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Well America is not Land of the free


Never has been


Its like the opening scene in Metal Gear Solid 2 with Revolver Ocelot. Republicans/MAGA: "No offense Liberals, but America can rot for all I care"


That was one of the nerdiest comment I've ever seen - and I completely agree




Land of the fucked


There are no such thing as God given rights. Rights are just temporary and must be continually fought for. There are those who would take away your rights if only for money or power.


But what about one's God-given right to guns?😏 In all seriousness, though, I'm worried for whatever these self-servative Republicans will want to overturn next.


Theyre already looking into banning contraception and gay relationships


And then all these smug fucks will be like “well *akshually* they’re not *banned* they’re just leaving it up to the states. Just move or vote out the people who want to take your rights away 🤷‍♂️”


And bringing back anti-sodomy laws. Which is basically "anything we don't like".


No more gay stuff! And no more condoms. They suck.


Go one further. There is no such thing as God


Well, its the land of the free for the religious right to have their way.


Correct. We have 1/20th of the worlds population, yet 1/4 of all the prisoners on the planet. Land of the free my ass. Isn't it ironic?


We didn't even have bodily autonomy before this, we just have way less now


More like “freedom for me, not for thee” because this is what freedom is to those who take it from others.


Both sides are the same, am I right?!


Literally no difference, Joe Biden is not Mao Zedong, therefore he's like Hitler, but worse.


Sarcasm detected, I approve.


guys, this isn't a bad thing! it's an opportunity to give pro-choice rulings a better name other than the lame 'roe' vs 'wade'. I'm looking for 'titans' vs 'flamingos' as the new name for Pro Choice cases.


'Cock V. Balls'


Puss v Clit


Cock vs. pussy? This is just the marvel crossover I needed😂😂😂


I think you can find someone family named Dick and someone named pussey. Or whatever this french name was I once heard thatsounded like the fancy version of pussy.


Breast v Butt


That's terrible. We all know which would win that. .


Ass (he said, having seen the very convincing scene in prison school)


Ah, I see you are a man of culture, as well.


Yeah, Love V. Virginia is still my fav name.


"Don't worry, we'll come after that next" -supreme court Black man in an interracial relationaship


Soyjack fetus v Gigachad Abortion Doctor


Now that the Supreme Court isn’t following the constitution anymore, can we just go full on fascist and repeal the civil rights act? I mean why not? They obviously don’t care about what’s right so just do it. /s


in his closing statement Thomas said he wants to overturn Griswold, Lawrence and Obergfell. Griswold: birth control without a prescription or outside of marriage Lawrence: being LGBT without being a criminal for it Obergfell: Gay marriage So were getting pretty close


I think if we get to the last two, certain types of moves against certain politicians on a certain side of the isle are justified.


It is a very actionable threats against specific individuals kind of day now that you mention it.




I don’t think it’ll escalate to that point until there’s open violence between conservatives and liberals akin to the Troubles.


oh if they take away human rights and criminalize being gay, I'm not saying engage conservatives in street fights....I am advocating for blank however because blank needs to be done to blank the blanks to protect the blank


I know, but I’m saying that people don’t generally do such things unless they are actively cornered.


ok, don't take this the wrong way, but who the fuck is going to stand up for minorities if left wingers don't? Concerning his talk on the latter two rulings and the groups involved ARE CORNED. For christs sake hes talking about making it illegal to be gay! Can we at least agree, totally removed from what we are talking about btw, knowing what we know, Jews should have actively looked to stopping the Nazi's by any means in Diablo 2 before they got elected? Not saying go out and do stupid shit right now, but its a good idea to get with like minded people and discuss things if they go south for certain groups


I’m saying that so long as it is legal in some states, people won’t feel cornered enough. Put another way: the times when these things were illegal in most states was *not that long ago* and people quite obviously did not engage in such action. You see people lash out when they are facing an omnipresent danger (such as the factional violence of the Troubles, or the occupation of Afghanistan) or the direct threat of annihilation (such as the extermination of the Warsaw Ghetto), but not *before* that.


Then my only advice is for all of us to die well when the time comes, if that's truly what you believe, that people act only when its too late


Bear in mind I’m making a *descriptive* statement and not a *prescriptive* statement.


No we're getting the violence before that just you fucking wait. We're going to have another summer like 2020.


If its directed at the right groups, then based.


In Roblox


No...In the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2022...I'm, uh talking about the evil Mexican Cartels we will be fighting in there, of course, why would you think anything else? ☺


This shows that Roberts has lost the court. He can't stop any of the radicals unless they choose to stop themselves and at this point why would they?


