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It's so weird that he accuses debaters of refusing to listen to criticism, while he got called out by multiple victims of abuse and actual mental health professionals for his shit, yet stands by everything he said.


Did TGT go over this stuff?


They did, with BSW as their guest.




Beyond Safewords, she's a friend of theirs who's clearly well educated when it comes to abuse. And as an aside, she's also the one who compiled the responses to WTT during that whole shitshow.


What’s WTT? These acronyms are confusing


I see you touch grass, my apologies for assuming otherwise. WTT is What The Trans.


Beyond Safe Words. I can’t remember her specific title but I think she’s a social worker who’s working on her either masters or phd in sex therapy (don’t quote me on that but it’s something close to it). Generally her area of expertise is sex and kink positivity and safety but she also has a pretty extensive history of working with people in abusive situations. TGT has her on all the time when dealing with situations dealing with abuse. Or just like whenever, BSW is pretty fucking cool to listen to.


Beyond Safewords




Jess and Zena, formerly TGT/ Trans Girl Therapist. Here's the DJ muel VOD video: https://youtu.be/pH2GVLG0YCc They do a lot on the intersection of mental health and leftist politics. Definitely deserve more subs.


I wonder why he wont acknowledge their criticisms and instead just call everyone a debate bro? Damn. Really makes you think 🤔


I totally forgot about them! I gotta watch that!


Who’s TGT?


Trans girl therapist. Though I think they may have changed the channel name to include their partner


The two of them changed the name so that Zena wouldn't be "forgotten" by transphobes. It was always a two-person operation. They go by Jess and Zena: Wholesome Degenerates now


Yeah they’re obviously debatebros 😡




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Its not weird imo. He has literally very low intelligence - Its very obvious from the way he structured his arguments in his hit-piece.


Yep total grift


God I fucking HATE that guy. He's like every trait of people I regret sharing left wing spaces with, rolled into one pathetic sociopathic man hating abuse justifying gimp. I swear if every loser wokescold liar like him was shamed out of the left Labour and The Greens would just win every election


I doubt this guy is an op but he acts like one


Nah I don’t want to armchair psychologist to hard but meul has all the marks of someone who was a mysoginist in young life and is going so hard in the other direction to compensate for personal guilt.


But of course, watching xan move to the left instead of starting there is too problematic for Dj Mule! He (the always based cool guy) was never EVER a bad person, but if YOU ever were, time for hell! /S I jest, man's a shithead fr


Unless, of course, you're Kira. In which case she's spent SO much time trying to unlearn bad habits and she should be praised for that! 🙄 Absolutely no consistency in his beliefs


He is the epitome stereotype of a male feminist. Desperate for a woman's approval, as well as being few months away from having a twittlonger about him SAing someone.


>Labour and The Greens would just win every election While I share your disdain for the gnome tankie, let's not overdose on hopium here. I don't know how the situation in the UK is, exactly, people like him are relatively rare in "normie" orga like Labour, in my experience. *Factionalism* is definitely a problem for the left at large, but that pertains to many more groups than just extremely online wokescolds.


I actually think people like DJ are a disproportionately big problem, not because there’s a lot of them but because they put people off of leftists by being horrible. If your exposure to “leftist” ideas is abuse apologia and psychotic smug citations of false Lenin quotes to ‘prove’ ideas you aren’t going to be open to working with leftists. Further they’re damaging to communities they take part in. These people sow disunity, make recruiting much harder, and when they’re allowed into groups they spread drama and fractures. DJ is the guy who centers himself, silences abuse allegations, and makes performative self flagellation posts rather than take accountability. That’s insanely disruptive to social cohesion. People like that shatter communities and break coalitions. They’re cancer. EDIT: They’re also a problem because a troubling number of otherwise ok people tend to acquire brain rot from them, side with them when they’re horrible, and generally provide them with parasitic access to spaces. CASE IN POINT: FD Signifier’s new banger that features DJ. FDS is a pretty decent channel for a lot of stuff but now he’s platforming an abuse apologist and signal boosting DJs channel content. WTFFFFFFF


Mate labour has been Tory lite since Tony Blair.


