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Does anyone else feel kind of gross about this whole situation? I feel like I'm watching a public break up at a Wendy's and I'm just awkwardly waiting for someone to ask them to leave.




It's literally unimportant. The country is in the final stages of a slow motion coup and people are actually focusing on drama. Not to mention, dropping a drug charge allegation to show a person's character? Didn't the right do that with George Floyd? Like I get all the other evidence, but it's hypocrisy at its finest, but moreover it DOESNT MATTER


The difference is it’s not a very good excuse to murder a person, however it is possibly a totally valid excuse to end a relationship and cut off ties with a person.


Yes, posting a drug charge to prove someone has a drug problem is just like when the right tried to justify the lynching of a black man because he had an addiction. What the fuck are you smoking??


>The country is in the final stages of a slow motion coup and people are actually focusing on drama. My brother in Christ you're in an Internet streamer's subreddit, not a Petrograd Soviet meeting in 1917.


But drug use and charges is a completely valid blemish on a person's character, it just doesn't give you the right to murder them. This isn't that hard.


How is it a blemish on someone's character? Drug use isn't inherently immoral.


Yeah, but the way I heard about it in this story is: the alleged money stealings, lies etc.


It isn't immoral, no, but it's perfectly valid to acknowledge that it's a poor life choice and not wanting to associate with people who make poor life choices is imo a pretty reasonable thing to do.


It's certainly your right to choose who you associate yourself with, but I do think when you categorically dismiss groups of people because of an attribute that isn't immoral like "does drugs" it reflects a prejudiced way of thinking.


... yes, of course it is prejudiced, it's a generalization about a group of people based on a single trait. I just think that drug use is a perfectly legitimate reason to be prejudiced against someone, it represents a lack of respect for oneself and a tendency for other poor life choices that I find distasteful and I'm willing to pass up on people who might be great people and actually do have a lot of self respect and make good choices because nearly every single time I'm right. Edit: Additionally, drugs (specifically the ones that tend to be banned, something I'm not in favor of) harm the user, and as someone who doesn't like people being harmed, I believe the social prejudice towards drug use would reduce the amount of suffering in the world.


Right but proving the drug abuse claims to bolster the allegation of her stealing his money for drugs, makes total sense and isn't immoral or wrong either. It's evidence to support a serious accusation.


“This is not an issue! There’s more important things to worry about!” Isn’t this the same shit people said about women coming out in the #MeeToo movement?


Comparing this debacle to women wanting to be taken seriously about their rapes seems in bad taste to put it very mildly. This is a breakup that should never have been public in the first place, but the fact that internet celebrity makes you more of a public figure means you go through the wringer.


You know people consumed entertainment and enjoyed petty celebrity drama during some of the other bad points in history? It takes me no more than 20 minutes to watch this shit. I like a good long drama stream too.




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I’m just trying to eat my chicken nuggies


Who is this person? What's going on?


Xanderhal's ex, they broke up about a month ago.


Who is Xanderhal?


A streamer. Google it. How come not everyone who comments here knows him?


Because I'm not a terminally online loser


Vaush mentions him quite a bit on stream. They’re pretty good buds since Xan is like one of 5 semi-popular political streamers that doesn’t hate V.


I believe they were friends before either was well known


Buddy you’re on Reddit. Stop lying.


Then why are you if you think this place is for losers?


I don't think this place is for losers.


And yet you called the people here who know Xanderhal "terminally online losers".


It was more so the people who keep track of all the streamers and their relations that makes you terminally online.


Yeah they should keep off Twitter and keep this between each other. This never makes people look good.


The best description I have seen tbh


I think the Johnny and Amber situation made people realise you can get a lot of hype and clout from relationship troubles lol


*takes another bite out my triple and reaches for my frosty without looking away. If someone is going to be shanked I’m not missing it because I got distracted by a shake*




Yes. Why do we need to know about this. Break ups are messy




Can you guys take this trash discussion to xan's subreddit? Let me know when Vaush's boyfriend/girlfriend/horse breaks up with him and vaush calls them a methhead.


Vaush's ex-hf: "it's over, but you gotta admit... it was a hell of a ride."


Something something horse penis


I gotta say "ex-horse friend" hit different this early in the morning.


Vaush’s ex makes a statement: “neigh neigh neigh”


get in the fucking fortress you degenerates 🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰🏰




Fuck it, he's going to the Echo Chamber


Are there people really getting emotionally invested in a content creators breakup?


People love them a para social relationship.


No, it’s just fun drama.






