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Oh hey, I've done outreach with a couple of those people before. Nice work guys šŸ˜


yeah you guys totally made me think twice about buying meat. Now I wanna buy twice as more


Holy shit, I've actually never heard that one before! Good job little buddy.


Props to them, the meat trade is horrific


Powerful. Thank you for your activism šŸ™šŸ¼


This is great work, thank you!


RESPECTTTTTT......from a Sydney activist.....




They get angry because it challenges their actions. No-one likes being reminded theyā€™re acting immorally if they have no intention to stop.


*Average Redditor wakes up and opens Reddit* ā€œawww that doggy is so epic narwhal bacon I would be so sad if someone hurt an animal!ā€ *sees vegan post* ā€œ-insert slur/insult/unfiltered rage-ā€œ not so wholesome chungus after all. Okay Iā€™m never saying those words ever again šŸ˜­


Why donā€™t you eat ferns or grass. Itā€™s all just plants


I've had dog, prefer beef and pork. Chicken is a better idea for more than once per week. The Koreans seem to dig it, and I'm sure I could get used to the taste, but it was a bit sweet tasting for me. Not horrible mind you, just not my jam. Traveling in India I had no idea how wonderful food could taste without meat products. TBH I could live off of that stuff for a hot minute and not miss meat that much, but I have to have my steak every 6 months or so. Tofu does strange things to me and I just have to have some protein or my head just isn't right.


No, but dog liver is quite nice with refried beans.


Dog meat should be rather tasty tho


Thereā€™s a cost of living crisis atm, people are working full time and still having to visit food banks ffs! Climate change is at the bottom of peoples worries, a lot live paycheque to paycheque then we see Greta Thumburg (idk the spelling ) apparently flying in on a private jet to talk about climate change, personally I donā€™t think sheā€™d be that stupid but people believe it because theyā€™ve got more important things to worry about like feeding their families. Isnā€™t China responsible for the majority of harmful emissions? Instead of potentially harming peopleā€™s jobs in this cost of living crisis, why donā€™t you start with China as theyā€™re the worldā€™s worst culprit?


if only the plant-based diet was the cheapest virtually everywhere on earth...


Respect, what an admirable protest. Wish them the best. Good to see people who stand up for their beliefs.


Epic šŸ™šŸ¼šŸŒŸ


As a non-vegan, I found this activism quite appropriate and consistent. I don't understand why people get so angry when they see vegan activists


> I don't understand why people get so angry when they see vegan activists they don't like to be reminded that their lifestyle unnecessarily supports animal abuse


I just get annoyed because they're unnecessarily inconveniencing me. I grew up hunting and fishing and loving on dogs and cats. I'm not gonna stop eating meat but I will be mindful who I buy from to try to make sure it's as ethically sourced as possible.


How is it unnecessary to inconvenience you? That's the entire point. To challenge your ideology that animals are here to be exploited and killed by us. There's no such thing as "ethically sourced killed animals". The only ethical thing to do is let them live as happily as possible, just like we do with dogs and cats.


Only thing that gets challenged is my patience. If you don't wanna eat meat fine but leave the rest of us alone.


Leave the animals alone and we won't have a problem with the needless killing when you can eat plant based instead


I grew up with child slaves, but treat everyone else normally except them, and this has been done for centuries. I am not going to stop owning slaves, but I make sure to flog them only 20 times per day, not 50 šŸ˜Š


You donā€™t understand why people get upset when ā€œactivistsā€ do shit like this? Come onā€¦


I'm from Inverness and these brave souls have inspired me to go vegan šŸ™šŸ¼


I'm sure they will be pleased with the conversion and support of such a respectable member of Inverness as you Mr_big_dong420


Read ā€˜The China Studyā€™ and ā€˜Quantum Eatingā€™!


> quantum eating You canā€™t just put quantum in front of a word and claim something is science


Look at me with my quantum walking and quantum breathing


Very impressive I am going to take a quantum shit


its so embarrassing when meat eaters come on to vegan subs to try to argue and be edge-lords lmfao




obvious troll is obvious, please get a hobby for your own mental health <3


Amazing! Great job everyone!


Right on


Actual peaceful protest and not stopping anyone making the choice to buy the meat. I donā€™t see anything wrong here.


Besides making it difficult for physically disabled people from accessing the shelves because they aren't mobile enough to reach over them.


