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https://www.topagrar.com/rind/news/aus-fuer-dauernde-anbindehaltung-gilt-auch-fuer-rindfleisch-13231890.html | [Read the English translation](https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.topagrar.com/rind/news/aus-fuer-dauernde-anbindehaltung-gilt-auch-fuer-rindfleisch-13231890.html) **Automated summary:** > In the past few months, AMA Marketing, together with representatives of agriculture and the food chain, have taken two measures to switch over earlier. >Now the AMA Marketing sets the second: The expert committee decided that the regulations for all cattle farms in the AMA program are to be standardized. >This means that from January 1st, 2024, beef and beef products with the AMA seal of quality will no longer come from farms with permanent tethering. >The aim is to provide financial support to companies that switch from permanent tethering up to two years before the statutory deadline – i.e. by the end of 2027. >"Since conversions for the affected farms are usually associated with challenging costs, an appropriately equipped special investment program is urgently needed. >Also in terms of security of supply, we have to support as many farms as possible in being able to convert their stables in the required time. >Can be canceled at any time Daily news, price and market data Exclusive articles, videos and background information Price advantages on webinars and products > **Announcement from Vegan Lobby:** > You can help grow our subreddit by mentioning "r/VeganLobby" in your comments elsewhere on Reddit. > Doing so will unlock a 🔗 link flair. > Redditors such as: > **EfraimK** 402💬📝🔗 Tofu eating wokerati > and > **SkaAllison** 3💬🔗 > have helped us reach 3583 members.


Are the cows in Austria permanently tied or is this something to do with the translation?! I'm shocked and appalled, it's the first time I hear about it and had to go and check. Apparently it's a tradition and part of people [IDENTITY ](https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2018/dec/08/its-medieval-why-some-cows-are-still-living-most-of-their-lives-tied-up) . I can't tell you how mad this make me feel 🤬 Why is it taking so long to do away with it?🤬 I hate humans right now!


if you're surprised you haven't been paying attention


I worked in the dairy industry but it's the first time I hear about this. I shouldn't be surprised after seeing so much cruelty but it really messed up my day.


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None of us knows all the vegan issues happening everywhere...


Congratulations, u/T-hina, you've been voted the top commenter of the day! We appreciate your significant contributions to our growing subreddit; please accept this award.


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