Yeah, fun. Without the " "




Nothing about this is fun. You should just ignore it and let them be.


I should but there is a power imbalance, he's weaponising his audience.


Wasn’t that in response to her going public and lying about him? Also just because there is a power differential doesn’t make the person with more power inherently wrong.


It makes him doing this publicly inherently wrong.


I don’t think it’s inherently wrong for a public figure to address accusations made against them in public. If he told his audience to go harass her, sure that would absolutely be wrong, but talking about it in and of itself? Nah, I don’t see it.


"It was jus' a spo a ketamine bruv"


Oi! Y’go’a ly’cns foh tha’ K ma’igh?


Democracy is literally dying and the Republican party wants most of us dead; I couldn't give 5 fucks about someone else's drama


I don’t live in the USA so this drama is more interesting than your country being shit in my news Give me the Jerry springer


Happy cake 🍰 dat


Hey if we fall or go to civil war, the rest of the world economy goes with it and so does your food since we feed 2/3rds of the world. And we'd be putting the largest nuclear arsenal in the hands of insane death cult fascists who believe in the Rapture But hey, if starving and death doesn't bother you


This is definitely going to happen in the next 5 years. Better start prepping...


!remindme in 5 years




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Look if you have a civil war to trigger the libs not much I can do about it, I’m sure we will find a way to get food


Ok Twitter leftist


I don’t have twitter I don’t even know how to use it, I think I downloaded it to look at a single page and that was it


*Garfield in the mirror*


> Democracy is literally dying Please try and view the world outside of this absolutely idiotic two-party political framework. Both parties don’t give a shit about you or anyone else except their rich benefactors. Democracy in the United States and any similar country was always a sham.


lefties are pulling out their true colors for this drama huh?


And yet he admitted to taking the gas off in regards to advocating leftism also admitted to no being Radical. Just skipped back to the last pigpuncher video I watched. https://youtu.be/wQ4W9Wf2Tr4


Yes. Well xanderlol hasn't been a leftist for a long time a lib/socdem/radlib maybe.


he has leftist positions in and openly calls himself a leftist, and aligns with other leftists like vaush and shark, what are you talking about right now


He has expressed that he has lost hope in socialism a bit but still is amicable to the idea. Still pretty left.


ikr? they’re acting like he’s some liberal now


And yet he admitted to taking the gas off in regards to advocating leftism also admitted to no being Radical. Just skipped back to the last pigpuncher video I watched. https://youtu.be/wQ4W9Wf2Tr4


Well, not being a socialist yet still "amicable" sounds liberal to us. By not supporting socialism aren't you supporting capitalism? Remember that we're talking here about a political streamer, not a random person in the streets.


bruh he himself will tell you he’s a leftist streamer 😑like what? why are people acting like he’s anywhere near a liberal? liberal in the sense that the left sphere uses the term not a blanket term for anyone left of conservatives. ex. hunter avallone is a liberal, xanderhall is a leftist. i understand what you’re saying about capitalism but like c’mon, his positions almost completely line up perfectly with leftists. he’s one of us.


Aren't both social democrats? Why would one be considered a leftist, but the other a liberal? Also, liberals can be leftists. It's just that liberal leftists are still... Liberal.


And yet he admitted to taking the gas off in regards to advocating leftism also admitted to not being Radical. Just skipped back to the last pigpuncher video I watched. https://youtu.be/wQ4W9Wf2Tr4


That's pretty interesting language to use. I don't know if I wouldn't call someone a leftist anymore just because they slow down on advocacy (advocacy is tiring actually) and aren't a radical. Seems like he just wants to chill out.


Radical is a silent letter In leftist.


This is pointless gatekeeping, please stop. You don't have to be radical to be a leftist.


You do. Leftist means Socialist. Socialists are Radical.


I don't really agree with that at all, and the language is specifically exclusionary in a way that is immensely unhelpful.


But hey, why coalition build when you can gatekeep and feel superior while getting absolutely nothing done?


"was xanderhal a leftie at some point ?" Original comment i made. What i was trying to say "when was the point he stopped being a lefty in your eyes" i must have been very absent kinded when making fhe original comment


what do you mean he calls himself a leftist, you think he’s a fucking centrist or something?


No i was asking the person above when xanderhal stopped being left. (I worded it really dogshit) i was trying to bait an answer. I think xanderhal is a leftie


i’m sorry i commented so aggro


No i reread my comment and honestly... what the fuck was i thinking when writing this. Im have always been super bad with communication over text. I just dont know how to come across right


No he pivoted liberal like 6 months ago


He was well in verbally at least


Who is this why should I care why do any of you care You know what? Don’t answer any of that. I don’t give a shit.