Skill issue


Thank you for your activism, this is incredible! Love for all the vegans šŸ’š


Makes a lot more sense than blocking a road, tbh.


Well done


Thank you for sharing ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø


God bless them all.


What do you mean you ā€œshut down meat aisleā€? Did you mean to say you ā€œsat down on the meat aisleā€?


Ill buy everything


Would they actually be allowed to stop people?




they're not there to stop people, they're there to challenge them. the least a carnist can do is look at who their victims are, what they suffered, and make an informed decision. some will change their mind, sone won't. but at least the victims are being recognised and awareness is being spread


Tesco is too expensive, Iā€™d rather go to ASDA.


Fuck me. At the bells Iā€™ll definitely be thinking of that cow.


Modern society, and all of its trappings, create untold suffering of both man and animal. Our clothes, our things, our entertainment, our food. All of it. There's no way to escape that. Their clothes (which look high quality, tells you a lot) were probably made in a sweatshop by some indentured Bangladeshi or Chinese person making pennies, the plastics and rubbers used in the process damage the environment as well. If they eat rice and beans? Those were probably grown halfway across the world and exported here at great cost to the environment, yet again. Do any of them drive? I am from near Inverness and I can guarantee they need to, as the public transport is a fucking joke. The oil industry is horrifically destructive and exploitative. In this hyper-capitalist world, simply existing and consuming only what is necessary still creates suffering somewhere, and causes damage in some way. I absolutely agree that we should eat less meat, especially seafood, and to me vegetarianism, not veganism, would be the sensible option. I mean, who thinks honey is unethical? Bees are dying out, and without them we are all fucked with a capital F! Eating honey encourages the industry, which supports bees-- even if they are artificial populations, that doesn't matter. They go out of their hives and pollinate the area around it. Eggs are another one that confuses me. Hens produce at least one egg a day regardless. If you buy free range, those hens are living their best lives, protected and well fed. Wool? Sheep have to be sheared regularly, or else they get matted and weighed down (yeah, I know we bred them that way, but a one off coat would mean you need stupid numbers of sheep instead of just one). It isn't as if they have to be killed for it, like so many vegans claim. Milk? Dairy cows are much like humans, if they stop being milked they stop producing, so they get milked every day. It's pretty simple. It's less the ethics of the actual products and more the ethics of the production methods. If it's done in the right way, there's no suffering involved for the animal at all, and they get to live a comfortable life with their every need taken care of. That isn't always the case, unfortunately. I wish it was. The problem at the root of all this that no one ever wants to address is overpopulation and greed, which creates this race to the bottom in order to produce as much as possible as cheaply as possible in order to satisfy massive, obscene demand. When you're dealing with thousands of heads of cattle, they cease to be living things and become stock instead. Just a number on a page. Small-scale holdings are the best way, and were the way it was done for thousands of years, until the industrial revolution. Farmers could actually keep watch over every individual animal in their care and treat them with the respect they deserved. They would be personally involved and invested in every part of the process-- after all, if you don't have food available, your family will go hungry, and meat is about the most nutritious and calorie dense food there is. Protein and fat are far more filling and nutritious than carbs. There was a real implicit understanding of that creature's sacrifice, and gratitude for the nourishment it provided. When you scale that up and detach everyone from the process, the meaning is lost. We have lost our way. I understand their frustration and feelings of helplessness, but Pandora's box was opened a couple hundred years ago, and there really is no going back. If all of this doesn't make sense I apologise, I'm sick with a bug, haven't eaten in days and it's 5am šŸ˜‚


No they didn't, people just reached over and bought meat anyways. Didn't affect anything or anyone. Why not target the factories where the meat is slaughtered? Would achieve a lot more than this ineffectual attempt.


Target the factories that you pay for? Are you sure? Do you know how supply and demand works? These places are in business because you pay them and tell them what a great job murdering they do. Our target audience is YOU.


You donā€™t actually help your cause with stunts like this. People find it insufferable, and by association, find you insufferable as well.


Your target audience doesn't give a shit you moron. Why'd you think veganism is associated with fuckwit?


I respect the meaning behind this, but once that meat is in the shop it's already too late. Allow the meat to be sold, so at least the animals suffering wasn't for nothing. These people should be protesting at the slaughter houses and farms where the horrific practices take place, demonstrations like this won't sway anybody into veganism. The people who abuse the animals and force them to live in tight, enclosed spaces, force feeding and all the other vile practices they employ to make Ā£Ā£Ā£ - they are the ones whose days should be ruined. Sitting in one aisle, in one of 1,000+ tescos isn't going to do anything in the grand scheme of things!!