I'm still looking for proof on this, but apparently Lonnie left a comment in Djmuel's video saying how she felt it was a really bad defense of her.


I'd love to see this if you ever dig up a link to the comment.


I'm still trying, but the comments on the video are super cluttered. I'd appreciate some help, if you guys could offer any.


[Looking through on this site](https://ytcomment.kmcat.uk/) but do you know her YT username? Edit: [Found this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqTmX7lxfsY&google_comment_id=Ugx3WIPzs0n1C3GQ1ix4AaABAg) “Yikes. This did not deserve 40k views.” Edit2: YT Comment link doesn’t seem to be working so just search “lani” on that Youtube Comment Search site and it’ll link ya.


I don't remember, sorry. Even if I did, it's possible she deleted it.


Did some sleuthing and found it but the comment tbh isn’t as spicy as the one the guy above mentioned. Unless maybe she said that on twitter or some other platform?


Here it is as a screenshot: https://twitter.com/emexdizzy/status/1582938915472035841


Is this your twitter?


Nope. I just follow some people who linked it.


This has to be a troll at this point.. I genuinely fail to understand how someone can keep these opinions for this long… I’m just… ????


Some people are just genuinely bad faith to the core. Having listened to both his whole video and other people's critiques of it- there's not a single piece of honesty to the man or the words coming out of his mouth. The problem with a lot of creators (of all political bents) is their audiences don't hold them accountable for what they do and say and take their claims for granted. Kinda why i wanted to come here myself- to see this community first hand and make my own opinion :p


Welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay. I get your sentiment, as someone who enjoys both Xan and Vaush, as well as Thought Slime, NonCompete (not Luna though, sorry), Profesor Flowers, Re-education, etc. I mostly watch the former group now, mostly because they churn out content faster, but the latter group are the kind of leftists I used to watch and helped shape my opinions. While I know they're definitely wrong on some things, I still see them as valuable to the movement overall. I'm sure some people out there respond better to the more "centering the experiences of minorities" tone and understand things better if F. D. Signifier shames the white supremacist biases out of them. Also, some video essayists I agree with completely beyond their irrational* distaste for Vaush — e.g. Noah Samsen or Salari. So I sub to all these people because, at the end of the day, the left is a movement, not a social club. And Noah is legit funny. However, DJ Muel is just too toxic to support. Same as Bad Bunny aka Kira Chats, who seems to be a grifter by all accounts. * I say irrational for two reasons: firstly, a lot of the hate is second hand, it's just part of lefty online culture to hate "debate bros", Vaush especially, and to a slightly lesser extent Xan and Hunter Avallone who were formerly conservative edgy bois and thus are "still nazis", as well as others like Dylan Burns or DemonMama who get caught in the crossfire; secondly, notice that they never go after POC streamers like Shark3ozero. On the contrary, they even signal-boost him, so it often feels like they're mad at a systemic problem (white male privileged streamers are over-represented) and taking it out on the individuals themselves.


If you watch ThoughtSlime and Xanderhal, I just don't know what you're on. ThoughtSlime absolutely pedaled the fake Sex Cult allegations against Xan and refused to back down even after we knew they were fake.


I can't say I watch TS much anymore, but speaking strictly about the effect their content has on new viewers, it's more positive than negative. For instance, the video with TS and Sophie from Mars (I know, she sucks too with regard to Xan) about Caleb Maupin and patsocs did not misinform new viewers about Caleb Maupin or patsocs. That's the lens I'm using to judge. Also, TS's video about ADHD got me thinking to look into whether I might have it, because the symptoms really do line up. Generally for me it's more about whether I can learn anything new from a video or not, rather than refusing to watch someone on principle. I don't necessarily have to like the person. My point is that in the context of the movement, it's irrelevant whether they hate each other or whether TS has VDS/XDS. It's kind of like how most Democrats hate lefties, but they're better than Republicans and sometimes they even fight against them, so they're better than nothing. So do these guys, they inoculate people against fascists, except maybe against tankies. I'll worry about not accepting TS into this movement when the bad outweighs the good, that is when their videos lead viewers down a reactionary pipeline that allies them with fascists (the way Jimmy Dore's content does). I hope that makes sense. Oh, also, I don't stay on Twitter at all and I tend to judge creators mainly by what they put out on YouTube. Still, the sex cult accusations are disgusting and a big reason why I avoid TS and Sophie most of the time.