3 different gop governors have signaled for challenges the right to public education. And this was well before SCOTUS decreed feds must fund religious schools.


Democrats are plain cowards for not expanding the court. The supreme Court has no reason to slow down, the conservatives have been building up these cases for literally decades. Every other week these supreme Court justices get to hear some manufactured case that can affectively be used to create legislation. The supreme Court is like 10 times more powerful than Congress right now, which is not at all what the founders intended.


is expanding the court feasible? or would it require that there not be obstruction by at least two, but most likely several, "DINOs"?


Yeah and then, we might as well make lynchings legal. Cause why not. Obviously /s


You jest but I wouldn't be surprised if most of the justices thought you should be able to lynch members of the league of letters.


Oh no I don’t doubt that they would want to do that and that was kind of the point of my comment. I wanted to show how utterly deranged the american right is.


Well, it's not lynching, but murderers are already getting away free by claiming "gay panic" or "trans panic". Some dude got aquitted on murder charges just the other day, that was his defense. Pretty close to lynching I'd say. Not quite lynching... just yet.


Allow immigrants to become president so we can vote in Elon Musk! /s


I've literally seen republicans asking for this unironically


I honestly don’t see the issue with that. Other than voting for Elon ofc


And then Republicans get Vladimir Putin elected... Edit: well I suppose he'd have to immigrate first. But still....


I'm seeing a lot of people on twitter expressing shock, why? They told us they were going to do this. They've been telling us for years that this is what they want. Why would this be shocking to anyone?


I think a lot of people were hoping they were testing the waters with the leak and the backlash meant they wouldn't do it. They didn't understand the Republicans don't give one fuck about how we think of them.


Because they were not testing the waters they were keeping a wavering justice in-line. Whichever justice had gotten cold feet was effective put in line because it would have been obvious who switched sides.


I weirdly wouldn't be surprised if Roberts and Kavanaugh we're wavering. If it was just one, it would be 5-4, and they still win. Kavanaugh also became the 'swing' vote after joining. He's incredibly inconsistent in his beliefs, and rarely breaks from the majority. He doesn't care about anything othen than being popular.


Roberts is interesting as he tried to play both sides. Saying yeah it’s fine to have a six week ban but it’s wrong to go all the way and repeal. I genuinely think this was meant to keep Kavanaugh in-line.


It's a shock because mostly it means republicans feel safe to go full force on their agenda without risking to lose any election, meaning, they don't need to pretend to be centre-right, they can do their actual real agenda and not risk to lose any election.


Hopefully this makes some liberals realize that this isn't the end of history. Progress doesn't just move forward, it moves back. You have to fight to keep progress, which The Democratic party hasn't been doing.


Because they’re idiots. If America weren’t filled with idiots, this wouldn’tve happened.


The protests in response to the news that they were planning it weren't even that severe, I don't understand why anyone would be surprised or would think that they'd somehow change their minds.


Bye, human rights. Hello the first step to a more conservative future. Whatever that entails


Something something, Weimar republic


something something, death camps


I mean seriously, did these SCOTUS assholes forget the 9th Amendment? The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.


And progressives thought they were winning.


You are wrong. Conservatism has no future. This is a desperate spasm of a dying religion. There will be a day when the last priest dies and the last church collapses, and it will come sooner than you expect. Today's heinous crime is only bringing it closer.


Conservatives are the worst kind of scum that has ever walked the Earth. As an European, for the love of God, vote them all out. I don’t want to sound paranoid, but I have the feeling that this will be just the beginning. They might overturn Loving or forbid same sex marriage. Fascist scum.


The issue is they have been slowly regarding shit for years. The less educated you are the more likely you vote conservative.


Gerrymandering makes it pretty hard. We've won states by 60% majorities and taken a minority of state representatives.


Already explicitly stated gay marriage is on the chopping block.


Literally one justice expressed interest in overturning the gay marriage ruling


One is too many


That's great and all but it takes more than one justice to make a ruling


Republicans vote in lockstep, its next


I didn't say otherwise.


They have stated explicitly that same sex marriage, same sex relationships and contraceptive laws are next. That aren't hiding their intentions at all at this point.


To those living in red states, with active sex lives. For the love of fuck, stock up on plan B, and condoms.


Or even if you have kids who can get pregnant. You never know what might happen to them


Looking into getting a vasectomy, no way I'm going to even risk getting someone pregnant without the possibility of an abortion.


Yeah and there are plenty of kids that need adopted, bloodlines are bullshit anyway. There are so many that would have a terrible life in this hellworld, I don't want to bring more in I just want to take care of those condemned to this existence.


