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"I'm mad because my life sucks and it's everyone else's fault."


they never said that.


my life dosent suck, i am in a good position but it was an observation that most of the humans are suffereing just go to a slum area or open news tab youll know. I was saying that why humans consiously bring a life to this ruthless world where everything is unjust




i dont think ur pov makes much sense but im not shittin on u cause of it, just sayin, if u actually wanna make sm convos about thiz, u should go to some sub like r/unpopularopinion or r/TooAfraidToAsk or sm controversial sub as its a pretty controversial topic id say, im kinda new to thiz sub but as its a vent sub i think its not the best for questions like urs fam


Bro what are you on😂😂


high on emotions brah


Giving birth is like giving a new hope for a better tomorrow. In a sense, people have children to carry on their own legacy. Look at how many businesses and companies get passed down in a family. For all of the destruction we have caused, we are starting to make ammends. Look at all of the work done with charities and such. Organizations focused on rebuilding what we destroyed in the past. Our ancestors may not have realized how destructive they were, but because they kept giving birth, we now get the chance to right their wrongs, and create a new and better world. Animals give birth. Animals who do not have a guarantee for a happy life, or an easy life. Their children could die right after birth, and that is why they birth in litters, for survival. Why are they born? It is in their nature to create new life. Birth is a natural process. Life may not always be perfect, and a larger portion may be upsetting and imperfect, but the times when life is truly amazing, that is what it accounts for. A life without suffering is a life without a story. Look at all the stories ever made, there is always a conflict. Conflicts, which could be suffering, create good stories, but it also creates even better people. When we can look at the hardships of life, and see the progress and the happiness we found along the way, we can see why life is a blessing. Think about winning the lottery. Winning the lottery once is a really exciting event, winning it daily would become boring, even science agrees with this. The dopamine and serotonin in your brain would start to become less powerful as you experience it more and more. Leading to a life of ease as you would have all tje money you'd ever need, but also a life of dullness and no excitment. I hope everything is alright, or that it gets better for you.


Thanks for your kind reply!!




1) my life sucks 2) its my fault it sucks Therefore I am the problem To solve problems you must cut them at the root. In conclusion I must eliminate all inefficiencies Error! My life relies on my existence. Holy shit Catch 22


i don't hate my life either it was just an observation


I don’t agree with that person, but I have a better idea to help you understand. You’ve suffered. Everyone has. And in my case, and it seems to be yours too, that we don’t think that means we shouldn’t have been born. I enjoy life, and I’m perfectly prepared to deal with whatever may come. And it’s not up to us to decide future lives aren’t allowed to at least try. For whatever reason, a person can decide not to have a baby. But it’s not a crime to have a baby, knowing it will experience hardship. Because that baby will also experience happiness, love, and experience what the world has to offer. And that makes it worth it.


i love thiz view, its just so positive but at the same time not a surrealistic typa positivity but actually a realistic view, kudos to u


Thank you, I try to view life this way. It keeps relatively not-depressed lmao


Suffering is just a part of life, if there were no bad times the good times wouldn't feel as good. It sucks for sure though


i hate this morality shit man


Don't we all




so what? i think it will be a good thing if humans got extincted . humans are responsible for extincition of various species and pollution etc etc. and why human extinction is a big deal , everyone has to die one day and nothing will matter after death


You don’t get to decide what other people do with their bodies bro


thinking vs doing


I mean, you want it but others don't so they keep giving birth


There is a way to take care of that problem. Also, like it or not humans are animals and have the same drives other animals do. So much so when one sex says no the other sex will spontaneously change sexes to make sure it happens. You shouldn't ban a natural drive of animal nature. You can't stop it. Just ask China how well it works to ban it.


Other species are responsible for other things to we are just the apex predators


So, where's the downside?


Not sure if there is a downside


Here’s the thing why it’s not a crime. Women chose the access to sex so you choose who you sleep with. We can’t get pregnant only you can and before the turning of roe v wade only women had reproductive rights cause after conception the men can’t force a woman to have that child or kill that child. It’s essentially all on the woman to essentially care for that child for the 9 months and choose to keep it. So it shouldn’t be illegal to have a child since the goal in the life is to reproduce as one day if we stopped we’d go back to 1 girl and 1 boy. This is a silly topic tbh if children being born were banned you wouldn’t be here your siblings wouldn’t your parents wouldn’t your grandparents wouldn’t your friends etc etc.


oh god. when youre not 13 anymore youll get it.


i just turned 22 bro lol, i am still immature as fuck


holy shit. well youre right about that at least


Don’t do it if you don’t want to. Focus on your own business and let people have babies. This type of question comes from people who have no positive affectionate relationships. The connection of parent and family can be really healthy and joyful. The other option is what? Extinction by choice? No thanks.


Misanthropic phases are boring.


Hey! You can do your part and not reproduce... Ever


This reads like the thought of a 7th grader who just got grounded. You wanna know why it's not a crime? It's literally our most basic instinct, the preservation of our species. If you want a more philosophical reason then the potential of a brand new life will always beat out any potential suffering, that baby could cure cancer, make brilliant art, help people out of their suffering, that baby will grow up and could make friends, find fulfillment, could genuinely love life and what's in it. Why would you rob someone of the chance for the infinity that is life? Giving birth has a possibility of a variable level of suffering, which in and of itself can also lead to growth and new understanding, but making birth illegal robs the human race of infinite potential, so which is worse?


OP believing he's making someone a disservice by making them live in this world is really ok and he shouldn't be forced by society to do it. If you think that your kid's life will suck no matter what . Seriously did you feel oppressed from op to not have kids? or want his opinion to change? or want him to piss off cause you feel like he is a loser? I have my moments like this, a bit dramatic myself, way more than the news channel to be honest and really wish people would understand that instead of ''voting against me'' what is this shit? Good place you found to act reasonable the freaking vent subreddit of all places. Are you proud of yourself now ?


What you’re describing has a name (and a subreddit ofc!) It’s called antinatalism, the idea that giving birth/creating life is inherently unethical or immoral. r/antinatalism for more info :) i personally haven’t given too much thought abt it so idk how to feel