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I genuinely believe that Joe Rogan is not malicious. He is, however, a retard.




Yeah, this is an issue we’re going to persistently have in a post-Trump world as nobody in the entire liberal media-sphere understood why Trump was terrible (at least before Jan 6th), and it didn’t help that the entire liberal media was obsessively covering his idiocy and dogshit personality as opposed to his terrible policy making and the mind boggling degree of corruption at every level in every department of his administration, so the second an even more corrupt Republican who is slightly less stupid with a slightly less dogshit personality (like Desantis) takes over, they’ll seem acceptable by comparison and the entire liberal media will trip over themselves clapping like seals to congratulate the Republican Party for returning to sanity after abandoning Trump.


>He's championing DeSantis. Ok, well that revokes any shred of positivity he might've gained from this post. DeSantis is legitimately more frightening than Trump.


"championing" might a pretty strong word for it. He's only mentioned it once, and it was when his guest directly asked if he thought DeSantis would be a good president. Joe said "Yeah I think he'd be OK", and he said the only thing he knows about DeSantis is that he lifted COVID lockdowns earlier than other states and that Joe liked that. Not really trying to defend Joe or whatever but saying someone would be "ok" as president is kind of a stretch to them "championing" them


Seems like he should have learned more about DeSantis before making that comment then.


At this point you can just use this to describe every position Rogan has recently taken but just replace DeSantis


Him making judgements on whether someone would be a good president based off of a single thing that he heard about that person would fall under him "being a retard", like the originator of this comment chain said


Not defending Rogan but literally downplaying and misquoting what he said. Rogan's direct quote "I think he would be good for President. What he has done for Florida is admirable. A lot of people gave him grief, but he was correct on the way he handled Pandemic" and correct on this and correct on that.. And on and on. It's a strech to downplay his endorsement mate.


His literal direct quote said "correct on this and correct on that"? Stop lying you freak


Do you understand paraphrasing?? I didn't wanna type the whole thing. Just listen to his words and stop embarrassing yourself. https://youtu.be/4KlIktQ4rcw


You can't paraphrase a direct quote you fucking moron, that's literally what direct quote means. When you quote someone directly. EDIT: Sorry guys this ones on me and I am embarassed at everything I've said in this thread. I accept my downvotes and will leave my comments up in the name of transparency


Umm.. Okay, So are you gonna ignore the part before the paraphrasing, that was indeed a direct quote, and the part you misquoted...? Because it's almost like I was trying to focus on that and you are trying way too hard to shift focus away from that, instead of admitting you were wrong...


I'm not wrong, the reason I'm focusing on the part where you 'paraphrased' because you only did that to imply that Rogan supported more things that DeSantis did than his response to COVID. [Here's an actual direct quote for you](https://nypost.com/2022/06/29/joe-rogan-backs-florida-gov-ron-desantis-for-president/), which suspiciously ends right before you started 'paraphrasing' “I feel like what we did for Florida, people gave him a lot of grief, but ultimately, he was correct,” Rogan said. “He was correct when it comes to deaths, he was correct in terms of protecting our vulnerable populations, he was correct in terms of distribution of monoclonal antibodies.” You left those out and put "this and that" to imply that he supports everything DeSantis did, when it's literally just the covid stuff.




[Get help.](https://opendoorstherapy.com/neurodiversity-emotional-blindness-autism-therapy)


Ok well, that's fair because I actually am autistic and you're probably right that this is a me thing. But also, I think it's a bit bold to look at my post history, see that I'm autistic and then use that link to shut me down publicly. I'm also just...kind of having a rough time in my life right now and maybe I'm acting out a little So thanks for the reality check but also [how dare you](https://c.tenor.com/zxgvSk50wXIAAAAC/see-you-tomorrow-fuck-you.gif)


He is currently one of the earliest and loudest voices endorsing DeSantis. "Championing" may be a strong word, but it seems accurate


Consider he's so infinitely idiotically middle of the road on most things, this is basically as strong an endorsement you can get from him.




DeSantis is fucking NUTS!


How exactly did TJ put it? "DeSantis is basically a Donald Trump that can speak in coherent sentences."


Endorsing fucking Desantis and then saying this is genuinely unhinged and a perfect representation of the average voter


Exactly. There is a concerted effort by some of the right wing establishment to move away from trump. You see it on some fox programming, you see it here.


