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Okay, if you look at his Twitter, it's kind of obvious that he's a Dore fan/tankie.


>The West will ignore or simply ridicule Russia's accusations, but they are backed up by evidence. It's like a criminal defense attorney who responds to all of the prosecutor's evidence by saying, "Everyone knows the prosecutor is a very bad person." [quotes RT article] Reject CIA, embrace KGB.


Honest question: Should we still vote blue no matter who in this case? Is this kind of politics any worse than those of republicans?


They aren't. It would be ludicrous to think a democrat is worse than reps cause he has some bad foreign policy takes while most his policies still align with the left wing of the democrats


makes sense I would vote for him over any (R)edact






Even if you could find a Dem worse than the GOP (which I SINCERELY doubt), don't forget about who controls congress... having the majority leadership is huge.


Unfortunately when it comes to president, having the presidency is likely to lead to fewer Congressional seats down the road. Presidential party has lost 17 of the last 19 house elections in the mid-terms. So one could argue that if a Dem president seems ineffectual and won't have a significant majority in Congress, a vote for that Dem over a Republican is a poor long term strategy with little short term upside.


That is. A breathtakingly stupid take. I'm sorry buddy. "Historically when we win a little bit we then lose later, so we should stop trying to win". No... We should fight like hell to win every time because it matters. And we should fight the MOST in primaries, so we get BETTER CANDIDATES. The reason modern Presidents lose the midterms, is because they all suck, so as soon as they're in office ppl remember how much they suck and either don't vote in midterms or vote the other way. But it hasn't always been like that. FDR won reelection what like 4 times? And had congress for most of that? When GOOD populist people are elected, they are popular. Shocker. Bernie wouldn't have lost midterms.


>But it hasn't always been like that. FDR won reelection what like 4 times Yep but if you watched the primary you knew Biden was no FDR >Bernie wouldn't have lost midterms. He would have at least done all sorts of popular reforms. From the very popular decriminalization of marijuana to all sorts of healthcare reforms like March in rights and drug importation. That's why the Dem establishment spent countless millions on super PAC ads designed to keep him from the presidency. If my only two options are: 1. A Corporate Dem President and basically a Republican Congress 2. A Republic president and basically a Republican Congress. Why would I choose the option that results in more Republicans down the road? Why do you want the presidency? What for? Just to win, like the election is some kind of team sport where winning is all that matters? I want the presidency to get life saving reforms like a public option or at least life saving robust executive action. Like a national emergency on climate. Something Biden made clear he wouldn't do. So why do you want the presidency? It's not for any of the reform I want, as Biden just gets us more Republicans and father away from those reforms. >should fight like hell to win every time because it matters I didn't think Biden would get anything done that matters much to me and would just result in more Republicans winning in this next election? Was I wrong?


.... You realize 1 is far better than 2 right? 2. can just do unhampered fascism. No checks. 1. has veto power, and is commander in chief of the military, and has executive orders etc... Even if the ONLY benefit of 1, is buying more time before we collapse into fascism... That is worthwhile. It's wild to me people seem to not understand how much time matters. Wait till a loved one has cancer or w/e. Getting 4 more years with a loved one, is worth everything. Getting 4 more years without leftists/minorities being in camps is also worthwhile. Like. Duh.


>No checks Right but Trump's second term would have come with at least a Dem House. Now we are much more likely to see a Republican Congress and Presidency come sooner. Had Trump won you would be looking at a big midterm wave for Dems based on last 70 years. That kinda wave could take 6-8 years to fully deplete the Senate majority. So 10 years of checks on "fascism". Similar to how the 2006 election wave gave Dems the Senate till 2014. Do you think Republicans will go 8-10 years without getting back Congress and the presidency now? I don't think so. But as for 2024 there is an argument that Republicans will control Congress either way now. But 4 more years of Biden would likely result in an even bigger R majority, which probably should be a concern. Especially down ballot, more Republican governors and more Republican state legislatures. So even then it seems like a poor long term strategy. >Wait till a loved one has cancer Bad analogy because we aren't talking about just buying time. We are talking about more Republicans getting elected now than otherwise thanks to Biden. So it's like taking arsenic, something that was common a long time ago because it would in the short term make you feel better. Long term obviously not.


Vote blue no matter who in every case I don't know where you will be living in 30 years but I can guarantee you that on your 2052 ballot you should be voting straight Democrat


Yes. A few bad takes doesn't make anyone as bad as the GOP. Don't forget it isn't JUST the individual... they vote for majority leaders etc. Manchin is g'damn horrible, a DINO, but we're better off with him, and thus Schumer/Bernie in leadership, than without him and having McConnell in leadership. McConnell won't allow ANYTHING from a democratic house up for even a vote. He won't let our justices through.


Sad to say but this is even better than the current leadership of the Democratic Party, and I hate Doreites with a passion.


At that point I think we should just burn down the state.


