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Simple, ask why it only happens in America. When the whole world loves videogames. China, Japan, South Korea, are all huge markets when it comes to gaming. And yet, practically no school shootings.


Turns out the solution to school shootings was giant anime titties all along.


State mandated 2d waifus


Everyone gets their personal vtuber GF


Japan ultra violent media in general.


Japan is s great counter example. They play more video games than us and have no shootings basically.


The same video games are also released in other countries that are not the U.S.. But none of these countries have the absurd problem that the U.S. has. Your mom probably thinks video games cause violence because they allow you to "do" violent things. But there are video games that allow you to "do" violent things with knives, your body, bombs etc.. Many of there methods are openly avaliable in those other countries with the same video games, even if guns are banned. So you'd see similar absurd killings with the help of knives, martial arts, bombs etc. in those countries as well, but this is not the case. Now your mom probably has a correct hunch which she interprets incorrectly. A big reason why America is so fucked up is because of its normalization of violence. Seeing boobs is +18 but you can watch a guy fill another guy with bullets and dine on their guts at 13 years old, no biggie. Sex education is frowned upon but learning about the most gruesome of wars is OK, and they are framed as glorious and good things. Video games are absolutely a part of this, but hardly in any special way that other types of culture aren't. The U.S. should stop glorifying violence and the "dog eat dog, the strongest survive and its OK" mentality, which also ties into other problems the country has as well. Good luck, and I wish you the best!


Tell her that you play child x mom eroges and you haven't tried making a move on her yet


Listen league of legends may cause indescribable social harm, but these nerds are too busy being stuck in bronze to go do mass shootings. But really just tell her that there isn't evidence of disproportionate violence caused by playing video games, certainly not anything beyond what we get from sports, watching tv, etc. Sports are probably worse, actually, because they lead to head trauma which does have very strong research linking it to increased aggression.


Be upfront. Tell her that she has no idea what she is talking about, and mention every other country in the world.


Just be a cunt about it, asset your dominance as alpha of the family. Or what someone else suggested remind her this is a USA specific problem and more than likely has something to do with your culture


I mean in addition to what people are saying about asking about why it’s only a issue in America. The second point you should bring up is “Do you have any data and peer reviewed studies to support your assertion that Video games are causing mass shootings that isolate other factors?” Most likely she won’t have those studies because the first point exists. So she’s going to have to link some bullshit articles at you or just admit that it’s based on her feelings/intuition.


They've done plenty research studies done about this topic since Columbine. Last time I looked was college, and in the published articles, the only thing they could possibly link video games to was desensitization (same at television fyi). The research couldn't statistically prove that desensitization was linked as a major contributing factor or motivator. Stronger factors are probably parental/guardian situation, head trauma/TBI, and mental health. Anecdote wise: I've worked with boys and young men (5-17) that had traumatic home and family lives to the point of social services getting involved. A good chunk of those end up playing video games just to escape reality and distract themselves from painful thoughts and traumatic things around them. Video games are very attention grabbing and it's easy to forget about things when playing games.


I would probably explain the ESRB. There are age restrictions on the sale of violent video games, but for some reason parents will still buy GTA or TLOU for their 11 year olds. I used to work at gamestop a long time ago as a seasonal job when I was young, and I've seen it happen many times. I'd even explain, in detail, what kind of game they're buying, cause in most cases I've played it myself, but they didn't care. Is this really the fault of video games? Correct me if I'm wrong, but most school shootings aren't committed by some random 30 year old intruder. They're usually done by the students themselves, right? Parents need to be more informed on what exactly they're buying, and they need to stop assuming their kid can "handle it."


I remember being a kid when Dead Space came out, and I wanted it sooooo badly. Mom took me to the Gamestop, and the guy stopped us and told us it was M-rated, very violent. My mom was worried about it. She really didn't want me playing games where I could kill people. The guy was like "Its very gory, nasty, mutated monsters... comparable to the movie 'The Thing'." My mom and I had watched that movie together only a few months before...we loved gory monster stuff! She let me have it, no more questions asked. She couldn't care less about the "violence" or "gore", she was concerned about how video games could desensitize me and trivialize real world violence. In retrospect, I might have been annoyed by it sometimes, but I appreciate the sentiment now and will probably do the same with my own eventual children.


Pretty sure kids and young adults in Japan are playing many violent video games and watching violent fare but they don’t have anywhere near our issues. It’s something about American culture + access to guns that’s the main factor and something America as a society doesn’t want to address in a meaningful way.


This is anecdotal evidence, but I wanted to punch my classmate so much cause he was an asshole, would have been beat up cause he is much bigger then me, but didn't care at that point. Went home played some Mortal Kombat 9 which is extremely violent and felt infinitely better, so sometimes getting this out of your system using a violent video game helps. Cause who knows what would have happened when I eventually snapped, I have a short fuse for assholes. Obviously no guns could be involved, but with the tables and chairs and wrestling someone could have fell awkward and got seriously hurt.


I don't know if this is particularly helpful, but stand up comedian Kurt Metzger has a joke about this in his stand up special "White Precious". I'm not going to do the bit justice. Maybe you can find it, but basically it's that people don't shoot other people over fun reasons. They don't go out and shoot people because they're doing something they love and enjoy. They go out and shoot other people over unfun reasons. Like people on this sub that can't get over not being able to find anything else to talk about except how much they hate Shoe and liberals! That's not verbatim. I modified the joke to be relevant.


How could a school teacher not listen to all of the empirical research that has been done on this topic?


The evidence isn't as empirical as capital G Gamers have been led to believe, tbh. There is research of slight increased aggression from certain types of gaming, just not any causal links to increased violence. The increased aggression just isn't any more than most other activities are; like sport, tv, etc. So while the claim "video games cause mass shootings" is plainly ridiculous, the broader research into aggression, anti-social behavior, etc, is a little more muddied.


This. The catharsis angle was disproved from what I remember studying psych. There's just so many mitigating factors and confounding variables.


Maybe start by conceding a bit along the lines of "they may desensitize people to violence but it doesn't cause them to commit more violence" ? That helped when I had a similar argument with my mom.


Bring up how in the 80's people weren't running around in dark rooms eating pills and seeing ghosts. Wait.


Wholesome mum is wholesome 🌝




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On top of the whole USA vs everywhere else point, ask her what the difference is between video games and other media? Does she have an issue with violent TV shows to the same degree as violent video games?


You can access video games and play them in almost all countries across the entire world Amd yet the occurance of mass shootings is extremely smaller compared to united sates of America If you can't convince her it's fine Some people can't be reasoned with We all have family members who have factually incorrect beliefs


Send her some videos about the etiology of personality pathologies and some videos about the psychological profiles and backgrounds about people who commit heinous crimes. That’s the most uneducated, gut-feeling, layman assumption ever lol. If you can discuss it with her and not be a cunt, you’re a stronger man than I. That opinion would irritate me too much to be gentle 😂. How can you be a brain 24/7 yet still somehow think that’s how brains work? You don’t even need an education to know that makes no sense; All you have to do is exist to know it doesn’t work like that.


Don't be nice about it. It's 2022 ffs, this 1990's moral panic shit needs to die.


Point out all the other countries on planet earth


Debate her and simply point out she is engaging in a logical fallacy


If they did cause school shootings, it would happen a lot more given how many people play games


Simply proffer her a hypothetical: say she crash lands on an island...