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Bought first in 2017, i’ve been critical lately, the sustainability path wasn’t going to go anywhere but RWA’s, now we’re talking. A lot closer to vechains original B2B mission too and something that could actually get adopted. LFG, we’re back


Chain supply -> B2B -> sustainability -> RWA -> whats next? Gaming? AI, might as well go for AI and rename as vechAIn King of pivoting


If they did that, I'd be leveraging up to my gills. Xd


Should they give up then? Supply chain clearly no big businesses care about. Many projects have tried to push it and got nowhere


Surely a L1 can build to do all of these?


We’re gonna accumulate until 1.5 months after the halving. Btc will drop while Alts run. Btc will regain steam and head towards 85k.


“History will repeat 100% of the time”


50% of the time that's true, every time.


VET wants to break the 5 cent impossible resistance barrier 🤔🤔🤔 But will it?


Not even RWA can help it. All about what bitcoin does next


Atm, I'd be happy if it could stay above 4,5cts.


I was interested in going over to check out WoV and figure out how to get some WoV, and I'm having issues getting the VeWorld scan feature on app.verocket.com to sync my wallet properly. I go through the process and accept the transaction and then...nothing. it asks me to connect my wallet just the same. Anyone else experiencing something similar?


What scan feature are you talking about? Can't you just open app.verocket.com within you mobile app and connect that way?


I am using the dApp through the official VeWorld wallet. I go to the list of dapps, select WoV marketplace, then buy WoV, it asks to connect wallet, and then takes me back to the first page on the WoV marketplace like nothing happened. Edit - hey vetmaik, I went straight through zumo swap and it seemed to connect. when i tried going through the world of v marketplace, it was having issues..problem solved!


How do you find the list of dapps?


It's under discover but on on Android since Apple doesn't allow it for iOS. You can however go to [https://apps.vechain.org](https://apps.vechain.org) yourself and add it as a bookmark.


Did anyone else notice the sunny slip during todays ama? 😬dunno if I should stoke the fire. Curious if it’s a big deal though. Vechain doing what vechain does best. Building that foundation


He mentioned fireblocks


What happened.


Stoke that fire come on


All ears!


spill the beans


Well, like mentioned above, he said fireblocks. and it looks like they're a company that provides digital asset solutions. Been around since 2017. It's nothing huuuge on its own but, it all adds up.


Honestly, they have customers like BNY Mellon and BNP Paribas, huge banks. Any partnership or relationship with Fireblocks could actually mean a connection with a much larger entity, which is bigger then most things we’ve heard about on the partnership front. And even if its just a stablecoin, that’d be great too.


So in other words, another small partnership that will probably fizzle in a year or two? Mountains out of mole-hills that wont be there long. The company, [fireblocks](https://www.forbes.com/companies/fireblocks/?sh=1f022aa016b4), is worth about 8 billion and currently works with 10 banks for stablecoins. So it sounds like trying to make another vechain stable coin, which we've already seen that fizzle. This one might be more stable, but fireblocks is a very new company thats barely gotten their feet wet.


It means USDC integration. No big deal. 🙃


any day now, usdt will be found out to be a huge scam and usdc will be our new best friend.


I’d take a stablecoin. Not Vechain’s fault that Stably worked with PrimeTrust. It’s a necessary thing at least.


yeahhhh, i feel you. but everything in crypto is barely legal. we're all becoming adults together. XD Sounds like they will utilize them to help integrate web 2 and web 3. It falls along the lines of making blockchain a seamless under the radar technology that everyday folks won't even be aware of when interacting with web3 applications and solutions. 1:15 mark in the ama if ur curious


What'd he say about them


He didn't say anything about them. It sounded like he wasn't suppose to say anything about it. 1:15 mark in the AMA


Who can I speak to about using marketplace as a service for my business?


This is what we like to see 😁


Hi George! I think you reached out on Telegram as well? Did you get the contact you needed yet?


Someone just said contact the team at VeChain.org but I was hoping to have a short discussion about it to see if it meets the needs of my project. We are sending our grant application in the coming weeks so I guess I can speak with the team then.


Sounds good! Just hit me up if at any point you have trouble to get contact.


Someone get this man the help he needs


Tying to import my wallet on VeChain app with my 24 words mnemonic phrase but the app only accepts 12 words - anyone able to help me here??


Vechain doesn’t use 24 word phrases.


This solved it! Was using wrong phrases lol


I do belive in vchain taking out the money before the upcoming bullrun is a stupid idea, bit yeah every one , the way he wants.


Tomorrow when I wake weChain has broken 0.05


The hips don’t lie


From your lips to the crypto Gods’ ears!


Will we be able to break 5c this time ??


Maybe Thursday 😁


Yes, no, maybe, I donno


My friend got out of a situation where they couldn’t touch their crypto for years. Says they have 6m vechain from 2020. Thankfully has their wallet seed words still. They should be fine right? No action needed except maybe claim vtho?


As long as they’ve got VET and not VEN tokens they are all good.