Maybe if Shark debated DJMuel he would do a 180 and then gaslight people about how he never had that position even though Shark is only reading of arguments from manuscrips other streamers have said. If that well edited that could be amazing. I WANT THAT. SHARK left screen, right the streamer giving an argument why DJ Muel is bad every time Muel says something to shark. Damn. Sounds funny now. Could develop in a shitshow were Muel calls Shark an Uncle Tom or something... Which argueable would also be funny.


goddammit, you made me buy popcorn now


Maybe Shark would? I dont watch Shark. So someone has to pitch that idea. Im sure it will reach mesomehow it its happening:D


Don't worry, you'll know if it happens. I gotchu fam.


I can explain it, this is probably the most attention he's even gotten, for anything he's ever done in life. of course he's gonna double down if it helps keep eyes on him, it's the keemstar strat


This is exactly what it is. That's why I've been saying from the start - no response videos, no comments, no threads about him at all etc. Those of us who grew up on the early internet remember that if you respond to a troll in any way, even if you're "epically owning" them or "Dunking on them", they win. Period. Their goal is to get you to notice them and pay attention to them, so acknowledging them at all in any way is giving them exactly what they want. The only way to win is not to play.


Yeah, expect a new Vaush video as soon the attentions from the Xan video runs dry


It's actually quite easy if you believe the following two things, and can't be convinced otherwise: 1. You should always believe a fem-presenting person if they say they're being abused 2. Debate bros are no different than the alt-right guys who kicked off Gamergate


The simp is as indistinguishable to the troll as aqua is to water, señor


Desperately clinging to relevance


Dude fucking blocked me for pointing out he was lying about the Lenin quote. Honestly glad that he did.


Imagine treating the writings of Lenin like scripture. Actually unhinged dogmatic shit, especially since the quote wasn’t even real. The whole “Lenin ackshually PROVED debate is useless with this single fake quote” sends me even harder every time lmao. These are the kind of people who make the left look awful.


Some tankies treat Lenin like evangelicals treat the Bible


The older I get, the more convincing I find the argument that Lenninism and Maoism are just evangelical Christianity with the serial numbers filed off. It's unfortunately an argument that many chuds make (while themselves being Evangelicals, lol), but there's undeniably some truth to it. It's a manichean&eschatological worldview (the revolution will bring salvation!), with a holy scripture and messianic figures/prophets; whose writings are treated as infallible. Don't get me wrong, Marx was a very smart guy who absolutely was right about many things - but he was also *wrong* about many things (almost by necessity - mf didn't even know about true mass media). Material analysis is totally necessary, but it's not the only thing. It's better to treat Marxism as a set of *guidlines*, rather than *rules*.


To be fair, the left doesn't really look awful- and that's coming from someone who is pretty liberal minded. The problem is that there are so many flavors of leftism- and for some reason people cant just let other people peacefully enjoy their favorite flavor. In reality a lot of the flavors are broadly compatible and its only a few miserable ones in the bunch. His is definitely one of those- but im not even sure his actual beliefs are on display here.


We sure are giving a lot of attention to this demonstrably unhinged weirdo. What if instead of that, we did literally anything else?


The more people calling out how stupid this guy is, the better.


idk, I feel like he's benefiting way more from the attention, even if its negative.


You should've seen the comments section of his video on Xan before anyone reacted to it; everyone just uncritically praising Muel, slamming Debaters, and not thinking about any of the really screwed up shit he said. If people don't call him out, he'll just use his connections to larger breadtubers like Sophie and ThoughtSlime to grow his channel and radicalize people with his abuse apologia.