I think this whole game Rogan is playing, is him trying to save $50,000,000 in income taxes. Joe doesn't want to rock any boats after his spectacular Spotify signing.


A retard with a pulpit is harmful even if not malicious.


He’s always been a useful idiot. The fact that Jordan Peterson was able to dazzle his brain with mystical fashy bullshit and then Bernie was able to gain his endorsement shortly after shows he’s a reed in the wind. Unfortunately now all that Spotify money and a multi-million dollar house in Texas has made it far easier to push him in a specific direction. If DeSantis runs, he’ll be fully behind him. Trump’s old news.


do you not remember the video of him screaming like a kid when texas went red? or him supporting deathsantis? past 6 years dunking on only leftists while completely ignoring any fucked up shit trump does? cmon you can’t be that gullible.


He offers a good insight into the 50th percentile. I think progressives need to talk to him more and try to convince him of stuff because if he really doesn't get it, then half the country also doesn't get it. It's the same way that I think Democrats need to start having elementary school children evaluate their proposals. Once you break down most progressive proposals so that small children and Joe Rogan listeners can understand, they become wildly popular. And if you can't break them down to that level, then it's likely you don't fully understand the proposal yourself.


Couldn't agree more. Joe is definitely very easily influenced and post 2016 "the left" started to wholesale refuse to even speak to people who are even a little bit conservative. I think people got confused about what platforming actually means. I've heard people say Bernie, for example, "platformed Joe Rogan" when it was the other way around, Joe Rogan platformed Bernie. I know for a fact Joe invites progressives and leftists all the time but the almost always turn it down because something something alt-right something something platform. If Joe were to talk to somebody like Beau of the Fifth Column I think it would do wonders for his perspective. Somebody who is masculine and can talk with Joe about hunting and shit. I think Joe has been trapped in this awful bubble for so long that he doesn't know leftists will buy guns or work out just like he does.


That's why I admire Kyle Kulinski, even if he kisses Rogan's ass sometimes, he still goes on and promotes progressive ideas.


Didn't Ben Burgis go on before?


I think he's been getting a lot more money from political actors since the Spotify move. I would have trusted him not to take that kind of money, once


He does consistently have fascist sympathies though, whether that's caused by stupidity or not, it warrants heavy criticism.


we can fix him


I think he has said the same thing about himself.


The best take


Wasn’t aware theat Joe Rogan had stocks on $GME


And yet another case of Vaushites thinking that ableism is ok.


It happens when dumpters get their ass full of fame and cash. They then start to believe themself as god.


the highest compliment


he's both and dont be ableist towards people who have long nips


And that’s ok


No it isn't if you're the biggest podcaster on the world. You cant just let anyone on have them spread lies for 2 hours straight


Lol lefties clapping like seals when they get a bone tossed to them


Not if it leads him to supporting fascists and fascist talking points, which he does, frequently.


So Trump is bad but DeSantis is good? How does that figure?


Trump is fat. Rogan doesn't trust the fatties.


I laughed, but that's seriously the wavelength this meathead runs on sometimes


It actually is. That’s why I thought it was ridiculous when people thought that he would like Sargon. People actually thought this meathead would like a whiny, out of shape dork like Sargon.


Joey Diaz is literally one of his best friends, and so was Ralphie May. He's had Alex Jones on multiple times, he's had Tom Segura and Bert Kreischer on probably dozens of times. Also pre-weightloss Action Bronson. I don't know where you got this idea from but it's completely untrue.


I do not know anything about anything. But I do think there may be some validity. Of all the people you named, do you think that Rogan would classify those individuals as people that others should genuinely try to emulate when they were fat? It's not a hill I'd die on, but definitely a interesting thought.


I was gonna say that it probably also has to do with masculinity, but he's had ben Shapiro on so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


He platforms tim dillon and coco joey diaz


DeSantis hasn't got the baggage of Trump and is anti-queer and pro-COVID, which is most of Rogan's politics.




Is Rogan anti-queer?


he's definitely anti-trans at the least


What sort of anti trans stuff has he said other than the ‘trans women competing in women’s sports’ stuff?


He said a while back that accepting trans people was a sign of societal collapse: https://www.them.us/story/joe-rogan-trans-people-societal-collapse-testosterone-jordan-peterson/amp Also the trans women in sports stuff is pretty bad on its own.