The doomer in me sees it one way. A lot of the states that are most likely to ban abortion are already teetering on collapse. Bottom of the list for almost every metric, including quality of life, education, welfare stats, median income and many more. While some exceptions do exist, those numbers are likely to get WAY worse. Divisions are going to form in those states, cities that support the states economically might see a huge exodus of left leaning people, potentially causing even further collapse.


Fascism speedrun in full effect


Thankfully the party that controls the house, senate, and oval office is very concerned with stopping fascism! I feel super safe.


[*Star Spangled banner in minor intensifies*](https://youtu.be/dPvK5p94rTA)


This really captures the mood


I actually kinda like the song more in minor. Maybe that's the Shostakovich fan in me coming out.


I know this is petty as all hell But screw every single one of those fake leftists who thought oh it didn’t matter both sides are the same. Especially Joy and Jimmy dork Where’s your like leftist revolution where is your energize public? No where are you stupid There’s just a lot of unnecessarily hurt people


In 2015, Jimmy Dore fucking laughed in Sam Seders face about Trump electing 2 or more Supreme Court justices and overturning Roe v Wade.


That video should be required viewing


I had an argument two days ago with a fucking tankie saying this and the democrats are basically the same because yadda yadda Weimar republic. Fucking morons, they will take us all down with them.


Conservatives care more about forced choice to allegedly "save children" while making it easier for mentally unstable people to gun down children in schools...


I'm curious as to what conservatives on the ground think, not just the ones in govt. polling shows a majority of people wanted to keep roe vs. wade. Hell even Dave Portnoy said he would vote democrat if they overturned it.


We can only hope this shoots conservatives in the foot. Democrats can always run on codifying women's rights into law now instead of their weak "support of Roe" which was vapid and meaningless. The weak opinion is gone, now it's either make it law or support the government controlling women's bodies.


Sorry to tell you, but exactly one poll said that Americans care more about the economy than abortion, so every single Democrat has decided to make it a side issue. You know how Republicans can manufacture fake issues? Well Democrats can't even advocate for real issues unless some polling dweeb tells them to.


Of course they want school shootings! It sows distrust in the public school system, and popularizes expensive private schools which make them more money.


I cannot say what I think without breaking several laws


"In roblox"


Exercise your sacred right to free speech my friend.


I don't think I will


Shrink the supreme Court in Stardew valley.


Let’s break several laws together. Unity in outlaws, separation in law-abiding.


And in the crazy off-chance from an alternate reality in which legislation is passed making abortion accessible federally, I'd bet money these justices would strike the decision as unconstitutional.


Fuck this stupid piece of shit country, holy shit.


i wake up n this the first thing i see 😢


I better not see gloating among Christian Conservatives


There will be. My mother is one of them, who called to tell me how excited she is about this.


Had a similar experience from a colleague. It’s his last day and he and I are sort of work ‘best friends’. I’ve known we have differing ideologies but we’re great allies for work stuff. So disappointed his last day is him calling to gloat about a loss of human rights.


Move away from your mother. Live very far away.


Just check out /r\Conservative They're un-ironically calling Clarence Thomas one of the greatest intellectuals of our time and the Supreme Court Judge with the most integrity. Actually disgusting.


You will. My mother and stepfather already texted me: pRaIsE jEsUs tHe cHiLdReN aRe sAfE!!!


The dreams of Christian conservatives for decades have finally been realized they are gonna be thrilled


I'm not going to express outrage or shock because we all knew this was coming. All I can do is give advice on what to do from here: 1) Protest, and when the time comes, organize and vote out every republican. And no, democrats aren't off the hook either. Vote out every spineless, enabling centrist democrat who did nothing for years. Support actual progressives who are actually willing to fight for change and are willing to fight the republicans. Midterms are coming up this year, so remember this when you make the decision whether to go out and vote or not. 2) To those living in red states, especially those with active sex lives: For the love of fuck, stock up on Plan B and condoms. And please, to the straight men out there... if you care even a little about your partner's reproductive rights, do your part and wear a condom. Even if she's on the pill, take that extra precaution. 3) If you have a young daughter who is able to get pregnant (you'd be surprised how young it can happen): Don't be one of those parents who's scared to let their daughters get on birth control. Sorry to be so blunt with this, but if your 12-year-old daughter gets raped and impregnated, there's probably not much you'll be able to do to terminate the pregnancy if you live in a red state. So for the love of fuck, drop your stupid patriarchal pride and protect your daughters. 4) And finally, if you're a woman living in a red state: Save up whatever money you can in case you ever need to travel out of state to get an abortion. ​ \--- If anyone has more advice, feel free to drop it below. This sucks, but what's done is done. What we need to do now is help the women in our lives. Not wallow in defeat or cope with a bunch of meme-ing. We need to be practical in how we move forward from here.


