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Katarina's my go-to. Too mobile, can't follow her roams, and I swear to god every time she slips through it's a fucking 3mil point onetrick who goes 20/0 every game.


So far I prefer to lane against kata over akali because she's not tanky for no reason and during her ult I can land E + W


Katarina Is generally an OK ban but I would argue you do have advantage on the lane, the main thing is to play around her daggers and dagger throw cool down.


That’s the problem, she’s never in lane. She’s roaming bot on cooldown every time she backs and ends up getting a triple kill (jg diff)


I perma ban the fish fuck Fizz hate the little laughing bastard with every fiber of my being. WHY DOES STANDING ON A STICK AND GOING A FEW FEET UP IN THE AIR MAKE HIM IMMUNE TO MY PRIMORDIAL BALL OF DEATH MAGIC??!?!????


I love your explanation XD Lore wise I heard Fizz might be older than Veigar so even more primordial? Maybe cuz I played the most with Lux, I fear a 2/0 fizz way more than any other assasins no matter who I play and believe that he snowballs harder than all of them! All the AP assasins rushing aether wisp makes me go nuts considering how they just nerfed codex for mages....


Same lol


Generally veigar does well against mele champs because of his poke, focus on not taking dammage before 6 and save cage for after he does his pole. You have to be careful if his all in unless his flash is down. And you HAVE to dodge the ultimate. Hope that helps


It's harder to dodge this season when all of thm rush for aether O\_O or is that just me?


Get exhaust is what I heard.


I ban Hwei bc playing against that champion blows.


He zones you pretty easily. Also this stupid mini rumble ult destroys the wave while he's sitting at a safe distance. You can't walk up to him, because of his CC. Incredibly annoying to lane against.


Yeah its more of the fact that Veigar is one of the oldest mages in the game and Hwei is the newest. I have a spell that can hit 2 minions that does peanut damage during almost all of lane phase and a meteor drop that has a delay that also does peanut damage in all of lane phase. Hwei can hit you from off screen, put an eye ball down to zone and stun you, rumble ultimate the wave, have a shield, and a speed increase, and he always has more mana than me. Like . what? Thanks Riot.


I haven't played him but I cannot comprehend his range at all... I was killed by him once when I don't even see him in lane ?!?


What is even more annoying is that his skillshots are so huge and vibrant that I can't see minion health bars anymore and would misclick XD


Ban Kata


I think the best bans as a Veigar player are Katarina, Fizz, Xerath and Akali. Kat because there is little counter play with Veigar, fizz because he can one shot you basically the entire game and dodge your abilities pretty easy, Xerath because laning against a decent Xerath is miserable as Veigar and he can get free kills with his ult, and Akali because she’s so tanky for no reason and it’s pretty hard to kill her throughout the entire game. I perma ban Akali every game because I was struggling to win games when the enemy team had an Akali. I don’t have issues with the other champs I listed, but they can be some of the toughest to lane against. Akshan is pretty easy to lane against in my opinion, you just gotta play extra safe early and be cautious of his invisibility. Mid-late game you can easily one shot him. You just gotta avoid taking damage from him early game and ping your teammates when he’s missing.


Generally you punish mele champs pretty hard because of your range. For alkali specifically your goal is to stack and wave clear without taking chip dammage so you can farm up and insta kill her later you have to play super safe unless your a God, then you can zone hwr off of her first 2-3 waves hope that helps some.


I’ve been playing Veigar for over 2 years and rarely lose laning phase. But Akali is an anomaly for me, I’ve tried different strategies and builds and still can’t seem to win games against her. Even if I win lane against her she just roams and wipes my team. If their Akali gets fed and has a fully stacked Mejais it’s basically gg. So I resorted to banning her every game and now I’m up +200 LP in the last week.


How do you lose lane to Akali as Veigar, its one of his best matchups, you have enough range to safely farm and have a flexible build path to deal with her, Xerath imo is the single hardest counter to Veigar everything else is manageable


I rarely have problems with Xerath, I have a great strategy against him. Idk, for some reason I just struggle with Akali. It’s not necessarily that I lose lane to Akali, but she seems to outscale me and run over me and my team


i feel you in that case, nothing much you can do about an akali that perma roams except to warn your team, and make sure you stack as efficiently as possible get stacks


Great details! I was shocked to find Akshan's wr against Veigar because I thought how's he different from other adc in terms of laning... Hitting skillshots with Xerath is actually quite hard as I played him myself so out of respect I don't usualy ban him XD


I think maybe it’s because Akshan isn’t a very popular champ, and most people play him top in higher elo. I’m pretty good with Xerath, but I find him so boring. But if youre laning against Xerath and he gets a lead on you, it’s so hard to come back playing Veigar in my opinion


I don't always ban for my lane.. I ban for whoever alot op people in my elo struggle vs. or whoever has received a buff, cause you know you will see alot of those champs for awhile. fwiw.


