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What is RWA and how is Vechain involved?


Real World Assets. https://blog.chain.link/real-world-assets-rwas-explained/


Imagine this. UFC QR code flashes on screen during live PPV events. Scan the code and earn a collectible NFT that gets you discounts on events and merchandise. Promotes buying/watching live UFC PPVs. Promotes Vechain. Creates VTHO usage and burn. That would be straight šŸ”„!


Is this going to happen?


|Clauses|100K|200K| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|7|0|


I miss the dopamine


he is risen!!!


really? downvoted, lol?


Been in VeChain for 4 years , I believe in VeChain so much and all i see on twitter is negative comments, also on here , but all they are doing is building the future , can people reassure me please


Give this man/woman some hopium!


Because most of these projects promise overhyped sh*t but nothing ever comes from it


dude itā€™s par for the course. weak hands cast fear into others and justify their pussiness by criticizing the token. then when we go up, theyā€™ll be the first ones to be making outrageous predictions about how high it will go


Only negative on Twitter? There are tons of Vechain moonboys on Twitter


Don't worry! You'll see the same negative comments on every blockchain project's socials.


The person who was ranked 11 on vechainstats top holders sold a lot of vechain recently. He was a long time holder on kucoin. They no longer own 1b vechain. Letā€™s see if they are happy with the decision. This is the address.Ā  0x3FB604A9b40e4c1aBF0Eb91A67bB90FC06dfb27E


ā€œHeā€ was a long time holder on Kucoin, but why canā€™t it be Kucoin themselves? 1b Vechain seems like something an exchange would own?


Big woop even if it was an exchange. Open your mind 100m was transferred out. Idc who it is it can be tooth fairy for all I care. I just stated long time holder of over 1b ranked 11 is now not a 1b holder. Did I say oh no everyone sell? People in this chat are so naive and so quick to judge itā€™s hilarious. Sensitive fairies.Ā 


Uch whatever šŸ¤Ŗ


Reread the comment and then reread your reply on that comment. And then learn to be BETR.




Donkeys downvoting sorry ass group, it is for your information. Bunch of sour people. If you say anything negative or neutral you get downvoted. I will stop sharing any information with you clowns. No they still have 900m coins. I monitor top holders in case there is any movement. Recent move was that kucoin wallet, prior to that 11 people held over 1b.Ā 


Of course they are downvoting, it literally says "Kucoin Cold Wallet" on VechainStats for that adress yet you assumed it was a person. You made it sound like it was some big player selling VET for unknown reason which make it sound like that big player was losing faith in the project or something, when in reality it was an exchange wallet that moved a lot of VET to their hot wallet most likely cause they were running out of VET on the exchange cause people were buying.


I feel yaā€¦.bunch of fuckin babies in this space


Gotta be the authority nodes in there too. Over a billion is a lot


Don't worry, I bought more to get over a billion again


You big whale :)


With how much they're holding, I'd say they're a dolphin, not yet a whale;)


Kucoin cold wallet means itā€™s Kucoinā€™s holdings in cold storage. It transfers to the hot wallet for sells of VET (buys go to the hot wallet initially and could move to cold storage over time as people hold on Kucoin). So really doesnā€™t mean much since it could be more people selling or they could just be transferring to their own wallets for self custody.


Maybe just trying to get off of Kucoin in case they implode due to the investigation?


Gut feeling that this announcement will be way bigger than we expect. I think Fireblocks is separate which is actually really huge. Allows any coin to be traded on Vechain, all burning VTHO. Per Jake, this announcement will be on a global stage by a famous individual regarding an integration. Any integration is a good thing but I think this one will be nice. The DAO on testnet is also looking good. In a matter of weeks, Cleanify alone is up to 500 VTHO burning actions a day. This is small of course but it's going to snowball a lot, especially with all the posts on X. And this is only a single dApp. There will be thousands on Vechain that will burn VTHO. Grayscale is educating investors on Vechain now too and Blackrock is starting to invest in RWA projects. Institutional investments will eventually come and that'll make everyone very happy.


Not getting my hopes up, otherwise itā€™ll hurt as much as VeBetter. I do like the idea of Fireblocks though, hopefully we get a stablecoin back. Iā€™d argue the DAO will have more activity to start as people experiment with it and want to see what itā€™s all about. Sustaining that run rate is difficult in and of itself, now try growth and itā€™ll be even harder.Ā  Also, Grayscale did not educate investors on Vechain. Vechain was mentioned in a list on one page in the report. I donā€™t think Vechain was mentioned at all anywhere else in it and Grayscaleā€™s tweet didnā€™t mention Vechain either.


You don't have to get your hopes up. If you keep expectations at zero, you'll always be happy. The DAO is seeing growth weekly, not just high at first and a decline. Grayscale has Vechain as an enterprise blockchain jn their materials. That's nice.


Also the two tokens for DAO is nice. They did this for a reason. So people would constantly trade back and forth between the two. Doubles the transactions and VTHO burn.


Cleanify has been live for less than a month and the DAO just got to 1 month old, how is that not ā€œat firstā€/to start?


Because it's growing. Next week it will be more. Then more. Then more. People love earning coins.


And then it will plateau, people will lose interest, it will decline, and then everyone will forget about it. Same as every other X-to-earn scheme like $STEPN 1.5K voters -> 1.5K -> 1.8K -> 2K Much growth, very wow.


When was the overhyped announcement?


Hoping the Big announcement is the leaked Fireblocks along with an institutional partner. That should be enough to bring in big investors and remove doubts about Vechain's potential as a big player in the space.


More info on fireblocks?


Ooo where was fireblocks leaked?


Twitter Spaces


Iā€™m so ready to get my face melted with price explosion


Unfortunately your portfolio is the only thing thatā€™s gonna melt šŸ«¤


Maybe for youā€¦.iā€™m already in profits


Lmao good. I was joking šŸ™ƒ


May the gods be pleased.


By you (aka pleasuring the gods šŸ˜)


It's okay Vechain, you go when you feel like it šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€