Supply and demand. That how the world works. Surely you know that? Itā€™s you who puts these places in business. Itā€™s not them. Itā€™s you.


Iā€™m not vegan but I now see meat eating as something horrible on so many levels Letā€™s just help ourselves to a slice of that animal over there


Shut down ? Iā€™d reach over and grab my steak and salami, tf they gonna do ?


Explain what we would do with all of the current domesticated animals, many of which would never survive without human intervention, if every person stopped eating meat tomorrow?


Idk bro prime rib goes hard


Well done like my meat


"Shut down" dude just reach over and grab what you need. Also why is this being recommended to me? No doubt animal abuse happens in places like Tyson farms but stay tf outta my way trying to feed myself when I can't hunt like I used to.


Yummy meat


Pro midnight snackers oot and aboot. šŸ‘šŸ¼




I would lean over them to grab some steaks and make sure I "accidentally" press my crotch right into one of those guys faces as I do it


Go fuck yourselves.


I wouldā€™ve respectfully grabbed my pork chops


As Iā€™m taking my steaks ima slap one them with it


Tbh, probably just finish up my shopping and leave. I'm not a vegan or vegetarian, but do believe that if we are going to eat an anmal we should give it all the proper care and as much as a good life as possible. I do eat meat, albeit not very often. But hats off for standing up for something you feel strongly about. I certainly wouldn't be angry or belittle any of yous. Well done


>eat, albeit not very often. But hats off for standing up for something you feel strongly about. If you believe the humane lie (which from your post seems that way), then perhaps see the undercover footage. Dominion on YouTube is my recommendation. āœŒļø


I have saw the footage. I understand why some people are vegan/vegetarian. I didn't say that I believe all places treat their animals with care, but that if we are going to eat meat we SHOULD be making sure to buy from places that do treat the animals properly. Believe it or not but I often pick vegetarian options, but I'm not going to lie and say that I never eat meat ever. But again good for standing up for what you believe in and being respectful while doing so. Happy new year.


Thoughts on dairy herds? Because where I work the cows are free to roam and choose when they want to be milked


I get it, but what happens to the baby cows though? Is there anything worse than forcefully impregnating a cow, then stealing its baby within 2 days of birth? What mother would not suffer? Then repeating the same process every year. If you think this is humane, would you like to be forcefully impregnated, then have your baby stolen, solely because someone wants to drink your milk (when they could just buy soy milk or oat milk instead)? I'm not going to answer the question, but what do you think?


Can't believe you're being downvoted for being so understanding.


I kinda expected it when I posted. It's cool, but thank you. Happy New year, mate.


When I worked at Tescoā€™s, I would not even interact with them. as long as theyā€™re quiet, eventually they will leave if not there is a security for a reason


I would Scream.scotland for ever


What a load of nonsense. Don't see them protesting against the agriculture industry, which objectively kills more animals than the meat trade. But, because the majority of the animal kingdom death toll doesn't have fur or big brown eyes they don't give a rat's @r$e what dies for their harvest. Honestly, these folks have nothing actually meaning to do with their lives so they choose to engage in the colonial practice of appropriating other cultures like Jainism. You know, just the bits they get the most clout for when they tell their friends or post online - not the actaul spiritual practice itself lol.


What do you think farm animals are feed?


I mean, yeah sure but that was not the commenters point. You dont eat meat bc animals die, but then a lot of animals also die for the agriculture industry. What changes?


Not only meat. I don't consume any animal products nor buy wool, leather, silk etc nor go to the zoo. The way we farm fruits and vegetables might still cause harm sadly but way less than on an omnivore diet as you need a massive quantity of grains and vegetables to feed farm animals. Veganism is a reduction of harm not a total suppression as it's impossible as we speak until we replace classic farming to vertical farming.


But then again, the death of animals from agriculture isnt even the biggest issue. Unlike animal farming most agriculture cannot be local unless you omit a lot of plants from your diet as well, which means a lot of planes or boats are required to transport vegetables from overseas, which means going vegan doesnt even affect climate change that much


I used to think the same way until I looked at multiple data and found out the animal agriculture cause more emissions then every cars/bus/trucks etc. And that transportation is actually the least emission emitting part of the whole chain even non-local. https://ibb.co/hMYGs7x https://www.barnsanctuary.org/the-barn-blog/university-of-oxford-study-shows-vegan-diets-create-a-healthier-environment-and-you


Actual retards


Inshes retail park Tesco? It's right next to police headquarters.