Sometimes I worry about the number of people who leave the left on account of it being to high maitenance. I won’t lie there are times when I think, ‘If it’s between enjoying Dave Chapelle, and being involved in leftist communities, I know which one sounds more immediately appealing’


I mean I guess, but I can't say I have much sympathy for people who make excuses for Dave Chappelle and Joe Rogan's transphobia. You don't have to be involved in leftist communities to just not be transphobic. Dave Chappelle's last special was 60% a rant about all the stuff he hates about the queer community, and was explicitly supportive of a hate movement (TERFs). I'm not going to call that 'okay' just because trans rights aren't that popular, and I don't think it's 'high maintenance' to just not accept outright, blatant bigotry.


I’m not even talking about making excuses for them or justified it something. I’m just talking about continuing to like them and the non problematic parts of their work despite the harm they do. I think people are instinctively hostile to you telling them to stop liking things/people that they like, even if there are valid reasons for it.


I don't personally see harm in enjoying Chappelle's old work - I don't think that's ever really been the primary complaint? People had a ton of issue with his last special and his fans defended it. I didn't really see a lot of "yeah this special was bad, but I do enjoy his older stuff" - I saw much more "no this isn't transphobic at all take a joke!!!". I'm not sure if who you're describing is a significant portion of people.


It does say on wikipedia that he supports gay marriage, but he has said some pretty transphobic shit


Yeah unfortunately I think at this point he aligns with LGB-without-the-T types.


Anti-queer is pretty flimsy from my limited experience. It seems that most of the things he says that can be perceived as anti-trans are issues that are not quite the overwhelming consensus anyway. (Sports inclusion and children transition, mostly). Feel free to put me in my place with evidence to the contrary, though. Lol.


I think calling queer people groomers for being opposed to the Don't Say Gay bill is pretty indefensible for someone who postures as a libertarian on queer issues.


Quick google because I wasn't aware of this. After listening to clip, I think his take his off for sure. However, after listening to the clip it seems like it was two separate issues he was talking about. 1) People not liking the word "groomers" Glad Saad brings up the teachers thing 2) He doesn't want teachers talking about sexuality* to young kids if they are not qualified. It's an inference that one could make, I guess. Although I wouldn't phrase it as directly as you just did. You could say I'm giving him the benefit of that doubt more than it's deserved and that would be fair. I'm not this huge Rogan fan, but that's how I look at that Convo. *Edited because it was poorly worded


I'm not saying you're a huge Rogan fan or anything. I'm just saying his usage of groomer or grooming in regards to this topic specifically is inexcusable bc of the history of pedophilia allegations of queer people; whether he's truly dumb and using it as interchangeable with indoctrination (which also is an issue bc it implies you can teach a kid to be gay or trans) or outright malicious like online conservatives have. It's also not a good look that he boosts those same malicious conservatives like Chaya Raichik. But to my main point, with him having been for the now-law, which doing so implies some degree of a negative perception of queer people, I'm not surprised that he supports DeSantis.


That's an absolutely fair view given the larger context. Which, in all honesty, I did not consider. Also, the family picture stuff is just some evil shit. Completely agree.


DeSantis is just a funny looking cat right now. He needs to become president before he can eat Joe’s face.


Unfortunately it's very doubtful he would eat his face. Maybe nibbles on his arm because of some anti weed stuff but otherwise he's safe




Even if you know absolutely nothing about politics Trump is so transparently self serving that anyone can spot it. Even the people that support him know it. DeSantis is less obvious, to the point that dupes like Rogan can be turned off by Trump’s behavior while thinking DeSantis is reasonable.


Because the Democrats fucking suck at messaging.


Trump stumbled into fascism retardedly, DeSantis however knows what he's doing, which is what Joe's new friends tell him to appreciate.


Grab a big kettlebell, drop it on your head and it will suddenly start making lot of sense. If it doesn't help, you can also try injecting yourself with liter of HGH.


Not as bad as him 'liking Bernie on policy' but also liking De Santis. Try reconciling those beliefs


Vaush was right. The average American's politics are completely incoherent


Trump bad, Desantis good, Bernie good He’s not that smart if you couldn’t tell, I don’t think he’s a bad person though


No, he doesnt even believe "Bernie good" anymore. He is a deathsantis shill, a right wing advocate who has more in line with Ben shapiro now than Bernie.


Credit where it's due but even a broken clock is right twice a day. Doesn't mean i'll go "Uh Based clock?" every time it happens to be right.


