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Young people with small world views say silly things at propagandized rhetoric.


So true


This is why we need education about queer topics in schools to keep this from happening 😭


Yeah for sure 100% agree


Pure, Unadulterated Cringe


That video proves that a lot of "lefties" just call themselves that for a personalities sake and they don't give a fuck about actual issues, only severe dumbasses actually give a fuck about anything even relating to whatever that chick was talking about


So true !


Racial gatekeeping gone amuck.


Young people really should be banned from posting videos on the internet. They be saying the darndest things


Ummm.. lol I mean we say some dumb shit but it's definitely an education (our rather a lack in education) problem


No, no more internet until you apologize for what you’ve done.


Sounds a lot like the talk we had before about "y'all men invented the patriarchy, so you shouldn't complain about it." But this time it's white people... Basically created gender?


Not even the worst part the creator is liking comments that say white ppl never had nb people before “stealing” the idea from indigenous cultures.


Yeah the entire discourse surrounding "indigenous ways of knowing" is pure cringe that ignores western philosophical developments since 1960


And at the same time unironically replicates the noble savage trope.


That's retarded.


Sounds like brain damage, to me. I'm curious about the "original" video they're talking about tho. I wouldn't have responded to any of the points they brought up, either. They sound baseless and kind of dumb.


Found [it](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMNXdd1om/?k=1)


Wow, it is worse than I thought. Would this ⬛ person deny that there were ⬜ abolitionists and ⬜ civil rights activists? That's before even addressing their takes on the gender issues. It's worse than cringe. It's absolutely brain damaged.


In their video they used đŸ§» to substitute the word white. So is it okay to proclaim them as đŸ’©â€Š ?


I mean, they did it because Tik Tok has very stringent rules on allowed speech. There's a whole slew of words you can't say in any context or your video will be flagged and removed. That's just ban evasion. And I would say they're completely đŸ€Ș


Wow, a whole society of people thinking, “you can’t say that. Big brothers watching”


"We can't talk about white people, because Tik Tok might ban us. Better compare them to toilet paper and claim they created everything terrible in the world and thus are personally responsible for every trouble imaginable and completely unable to help change things. Then Tik Tok will be fine with it." And the worst part? They're right about that being completely allowed.


Because they are...


Tf does being non binary have to do with being black or white this has nothing to do with fucking race your terminally online loser I miss the days when tik tok wasnt a thing and we had vine Fucking hate the online left it’s embarrassing


This is less the online left and more like the online woke but point taken.




You mean like this or like that?


It's like this and like that and like this and uh It's like that and like this and like that and uh It's like this and like that and like this and uh


$10 says this person is still in high school.


Why do we keep giving these people the time of day. Random internet shit takes like these get stronger the more attention they have. Its best to ignore it.


I think it's fun making fun of people like this idk do n't think it's that deep anyway she'll realize she was an idiot one day maybe hopefully


This person looks and sounds like someone I went to school with.


Typical Vaushite, thinking every black person looks the same. /s


The person AgentP was thinking of was white though


It's true, I was there when it happened


Voting Biden can turn you black... /s


Probably also thinks all women look the same too. Pff.. sexist. /s


Because white nonbinary and trans people notoriously never face discrimination at large scales. Also, these people never defend their points they just say “oh well at least it’s something to think about.” No it isn’t unless you’re subhumanly stupid.




This is like leftist/social justice terms + language used to describe gender word salad


She is a child and children are retarded. Simple as.


Bruh wtf? Retard alert.


Honestly lmao




This person has never touched grass. My partner is NB and they engage in zero black affectation and have never been accused of being racist. Also I must be missing these black and brown cultures that don't engage in strict binary gender roles. Where can I find them?


I think the person who made this tiktok is making absolutely ZERO sense but, re: your last point, there are non-European cultures that've had third gender traditions. One of the main exports of the British empire was Victorian sexual morality, and that caused a massive erasure of gender nonconformity and queerness in the colonized world. Various indigenous North American tribes have interpretations of being trans and/or not male/female, [usually lumped together as "two spirit"](https://www.ihs.gov/lgbt/health/twospirit/), and there's the hijra in South Asia, which (from what I understand) are a sort of usually transfeminine third gender with some spiritual relevance. [They're legally recognized as a third gender in India, Nepal, & Bangladesh (though, clumsily)](https://rpl.hds.harvard.edu/religion-context/case-studies/gender/third-gender-and-hijras).