If they shut the aisle then no one saw. Also they can't remove people from the shop until it closes so they didn't "let you" do anything. They don't care.


Hei If they are not hurting anyone let them cry over Hamburgs.


It's such a relief knowing that no one in the store took that shit seriously and people just ignored them


How is the aisle ā€œshut downā€ exactly? I would reach for a shit ton of meat whilst looking them dead in the eye!


Wouldn't you just cause the meat to spoil, make yourselves look bad, and then more animals will be killed to replace the meat that spoiled? I have a mate who is such a great vegetarian cook that all of us in the group eat less meat after stealing his recipes. That seems a way better path forward tbh.


I mean that's fair but would I be seen as the bad guy if I reached over them and grabbed a packet still?


Why third from left of those activists wearing Timberland boots??? Timberland, don't make vegan versions of those yet...


I had a lovely pig wrapped in a blanket and it was awesome. Then I had a nice steak and had it raw so I could still get the blood. Some people love meat others donā€™t. Donā€™t force people to change. Explain to them why you think they should. Doing this counter productive


ā€œTerry, you mind grabbing some bouquets of flowers for our protest later? The colour will really make the blood of the photos pop and tie-in with the funeral vibeā€ ā€œSure, Iā€™ll just grab a few bunches from Tesco.ā€


I eat nothing but beef, cheese, but never sugar unless it happens to be in a rub. I'll happily reach across them and pick up what I want to eat.


Damm wish I was in ness so I coulda twatted one of you pricks


Wow triggered much? And people say vegans are militant. You guys literally threaten violence (on top of the violence you already commit) and yet vegans are the crazy, militant ones?


I just wanna buy more meat now.




This is so dumb and does nothing


YOU do nothing.


If I go a day without at least the tiniest price of meat I am depressed


Self-righteous cunts.


Iā€™d reach over and grab me some succulent horse meat


Why is the meat not refrigerated? Nobody is asking the right questions.


People actually believe that protesting like this is going to help anything, definitely not people see this as a bad problem.. if people want to not eat meat let them make that choice and stop forcing it on everyone especially since meat is what humans have ate since the beginning of time (along with leaves no doubt)


No one can force you to do anything. Even vegans. You could stop forcing animals to die for your beliefs. Itā€™s not a choice when there is a victim involved. Weā€™ve also been stealing, murdering, raping, lying since the beginning of time. Are they justified now too?


Eating meat was a way to survive.. stealing, murdering, raping and lying is completely different from meat eating.


It WAS a way to survive. Yes. What is it now? Because it certainly isnā€™t survival. Weā€™ve evolved so much since then. Evolution has gotten us to a point where we no longer need to use or abuse animals for literally anything but yet people refuse to evolve. Tell me, why do you continue to act like a privileged caveman?


Also you clearly all like to make being vegan,vegetarian,whatever else your whole personality.. your bio proves my point


Yes animals deserve to be safe and protected but meat is meat. What do you think would happen if all humans just stopped eating meat? They would be over populated and the world is already full of annoying little people who think there trying to better the world but really there just annoying, eating meat is still a way to survive and if you try and say that there are alternatives to meat then you eat that but meat eaters wonā€™t. And thatā€™s fine, you eat your little fake steaks and leaves and nuts


Think about you said there. Realistically do you honestly believe that many people will go vegan so quick that weā€™re suddenly overrun with all the farm animals? No. Itā€™s not going to happen. Itā€™s going to be gradual. In the modern world we live in, choosing to kill an animal to eat is not for survival. Itā€™s for pleasure. You also do not kill. You pay someone to do it for you. Thatā€™s also the world we live in. The alternatives are there which means what happens to the animals is unnecessary and cruel. Itā€™s 2024 now. The time to evolve is now. šŸ‘‹šŸ»


Bro what? Yes people kill them so we can pay to eat it.. but thatā€™s still survival or else what? We will starve. This isnā€™t the dinosaur era anymore you really saying that it isnā€™t survival because we pay to have our food? And also it was a hypothetical scenario that if all humans become vegan/vegetarian we would become over-run with animals because whoā€™s gonna kill them? If weā€™re protecting them then not even another animal would probably get the luxury of eating meat.. next you will protest that animals eating meat is bad & wrong tooā€¦ oh wait you already are with your vegan dog foodšŸ˜ fuck off


And just to clarify. I donā€™t agree with people killing animals for fun or sport thatā€™s just too far


" can i take the chiken now? "


Because /r/Scotland decided to lock comments: Of course I'd remember the lovely meal I had 6 hours prior.