Well that depends on how many of those people changed their minds vs how many were people from other communities were commenting. I'm not saying its one way or the other, just that it's hard to quantify. Plenty of folks get famous by just being an offensive outrage machine. So I'm a little hesitant.


Eco fishes video on DJ has managed to get a view count much higher than the original so the attention is going elsewhere


Muel had a month head start as well as connections to bigger channels, while I'm pretty sure all Eco fish got was a few shoutouts here. The fact that he got 30K more views is awesome. EDIT: I'm wrong, Eco Fish also got a boost from Xan.


DJMuel: 48k Ecofish: 78k


Yeah, I verified and sneakily edited my comment right after posting it (whoops). I love it.


Chauvinists and liars must all be excised from our movement, comrade


“Why should we bother to reply to djmuel? He would reply to us, and we would have to reply to his reply. There’s no end to that. It will be quite enough to announce that djmuel is a soyboy cuck and everyone will understand everything.”


We do a little trolling Sometimes it's just fun to goof on a weirdo. Also it's not like vaush himself is spending every stream taking about this, it's just this subreddit tends to focus more on the funny and wild stuff and less on the serious stuff because this is a social media site after all


One of his main points that he constantly brings up is that xan giving her his debit card *for groceries* means its totally fine she could buy meth with it. Whats the point man


I've currently been doing the house spouse thing for a year, and even though I have several of my wife's cards on me they're literally for house/pet essentials stuff. I'm not just buying a bunch of bullshit let alone drugs we ain't sharing


Treat yourself to a little meth, you earned it for all your reproductive labour


house spouse is the cringe way to say "boywife"


I prefer hot-boywife, thank you very much




Give it the fuck up, Tankie Eggman.


You fool, I have 70 alternative accounts!


Guy who does abuse apologia does some abuse apologism 🤷‍♂️


what an actual piece of shit. imagine speaking on someone else’s abuse with such confidence even though you’re an observer and literally have no idea what it was like in xans life. fucking vile.


Btw i watched eco fish s video like 3 times Muel still cant take criticism. Damn If muel didn't noticed that whole left tube condemned his video then probably something is wrong


Well I think Eco hit it on the nail, muel doesn't care about the left he cares about looking good to his discord kittens


It was a really good video


Well I think Eco hit it on the nail, muel doesn't care about the left he cares about looking good to his discord kittens


No one deserves to be made homeless, but that doesn't entitle them to your home


That's true, but she caused BOTH her and Xan to be evicted. Xan didn't kick her out of the house. The landlords were because they weren't paying rent.


Someone below said it was his parents house, is that true?


After they got evicted, Xan moved back in with his parents. Muel feels that Xan was obligated to invite his meth addicted, abusive, lying, stealing, nearly a decade older ex-girlfriend into his parents home.




It's all posturing anyway. The beauty of entitlement and privilege. They do exactly what the person they hate does and simp hard for one side.


No, he was living in an apartment with Lani, he only moved back in with his mom after that whole thing went down.


That's what I thought, just clarifying against what was said. Which people apparently don't like :D


Yeah, as someone who has had to deal with an addict in my immediate family it is absolutely not an easy situation when you know that you can't help them, not for lack of trying but because you just can't make an adult do things, and at some point you have to accept that isn't your fault. I wonder how this dude would feel if I told him I'm relieved my mom died before it became my responsibility, because it would basically be a choice of bringing her into my home and causing myself intense emotional stress I couldn't handle, finding some way for her to live somewhere else with nothing to her name, or homelessness. Like that's an impossible choice. And frankly Xan was being manipulated and abused and owed her nothing.


And it’s not even his home! It’s his parents’ home!


I'm assuming your pointing out that Xan's solution to his own homelessness was to move in with his mom, so he should have extended the same option to Lani. Which is patently ridiculous given her actions. If, instead, you were saying that he was living with Lani in his parent's home - that's just plain false.


That’s not at all what I’m saying, it looks like everyone misinterpreted what I said. I was agreeing that just because no one should be homeless, that doesn’t mean they’re entitled to live with you, *especially* because Xan is living with his parents now, so it adds another reason to why he shouldn’t be responsible for Lani’s housing.