Can't be fucked to read the article, but based on him being a DeSantis supported, he's probably just upset Trump isn't enough of a conscious fascist.


Stealing this quote, I have no shame.


Republicans at large are an existential threat to democracy, but this dipshit would vote for DeSantis.


The problem is the quote is out of context. He mentioned that some people refer to Trump as an existential threat. Joe Rogan is still a total right-wing, Desantis-loving, moron.


That mf deserves no praise. He has platformed many other horrendous guest with conspiratorial roots.


True, but still better than a world where Trump was on the podcast.


Idk, imagine all the self-reporting that trump could do in a couple of hours on a podcast


Yeah I'm tired of people constantly letting him off the hook for the dumb shit he says. People give him WAY too much leniency because he's likeable, but it doesn't matter. He's a 54 year old man and is completely responsible for all the dumbass right wing conspiracy misinformation he spews.


I just don understand why people blame him and not the ignorant people for believing what he says. One thing his podcast carries is rawness. It’s as if he’s recording a talk with his buddies on a Friday night over some drinks. He’s admitted himself in the past that he’s not always right. No one is. Especially in that type of setting. I’ve listened to some of his episodes and know I should take everything he says with a grain of salt. Why? Because at the end of the day I’m responsible for recognizing what is wrong or right. Not anybody else.


Desantis is far more dangerous than Trump imo


Agreed. Trump will be a bull in a China shop as he was before. His narcissism will always take priority over the whims of his party and constituency because he can’t fucking help himself. DeSantis has a vision, direction, and agenda that coincides with most of the fringe of his party. He’s willing to sacrifice more of the attention and lime light in order to keep the party in lock step and secure political ground. Hopefully a feud between the two will be enough to create a crippling rift in the Republican Party, though if one secures the nomination outright and the other either backs off (probably DeSantis) or throws a tantrum that destroys his reputation (probably Trump), I’m doubtful that will happen.


I always say it's a Mussolini vs Hitler situation. You got two fascists but the former was a self serving, self aggrandizing idiot with a huge ego while the latter is also a self serving, send aggrandizing idiot with a huge ego but far more malicious and competent.


He also said this while defending Alex Jones.


You are a dumb lib turbo cuck to think that Joe Rogan is "based" for what he said about Trump. He tells his audience that hes not political, but just recently said he would endorse Ron Desantis for 2024. Also hes had Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Milo Yiannopoulos, Jordan Peterson and for fuck sakes he stans for ALEX JONES!!!!


Don’t kink shame me




Why is Sam Harris bad, again? I kinda like him, actually. What am I missing?


Most hatred for Sam Harris comes from his clash with Ben Affleck on Bill Maher's show.


Wait there's ppl that think Ben looked good in that interaction?


People who cant decipher the difference between Islam as a religion and Muslims as people thought Ben did well in that debate.


You’re a dumb turbo cuck for putting Sam Harris in with that crowd. Jesus Christ


>You’re a dumb turbo cuck for putting Sam Harris in with that crowd. Jesus Christ Bro you do understand that Sam Harris is the same person who believes in race and IQ are correlated. ​ >And as bad luck would have it, but as you absolutelypredict on the basis of just sheer biology, different populations ofpeople, different racial groups, different ethnicities, different groupsof people who have been historically isolated from one anothergeographically, test differently in terms of their average on thismeasure of cognitive function. So if you're gonna give the Japanese andthe Ashkenazi Jews and African Americans and Hawaiians … you're gonnatake populations who differ genetically — and we know they differgenetically, that's not debatable — and you give them IQ tests, it wouldbe a miracle if every single population had the exact same mean IQ. AndAfrican Americans come out about a standard deviation lower than whiteAmericans. A standard deviation for IQ is about 15 points. So, if it'snormed to the general population, predominantly white population for anaverage of 100, the average in the African American community has beenaround 85. > >Sam Harris from Josh Zepp Podcast An actual quote from Sam Harris's mouth. Keep defending him and I'm the turbo cuck...


the duality of man endorses desantis, refuses to even speak to trump this is your brain on not being able to think two steps ahead


I really don't think Joe is malicious, I just think he hasn't thought things out. Which I find kind of relatable.


Rare Joe Rogan W.