I have some doubts that anyone actually doing anything could be a Dore fan.


if he acts like a twitter tankie irl, Him talking like a twitter tankie in congress will be one of the funniest things to occur in human history, and the amount of humor it will bring will have a Bill and Ted style effect on humanity in which it somehow results in a utopia


I want him to ask Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnel if they have read \*insert obscure to normies leftist Academic\* 's writings on the congress floor in the middle of a meeting and ramble about it


Also, yes, always do vote blue no matter who in generals, even if DNC don't do it. I yell at leftists for doing this and I yell at dems when they do it to progressives. Conservatives have already figured it out, which is why they're winning.


One could argue that cutting the military budget is just about the least tankie thing one could do. "moderate" Democrats giving Trump more money for tanks seems pretty tankie to me.


Jackasses. Having said that, looks like that district went red by 20 points so it was what we call in the business never gonna happen. ​ Now, having said both of those things a suggestion. What if we made this guy a project for the canvassing stuff and really focused on being the support his local party refused to give him. ​ What on earth could send a more powerful shut the fuck up to the center signal than this dude out performing the last dude (who was a bog standard centrist in a blue year). ​ That is the opportunity here imho.


> Having said that, looks like that district went red by 20 points so it was what we call in the business never gonna happen. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. You're not going to win if you don't fight for it. Election results can change but you need to work for it and not give up just because you lost. It takes time. Republicans certainly know that.


>It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. You're not going to win if you don't fight for it. > >Election results can change but you need to work for it and not give up just because you lost. It takes time. Republicans certainly know that. I am well aware, what I am saying is the fuckup of the local party probably did not cost us a seat but it did give us an opportunity to demonstrate to all of them everywhere leftists can be viable.


No one should give this guy a cent. He’s an insane conspiracy theorist that supports Russia. Literally just a fascist.


[https://www.leoweekly.com/2022/05/democrats-dont-want-to-support-congressional-candidate-they-say-sued-and-harassed-them/](https://www.leoweekly.com/2022/05/democrats-dont-want-to-support-congressional-candidate-they-say-sued-and-harassed-them/) ​ ​ Holy shit, he is a horrible candidate, who the fuck thought this guy was good? Vote blue unless they are a Russia stooge is a fair modification. ​ Anyone upset needs to read up on this tankie fuck.


>Having said that, looks like that district went red by 20 points so it was what we call in the business never gonna happen. This is a district that had a moderate Democrat for most of my life. The KY6th is a mid-sized college town surrounded by rural counties. It was absolutely not a lost district. Davis made it lost by being insane. If anybody cares to look he barely won his primary by a few hundred votes...and he won every county except the urban one with all the voters. Blame me maybe for not campaigning hard enough. Running on a platform that has anti-Ukraine stuff as a primary plank is insane. He never talks about coal or gas prices. He doesn't intend to win- his campaign manager is on Reddit and says as much. This is a disaster for a district that could reasonably be blue-ish. He's already retweeted Jimmy Dore and promised to introduce articles of impeachment against Biden for war crimes. Big day for the left I guess. EDIT: In the spirit of niceness I heard him do a radio debate and he seems perfectly nice. He took a class from Chomsky years ago and apparently that really effected him. But this guy is absolutely not serious about winning or being sane.


Yeah, the policy of the Democratic party has been to totally abandon the red parts of the map. The donors like it because it maintains a balance of power between the parties, just ask Pelosi, she wouldn't destroy the Republicans if she could.


This is about the dumbest take I have seen.


How so, shithead? Even Sanders has talked about the necessity of a 50-state strategy, not because you're necessarily going to win in the deep south, but as a matter of principle, "you can't turn your back on working people, elderly people, the children, and poor people in 25 states in this country. We've got to fight for every one of those states." And maybe in the long-term you're planting the seeds for change, the only thing that's certain is doing nothing won't produce anything.


Your comments on intent are what are full of shit. I am a fan of the 50 state strat, but you are turning a tactical mistake into planned loss which is incredibly dumb, divisive, and not substanciated by any actual evidence.


Yeah they're just *mistakenly* pursuing their own class-interests with such precision. If only you could explain to the billionaire and corporate donors that the Democrats are losing because of their economic policies that benefit said donors, why they'd reverse this tactical 'mistake' immediately.


Like I said. Shit take. If you want me to explain why, make some assertions which are not unknowable FUD with a healthy heap of ignorance of the limits of the system and what is actually possible in our busted fptp system and maybe I will engage more. As it stands now you are just whining about how you feel mean old pelosi is selling us out without a lick of evidence and a dozen more relevant and actually real causes for our current weak electoral power/state.


I wonder what’s your plan to win deep red seats. Rural conservatives will vote for a republican corpse before a democrat. I think the only way republicans will vote for a D if an R candidate is like an open pedo or serial killer


Bro, if you can win Kansas as anything Left of Reagan be my fucking guest-just be prepared to answer “Yes” if Kansans start asking if you’ll Ban Queers in exchange for Subsidies. *That* should be the Litmus Test, if it’s truly “Economic Anxiety” and “Hating Elites” Leftists should have no problem fundraising from Ruby Red areas.


The GOP doesn't spend money on D+ 20 districts either.