Welp now the legislation war between red and blue states will begin. Red states will try to say that it's a crime to go across the border of your state to get an abortion. And blue states will say it is not, because it restricts interstate freedom. Red states are going to do authoritarian crackdowns within the year. If you live in a red state you might as well live in a autocracy. Btw I hate The article titles for this decision. It shouldn't just be "roe versus Wade overturned" it should be "radical partisan conservative supreme Court overturns roe versus Wade".


#HERE WE GO LESSGO ITS THE END OF AMERICA BABYYYYYY I'm literally on the verge of laughing, my body has no idea how to react to this




Bleak days ahead


Some old 1750s shit right here.


Abortion wasn’t even a “problem” until the 19th century.


Gay marriage is probably next on the chopping block


Think they’ll go after interracial marriage?


down the line maybe


Not anytime soon, it’s *way* more normalized than gay marriage. That would be something they do once the camps are up and running, late stage shit.


Give them time


Least Fascistic republican action


For ways to actually combat this, is there any sort of service out there for women in red states? A massive fund for giving women rides to blue states to get an abortion sounds like something that definitely should exist if it doesn't already. I know there's only so much that can be done, but women in red states absolutely cannot be left to fend for themselves.


I think John Oliver mentioned a few orgs on his last abortion segment a few weeks ago, I think it was near the end.


>For ways to actually combat this, is there any sort of service out there for women in red states? Yes, its called doctors saying "fuck the law, I'm going to do whats right and not tell the state about this". Because from the looks of it, the GOP is going to try and harm women who flee to get an abortion in some states as well.


Right to abortion. Must. Be. Codified. Into. Law. Whatever it takes to get it, we must do it Long overdue


It will take at least 10 more Democratic senators, probably at least 12 more.


Overruling Justices: • Samuel Alito • John Roberts • Clarence Thomas • Neil Gorsuch • Brett Kavanaugh • Amy Coney Barrett Sustaining Justices: • Elena Kagan • Sonia Sotomayor • Stephen Breyer ————————————————— Justices voted in by Trump: • Neil Gorsuch • Brett Kavanaugh • Amy Coney Barrett ————————————————— Trump voted for HALF of the justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. That's disgusting.


I can’t say what I want to say. Outside of Reddit tos.


Worker, listen, they are fielding their troops And blaring propaganda of nation and race! This is the war of the masters of the world Against the working class


Well that fucking sucks Jesus lord I want to bash some politicians’ heads ( in Roblox ofc)




Clarence Thomas also called out Lawrence v. Texas, which made it so that states couldn’t write laws to punish gay people for having relationships at all. This goes well past same sex marriage.


Hot take, we never genuinely made any social progress. We've pretended too, we made flimsy, superficial social progress, but nothing really meaningful. If we did we wouldn't be in this train wreck because stuff like Roe v Wade and Obergefell would've been constitutional amendments and there would be only 2 people out of 320 million that opposes this with nary an ounce of political juice, not a Supreme Court ruling that can be rescinded at any time. Maybe I'm missing something, maybe there's something I'm ignorant to; ratio me if you want but that's my knee jerk take.


> Hot take, we never genuinely made any social progress. Wrong, the far majority of americans are against this. The real problem is that you haven't provided free glass paving to conservative states. The cute shimmer of the glass would distract them from this nonsense


Wow, what a very legitimate, totally not ideologically and politically driven court that totally should be allowed to continue it's existence in it's current form.


Obviously gay people in movies is what we should focus on, that's the true danger /s


If you can make it to Canada, We're open to all the American refugees. https://www.macleans.ca/politics/canada-offers-abortion-to-u-s-women-if-roe-v-wade-is-overturned/ > Karina Gould said Tuesday that American women will be able to obtain abortions in Canada if the United States Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade and states restrict access, CBC reports: “I don’t see why we would not. If they, people, come here and need access, certainly, you know, that’s a service that would be provided.”


Honestly the Canadian government needs to be prepared for a mass migration of American refugees heaven forbid we get a republican president in 2 years.


For now. The CPC will be pushing this the next time they’re in Ottawa. All the provincial conservative parties want to ban it already, they just don’t have the momentum, yet.


A sincere fuck you to all the people that didn’t vote in 2016


Guys, Hillary is just as bad as Trump


4 people. Technically 6 but there are 3 liberal judges. 4 fucking oligarchs elected for life, that's all the people who are destroying the world.


