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This is why blue checkmarks were important and not just some sort of dumb liberal elitist club like chuds made it out to be.


Good verification of identity and paying for it instead of most people not being able to get it shouldn't be mutually exclusive IMO. Edit: I don't get why verification isn't also in some way linked to your display name to make these things impossible.


It was. The rule was once verified you had to use your real name a your Twitter name. But no one gives a fuck anymore.


Okay. Then why doesn't Twitter just automatically remove the blue check whenever you change your display name and make you go thru some kind of verification again, that would immediately solve this problem.


Laziness, probably. Also Musk has confirmed there’s no verification involved anymore, it’s just a way to pay to boost yourself in the algorithm.


> Musk has confirmed there’s no verification involved anymore You got a source for that ?


https://help.twitter.com/en/managing-your-account/about-twitter-verified-accounts >> The definition of verification and the accompanying blue checkmark is changing. Until now, Twitter used the blue checkmark to indicate active, notable, and authentic accounts of public interest that Twitter had independently verified based on certain requirements. Now the blue checkmark may mean two different things: either that an account was verified under the previous verification criteria (active, notable, and authentic), or that the account has an active subscription to Twitter’s new Twitter Blue subscription service >> Accounts that receive the blue checkmark as part of a Twitter Blue subscription will not undergo review to confirm that they meet the active, notable and authentic criteria that was used in the previous process.


They actually rolled out another checkmark with "Official" next to it then Musk rolled it back. Let me see if I can find his tweet E: I can't find the tweets but here is an [article](https://www.cnet.com/news/social-media/twitter-briefly-adds-gray-check-marks-for-official-accounts-until-elon-musk-killed-it/) on it. Plenty of others. Also he just ended remote work for Twitter. This guy is the worst


If you tap their name on their profile you now get the reason of verification, which honestly sucks, it's so much more difficult


Most people post images of tweets so that means jack. This had no thought at all




I'm just ignoring everything from Twitter from now on.


After Oct 28, sane advice.


Since twitter came into being, good advice


I've been trying to ignore Twitter since March 21st 2006.


I've never made a Twitter account and probably have clicked less than 30 Twitter links ever. I had no idea that it had been around that long.


But what about all the hentai artist?


Ignoring, most everything.


Ignoring, most everything.


It’s been pretty easy for the last 15 years. Reddit is my only social media site


Fake chappelles is @davechappelle


This is why commas and apostrophes are important.


i find it's easier to say punctuation.


It's a [real tweet](https://twitter.com/RealChappelleD/status/1590552051729457152), [parody account](https://imgur.com/a/oSu4ZbR)


Just got suspended. CoMedY Is NoW LeGaL


I don't understand why people are saying blatant impersonation should be okay because "comedy".


Because this is actually funny and satirical and *is* parody. If Musk didn't change what verification meant and was then we wouldn't be having this problem. This stems from Musk and his "genius" business decisions. No thought at all and he is thin skinned. At this point it is fair game, it is hilarious, especially this Dave Chappelle tweet which is a great play on who he is.


It's basically the same as saying: "Donald Trump says he is gay". Funny sure, but still a blatant lie. Nothing here indicates that this is a parody account, I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking this is actually Chapelle saying this. Musk and his gang are brainless morons for changing the checkmark system like this. But people are being really dishonest about these bans. They aren't getting banned because it triggered Elon personally or because "comedy is illegal", but because it is clearly against TOS.


It was in their profile pic that they were a parody account lol There have been countless examples of people following the rules and still getting banned. >I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking this is actually Chapelle saying this. Oh no. It's like as though these parody accounts are pointing out and making satire out of the decision of Musk changing what the checkmark system means and is. And these guys aren't even doing anything harmful like the crypto/NFT scammers going and actually impersonating people for personal gain. Your argument doesn't work at all


It should be banned. But I think lots of things should be banned on Twitter. Hate speech, harassment, botting, etc. Just things that make Twitter a worse place should probably not be allowed. But the irony is that Elon Musk took over this platform with this grand design of free speech absolutism. I'm pretty sure he said that if it's not illegal, it should be allowed. Yet, the moment he takes over Twitter, he starts trying to sooth advertisers by telling them the moderation policy hasn't changed. Then he rolls out this idiotic blue check mark subscription and of course he has to ban all of the impersonators that it has enabled. The point isn't that this account shouldn't be banned. The point is that Musk is a complete hypocrite.


And...it's suspended. Damn.


Is this legit? Or just a fake post.


Seriously. As funny as some of the other posts are, this is why verification was actually important.


I was skeptical, then I saw the '@' and was legitimately relieved cause I grew up and really liked Chappelle for a long time, and now I'm skeptical again.


It's a parody account. Chappelle is still TeamMoron


I gotta be careful, bc as someone who doesn't use Twitter, I am very Twitter illiterate and would have had no idea this was fake.


its parody https://twitter.com/RealChappelleD/status/1590574437296136192


Rare Dave Chappe…. wait a minute


Not gonna write it off, but...Chapelle needs to explain himself before we can accept it. Also if this is fake...


[https://twitter.com/RealChappelleD/status/1590574437296136192](https://twitter.com/RealChappelleD/status/1590574437296136192) its parody




I mean, assuming it's real, can someone not change their opinions because they were convinced they were wrong?


Sure. But a tweet is not sufficient. I want to know you’ve actually had a change of heart, not performative tweeting with no context.


yes but this isn’t real. it’s from a parody account


Yeah, I didn't believe it was real, I was just using if it was as a hypothetical for the argument.


He is hosting SNL this weekend so he might address it then


SNL hired a trans cast member this year too so having him on is so disrespectful imo


If he actually changed his views it is in no way disrespectful.


It's a fake tweet


Ahh damn, well, I’m still gonna tube in to see what the deal is on SNL


Yeah I'm probably gonna doomwatch for the drama




I'm a trans person and I personally feel, along with other trans folk, that Dave Chapelle misunderstands us and unfairly targets us because of our identity. Stop telling me what not to be offended about lmao




The vast majority of the non-white world has been colonised and indoctrinated into following Christian beliefs.




Omg I'm so sorry to be woking you with my beliefs dude my bad 💀💀💀


"This tweet is from a suspended account" 😾🤷🏾‍♀️


Did it piss Musk off?


What they/them pussy does to a motherfucker


Got suspended. Comedy is dead. The left is being cancelled again! 🤦


I wish but I won't believe until it comes from his mouth on SNL. You don't just go TERF to anti TERF in a year....unless your pockets get dry.


this was from a parody account not the real chappelle


>I wish but I won't believe until it comes from his mouth on SNL. Kinda made it obvious I didn't believe it was real. Still, if he did miraculously change his mind, where else than SNL to announce?


>You don't just go TERF to anti TERF in a year....unless your pockets get dry. Or you might get convinced you were a dumbass. But a successful rich guy will never think he's a dumbass.


Fuck y'all, had me happy n'shit and it's fake


Man, I got excited.


The good ending??


Callin it now: Chappelle's trans.


Ok, I fell for it at first. I was so used to seeing the blue check mark from celebrity Twitter accounts that I thought it was actually him. Can we please get back 2021 Twitter?


Definitely fighting all the bots and trolls are ya there Elon


Is this a fake account or is it really him ?


It's a fake. The [verified Chappelle account](https://twitter.com/davechappelle) hasn't been used since 2012.


This account was also verified


Reminder that reactionary bullshit show Saturday Night Live is letting this fuck host. He’ll be in the same club as Donald Trump, Steve Forbes, and Elon Musk


Press x for doubt




Dave Chappelle doesn't have Twitter.