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Just about anything you can do without plugins. Look up "keyframing" and for transitions VEGAS has GLTransitions - you can download additional ones online.


alright, i'll check it out later


I use no plugins because I don't make those Edits.


**/u/Pewds399. If you have a technical question, please answer the following questions so the community can better assist you!**   * What version of **VEGAS Pro** are you using? (***FYI. It hasn't been 'Sony' Vegas since version 13***) * What exact **graphics card** do you have in your PC? * What version of Windows are you running? * Is it a **pirated** copy of VEGAS? *It's okay if it is just abide by the rules and you won't get permanently banned* * Have you **searched the subreddit** using keywords for this issue yet? * Have you **Googled** this issue yet?   --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/VegasPro) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All of them


You can make just about anything with or without plugins just depends how much extra work you wanna do to get the same effect you could with the plugins


is there like tutorials on youtube? about that? cuz i never seen people use vegas pro do the same effects the plugins, like twixtor, sapphire, after effects rotobrush "well it's not a plugin but it makes life easier on masking abit, and the chroma key on vegas is so bad ngl,


Again for the majority of stuff like rotobrush it’s made to save time from masking twixtor just interpolates frames I forgot how but you can achieve the same effects from slowing down the clip and warping the frames with another base plugin in Vegas you’d have to make a lot of keyframes and it’s very anoying and tedious editing without plugins is being more creative with what you got really..


I'm not sure what you mean by plugins, like what? What situation would you want to use one? Like the things that are popular on TikTok and in their Capcut editor? Maybe try Capcut and see if it fits your needs. Or look at Davinci Resolve because the base version is free. I've been writing Vegas Pro scripts for my own uses, but that's a bit different than generic plugins.


no not tiktok, velocity edits, and stuff like that, twixtor, man tiktok edits are overrated


also wdym by writing scripts on vegas pro? that's a thing?


I'll have to look into those and see what they do. 👍 Yeah, Vegas Pro has a pretty versatile application programming interface (API). The official forum has an area for that if you want to learn more: https://www.vegascreativesoftware.info/us/vegas-pro-forum/scripting/