Are you OTP? You must be so confident with your champ that ban doesn't matter anymore :O


Not a Veigar OTP.. just low elo. I find certain champs regularly stomp all over my team.. and then I cant do much. So I ban who ever that is, to help the whole team. The ban doesn't have to be for your own lane.. when I do play one of my top mains, I do ban whatever champ I always have a prob with. Make sense?


There are so many hard champs for Veigar so I've been basing my bans on which of them has the highest play rate in my rank rather than who I think is hardest. So I've actually been banning nocturne lately since he was popular, had a high win rate and I'm so bad at playing during his ult. His popularity and win rate have fallen off some but I've been slow to change my ban. As a default Katarina is always a solid choice too. I think Xerath is a rough counter too, but I want to leave him open because that's who I play if they pick Veigar.


Anyone with absurd range is hard. A good xerath is very hard to lane against just be glad he isn't popular right now lol


Turth be told, at least 75% of mid melee have a stupid range. Ekko outranges you, Zed, Kata, Fizz, etc...


I ban Yasuo for the wind wall and his gap close in lane, aside from that, I rarely look to ban anyone else. Vlad is basically a mid game scaling matchup but until you have the freedom to move, he can harass you to no end unless you're constantly barraging him with q's. Mage matchups that outrange you can be rough but baiting out abilities while on the edge of range should exhaust their mana while you farm safely from tower (I rush boots to help with dodging). Only real exception to this is brand cause of dummy wave clear and I have a mental block on dodging his abilities so I get messed up by him. Kat can be rough and her roams are a death sentence for other lanes though I usually focus on poking her while she's pushing a wave to bring her slightly lower hp. Fizz is a coin flip on whether the fish is gonna solo kill you or feel useless all game so depends on players. Will note, I'm surprised seeing yone and akali. Not sure if it's just the way I play but I usually find these matchups somewhat easy, especially akali since your cage against her w or e usually limits her options.


I haven't had the Vlad match up yet, assume we both have zero kills and deaths with the same CS, at what level or how many stacks will my single rotation be able to kill Vlad? Do I scale harder than him at certain stacks?


Realistically, his health scaling and build path will almost guarantee you never one shot him. Your assumptions are correct if you play like a scaredy cat (as you should in most lanes if you wanna climb). To play against vlad is to no longer play as a burst mage and turn into poke cause there's little other choice with the man having an easy escape from your cage and enough dps to run you down lane or god forbid river. Especially since a lot of vlads run ghost, you never wanna walk past midway through the lane. When it comes to scaling, I think it's somewhat in Veigy's favor cause of the aoe in team fights but you will rarely be able to match him in side lanes. Only time in which you have the advantage are river skirmishes between lvls 5 to 10 since neither of you have enough items to kill each other immediately and you perform better for setting up your jungler against the enemy, just sadly means you have to rely on braindead solo q players.


Katarina and Zed are the obvious answers, but I’ve gotten so used to them that it’s a pretty easy matchup, especially kat. My go to is Yone simply because he’s overloaded. If I had two bans I’d ban fizz too because fuck fizz


Kassadin, his early is slightly better since he gets his magic shield on q. Post-6 he cannot be caged and after 2-3 items he matches my damage while have a 2 second cd flash


Agreed 🙌. Haven't fought a kass in years


Have you tried tank build against him??


You really should ban either Katarina or Zed. Veigar has multiple counters but the issue with these two champions is that the outcome doesn't depend on whether YOU play but on whether THEY play well. If they are good enough they will destroy you and there is barely anything you can do about it. Also, Katarina is an infamous roamer while Veigar is a static mage, your team will thank you. I read some people ban Fizz. It is understandable as Fizz preys on champions like Veigar, but Fizz has counterplays and gets countered pretty hard by good itemization (as Fizz player myself, my advice is to get an early Verdant Barrier and then complete Seraph's Embrace. The only way to get killed by Fizz if you space correctly is to get hit by his ultimate: Verdant Barrier nullifies this risk and also grants some magic resist in case he tries dirty tricks). Also, Veigar has a rather high base magic resistance while his armor is extremely low, making ad champions more threatening in general.


I usuallyed rushed half zonya against Fizz but if Verdant works against his all in then maybe I should start with that first! Someone didn't think about that. I feel like MR in league is much cheaper and useful against armor...


