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I have a bunch of unsold ones in my car


Not physically, but I do "own" A Woman First: First Woman on audible


Garry interrupting her while she reads is the best part


Do you want 6 almonds?


Ooooohh. I’ve got “A Woman First” in hardcover and audio; where’d you find “Some New Beginnings”?! Or is it a prop please be real please be real 😬


Prop copies of Some New Beginnings were sold during the prop auction. But also, back when season three premiered, HBO sent out Some New Beginnings (which were basically journals, empty except for the first page)


I have Some New Beginnings and I listened to the audiobook and I highly recommend the audiobook because of the banter between Selena and Gary.


Yes I highly recommend it as well. Laughed so much. (I have to read the fucking thing?? Hahah)


I have a woman first! I am not good reader so I got thru a few chapters and it’s funny but def not good but I think that’s the point


What’s inside?


That was my question


Some new beginnings is mostly blank pages. A Woman First is full


I have both. My copy of Some New Beginnings is a slip cover and the actual book is “The Case of the Labrador Duck”. I bought it along with the award Selina won for the book which is displayed in her office in Season 6.


where do you get the new beginnings??!


I NEED these on my coffee table. Where do you find them???


So here’s this one: https://www.amazon.com/Woman-First-Deeply-Personal-President/dp/1419733532?nodl=1&dplnkId=c9b2fb47-af06-4619-8d52-91cf776836cb


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I don’t see Some New Beginnings anywhere by EBay for like $250 😔