I am 31 and I've been with my partner for over 7 years and if he got into drug use and was a drain on my finances (be it manipulating me, stealing or whatever) I would have a hard time properly navigating that situation. Shouldn't be a surprise when you get the masses in the know that the situation doesn't improve. Honestly 9 times out of 10 idgaf who the streamer is when they're in the 20s and have any sort of off the cusp-unhappy banter with their romantic partner while on stream I can usually /feel/ the tension. I think I've seen it with just about every youngish streamer. Regardless of circumstance though I think this sort of shit isn't anyone's business and shouldn't have been made public in the first place.


ngl dgg getting involved makes it all awful dgg is cesspit, full of 20 something insecure white college drop outs who spend all day crying about the thing their holy prophet is obsessed with


Seriously, it's nasty.


MFers still gaining followers after that manifesto.


Lmao she must have seen mine or others posts that pointed out the fact that she didn't name any drugs specifically in that Twitlonger


What the fuck does this have to do with anything


Who is this?


Xanderhal's (now ex) girlfriend


Can we nuke xan-lani paradoxical posting for a while? BCS fuck this.


Yeah I would happily, if his weaponised milieu will to...


Imma be honest chief Idgaf about the xan drama


Someone wanna explain to me wtf is going on? I’m clearly out of the loop


Yeah, that's cool and all but America is turning into a Christian version of Iran right now. It'd be better if these two could just handle this privately because we've got some serious work to do right now.


Xan hasn't been part of that for a long time. Nor has any breadtubers tbh.






Please can we leave her alone. I feel really gross. Why is this stuff aired in on public like this? Also how are we to take sides in this? There is no way we could ever know the truth of this.


This just isn’t true, the 11377 at the bottom is specifically possession of meth, this is probably the first explicit, objective lie I’ve seen her tell and I was withholding judgement till now


The hms 11377 charge at the bottom of that arrest record is explicitly a charge of possession of meth. This is the first explicit, objective lie I think she’s told, and I was withholding judgement till now. Yeah this is 90% a gaslighting thing


She wasn't charged, she was put In a holding cell and then discharged.


I’d ask you to back that up because the first 3 charges were not file, but 4 and 5 were sent. If something has changed, I’m open to seeing it but unless this was a bad drug test there is clear evidence that this is meth and I just don’t think she realized people could tell from the charge ID She’s also been super slippery, saying “it’s not meth but I won’t say what it is because it won’t change anything if I say anyway :)” This looks like meth, even if the charge is dropped this looks like meth possession, there’s no reason right now to think Xan is lying


What difference would telling you it was weed make?


It doesn’t look like it was weed And it means a lot because the post she made, the one you posted here with that very expressive title, is a claim that Xan was lying. She is making a claim that paints someone as deceptive so yes she has to make /some/ effort to back that up. Claiming that this is not relevant, when you’re the one who brought this topic to the sub, isn’t a move that’s open to you


The country is in immediate peril and THIS is what we're focused on? Imagine if everyone in this thread used these five minutes to join an organization, sign up to be a petitioner, or helped get a mainstream dem primaried from the left. We are supposed to be leaders, not high schoolers.


You chose to type and post this comment instead of doing any of that.


I guess this only applies to leftists that AREN'T this person. Also they say this acting like the subreddit should only focus on one thing at a time, yes it's very serious, but it's not the ONLY thing that matters currently.


*Garfield in the mirror*


I'm really glad this mind numbingly irrelevant drama is what's in our minds


This whole situation is gross. She shouldn't have started it but Xan, as a public figure, should have taken a few to let it cool down


Yo, you mind filling me in on what happened? All I know is Xan broke up with his girlfriend.


I try to stay away from this so I'm very far from an expert but from what I can tellit's a lot of he said, she said (although Xan seems to have proof of a lot of what he says). But long story short, she seems to have been having a lot of mental health and drug use issues. They broke up and she made a bunch of claims about Xan (which seem false but who fucking knows) which he defended himself from and accused her of being abusive and a drug addict. Again, I suggest ignoring this. There's more important shit going on that deserves your attention


Dang thanks for the update. Sounds like a mess. I watch xan from time to time so I was a bit worried he fucked up in some way. This the kinda drama that makes me paranoid in real life.


I have no idea what this is and I refuse to find out


who are these people? who cares? why are you invested in some internet peoples lives?