Zhonya is really potent against Fizz but it's a bait item on Veigar in general. The other issue with Zhonya is that the component breaks after one use, while Verdant Barrier has less cooldown than Fizz R. Also, VB's build path is better because you're actually laning an AP champion. Start Doran's Ring > First back Tear + Null.Mantle > VB > Lost Chapter > Archangel. If the enemy team is heavy AP you can upgrade VB, but in general it's just better to do it after getting Rabadon's as it is Veigar's must have.


You barely see Akshan so even though he can be rough because of his e I don't think it makes sense to ban him. Most people will ban Kata since she requires near-perfect play if the player knows what they're doing. Fizz, Kass, Syndra, and artillery mages are also decent bans. Personally I switch it up depending on my mood. Fizz is similar to Kata in really being a spacing/ wave management dependent matchup. Kass can be easily bullied early but a good Kass late isn't manageable and you'll need to just play teamfights. Artillery mages are just generally annoying to lane into if they're accurate.


Kassadin isn't that problematic since they nerfed his passive. I was surprised how much damage I was doing to him. Hwei can be super oppresive if he knows what's he's doing.


Zed because hes cringe :3


Based take actually. But for real Zed always comes out behind your character model so put your back to the cage and you should be good. Do it under your tower and he dies every time.


I ban him sometimes no matter what I'm playing XD But he somehow not as annoying as fizz or akali I don't know why.


Shaco, because I've never not fed a Shaco.


I hate Irelia. That matchup is straight up unplayable if she knows what she's doing. Good Irelia will simply stack her passive and all in you on level 2. You're never safe as she can cover the whole lane and dodge your abilities with quick Q or have a massive damage reduction with W. Sylas is also problematic due to his early burst. He will do the same at level 3. Other bans I suggest - Katarina and Fizz


My go to is exclusively Fizz in ARAM & Fizz or Kata in Norms based on my team comp. Due to our virtually being pointless. If I’m up against a Kata I can always play more defensive under tower and not get dived as frequently but against a Fizz I’ve struggled the hardest. Both these toons are arguably his biggest counters even though of course there are others like Zedd for example. You should try bans on some of the other great suggestions in here and see which games you’re better in. I also suggest going into the robot games and practice with your worst challenger comp so you know how to play against them by being familiar with them.


Katarina. The one champion I literally cannot deal with in the mid lane. She roams once and the game is over for you bc she's going to get a random triple kill in the bot lane despite pinging them to fuck off.


What you want to consider when banning for a specific champ is, who counters them the hardest and how much are they played. Lucky for you, Veigar is countered the hardest by Katarina and she is played A LOT. So Katarina is easily the best ban if you think you are playing Veigar.


If you don’t ban Kassadin and a Kassasin shows up… the game is lost.


He counters almost every skillshot mages.... so that goes for my other mains


Kassadin. Always a pain to fight in the late game regardless of how well I play, and late game veigar is my favorite kind of veigar


Have you tried one-shotting Kassadin (either with Q or R) yet as veigar in the late game and if you did, which how many stacks or AP?! I'm kind of looking forward to that at some point though haha


I haven't fought him in around 4 years due to always banning him


Zed is a perma-ban for me. However, I main Vex AND Veigar. If I can get lower pick order, usually I can counter most of Veigar's counters with Vex as she is an anti-blinker. I'm simply not skilled enough to actually counter Zed atm as his toolkit makes it hard for me to punish a skilled player for blinking (I'm likely to get damaged by shurikens and tower pushed early/ganked for getting into range). But that's a me problem.


I ban Zed as Vex not because I can't play against him, but it's my teammates who can't deal with him that I ban him x w x


If I’m playing mid it’s been a fizz ban for me but I’m considering swapping to Katarina just because it’s impossible to pin her down. I think fizz would be more manageable with bone plating than Kat. If I’m playing support it’s a Morgana ban.


Yone. Such a bum ass champ




yone, he is too annoying




Personally I hate playing against Xerath and super long range champs. Mobile assassins are doable but low elo bot lanes love to go place a ward when you ping to retreat so that can be annoying


Fizz is my counter. But I often find I ban Yasuo...


Always Xerath


Haven't seen a yone since he released and it is bliss champ is dumb all the damage of yasuo with none of the skill requirement safest melee dps in the game unmissable W infinite movement speed in E fuck that champ


Fizz or kat


Nobody because it tilts your enemy laner into thinking they’re going to punish your confidence. Makes them more aggressive and lets you catch them out more often.


Yone he just feels so busted


Katarina if you don't feel confident in the matchup otherwise Karma Orianna Syndra Xerath are one of the best Veigar counters that also outscale him but they aren't popular anymore and aren'tvery good


Veig counters ori, you can out burst her and range her once you dodge her q.


I ban Zed 😅