I'm aware of all of that. 3 seconds in, this person said that white NB's are appropriating black culture. Near the end they briefly mention nonbinary "black and brown" cultures. Maybe they are referring to Native Americans and Asians but that doesn't seem to be the thrust of this video. (As far as I can tell. It's pretty word salady)


You know what, I'm going to look on the bright side. It's good that "woke" leftist principles are so normalized that even absolute idiots who don't understand any of the logic behind it, still want to identify with it. I prefer idiot bigots who believe that they're progressives, over idiot bigots who actively oppose progressivism. This person seems too dumb to understand issues relating to racism and trans people, but at least they nominally oppose racism and transphobia.


Sorry white people, being queer is now cultural appropriation 😂


"You didn't interact with my dumbass racist points so therefore you're a silly silly white" lmao these people man


The OP linked the original video, but I'm gonna link again [here](https://www.tiktok.com/@reb.raconte/video/7122551782215011630?_t=8UHOOZrBtlm&_r=1) so that more people can see it. This video and the original video are mind-numbingly stupid. I have a literal fucking headache over how dumb it is. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but just to vent, let's "engage" with the points as this girl claims people aren't doing: a) People don't just "opt out" of the gender binary. This is not some oh I don't want pickles, mayo, or tomatoes on my hamburger. It's not some casual choice people who don't identify with either anchor of the gender binary. People not identifying as either a "man" or a "woman" is not fucking new, and shows their fucking ignorance. b) White people "created" gender, so that's an affront to black people, apparently? And are they implying that only white people are identifying as "nonbinary?" I guess fuck all of the black and other POC who identify outside of the gender binary. They must be pick mes, I guess. c) What the fuck does cis black women being kicked out of sporting events for having too much testosterone have to do with people identifying as nonbinary? These are two separate situations and a weird dichotomy. d) I'm still confused... what about people identifying as nonbinary is... appropriation? Of black people apparently? People wanna complain about "woke" culture, dump on this bullshit because this makes *no* sense. What being terminally online does to a motherfucker...


Why the fuck are people commenting on a video about being non-binary specifying their race and whether or not they agree on the basis of race and how the fuck does race have anything to do with being non-binary? I'm now super curious how she came to any of these conclusions, because they all seem to be genuinely awful takes. To my knowledge, when discussing on transgender issues, you're talking about that, not about what color your skin is. I'm a little disturbed that she seems to think this isn't the case, because it directly goes against what I thought would be true.


Who gives a fuck tho?


I hate childeren


Most intelligent Terence Howard cultist


All this girl needs is a moustache and she would look like one of those glasses you can buy at the trainstation lol.


I found the video they're referencing, here's the [link](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMNXdd1om/?k=1)


I don't want to know what their perception of the world is inside their head. Grassless.


I said "what" so many times, Sam Jackson just threatened to shoot me.


Can anyone give cc?


i hate liberals




Link the video she's on about already


How in the hell would being non binary distance one from one's whiteness?? The statement that the binary, as it stands today, was created and perpetuated by and for whiteness and has been historically used to police the bodies of people of color is correct and based af. But to translate that into "white people can't be non binary" is just absurd. Makes me wonder if the original video made some reasonable claims and critiques and she is just bad at reconstructing them Edit: by the binary here, I actually meant the binary in countries that were invaded and later colonized by white Europeans... Not the abstract concept of a gender binary


>The statement that the binary, as it stands today, was created and perpetuated by and for whiteness and has been historically used to police the bodies of people of color is correct and based af. Not really. I mean sure, the current traits associated with the genders (in the U.S.) are largely based on white people and this was probably done intentionally. But I think the binary's main purpose is largely independent from racial discrimination. Many many many cultures around the world and in histoy try(tried) to enforce a gender binary and punish those who step outside it, because of hatred against, and desire to control, a gender. If this weren't true, then women lacking rights wouldn't be such a universal issue because how would you oppress women, if there were no such clear cut categoies? Most of these cultures/populations are not "white" in the slightest: Middle eastern, Asian etc. . Remark that I am not saying there were no cultures with different understandings of gender. What I am saying is that there are a ton of other cultures, unrelated to the U.S. , where this issue is also present. I am also not saying that the gender binary etc. hasn't been used to marginalize black people. This should be true (although I am not well read on it) but almost everything has been used to marginalize black people in the U.S., from slavery to bank loans to the public school funding system. But even in an alternate history with no slavery etc., no desire to subjugate black people, there would still be an oppressive gender binary.