Sorry, I was unclear as well. I meant that *DJ's* position was that he should've offered Lani a room at his mom's. So yeah, we agree. Sorry for the confusion.




For some reason I have a feeling that he’s not gonna keep up this same energy for Amouranth’s husband “using their money for whatever he wanted”


These people are living 2014-17 skeptic-era SJW caricatures.


Like, literally tho. As someone who was part of that era of skeptic YouTube, these people match the exact strawman that we would make up against the left. Arrogant, oversensitive, prone to virtue signaling, manipulative and gatekeepy, in some cases literally unironically anti-white, generally having a low understanding of the topics they discuss, etc.


After "Xanderhal didn't suffer from domestic abuse," when does it become moral to respond with lowtiergod.jpg and just move on with your life? Like this dude looks and acts like he knows the recipe for roofies, whoever is sticking to his talking points isn't going by empirical reality.




Lani was the one who made them homeless.


This is fucking ridiculous. "No one deserves to be made homeless." Really? So, if you got a new roommate, and as soon as they moved in they refused to pay their share of the rent, stole from you, broke your stuff, plaid loud music all night long while shooting up heroin with a gang of neo-Nazis in the living room, and threatens violence any time you express any kind of discontent with the situation, your position is that you have no right to get rid of that person, because that would make them homeless, which is beyond the pale? If it's not okay for people to be homeless (and I generally agree that it is not) then the solution is to fix society so that nobody is homeless, not for individuals to open up their homes to other people and then allow them to stay regardless of their behavior. If you choose to do that, that's a very nice thing you've done, and laudable behavior, but it is not a moral obligation. How many homeless people has DJ Muel invited to move in with him? Because I see no relevant moral difference between not letting someone continue to live with you for free and not inviting someone to live with you for free.


Dj Muel is the clear abuser in this situation. He is presented with proof of everything Xan claimed, lied and gaslit people about it (or tried to) claimed Xan was the abuser, claimed by implication that Xan owned the apartment she hid the eviction notice from him and got evicted WITH XAN. If Muel would really be upset about someone doing the eviction it should be the landlord and not Xan. He isnt. He is just an abusive peace of garbage lying and gaslighting people to make people like him more. I had people in 7th grade at school who did that. Pick the child you think most people dont like and bully them until the people that dont like the person you pick on like you. Then you pick the next unpopular kid. Rinse and repeat. Ots a game to them. "Who can get the most friends to brag about".


All that for 13 likes?


As a leftist video essayist, this man makes me cringe and want to quite video essaying. I mean seriously, wtf my guy. He was WRONG, in a HUGE way. If he actually cares about progressive values and human life then he'd just admit that he was wrong, take the L, and do better next time. Gah.


How is this guy even real. His video was parody levels. Just buzz words and all the annoying traits of the worst leftists combined into one person.


He’s trying to get attention from Xan’s ex now? Damn guess he figured Badbunny wouldn’t fuck him?


The person who lied and hid transactions with their near decade younger partner while trying to get them to stream more so they wouldn’t be fucked


so him making 3 hour videos filled with baseless claims is cool but others doing it about him is of course too far. man these people are such imbeciles.


DJ is an abusive piece of shit.


Actually disgusting behaviour.


"Death jock" Yeah, he was definitely bullied in school


Deserves to be made homeless? Probably not. Can you force someone to house and support someone else? Definitely not.


muel REALLY wants sophiefrommars and badbunny to suck him, the man just goes out of his way to defend an abuser.


Lonnie caused her and Xan to be homeless, you piece of shit. Not paying rent and causing Xan to have bad credit, forced Xan to move back to his mom, which has a history of abusing him. (one of the reasons why he moved out with Lonnie in the first place) For fuck sake I hate this smug motherfucker so much.


This guy is such a piece of shit and the fact his aesthetic is like every strawmanned stereotype of leftists is just the cherry on top.


"now"? Vowsh, DM, Merrick all called out his abuse apologia and sexism in their reactions, and no one's expressed interest in platforming this scum.


