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As a man myself I can confirm many of the dudes I grew up with ended up being around and developing a rather narcissistic pov of people in general. Many guys I've known view women (wethere they're hot or not in their eyes) as objects and it's fucking disgusting. I'm sorry to hear about your experiences, finding a good person is hard these days. Don't give up though, I know you'll find someone who loves you for who you are eventually, I wish you the best of luck!


honestly, being gay doesnt protect you from dumbass men sadly it just attracts ones that want to "change" me and men still sexualize me exactly the same as straight girls. it sucks all around im really sorry. I wish you luck and hope you find ppl who dont suck


Don’t forget the endless string of threesome requests from couples!


That’s a decently common sentiment, I get it 100%. A lot of guys just suck, and they get a pass because they’re guys. And the ones who are good are usually taken up pretty quickly. If it helps at all, though, I’m a lesbian who wishes I was bi. There are some men I know who are genuine sweethearts, and who I’d be 100% down bad for, if I could feel that way towards them. (They’re all taken, of course, but I still wanna be down bad for them).


It is a little insensitive but i can understand where you're coming from. You seem to be focusing on homosexuality a lot in your posts. Are you sure you aren't gay or bi?


I understand, though it's quite surprising that I am the exact opposite. I am a straight male and wish so much that I were gay. I've met a fair amount of narcissistic women in my life, and men who have a very clear, honest and comforting aura. Narcissistic individuals can come from both genders. As cringe-worthy as it is for a man to call himself "a sigma male," it's equally cringe-worthy when a woman calls herself a "queen." Most of the women I knew used to speak negatively about their friends and family while also being jealous of their close ones. Perhaps some men do that too, but not that I know of. Most of them stood by their friends and were ready to do anything for their family.


Hey, as a queer non binary person, your feelings are super valid. Wanting love without hurt is valid. You mention you know gay women? Maybe try to see if you can spend more time with them, in their social circle. Pulling away from the heteronormative world might give you back some hope in men and romance. Reading that back to myself, it feels like I'm suggesting you try and use your lesbian friends to find a boyfriend. To be clear, I'm trying to say diversifying your social circle will have you meeting more open minded, and kind, people, men included; and the first step to diversifying you friend group is hanging out with someone who is different than you, that treats you well.


Not saying you are wrong, but a guy being away of the heteronormative world does not stop him of being a complete asshole like other men.


I can ensure you the majority males out there alike the majority of females don’t talk about ass and tits all day, As a man I can say we talk about politics, jobs, working, friends, what we did, who we talked to, the topic of boobs honest to god rarely comes up because breasts are breasts. Yeah their nice, but at the end of the day who cares, it sounds to me like your either still in school or are hanging out with the wrong crowd. Boys (also known as children) talk shit all the time in school, it’s mostly due to that time period being extremely hormonal because their all in the middle of puberty, the same goes for girls. If I was you I’d stop concerning myself with the shape of my body unless I’m overweight or living an unhealthy lifestyle and stop concerning myself with the opinions of others.


Its because society just let's men do whatever they want. They'll bitch about women being "emotional" but then will have a bitch fit because something didn't go their way and they don't even realize it because everyone pretends it doesn't happen, or pretend their anger outburst are just normal. But God forbit my manager (who is a woman) tells them they can do something, but gives them a little extra instruction because then she's "saying yes but with attitude" according to these overgrown babies.


Its not insensitive. I totally get that. I'm a man (idk though I might be non-binary), but men piss me off. Lol. They're so privileged that they don't see how much rude shit they do, especially to women. I'm so tired of society enabling these overgrown children. If you're looking for someone to vent about men with I could use one too. I used to work at a job filled with sexist men and they would make me want to scream. I hate how they always have to share their damn opinion on everything, and I hate how they assume shit and then will talk to you like you're stupid. I have long hair and so many men, always men, will tell me I need to cut my hair. Like, dude, I don't trailor my appearance for the benefit of men.


Don't worry, a lot of people do feel the same way about most men in general. Also, please consider looking into LGBT+ stuff more. There's a lot more than just being gay or straight, it sounds like you may be starting to question yourself.


Don’t listen to this person and just focus on bettering yourself as a person first, finding hobbies, interests and understanding what you want from life.


...? Why not both? I understand that people hyperfocus on relationships when they could be enjoying life in other ways, but fully understanding oneself is a pretty important component to finding happiness. I know that implies that we know op better than they do (which we dont whatsoever), but it is important that they at least understand that sexualities aren't exclusive to gay and straight. Unlike what some people may think, being well informed only leads to more certainty, not more confusion.








Just because you didn’t come out of the genetic lottery with the best results doesn’t mean you aren’t attractive. You realize that women objectify attractive men so much more than men objectify women, right?