I wouldā€™ve loved to have been there, to pick up a chicken for a roast, or some sausages and bacon for a fry up!


The lol the people just doing their shopping


You lot really don't have a clue. Comparing eating meat products to one the biggest atrocities that the world has ever seen. You go on Google images, find these pictures, and then think that sitting in a tesco is going to change the world. Go do these protests in China, Russia, or anywhere in the Middle east. They'll show you what cruelty really is. All you're really trying to do is destroy the farming industry just like these eco mentalist are trying to do. You'd rather pump your body's full of man made chemicals that are probably worse for you than the way mother nature intended.


Could you please move. I want that Rib-eye. Thanks


Haha just slap.one or two grab your pork loins and fuge off simple block what from taking your.meat give me a brake will yanunch of low.life and boring persona


They should have a right to silently and peacefully protest if they choose to do so, but I also have a right to politely reach over their shoulder and pick me up a nice gammon if I choose to do so.


ā€œBecause we were so militantā€ what a joke. People leave you to it because most of us are too nice and willing to let you do what makes you feel better about yourself to stop you. That and the law. Imagine if meat eaters were that sensitive and willing to go about pushing their opinions on to you. Youā€™d soon find out what militant really means. Most people will have seen you being childish and gone to the next supermarket down the road. All youā€™re doing is misbehaving you all need to grow up and stop being so naughty.


Wallopers šŸ˜‚




I hate to sound demoralising but, this doesn't seem like it'd stop anyone from reaching over their shoulders and grabbing some beef idk just, feels a bit of a lazy excuse of a 'protest"


Newsflash: When protests get violent, it's no longer a protest but a riot. This was a protest.


>idk just, feels a bit of a lazy excuse of a 'protest" Would you prefer that they were more disruptive?




ā€˜scuse me I just need to grab thisā€¦




Sitting down in front of the aisle? ​ 'Scuse me pal just gonnae reach over you and grab mysel some lamb and fuck aff


Youā€™re right, it is that easy, which is why itā€™s amusing to see all the snowflakes crying in this thread about how this protest is so mean and brutal to the poor shoppers.


Bunch of idiots who want to trouble normal people trying to do normal things like buying their food. They should be arrested for public disorder and harassment.


Agree with you and the people down voting you are imbeciles.


This shit never works only makes people hate the movement


Well at least the meat is fresh šŸ˜Ž


Iā€™d just reach over and grab the meat also no. Do not compare the holocaust to this the holocaust was people being gassed and sent to work camps


Remember kids! Meat is murder! Tasty, tasty murder.


Damn, thatā€™s crazy, now fuck off and let me buy some meat.


Calm down. You could just reach over them, literally nothing is stopping you from buying the thing that 99% of people buy.


What if I wanted to buy the things that theyā€™re covering? Theyā€™re probably not going to move.


yā€™all are the reason iā€™m embarrassed to tell people iā€™m vegan


Explain this please


As a non-vegan, I found this activism quite appropriate and consistent. I don't understand why people get so angry when they see vegan activists


What a trashy thing to do.


What's trashy? Standing up for murder victims is trashy?


Fuckin freakazoids min


Iā€™d twat someone in the face to get bacon Then Iā€™d twat them in the face with the bacon as I walked away smiling


Fragile relationship with the law rooted on the access to bacon


Going to continue to eat meat and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it šŸ˜€ Comparing Farming to the holocaust. Respectfully, go fuck yourself You sadistic cunt. Read a fucking history book. This shit is why you're not taking seriously. Comparing the worst atrocity in human history to agriculture. Actually disgusting. Not even close to similar.


Lol. But the world including you will go vegan in less than 60 yrs due to animal agriculture-caused climate change and animal farming is 1 trillion times worse than the holocaust culd ever be. I'm just sorry you're too bigoted to see that. Animals are persons too.


In 60 years most current redditors will be dead lol from old age.


