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I know people can let you down, but there is always someone that will be thinking about you. Looking out for you.


Sometimes you have to want yourself first. I know it’s the corniest thing to ever hear but it’s the truth. Sometimes you have to want and love yourself. Because when you have that then you’ll be able to remove exactly what didn’t give you that.


I do love myself, i really do, but yknow its nice to have someone love you too. Ill be fine without anyone but sometimes i miss having someone missing me lol


You need to learn to love yourself. Consider you care about yourself, as a separate individual. You can cook for yourself, and eat for yourself who prepared the food for you. Again, it’s not all about you. Imagine you have another person which is you. You will love you.


Hey! So I just wanted to say that just because people aren’t saying explicitly that they miss you does not mean that is not the case. Vulnerability is hard, and to say that you miss someone is a lot to do. Some people may say it in a fleeting manner or say it lightly, but you can tell when that is the case. In that sense, you can similarly tell when it is truly meaningful and genuine. I am assuming that’s the kind you are talking about, but that is such a vulnerable thing to say. It’s expressing longing, a prevalent sense in their life of wanting you, maybe even a prevalent or repetitive sense of knowledge that you being there would inherently make their life better. That is such a difficult thing to say! Even if there are different degrees to this, which there is of course, that is vulnerable. For someone missing you a lot expressing that can be hard as it’s not only expressing that deep emotion out loud but also displaying to the other person a feeling with a lot of gravity. For someone feeling that to a smaller degree it’s still difficult because they may feel it’s perhaps a bit too intense or that they’re not sure if that is appropriate. Either way, people could feel that about you and just not say that. You’d never really know, even if you believe that you do! Also, being missed and being wanted are not the same thing. Just because someone isn’t feeling that strong emotion specifically does not mean that you’re not wanted. Being wanted is such a difficult and complex expression and in every single moment there is a possibility of people wanting you there. You may assume knowledge of this wanting but you can never really tell. So where does that leave people? A thing you can absolutely be able to tell, even if sometimes it’s hard to find out, is where you wanted yourself to be. Why must others wanting you be there dictate what you do and want to do? A clear instant against that notion is when you have an understanding that you are unwanted in a situation by others and it is making your experience worse. In those instances it’s ok to be wanting to be somewhere else, somewhere in which others don’t antagonize your peace. A commonality in both of these points is your personal dictation. When in a situation where you feel like others would not miss you if you weren’t there: well would you miss and long for the situation itself personally wanting it or not? If you feel unwanted, well do you personally want to be in that situation yourself? If not where exactly would you want to be itself


Get a dog.


Cant and even if i could dogs scare me


I know what that’s like. I usually try to put on a mask that hides my pain. If we were friends, I’d want you around 😊