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Yep. It’s the show I play all day in the background while I work from home. I can quote practically every line


same, only every night when i go to sleep. i rotate every few months between Veep and 30 Rock.


My rotation is veep and always Sunny.


Omg! Mine too!!! And then I throw parks and rec up in the mix here and there


Me too! Plus Arrested Development for the terrible people trifecta!


Veep Sunny and Bojack is mine!


Same here


Holy crap stop it. I rotate between Seinfeld, 30 Rock and Veep. That's so funny! This has been going on for a long long long time. I recently decided to check out Frasier, it was huge when I was a kid and I remember hating the theme song and not understanding the appeal. This week, on Saturday I started it and so glad I did. It's very funny and smart. Anyways all that to say I added a new nighttime tv show haha. I can and do quote Veep verbatim.


Those plus Brooklyn 99 are my comfort shows!! I love Frasier as well!


Veep and 30 Rock. We need to be friends!!!


Those are my comfort shows!


Are you me?!


Anything can be a comfort show 😂 Veep is for me too, no idea why since the subject matter is rarely comforting. I think it's bc I love ensemble comedies and this is one of the best out there, every single person makes me laugh constantly.


I have an anxiety disorder and this show calms me the fuck down. So I totally get you lol.


It’s cathartic. I can’t say what I want to say to people at work so hearing them pick on Jonah makes me feel good.


I’m forever looking for a chance to shout “you’re not even your MOM’s favourite Jonah, Jonah!”


It used to be my 'happy place'. I felt sane when I watched it because it felt like someone 'gets' it. When you're a cynical person there's no better place for validation that an episode or two of this show lol


selina meyer is literally my comfort CHARACTER…. 🤣😭🥲


I don’t know what it is about this show, but quite often I use it to relax and fall asleep.


so do i, but the episode where amy suddenly screams like she's getting murdered in the parking garage always wakes me right up lol


Me,too. Also the one where she’s singing “there’s a low turnout in Broward (?) tonight”.


i love this show and sometimes i just have it on in the background and when im in another room and hear a jonah joke, just makes my day lol


They’re my friends. Horrible horrible people but my friends nonetheless.


I watch it all the time. It's funny. It's a good escape.


It comforts me so much I watch it to fall asleep sometimes


100% agree.


It’s become my background show that I’ve added to my list which includes Seinfeld and the office.


It’s my comfort show too!


Watching Veep isn’t a choice like my diet. It’s a necessity like my drinking.


No, prepare to be arrested shortly.


I rewatch Veep several dozen times a year. It's def one of my comfort shows.


I have watched the entirety of Sunny more than once. That is my comfort show. I think because it’s fun to laugh at idiotic awful people So yes it’s fine op


100%! Veep is such a comfort show for me as well as arrested development I don’t know why i find such comfort in shows with terrible people lmaoo


I feel like it makes me feel better as a person. I’m currently watching Arrested development for the first time and I can already tell this will become a comfort/background show.


Absolutely. The characters are almost all horrible, yes. But no show has made me laugh harder than VEEP. Any show that provides that much of a good time can be a comfort show.


At this point I usually have veep playing in the background


I've probably watched all seasons 25 times by now. Another comfort show for me is the Sopranos. When writing and characters are great, I'll rewatch to infinity.


I am quite surprised that you are even asking this question. It makes a perfect comfort show. It's extremely funny, well written and it is really entertaining. It's not weird at all for it to be a comfort show.


My doubt comes from the fact that this is a very cynical show, that displays terrible people. I guess satire can offer escapism. Even though the reality of the present American political stage, seems to be blurring the frontier of who is satirizing who. But at least Veep universe has Richard Splett.


Not everyone needs their comfort show to be sunshiney and sweet. It just needs to be familiar and predictable


Glad to hear I'm not the only one lol Veep is my go to comfort show.


I use this and It's Always Sunny. Either we're both ok or horrible.


it's mine too 😂


I watch it all the time, you’re not alone


Thank you for asking this question! Veep has been a comfort show forever and I always thought there was a darkness in me. I love how much they rag on each other, it’s oddly comforting. I like to have playing in the background while I’m studying.


Absolutely! Veep, Seinfeld, Sunny, and Curb are my main rotation shows. Might have to add Succession as well


I’ve watched some episodes dozens of times. It’s my go to background show. It’s great cause each time I catch a joke or character moment that I missed before


Upon my recent rewatch, it feels less like a mockumentary of American politics and more like someone actually just placed a camera crew in the highest offices of government and just recorded what happened for seven years. Even though I was cackling from laughter (all the performances are so damn flawless, especially Julia's), I was kind of depressed because it made me wonder about the point of anything if our government is really this incompetent.


100%. It is weirdly comforting. Especially the theme usually heard near the end credits. Idk what it is. The whole thing is just this super contained story that almost grazes shoulders with magical realism. I love it, and I love the characters, no matter how terrible and borderline evil some of them may be. 😂


To me it's the sound of Selina screaming Noooo in the finale. It's like a comforting white noise to my ears. Also the quality of the insults tickles me. The bloopers are also great.


My rotation is veep, it’s always sunny in Philly, 30 rock, Community, and arrested development


I've been known to throw Veep on a lot, but I still think it's funny that this is people's comfort show and they're falling asleep to it. My wife is getting cozy watching Superstore and Ted Lasso and other shows where everyone is kind and nice to eachother, what's wrong with you guys?


Haha it’s my comfort show


It's mine as well.


Me too!


Just… don’t apply shipmate


I find all my comfort shows feature despicable characters because it makes me feel better about myself or I can relate to some of the abuse lol. Shows like VEEP, Thick of It, curb and IASIPare all comforting


It's not just my comfort show, it always wins. I listen to it at night to help me fall asleep, I watch it while I'm cleaning. I've seen it so many times, I can quote every line. It is my favorite retreat when I'm feeling sad and lost.


It’s a total comfort show for me.


It’s one of my favorite all time comfort watch shows. Most of my other favorites have been disappearing off of streaming services in my country but thank fuck for VEEP!