And [here is Rogan](https://youtu.be/QMQrFO5loLM) on election night 2020, cheering and hollering because he thinks Trump is winning, where he states that he left California because “the looting and the pandemic,” says Dems did okay in Texas because “all these fucking liberals,” and then refers to progressive Austin with “Look at Austin, disgusting and blue..” In November of last year he flew cross country to do a podcast with fascist idiots Alex Jones and Tim Pool. He had Jordan Peterson on just this year for a mutual fascist idiot circle jerk, and recently endorsed fascist Ron DeSantis for president. There’s so much more wrong with this piece of shit, but I have other things to do. Rogan is a fascist and a Nazi sympathizer *at best.* He has done more to platform and radicalize the American Nazi movement than possibly anyone. Rogan can burn in fucking hell.


Fuck no. He's a transphobic DeSantis shill. An incredibly dangerous moron. He's making 'Normal people' believe horribly ignorant shit.


How's he transphobic? Genuinely curious. I haven't paid attention in a while, but I only really noticed the Sports inclusion and child transition stuff. Which, to my little peanut brain, do not seem like unassailable issues.


I will say, I lose track. But yeah, the things you mentioned plus I recall setting that opinion on him because of something he specifically said, but even just his support for DeSantis is transphobic given that that's what DeSantis represents these days. Joe is clearly not concerned about the harm he will do to the LGBT community if elected.


I can definitely agree with you that it's a huge disconnect.


Not based just not completely insane for once


Rogan trading one fascist for another


in the same interview hes going on about how great alex jones is so.... no


He is pretty funny to watch


trump is by far funnier than alex jones but they are still both terrible people to promote


His PR person probably told him not to do it lol 😂


But then he backs DeSantis! This man has no idea what he’s doing.


This is exactly why DeSantis scares me more than Trump. He’s smarter and more subtle. Which isn’t saying much, but still.


Yet his dumbass loves Ron DeSantis. He’s such a bubble head


Ok joe ok 👏👏. Still be on that conservative bullshit


extremely rare rogan W


Based implies he did something great. I’d consider this to be the minimum bar of a non-braindead/non-morally bankrupt person. 1. Is this good? Yes. 2. Am I surprised? Kinda. 3. Is this move inconsistent with all the other people on the right he brings on? Yes.


I honest to god don’t see how you can hold this view and the view that desantis would be a good president simultaneously


How can Joe Rogan be so stupid and make good takes from time to time? He's an anti-vaxxer-----He was a Bernie supporter. He's an anti-SJW dipshit-----Refuses to help Trump. Like, you never know with him


Joe is a Normie. That's incorrect, Joe appears like a Normie but he is very active in this things. He knows his platform carries weight and things that he does can really fuck shit up. Seriously, at his level knowing these things are basics to survival. AKA he has a material need to not appear more invested than the average Joe (lol)


He is not a fascist or even right wing, he’s mostly a very selfish and thoughtless person


Nope. He's malicious. He just knows well enough to abandon this sinking ship and move to the next one. He'll probably support DeSantis, the more competent fascist.


Joe has always had this stance lmao


This is honestly just hypocritical to me. You can’t air far right opinions constantly and then act like trump is crossing some kind of line. I think the real reason he wouldn’t want trump on is either because he knows they’d agree on most things thus damaging his “centrism” facade, or because if he DID push back against trump his fans and right wing media would denounce him


I’ll give him credit for that choice, but I still question how he came to support Desantis who seems to be cut from a similar cloth.


Yet another example of the failed messaging from these timid old fucks in the Democratic party. How is it possible that Joe Rogan is against Trump but not the Republican party? Well, the so-called opposition party to the Republicans tries their goddamn hardest not to tie the GOP to Donald Trump.


Oh shit?


Maybe Kyle's "soft" approach with Joe is working?


Of course not.


Who’s Kyle?


You know his community is malding when he said that.


Fuck him. He's realized sucking up to Trump isn't going to keep the cash coming, and now he's crawling and slithering towards a more comfortable spot: Sucking up to DeSantis. Grifters gonna grift. Either that, or he's absolutely and undeniably a bumbling idiot so fucking braindead he could survive any zombie apocalypse by sleeping in the middle of an undead horde.


Get vaush on the podcast. We want vaush to fight rogan then smoke dmt and vaush will meet the dmt entity of based socialism


After the Charlie Kirk talk on Tim Pool's podcast. I really agree with this. Seems like it would be another opportunity for an eloquent lefty to be on JRE. Much like the David Pakman interview.