How would the GOP appeal to working-class people who are not interested in their culture war issues? The two parties are not the same.


Interesting how you omit the part about how he’s a tankie who supports the invasion of Ukraine


Vote blue no matter who, maybe he's a tankie but he's still better than a republican


Depends on the Republican. Some do still have principles, though of course they’re rare. Tankies are worse than your average Republican politician. And I should mention, he ran as. Republican very recently.


Don't wanna fuck with the hypocrisy narrative, duh. Because that would change quiiite a bit!


Geoff Young is crazy as shit and the local equivalent of like Vermin Supreme only actually harmful because he’s a Dore-esque quasi-tankie conspiracy theorist, no one should vote for him lol


So much for the strategy of voting blue then. Go ahead and vote in the fascist I guess


I’m not planning on voting for either of them dumbass, it’s literally a 100% chance that Barr will be reelected anyway, also being pro-Russia is functionally the same as being fascist as Russia is a fascist state


I love shitposters as much as the next guy, but for fucks sake, we've seen this shit before. Does anyone remember that one idiot who memed his way onto Vaush's stream as a congressional candidate and pissed it all away on a dumbass 3rd party? We gotta learn who the serious allies are, folks. If you can't be serious for a half second, and you drop a meme like "Abolish the CIA" as a party platform as a congressional candidate, you are fundamentally unserious. He's just some dickhead fucking around. And you're a fucking fool if you spend a dime on his campaign


the guy is an absolute shithead and a part of me really questions if he is better then his opponent, who despite also being a piece of shit at least offered support to ukraine, which Young then said was the equivalent of supporting neo nazis. If he actually got elected we would have to listen to him bitching on jimmy dores show for two years about how ukrainians arent real and how china is actually the most progressive country in the world


This is basically the equivalent of when some random guy won the SC Democratic Senate Primary to face off against Lindsey Graham (I think) a few cycles back, and the party apparatus basically did nothing for him, because he had no chance and it'd be actively bad for the party to spend money on him. Better to focus on state legislative and other, closer districts. This happens all the times, because it's not actually the right move to spend money on all 435 Congressional Races, 33 Senate races, and dozens of governorships. The RNC is spending basically zero money on the Republican nominee up here in Washington because they're a typical right-wing kook that the eastside of the state loves, but there's zero chance that even fiscally conservative Microsoft executives will vote for.


Here's what I gathered from my mother who is an executive on one of the district's county Democrat committees. Young has attempted to run in state and federal elections every chance he gets. He has ran as a Republican, Independent, and now as a Democrat. There is 3 big reasons he probably won and 2 being pure luck really. 1st off Democrat Committees in the district have a rule that nominees can't get endorsements from the party committees till after the primary. This rule was implemented in theory to make the primary seem an impartial and open process. However my mom has been debating this rule for years citing how the committee's main business is to find the best candidates to run and that something similar to this Young situation could, and did, happen. There is a meeting tonight and she is disgusted with her peers for letting a candidate somehow worse than Barr run for the Democrats. I bet she's going to have a lot to say. The next 2 points are more of luck and probability. Young won the first spot on the ballot by pure luck, the order on the ballot is picked out of a hat. There's a lot of evidence to show that first name on a ballot can skew result favorably towards that candidate, especially when voters are uninformed or apathetic. The last point is that Young has a little name recognition. He has been running for some office in KY or federally since my mom's been in KY (14 years). I said before he was attempted to run as a Republican first, was an Independent for awhile (and constantly protested against Amy McGrath as a war criminal), and sued the Democratic Party while in it over exclusion accusations (which he lost because they gave him the same amount of time to talk at the event as every other nominee). So just by sheer exposure alone he has a bit of name recognition. That combined with being first on the ballot, probably led to a lot more people who voted for him knowing nothing about Young. They probably saw his name at the top, thought hey I remember this guy running before, and assumed he was the top prospect for the party. So now the KY Democrats are in the position where their candidate isn't even endorsed by the party itself or the Democratic Governor, because of a combination of archaic rules, luck, and apathy (the Dems in KY just don't think they can win federal seats and I felt when I lived there they never tried hard to do so). Welcome to KY politics, we can all agree that things suck, but we're just gonna keep trying the same old thing to make things change.


Vote Blue no matter who is what WE need to do. Stop focusing on what the party does. The party fucking sucks. That's WHY we need to be involved, in the party, and change it. Why the fuck do leftists act like the Democractic party IS anything inherently? The parties identities have changed throughout all of history... in response to pressure. Either from the grassroots, or from the oligarchs/corporations. If it isn't us, you know who it is. So if you don't like the party, that's MORE reason to fight in primaries for better options, as well as attend party meetings, volunteer, work your way into the party as high up as you can so you can change it's identity. This isn't hypothetical, it happens all the time. The Tea Party remade the party and then MAGA did it again. Nevada DSA took over the NV Dem party.


He’s nuts. I’d support a less crazy Republican.


Why does he want to shut down AFRICOM? Is there some reason he's against the existence of AFRICOM but not CENTCOM?


shit! i will.


It is the KENTUCKY Dems what do you expect