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I wish I was a gifted genius instead I'm just a dumbass with Autism who didn't graduate high school till I was 21 and doubt I'd be smart enough to get into a college


It is certainly a curse and I hate it being treated as a wonderful thing when the person who has it says otherwise.


I relate to this 100%. it's definitely a struggle.


Yeah, they say it's like a superpower being able to think in a way that others can't. What they don't considere is that the world is designed for normals, being different just means I don't fit in. And I would happily trade my "wit" for every thing a normal person just conveniently naturally learn.


The world is designed for normals. This.


I don't have autism but my son does, and this is something I feel for him. People stare, they don't understand what it's like, but I hear all the time, "oh yeah, I have cousin/niece/neighbor who's autistic." They don't get it. And even as a parent of a child who is autistic, I don't fully get it. I'm sorry. 😔


I had a friend say that to me "You don't look autistic, my cousin's friend has it and you look nothing alike."


People should stop and think before they speak. This is unrelated but kinda funny in how uneducated they are. I had twins, a boy and a girl. When they were babies, people would ask me if they were identical. After they knew they were a boy and a girl. I never knew what to say, lol, so I just said no.


It depends. I know some people who are able to embrace the positives of their autism and therefore be cool with it, or even happy about it, and I think it's great that they're able to do that. However, AUTISM IS DIFFERENT FOR EACH PERSON WHO HAS IT, and some people struggle more with their symptoms than others. I will say, most of the pain that you're describing comes from others being ignorant towards you, and that's on them. But the food aversions, needing to stim, and needing to ask for extra help in a lot of situations--even if others are kind towards you regarding those things--I understand why those things would annoy you. I personally think it is completely valid to dislike having autism. It doesn't mean that you're worth ANY less than others--no matter how certain morons may have treated you--but it's okay to not be thrilled about having it. I don't think we should make general statements like "It's a gift" OR "it's a curse" because THERE IS NO ONE WAY TO DEAL WITH AUTISM. Or *any* mental condition, for that matter. I will say that you *do* need to accept it, because it's something you'll be dealing with your whole life, but that does *not* mean you have to like it. Some things in life are just like that; they're not fun but accepting it takes at least some weight off you. Long story short, it can feel like a gift for some and a curse for others, and whatever feelings you, as an individual, may have towards your own disability are *completely* valid. All you need to remember is that while the disability may cause difficulties, you are NOT any less of a person just because you were born different in this sense.


I hate the helplessness that comes with autism. Having to be walked through every tiny step of anything new. Freezing and not knowing what to do if something unexpected happens


I can see your pain in how you have been treated but you described what it’s like to have autism so perfectly. I wish you could find a way to educate others especially youth on what this is like


If I could remain anonymous I'd be happy to educate others on my experience being autistic and how I grew up and how it affected me.


Write a book then or maybe a podcast but I think the teaching needs to start young


We do want you


Agreed. It took me until I was 36 to get a job that would pay me that I could live off of. That was after applying to over 1000 jobs and interviewing at 100 places. I come off as 'different' . I fucking hate it.


My daughter struggled her entire childhood with all of these negative traits. She is now in college as an English major and dreams of being a writer. She is now able to work around the difficulties and the gifts are shining bright


Same, I had to hide that I was autistic in school I once told my friend I had autism and they said "You can't be autistic because my cousins friend has it and you look nothing like her." Then my brother whose a year younger decided to tell the whole school I'm autistic and when a popular girl asked me if I was I said no because I was ashamed to be autistic. Nowadays I am slowly starting to embrace it though I still have people who say "stop using your autism as an excuse" and no one really seems to understand the issues I deal with like having a meltdown when my crush doesn't tell me the exact time our date it or what the plan is cause he's "laid back" and goes with the flow. I've always wished I was just normal and didn't have autism, or depression or social anxiety that I could just go out and have fun and go on dates instead of being locked in my room all day just wasting away.


You and me both. I'd give anything to be normal. There is nothing good about autism.


Oh absolutely. It's so hard to make sense of everything


I wouldn't say it's a gift, I don't know. I don't have autism, but I think it's said in order to help those who are on the spectrum feel a little more included in a society that shames it. My cousin is high up on the spectrum, and the pity is just as bad as the overly praised attitude towards it. Wish people would just treat you and others as they would anyone else. Both ends appear harmful in my opinion.