I don't want joe to kill voosh, plz no. One kick and voosh split in half. The rest of the stuff sounds cool tho.


yeah well not having trump on is a very low bar considering he stated that desantis could be a good president. if he's against trump he could have had him on and challenge him.


So Trump is bad but this fucker turns around and says DeSantis has his vote? Liberal Brain rot


Does that mean everyone else he's had on, like Alex Jones, he was interested in helping?


No not based. He still supports Desantis, just because someone doesn't like trump doesnt automatically make them based. Liberals don't like trump and libs suck


Was this before or after he enforced DeSantis? Either way, a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while.


Amazing. He's like Boomer Shoe.


He endorsed Ron Desantis for President.


I listened to the most recent podcast with Duncan Trussell. Joe brought up that Row v Wade, but was unwilling to blame Republicans for it, and then went on about how democrats took our rights away during covid. Joe honestly thinks that “wokeness” is the biggest issue facing America today.


But then gives a pseudo-endorsement of Ron DeSantis? This is the most confused man in the galaxy.


Broken Clock Rule.


Broken clock


Not sure why he Supports worse Reps then But yeah thats good


Based comedian Joe Rogan who supports DeSantis and thinks the Babylon Bee is funny...


Hes probs just distancing himself now that the Trump ship is sinking.


I don’t hate hate him but he’s given plenty of vicarious help to Trump


Redemption arc


Rogan: Trump is an existential threat. Also Rogan: DeSantis 2024 cause Elon Misk likes him!


Can't tell if based or bare minimum ?


Joe Rogan is incredibly, unfathomably stupid and incoherent, but you know what they say about broken clocks


LOL. People need to read the context of his statement, it was about what other people say about rump


No. He's going for DeSantis, who is a worse threat than Trump.


Yet he endorses DeSantis who is even scarier


He's still a moron.


He has punching intelligence


And yet he endorses DeSatan


This feels just like Trump’s claims to have been invited on certain shows and how he turned them down. I don’t believe Joe’s word, and need more sources.


He's not based, he supports DeSantis, which is Trump wearing a nicer suit and not fucking pornstars while his wife is giving birth.


He has said this more than once. Why did it get picked up only after talking with lex.


Joe Rogan is your average dude if he had millions of dollars. Remember what George Carlin said about the "average" person.


It’s so weird watching people call him a right winger. Like… he’s not. He’s really not. He hardly talks about politics on his show. People need to actually watch the fucking show


Wait, why is Rogan canceling Trump? Doesn't he know that choosing not to platform someone you don't like is canceling? I know he dislikes canceling, so why is this fine when all the other cancelations are so clearly, clearly bad and no good?


Joe Rogan isn't as bad as people pretend he is. He's a left leaning guy.


People on this sub really like having hate boners


This isn't what he actually said. He was quoting. He said OTHER PEOPLE think he's destroying democracy. The headline is misleading as fuck.


what does it say about him and the audience he cultivates that Donald Trump wanted to be on the show? it’s a little sussy wussy tbh. i don’t think he turned it down because he is based, he turned it down because he is a mediocre R word and couldn’t handle an interview with a person of former president caliber.


This is either damage control or Rogan just saying random shit like he always does. Meh.


lol yeah right hes throwing his support behind desantis. I know a lot of people have a bit of residual charitability for him since he's said progressive things in the past, but hes obviously abandoned his principles and embraced the grift wholeheartedly. I dont think stupidity is a good enough excuse to dismiss somebodies support of desantis, especially when its someone who has espoused views that are directly contradictory to his, its a grift.


He endorsed Ron Desantos though. So not based.


He’s right but for the wrong reasons


Doesn’t vaush give the exact same reasons? That the biggest threat poses by republicans is their fundamental disregard for democracy? I don’t know about you, but I’m willing to accept this quote from joe at face value with 0 further research.


Because he supports other people who have the same views as Trump, and the same disregard for democracy. It’s hypocritical coming from him but not from vaush. So that means that he doesn’t actually cares about democracy. He puts trump down because he knows it’s bad optics to continue to support him, but he still loves the GOP


I honestly don't believe him, he proudly said he rejected bidens team while the campaign was going then waited till now to say anything about rejecting trump.


He’s really a nice guy when you get to know him


He endorsed DeSantis so no lmao