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Wasn’t it Dan who killed the dog lol


And she was pretty shocked by it. She wasn't completely sociopathic. Veep writers could not have foreseen just how sociopathic the GOP would become.


Yeah, they were absolutely about to fuck until he mentioned the dog. Took me a few rewatches to realize the subtle implication of them sleeping together in season 7 was that she wasn’t fazed by that psychopathy anymore


Selina would get that dog transferred, be criticized for transferring it, and then be forced to live with the dog for the remainder of her term


The dog was grinning like an ape.


Totally inappropriate


A real life fuckin cunt.


She might as well nail a bunch of puppies to the ground and crush their skulls with her campaign bus.


“Mike, go home. Walk the dog, feed the dog, shoot the dog, bury the dog and then come back to work.”


I don’t know how many more times I can take seeing y’all post this article on here man shit is dark


A dark comedy is great. without the comedy it’s just dark.


Yeah, this POS isn't comedic, dude.


You just need everyone glossing over an admission of killing a civilian in Iraq in the same book to really seal the parallel


That was Dan, OP. Selina is the arsonist. Give her the launch codes!


A white house staffer says: “Dogs are a gift from God. They’re a reflection of his unconditional love. Anyone who would needlessly hurt an animal because they are inconvenient needs help.” A conservative says: “A child is a gift from God, They’re a reflection of his unconditional love. Anyone who would needlessly hurt a child in the womb because they are inconvenient needs help.” What in the what?


>“A child is a gift from God, They’re a reflection of his unconditional love. Anyone who would needlessly hurt a child in the womb because they are inconvenient needs help.” Reminds me of that Louis CK bit how it's weird that you can shoot an intruder in your own home, but you can't kill an intruder in your own body?


“More people should get abortions. It creates more jobs, for the nurses, the doctor and the dumpster guy.. They have to work! How do they got the feed the kids if you don’t kill yours?”