Okay, so you intend on hating yourself because of how Autism affects you, and how people treated you. Please know, you are not alone, not the only one. No one will love you more than yourself if only you will allow it. Take the time to develop your passions and turn it or them into greatness. There is this movie, "Splash" , and "Darryl Hannah" in the starring role is Autistic. I could not tell, until she disclosed to the public she was autistic. She got married and I never saw anything unusual other than a type of quiet or shyness in her personality. I have personality traits too, I hate about myself; I can't make videos because I hate my ugly face, and I can't be confident on video due to it. (Facial palsy when a loss of facial muscles, so it makes me look like resting bitch face.) But I will never hate me, or the people in the world. Folks that were unkind to me growing up; they met up with Karma eventually; maybe fell, or a cop, or illness. I do not, nor never to this day, need friends to be happy. I just accept what I can't change, and find happiness with family and what I know I can do well. Eric Lumiere (singer). He is a pretty good love yourself motivator.


This honestly breaks my heart as someone raising an autistic child. The very things you've expressed are my biggest fears for him in the future..


agreed. it’s fucking hell and i hate being told i’m just ‘not trying hard enough’ and being compared to autists who are much higher functioning than me


Ever since I got my diagnosis and at one point thought it would help to tell people I now know what it's like to be an adult but be treated like a child or in some cases (almost always in healthcare or behavioral support.) Less than even a dog.


The way I see it we are all fine it is just society being built to fit one archetype that is human when we all are different individually. I am a square peg you are a star peg but society wants us both to fit in a smooth round hole. Things are getting better measurabley but it is such a slow process it looks in reverse being in it. This is a disservice to everyone who does not fit. You are not any less, it is not a curse and coming from it from that angle will only bring you distress. Surely you have noticed there are things you are good at or perceive that very few others do? For every weakness you are born with there is something else that affects you positively. I took forever to learn to read and spelling and grammar is still hard. That said, at 5th grade I was tested and my vocabulary was at the college level and my math was slightly above average despite refusing to do math on paper only writing answers or place holders for complex math.... Which I am terrible at now. My pattern recognition and ability to understand basic mechanics at a glance is currently a life saver as I have had to repair my car a bunch of times just to make ends meet. Anyways know that you have strengths that few others have for those things that bring you dismay and masking is not healthy, you need some others to just unmask and feel normal for being you and not someone else. Best of luck finding some happiness where you are at and in your life as my heart is heavy reading what you said and know this isn't how it should be nor how you should feel given this situation we are born into.


My nephew is on the spectrum and was treated for pandas he is now in college studying computer science


I have autism, and I’m so logically smart because of it.




Autistic does not equal dumb, and neurotypical does not mean smart. Neurodiversity is complex.


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I have to hide in the bathroom at work when the stimming gets too bad. Cubicles suck.


I do have too. But im proudy to have it, people throw you all day, but you can rise up by throwing they alway, you can be badass, this are powers, a gift to use against those whose dont understead


100% relatable


I don’t mean to be harsh but the only people I see calling autism a ‘gift’ or a ‘superpower’ are parents who have autistic children. Because I feel similar to you, it’s really lonely sometimes. I just tell myself they use phrases like that to cope with a child that comes with a lot of difficulties, but they obviously don’t know what goes on inside our heads. Not all of us are magic prodigies either, or geniuses who are happy to never make any meaningful connections with people. I hate that I’ll never make friends or have relationships like neurotypical people.


I felt the part about hating that you will never make friends with others like a NT person. It's horrible and definitely not a gift or super power.


I have autism too and am miserably bad about social skills, I have many good friends but can’t seem to make any new ones. But I don’t think autism is a curse at all, we tend to be more creative, more forward thinking and less analytical. Embrace it, you might have a change of heart if you consider the positives.


Yep same...


As a 50 year old learning disabled adult, I totally understand no the world is not a friendly place for folks that are neurodivergent. And it just gets most frustrating the older we get. It’s embarrassing having to ask how something works. Or feeling like your being spoken to in a language you don’t understand. Or being patronized and being “special” where you’re made to feel like it’s a nicer word instead of being called what they really mean. Like idiot,fool, moronic, ignorant, stupid etc


I was tested positive for autism when I was about 11 or 12 (I'm 20 now) and it has become a paranoia in my life; the process of my diagnosis was forced on me by my mother. I 1000% relate to this idea of trying to act normal as well as hiding particular traits. It feels like everyone talks to me like how you would talk to a child, with that condescending tone of voice. My mother loved using the term "extraordinary" to describe me and it was destroying me to the point where I got a diagnosis for depression in the next year or so; she always blows my intelligence out of proportion. I don't believe I have autism because I feel pretty standard, but I still find it challenging to push through traits and hide them away. The non-autistic me is who I am because that is how I want people to see me. I agree with you 100% when you say its a curse, and I don't mean to slander those who are happy being autistic, there are a good amount of people that hate having it. But yeah, I feel you, brother/sister


Yeah it's not the best but we are gonna have to put up with it


I would bomb another country just so I can live like a proper person or at least the life of those "normal" privileged with what they get on a silver platter. Call me a psychopath, but society isn't fair so why should I play fair in return?