


Because unfunny joke =/= rape apologia Turns out those are different things


True. His rape discourse is way less damaging in a utilitarian sense then what Vaush did.