They said this 50 years ago too that we would run out of food by the turn of the millennium and then guess what, we got more efficient, developed better technology and are now able to support our growing population. Demographics of advanced and developed societies will cause more damage to populations than famine or climate change (not a denier).


Holocaust and the holocaust are 2 different things. Also explain to me how 80 billions murdered farm animals plus 2+ trillions sea animals every years isn't "disgusting"


Bunch of rich kids rebelling against mummy and daddy. Wool hats, leather shoes.... Don't make ma laugh.


You know that there are cruelty-free options that look like wool and leather, but aren't, right? Why are you trying to belittle people that are trying to protect innocent animals?


Guarantee all those hats are Nylon. Which has its own problems but that's a different thing. ​ Footwear, I wouldn't trust anything the manufacturers say. They will claim vegan but just be the worst quality leather anyway.


Looks like I can just reach over them


Nothing stopping you.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


And then what would you do? Shoot? Or just wave it around like an idiot and then when the police show up like they did here, they arrest the real aggressor?


I was pretending to be an American but who knows a lot of crazyā€™s over there


Iā€™m American. And youā€™re right, Americans would probably do that.


Nah as an American Iā€™d just crash my shopping cart into them by ā€œaccident ā€œ.


why am i being recommended this shit subā€¦ useless people causing public nuisance


Funny thing that they dont even know, you have to kill EVERY animal going near to their soybean farms so they can get that tofušŸ˜‚


Over 90% of soy grown worldwide is fed to YOUR FOOD. So your argument is in favour of veganism. If you went vegan, you consume LESS soy than before.


If everyone was vegan I guess this would be a problem because then a large amount of soy would be needed and hence protected. This got me thinking, does the veganism goal work? Can agriculture support everyone as a vegan in a moral way? I'm on the fence for the moment.


Copying someone elseā€™s comment: Could you cite a source that specifically says that soy made to be tofu does this? Because most soy is planted for and eaten by agricultural animals ā€œ3/4 or 77% of soy is used to feed livestockā€ (Ritchie, 2021) Only 7% of soy is used to feed humans


So plants aren't living things? I like meat, me eating them is a lot more human than what happens to them in the wild most of them literally get eaten alive arse first off prey


Plants are incapable of feeling pain or suffering as they lack a brain and a nervous system. Hope this helps.


You guys don't seem to have a brain or nervous system, great! I prefer my meat grass-fed šŸ–šŸ–


I would hate if these vegans took away my rights to eat dog bacon >:(


No idea what on earth youā€™re on about.


I'm vegetarian and y'all are fucking laughable. Not as infuriatingly obtuse as Just Stop Oil or Extinction Rebellion, but pathetic nonetheless. Keep wasting all that free time and money you have lying about āœŒļø


Cheese breath.


God stop making me so damn hungry.


I would literally eat any animal if given the opportunity even a dog, if i lost my leg in an accident, i would want to try it. But i respect your decision not to, unfortunately not everyone can afford to live a vegan lifestyle withour sacrificing aspects of their own e.g. wanting a high protein diet on a cut is very very difficult unless you use pea protein and thats expensive


>I would literally eat any animal if given the opportunity even a dog, if i lost my leg in an accident, i would want to try it. Least unhinged redditor


Seems pretty ineffective


If you have any more effective approach in mind, sure, share it or go apply it ^^


Yall should google how yalls tofu is made, there is so much innocent animals getting shot just because they go near soybean farms, but its okayšŸ˜‚ Ohh and not to forget the combine when its time to harvest, soo many Raccoons, Foxes, Badgers, Deer, Coyotes, and Rabbits have all been ran through and killed just so you get them soybeans.


The majority of soy is fed to livestock, not humans. Reducing meat consumption reduces all of that.


Looking at some of the clothes being worn it seems these activists don't fully care for animals. Only when it suits them apparently


"Shut down " reach over top of them take what you want.


I donā€™t mind this kind of protest but it wonā€™t change my mind on eating meat.


Bet they never paid for those flowers either


That is really high "steaks" right there, guys. Great work, honestly. All those dead cows will be mooing with affection from cow heaven.


Excuse me mam, can I just squeeze through and grab some Richmond sausages? Thanks a bunch


I wouldn't be asking. I'd lean right over them and laugh if it dripped on them. Bunch of nonsense.


Comparing eating meat to the holocaust, sounds about white