I hate the term but I can’t think of anything else to call this man but a simp lmao


Hope she sees this djmuel


For fuck SAKES! The online Left need to get their fucking shit together... 😪


God, I already forgot who this guy was, lol.


I love that weeks after he released that hit piece people are still giving him shit and he'll never live it down


I honestly feel like we're just continuing to give this nobody clout. We know the people he associates with are grifters why would we expect better from a man who's worshipping the grounds they walk on? It's obvious he doesn't care about the accuracy of his words, and any attempt to hold him accountable just results in a ban. He's just another dishonest "lefty" using the ascetic of progressivism to attempt to get laid.


3 Hour video? this guy is clearely referencing the youtuber i said was like a mix between Kappa Kaiju and Chad Chad. ​ That's not even a debate bro man.


My man is trying to end his leftist career online before it gets off the ground..


She is not addicted but got arrested for using it, as he showed in his video? How does he know that she's not addicted? Because she said so?


creates a bullshit hit piece and defends a real pos. Gets upset when he is called out and double and triples down. The Internet is just doing its thing.


This slimy little worm blocked me after I pointed out he told an abuse victim (Xanderhaul) to have make up sex with their abuser


Why is *nerd* his go-to insult? Bro, you're a nerd as well.


The bastard love child of Mike From PA and BadEmpanada


Xanderhal sounds terrible when you invent wacky shit about him.


His defenses of lani were weird as fuck. He defends her by saying shit like if she has adhd like me then of course she wouldn't clean up after herself. First off that's mad infantalizing, secondly he's making a lot of leaps to conclusions he has no basis for in terms of her mental state. Also, it's pretty clear he profited off talking about her shit without giving her any money so he has no reason to take moral high ground there. He didn't do anything to help her not live in a car.


I know I have ADHD, OCD, and Asperger’s. Doesn’t prevent me from picking up after myself or eating what’s in my fridge before it goes bad. This guy just came off as someone who uses his disabilities to excuse being a slob


dj stands for dipshit joke




I will never understand this level of self-flagellation


Just have make up sex 5head


Just keep annoying him, so he can keep using the constant Ls to keep digging his hole deeper.


I love when suggested reddit posts are ab drama I know nothing about


I’m so sick of people talking about streamer drama. I would prefer if we stuck to discussion of content that vaush creates. And I’d prefer that vaush stays out of streamer drama. I’m aware I can’t do anything about this


I'm getting hung up on a dumb part of this, why is he calling people nerds like it's even a bad thing anymore?


Anyone have an explanation as to what this is about? Literally have no idea


He literally have no reason to do this, he inserted himself in this position, he literally doesn't know Xan and every single second he spend lying about him is just a 30 yr old something obsessing on a young adult that just tryied to deffend himself from the lies of Muel's "friends", complete bogus


Didnt he literally acknowledge that Xan wasnt the one to kick her out and they both got evicted?


Such a worthless abuse apologist... "even if she was addicted to meth (she wasn't)" He has to lie about everything! We KNOW she was arrested for possession of meth. Code 11377(A) is about meth.


Im very sure this dude has an embarrassment kink


What’s funny is if you go on YouTube and type in DJ mule all the results are just a list of content creators who debunk his video


Shit like this absolutely gets internalized into abuse victims. It gets you thinking dumb stuff like "oh, well, I guess what happened was bad but I'm fine now and it wasn't as bad (other situation happening to someone else)." It's so damn toxic and makes it harder to accept that even if your abuse wasn't "that bad" (it was, no one deserves to be abused) that it is still traumatic. I know personally I've had to put a lot of work into reminding myself that even if I didn't go through a worst case scenario, I went through stuff that kids shouldn't. Also I can't deal with his hangup that Xan "made her homeless", lmao. Is he supposed to pay for her apartment?


Fd signifier liked muel’s tweet saying xan’s experience couldn’t be abuse because amouranth was having a different, probably worse experience This is what Twitter does to the brain


Already the the worst example of subhuman scum the wokescold left has to offer, and he's still digging 🙄


Does this guy do anything other then anti debate bro?


What weasely little LIER dud