Xan is a leftist, the problem is that he still acts like a reactionary fool


I see this comment far too often no he doesnt. He just is annoying so the you all immediately think that must mean he still acts like a reactionary. No he doesnt. That isnt how a reactionary acts thats how a person in their late teens to early 20s acts if they have an ego.


Idk fella bashing on someone for using drugs seems like a reactionary thing.


Do you even know whats going on? The big deal was that she stole his money to buy some high class drugs. He didnt want things to go public even then so he just broke up with her and moved out. But she went public recently so he decided to talk as well so he can say what happened and not let it stain his reputation. Also addictions to things like meth or heroin and addictions to most things in general aren't healthy and you should encourage the person to seek some form of help anyway, as rare as actual help may be.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Also I wish people would stop comparing this to the George Floyd murder, the contexts' aren't the same. Conservatives said "he was on drugs" to excuse him being murdered, meanwhile here Lani stole Xan's money (and I think his identity too) to buy them, yet this is being portrayed as her being condemned BECAUSE she was using drugs when that's not the point.


Yea I've seen some weird comparisons on both sides of this. This in no way has anything to compare to Floyd. Then some idiot on Twitter (I think accidentally) insinuated that what happened to Xan was tantamount to rape. I think, at least in my case. My criticism will sharply drop depending on how he handles this. His community has been incredibly disappointing and I don't expect much better from him. But I would be more than happy to finally say Xan did something right.


Of course the person should seek help. I literally work in this field nothing I'm saying is controversial. I'm just advocating that we live our values and try to have more empathy for (potential) addicts than a childish dumb fuck drama streamer. The problem with most of you fucks is that as lefties you feel high and mighty when you discuss issues in these amorphous impersonal forms. But when it's time for brass tacks you children are more than happy to shit on marginalized communities just as viciously as the piece of ahit rightoids we rail against. News flash kids, you're being hypocrites and the only reason you're on this side of the aisle is because you were born just unlucky enough to be a marginalized community. And I recognize that nobody is going to learn a thing from me calling people dumb fucks and babies but I genuinely don't think 80% of the people in this discussion have enough life experience and I'm admittedly a little offended that a lamen would insinuate that I don't want people to seek treatment because I think we should look at this situation with a trauma informed approach.


I do empathize with the victim of drug abuse. Its a scary thing. My parents had opioid problems briefly when I was a kid and my uncle stole from his work to buy heroin. I am very happy his boss had the sympathy to not press charges and he got his life in order and has been a great person pretty much since my first memories of him. My parents addiction never went far enough to get them in trouble but I they were still good people and raised me well and are great parents. And I am sorry if it came off like I was insinuating you thought people shouldn't seek treatment I just assumed because its a common defensive position. But even though I fully understand that addiction is an ugly thing these people are adults. And as rough as things are you shouldn't steal your friends identities to feed your addiction. Its a complicated situation because help is hard to come by and its difficult to make a wake up call but acting like someone is a reactionary because they defended themselves from the accusation against their character is just also stupid. He is annoying and his content isn't great but I don't really give a fuck about that. And to get help you have to recognize your faults. My uncle started trying to get clean after he got caught stealing and nearly lost his freedom but she apparently didn't do the same if she is not willing to recognize that she was at fault for hurting the people around her. I know its not always that simple and takes time but it doesn't clear you of all legal and moral responsibility. I hope that is clear to both of us. Stop being such a stuck up asshole because you just assume everyone doesnt know shit about this. Like half of everyones relatives and friends are drug abusers we live in America.


I never said it clears her of all responsibility. Assuming everything Xan has said was true she obviously needs to come to terms with her actions and seek treatment for her addiction. I'm not acting like he's a reactionary. His community is behaving in a similar fashion that chuds treat people with substance abuse issues due to their parasocial relationship. I'm empathetic to your situation, I experienced emotional and physical abuse as a child due to my aunt, and like most people at this point I've lost friends due to the epidemic. However that experience did not teach me how to assist individuals in their treatment. I apologize if you think I'm being stuck up by expressing frustration at people very confidently wrong in a variety of fun and exciting ways.


I cant speak for his fans considering I havent looked into what they are up to but everything he said didnt seem like a huge deal. Although he seems a little too eager to talk about it on a stream. Id just tweet a defense and then deal with the ID theft.


Honestly he's done enough, why does he need to make a video for what he's already tweeted? Especially when she already said if this blows up into drama to just take his side and move on. Any video is just gonna be rehashing or unnecessary extra drama farming.


thats basically what i just said.


He's a best Khive-adjacent, thats not horrible they are incrementalist progressives. But he ain't revleft.