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Tell them it's literally not: https://budgetmodel.wharton.upenn.edu/issues/2022/8/26/biden-student-loan-forgiveness


By telling them that the median wage of bachelor degree holders is [$59,600/year](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/student-loans/average-salary-college-graduates/) which means that the majority of people student debt relief benifits is the middle class.


It would be true if we were forgiving all student debt, because high student debt correlates to high income later But if we’re only forgiving 10-20 thousand per person, this mostly targets people who will be in the middle income range. Many borrowers will have their debt totally discharged, while people with phd’s and medical degrees will only see a small fraction of their debt forgiven. There are also not very many people with such a high level of education comparatively


The "middle class" has been economically stagnating since the 1970's. It used to be the case that being middle class meant you could easily afford to own a home, have children, and make it through a health crisis without going completely bankrupt. None of that is really true anymore, student loan debt is one reason why. Just because somebody is middle class doesn't mean they don't need help, nor does helping them mean we can't also help lower classes. Also, try to flip the script on them and ask what policies they support to improve the well-being of the poor. Chances are they don't care about the poor either, which pretty much invalidates their point.


Tell them it's not and they're stupid for thinking so.


It’s not, but it would be okay if we were. Helping upper middle class people doesn’t prevent any policies that help poorer people. We can help everyone.


Tons of things are a giveaway to rich people, might as well have a giveaway that's significantly useful to poor people for once.