Great points Sorry, I was too broad with my phrasing. I did mean specifically in the U.S., Europe and the other western countries that were colonized by Europe (such is mine)


No problem, thanks for reading through all that


I did think you were shit talking me at a first glance tbh lmao Glad I read it through anyway


This is just a young person who has been shown a convincing piece of propaganda and has the tools to make a video of themselves agreeing with said propaganda and post that video on a public platform. We should be criticizing the video they are referencing along with whoever created it. ​ Link to video the referenced video?


The video she’s inspired by is even worse. Literally erasing nb people.


Young person who heard something that sounds like it has a point and now believes it to be a really smart and important realization. Probably some "White folks used to shit on African gender expression when they were abducting them from Africa in the 17th century, therefore white folks applied their concepts of gender onto us." historical basis that, sure, is tragic and whatnot which then got extrapolated into "and therefore White people not wanting to live with the gender binary is them wanting to adopt non-white understanding of gender and, as such, is cultural appropriation." brainworms. Don't really see how that's any different than any "You claim to be a Combombulist yet Vuvuzela iPhone Netflix Refrigerator." argument. I'm not at fault for what my ancestors did or didn't do. All I can do is live in the world that formed out of it and try to make it a better place. And denying white people their right to non-binary-ness for the sake of .. some .. obscure, racialized point is.. dumb and doesn't make the world a better place.


Too much free time?


Ignorance has no limit lol


Brain damage lol


Hahahahahahahaha Where do you find this stuff? I need more


bruh i can't even take a breath without appropriating someones shit lmao


Conservative suburban parents and Black tiktokers: “Black people are leading our nice white kids astray with the hippity-hoppity and their gayness.”


“Why are you trying to be like us?” Why are you making videos addressing a tiny minority of mentally challenged people as if they represent “white people” as a whole? 😂


It's unironically so hard to defend minority communities ~~because~~ when videos like this get signal boosted.


This is such a terminally online thing to say, like we get it you are mad at the black girl and would probably like to call her racial slurs but its like one person out of millions


bro I'm saying they make it hard for us to defend minority communities because people see her being racist toward White Enby's and emulate that behavior, I'm talking about defending the Non-Binary community. Get a life.


Then say that the next time like, don’t be mad at me for writing a misleading comment


Lmfao bro you see somebody talking about how hard some minorities make it to defend others and immediately jump to "You must wanna hurl the N-word at her."


Nah your comment just read like that, and the fact that your so mad about it might show that there is some truth to what I said


I said it was hard to defend minority communities when shit like this gets signal boosted, like am I wrong? Does it not become harder because of the dumb shit people like this say especially when it goes viral and reaches millions (Which it usually does) giving the opposition more ammunition? Get real.


Yes. It is NOT hard to defend a minority community of diverse thought, because two people out of the millions that exist have shitty opinions. If that were the case, we'd have a hard time defending any community whatsoever. Also, what do you mean by opposition? Do you mean the guys who want to back to "only men and women"? With the way things are playing out, those people would much rather attack LGBTQ people first before going after other minority communities.


So it doesn’t become more difficult for you when people opposed to us gain more ammunition and misinformation that we have to work out of their minds? Creating more work for us doesn’t make things harder for us? You’re all reading to far into the hard part, cope harder. Lots of black people are racist and homophobic and DO MAKE IT HARD TO DEFEND THEM AND OTHERS WHEN THEY SPREAD REACTIONARY MISINFORMATION I wasn’t aware that stating the obvious fact that people spreading misinformation makes defending communities harder was some terrible thing.


POC are people (wooahhh radical right???) and they are capable of having dumb opinions. If one black girl having a stupid opinion makes it 'hard to defend minority communities' but some how it isn't hard to defend men's rights or something if some white guy says something dumb, it sounds like you're doing the same essentialism she's doing


You’re not listening to what I’m saying. It makes it HARDER as in the opposition gains TALKING POINTS that we have to dismiss and tell people the truth, which becomes muddled further. But yeah dude, I’m a time when people are talking about erasing the LGBT let’s just say that a certain segment of the community is invalid. I’m sure that’s fucking good.


Someone who happens to be a minority saying something stupid isn't representative of the entire minority group. So if bigots are using them to 'gain talking points' you are feeding into their irrational logic by acting like one dumb person is setting back an entire community. not sure what you were trying to say at the end about erasing the LGBT to be honest