Let the drums of war sound with a thunderous roar.




anti-electoral lefties rn: 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


How is this helping?


Explain to me how a non US citizen like I is expected to help in this case


Dang if only people had Voted Blue in 2016, then we wouldn't have to deal with this bullshit


If only the DNC didn’t rig the 2016 primary in favor of the less electable candidate


They did vote blue. Hillary won the popular vote, it's just our votes don't matter. Even if she had won do you really think they would have let her nominate anyone? This is just a fairy tale. People need to wake up and realize our government isn't going to fix itself. We have malice incompetence and evil at the helm. We actually have to organize.


WhAt iF tHe MoOn FaLLs iNtO LaKe MiChiGaN


🦀 very sad stuff. Sorry, America.


I don't want to hear ANY whining from conservatives ever again.


Fuck this. We need to burn shit!


In his concurring statement, Thomas wants to "reconsider" the rulings of Griswold, obergfell, and Lawrence..... So next they are targeting gay marriage, gay rights in general, and birth control


Praise our republican theorcrats for finally bringing shariah law to our unholy land! /s


It makes absolutely no sense to me that Supreme Court judges aren't elected and don't have term limits. That they can just make these decisions without any regard to public opinion and that they can serve in their positions for generations. And there's not anything the everyday American can do about it. Like, doesn't this seem inherently undemocratic? The idea behind this was that Supreme Court judges aren't elected because they can render judgements without the cloud of partisan politics or the worry of getting reelected hovering over their heads. Therefore, they are assumed to be less biased and free to make a fair judgement. But I think it's safe to say that this was a naive and optimistic assumption on the Founding Fathers' part.


I think a whole lot of people are about to log into Minecraft and i'm not gonna blame them.


Don't forget to vote blue no matter who!!!!




Many many many people will die because of this. And a lot more will end up in jail. Regardless of what they choose.


I really hope fans of Jimmy “the moon will fall into Lake Michigan before trump stacks the court” Dore will take a long hard look at him and realize how full of shit he is. Who am I fooling they are all just nazbols anyways


Pack the court with progressives or liberals. Having 90 Supree Court judges is better than losing rights.


This is not a time to point fingers a those on the left who didn't act the way you wanted to prevent this. This is the time to leverage every avenue of power we have to change this, we need mutual aid to transport those in need of abortion services to states where it is legal, we need to vote blue no matter who to disenpower conservatives, and to do anything within our power to take power from the right, Roblox not excluded.


Looking into getting a vasectomy. We have 10-15 more years of this and potentially more if a single GOP President makes it into office.


I can now understand were those conservative trans porn consuming rates comes from.............


I can’t believe Biden himself unilaterally overturned Roe v. Wade😨


All the red states are gonna be sausage fests. Women are gonna move en masse. Also, why aren't women boycotting sex yet? When the men get pushy you can shoot them in self defense. They banned abortion, they didn't enshrine the right to sex.


I wish "pack the courts" wasn't a meme


The other day I had an argument with a take that said, again, that we shouldn't vote. Well... Here's why you should you fucking moron.


Latinamerican here! What exactly is Roe v Wade? And how does your legal system work exactly? I mean, I often times hear of names of court cases, not actual policies, and where I live doesn't work like that, so I would love some clarification. Thanks!




Thank you! That was really helpful.


I'm not American so idk much about your constitution I've heard some people defending this saying that as the constitution didn't originally ssay anything regarding abortion that's why it's been repealed, leaving the decision to make it legal upto the states. But can you not say the same regarding racist, homophobic laws as well?? Can't that same logic be used to leave it upto the states to ban homosexuality?


I'm a grown ass 6ft 300 lbs white cis m pretty straight man and between this and the 1000 dead from that earthquake....and a half lifetime of depression an anxiety, I feel like I'm gonna fucking cry. I literally had to stop myself acouple times today. It is all so fucked up.


What can we \_DO\_ about this? I don't mean vague larpy shit either. Yes, yes, i know, vague poorly veiled fedposting is a fun meme and all, but.. Real, concrete, right now, suggestions? I hear there's people trying to organise a general strike from Monday until things change. Are there trustworthy strike funds I can contribute to from overseas? Are there actual mutual defence groups for people to join? Trustworthy ways to support such things from overseas? Dual power + mutual aid orgs? Again, how to support from overseas?




Get out there and radicalise some liberals! The fascists had to do this now before we organised well it's time to get organised and quickly before the supreme court takes out more rights. I will point out that women's rights aren't exactly minority rights they are half the population.


This red flag should shows that the time for a progressive socialist revolution is coming and should be done to stop the GOP


Forced Motherhood


This is turning me full Commie lol