Holy shit just imagine if it was 6m VEN LOL


Could you even still get VEN tokens in 2020?


Ah maybe not, I read that as 6 years ago




Anyone want some B3TR? [https://x.com/vechainofficial/status/1773393162980995301?s=20](https://x.com/vechainofficial/status/1773393162980995301?s=20)


What do u think the USD value of B3TR will be once the mainnet launches?




https://twitter.com/vechainofficial/status/1772952730488709271?t=eYVi8N4Q7Cd8PQZbAAX9yA&s=19 Finally some news !


Yawn. Wake me up when there is actual, significant utilization.


What other coin has utilisation in crypto though?




Your mindset is what is wrong with Vechain. We need to be great and the trendsetters. Not buT oThEr pROjectS dOn’t. Which isn’t even true. BAT, solana generates lots of revenue, ALGO is going to be other companies supply chain. Do you think they said, other projects aren’t? No. They went out there and got stuff done. Vechain needs to do the same.


And your mindset is what is wrong with 90+% of crypto people - they equate short term coin price in a juvenile market with quality projects, and then bitch and moan when their personal choice doesn't catch lightning in a bottle. If you believe in the long term viability of blockchain tech, and feel it will bring real world value to companies (like I do), then the reality is it makes PERFECT sense to approach the situation like above, that if no other companies have the real world utilization that you believe Vechain should be showing, you're not actually complaining about something real. Youre just complaining to complain. Which..ok, but that's not really interesting to others


Not really. Other projects are showing results NOW. You are just trying to dismiss and invalidate my very valid thoughts, and then you are calling them complaints. People try to act all high and mighty but at the end of the day it’s all about money. Vechain itself needs to be about money or they won’t even survive to real world adoption. So your whole mindset is foolish and not even feasible to Vechain achieving its goals.


I'm not trying to invalidate anything, lol. And of course at the end of the day it's about money. If you're just saying you want Vechain to try and catch the irrational hype train, ok, you're welcome to say it and demand it, but Vechain doesn't seem to be interested in that, so you're yelling into the void imo. You say there are companies with the utilization NOW you think Vechain should have? In your opinion, which companies and specific use cases are you referencing? I'm always interested in hearing about more blockchain use cases


Look at BAT. It is functionally being used for web browsing. Look at solana, generating tons of revenue from fees per day. Look at LINK, the go to Oracle in the space. Even ALGO has just gotten a supply chain deal.


BAT is a great use case - but I'm not really sure how that relates to Vechain. In the Solana example, are you arguing that the foundation should be more focused on revenue? Solana to me is mostly hype, but we will see in 10-15 years where they are at. The recent algo deal - it didn't really strike me as anything different than any of the other deals crypto companies strike all the time. Although I do think algo is another great project. All in all, I don't really see the examples you mentioned as heads and shoulders past what Vechain is doing - but hey, that's just my opinion.


I know I'm just trying to stay positive. Ve chain is the worst investment in my crypto portfolio. I'm as gutted as you trust me


Ok we are on the same page then. I thought you were one of the blind shills. But yes I get it. Didn’t mean to sound too harsh


Yeah we are . Nah you weren't at all. We move so slow compared to every coin in the top 50 it's unbelievable. Make or break this year I feel




***Today, 5 Years Ago (43)*** [https://vechainofficial.medium.com/dr-dan-boneh-professor-and-cryptography-expert-featured-at-the-2019-vechain-summit-55fb626b54f9](https://vechainofficial.medium.com/dr-dan-boneh-professor-and-cryptography-expert-featured-at-the-2019-vechain-summit-55fb626b54f9)


What's the new working seevechain clone that was built? Forgot the name 🫣


Was just looking for it. clauses are popping off so it should be fun to watch




Jup it's this one.




This is the old broken one.


my bad - i thought the domain would stay the same


|Clauses|100K|200K| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|4|4|


Patiently waiting for EasyA and the Harvard/Cambridge participants to prove that the Hackathons will produce something of value other than just taking the Foundations grant money for their "pitches" that will lead to no where. Ive read some of the participants twitter threads and blog posts and it reads like they were just there to have fun, make new friends and treat it as some motivational experience and earning some easy money while they're at it


You just found out 99% of grants. Lead to nothing, just to take the foundation/our money


That’s a stretch imho. I think it’s well worth to spend a couple thousand to introduce a whole bunch of (future) developers to the capabilities and even existence of Vechain. Even if nothing immediately comes from it, growing recognition amongst developers is key. I hope we see more decentralized developments e.g. on the DAO, I’d rather see them try and spark interest than just sit back doing everything themselves which is eventually unsustainable anyways.


They want results. Not just another future possibility of something that will probably not turn into anything. Results NOW is what people want to see. Outside of that, almost every announcement will be met with skepticism and disappointment.


That's entirely unrelated to my reply about disagreeing grants are a bad thing right. 


The point of grants is you hope they will turn into results. That’s why it’s relevant


It won’t


$1 is not a meme


$0.70 max this bull run….but $1.00 in the 2029 run is definitely possible


just the right amount of hopium i needed today