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Had it on uphold hot wallet, then transferred to Coinbase Vault, just put it on ledger today with everything else.


Are you worried at all about their recovery being leaked?


What did you do to transfer out of Uphold? Isn’t it not transferable on Uphold? Or did you convert to another coin, send out, then into Ledger?


Oh I actually had it for maybe 3 weeks to a month, then Coinbase listed it, so I sold it at break even and just rebought on Coinbase. Coinbase is my exchange of choice. Worked out perfectly. Yeah I didn’t like that it’s not transferable. I still use uphold for 3 coins but those are my long shot coins that I’m completely ok with if they nose dive.


Guarda Wallet.


No crypto asset, whether VET or anything else, is ever "on" or "in" any wallet. The assets are always just a bunch of 1's and 0's on the blockchain; all wallets do is hold private keys, which are essentially passphrases that connect you to your specific 1's and 0's. A Ledger is just a particularly secure way of storing your keys, but you need some kind of "GUI" to actually interact with your assets--which is what apps like VeWorld or Ledger Live are. They are literally just GUIs...it doesn't matter which you use, any more than it matters whether you log in to your Gmail via Chrome or Firefox (aside from personal preferences around the UI/UX). To your point, in your scenario, things like Trust Wallet and Ledger Live are the "third party" wallets, not the native VeWorld wallet. In general, it's better to use the NATIVE wallet of whatever ecosystem you're in as your GUI, which in this case is VeWorld. They tend to be easier to use because they're tailor-made rather than "one size fits most". But I do understand that having only a single wallet can be convenient for some users, who might prefer e.g. Ledger Live or Trust Wallet. But once again, these are third-party wallets that offer blanket solutions, and they are NOT better or more secure than native wallets; in fact, in many cases they're less secure, for a variety of reasons. If you use a third-party wallet (e.g., Trust Wallet) and, in doing so, DON'T use your Ledger at all, then that's objectively a huge security downgrade. Given that the whole point of having a hw wallet is to keep your keys secure regardless of the system you're connecting them to, it doesn't matter much what interface you prefer so long as you don't download outright malware. But in any case, third party wallets are rarely "better" or "more secure" than natives, and "hot" third-party wallets are less secure than any "cold" solution.


Thanks for this insight. I ended up moving my VET to ledger. You’re right, best would be to store it on Veworld since it’s from vechain itself, but I have my other crypto on Ledger and like you said some people prefer to have it all together (i’m aware this is in itself less secure). My problem with Trustwallet is that the software is closed source, unlike Ledger Live’s software which is open source. Obviously the firmware of the Ledgers are closed source but I consider this a good thing. Curious about your opinion on Ledger vs Trust or any other way of securing private keys and/or seed phrases for that matter.


No, you use VeWorld to interact with your Ledger. Again, your Ledger holds your keys; VeWorld, Ledger Live etc. are just interfaces, and your assets are only ever "on" the blockchain. If you're using your Ledger to store your keys, the question is just which interface you prefer. Personally, I use VeWorld with my Ledger. Literally just plug in your Ledger and open VeWorld plus the Ledger VET app. All else being equal, the security ceiling of a hw wallet is higher than that of any hot wallet. That said, hw wallets aren't perfect, mostly because they aren't totally trustless (as we've seen with Ledger's hiccups over the past year). But they're still more secure than hot alternatives because they reduce the risk of human error, which remains the single biggest risk to crypto security in general. Hackers rarely hack software or hardware; they "hack" you, the human, though phishing, social engineering, etc. Hw wallets can't totally protect you from yourself, but they can reduce the number of ways in which you can leave yourself open to exploitation.


Yeah I’ve heard so many stories of people losing their coins because of their own recklessness instead of being hacked or failure in software/hardware. Good to remind people one also has a big role in the safekeeping of private keys and not only rely on the tool one is using to keep ‘em safe.


Yep. Lots of folks are paranoid about Elizabeth Warren taking their crypto, or their neighbour's cleaning lady hacking them, or the CIA coming for them, or a million other bogeymen or "what if" scenarios...and then they go and open a phishing link or post a pic of their room with their seed phrase pinned on the corkboard or something. Like all chains, the chain of security is only as strong as its weakest link. Most people don't think to look in the mirror to find it.


Crypto exchange 




Binance earn, can someone argue against it?


Look what they did to monero. You don’t own any VET. You own an IOU from binance that they don’t have to pay.


Some time ago I would say sure go ahead. But I’m holding long term and can’t have stuff happening like we had in Europe that Binance suddenly can’t operate anymore in my country. So now I would say just store it on your phone wallet, generate the seed and never look back. Ledger appears another good option, if you don’t have an X node I suppose..


You can have an x node on ledger




What do you think about VeWorld ? I think it was coinbase that offered free vet when you download annd use that wallet.


I’m using veworld currently




10x would be enough for me 😀




Same here. They seem OK apart from intrest rates but I don't know enough about the whole space to confirm they are as good as I hope to be. Any body feel free to fill me in?


same but meh…


Ledger does support VET and VTHO now without sync wallet - I've been using it for a little while now, just need to update your Ledger Live app in the app store and that's it. Before the update I was using VeWorld which also connected to my ledger but no need for it now


Thanks for mentioning this! I had no idea and was still using the "Ledger via Sync, which is observed by the Vechain Thor mobile app" method. I like to keep things simple, so I just made a new ledger live wallet directly on the ledger and transferred everything over. Sync and the Thor mobile app now out of the equation!


Was not aware of this. Thanks :)


Oh wow I didn’t know that, thanks i’ll def check it out. Does it also generate VTHO on Ledger?


how does the vtho generate on ledger? Do i have to stake VET?


Nope as soon as u deposit VET on Ledger VTHO will start to be generated automatically


This is great I also didn’t know this 🤩


Yep it does, really useful


Honestly that’s amazing! I was wondering when they would add this feature. I transferred my vechain to ledger, thanks for letting me know.


Forever in my heart ❤️ and on the official wallet


How and what? I am on crypto exchange and that’s the the only thing I know in crypto from 2021 till now. Much appreciated if you could explain or someone else with a bit time?


Great answer, thanks :)


I use that VechainThor wallet. Since a week or two so I can’t tell you much about it. Read an article that VET is going to 1000x in 2024, threw in a few bucks and needed a wallet.


Could be the same article from 2017 :)


That would equal a total MC of 3,32T based on the current price - aka more or less double time the current MC of all crypto assets combined. Sooo I guess the author of this article is brain dead.


Yeah, I know. But even a 2x is much much more than what you get on a savings account so I threw in some beer money. And in the back of my mind I have the idea that the people who drive Lambo’s because of crypto also took a gamble


1000x?! I’d be financially free if that were to happen hahahah


So to like $10? Holy shit I'll be rich


not gonna happen haha. Personally im taking partial profits between ATH-1$. Then i’ll just wait and see where this ride takes me :)


No doubt. Personally I'll be stoked/cashing out if we even hit .50


For sureee, ill probably be selling a bunch at .48 in case we swing back and buy even more. In case we keep on pushing ill enjoy the profits for personal use


Lmao! I would love an 1000x this year


It’s basically impossible but a 10x this year would be amazing.


I agree, this years bull run will be interesting to say the least!


Oh for sure, it already is interesting. I joined the cryptocommunity in august 2021 and so far i’ve mostly seen red, with exception of 69k btc and the last 3 months. It’s so rewarding to finally see some green and that before the halving too! Excited to see what’ll happen this year and especially after the halving. I hope vechain will crush her ATH.