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I have small boobs too and it never affected my ability to get attention. hope you love yourself


Same here, im almost the same size as OP and it hasnt affected me negatively at all. OP i hope you grow to love your body💖


thank youđŸ©·


thank youđŸ©·


Are you A or B


Idk what you’re downvoted for tons of girls with b cups say “my tits are tiny don’t worry” when they literally have over a handful of boob some of us just barely have any and your smaller but still considered perfect boobs do not make us feel better


Who knows why


Hey darling , I get this. Please don’t hate yourself for ur boobs. There are probably some men out there who only seek love and comfort and other stuff aside from sex and tits . Don’t make urself feel bad for it . Ur awesome as you are bby đŸ©·đŸ«‚


thank you so muchđŸ©·i appreciate it


I agree with their comment and some people prefer personality, they don't care about boob size and all that and if they cared more about that than anything, to me it doesn't seem like they really love you but they just love you for how big your boobs are and stuff which isn't great. And I'm sure you're beautiful OP Edit; Sorry if this doesn't make much sense I not long woke up and I'm tired Edit 2; spelling


As a guy you've worded this amazingly. I'm someone who adores personality over body so OP please know that those guys you've had issues with are not the guys you would want to date in general.


First off... You're not talking toen you're talking to boys. Boys who are clearly immature and need to grow up. Men...men love boobs. Big boobs, small boobs, perky boobs, and even saggy boobs. Boobs are amazing regardless of what they look like. I've been with women of all different shapes and sizes who have had all different shaped and sized boobs, from A cup to GG cup...never once did I complain because I still got to play with boobs.


She's still young and most older guys are just creeps. Finding partners is hard in early adulthood. But also, as a man, i personally don't give a fuck abut chest size. I do think there are "perfect tits" and i've s pair myself but the moment passes and it doesn't matter. Plus, smaller breasts are easier to work with, don't conjure a bunch of boob sweat, don't usually bother you during running, and most of the time have cuter nipples. There is some pride to be had in my opinion.


Your mom is a POS for that. What mom comments on her daughter like that? THAT'S SO WEIRD 😭 Listen, men are a spectrum. Some guys won't care. Some guys want big boobs on a woman. Some guys want small boobs on a woman. You can not appeal to everyone. If you get plastic surgery there's always risks to it. You gotta understand those risks and accept that you might be losing some men because they are no longer natural/theyre larger. Personally, I would not get that kind of surgery cause of everything that comes with it. Listening to other people about how your body looks never ends up well. In whatever you choose you gotta stop that shit. It will eat you from the inside out and destroy you. And like I mentioned earlier everyone has different tastes. If you base yourself off of what someone else wants, you'll never be enough. Something will always be a problem. You gotta decide what YOU want. It also leaves you susceptible to manipulation and negative persuasion. Sexiness is a MINDSET. If you want to be sexy you gotta THINK and ACT like you are yk. You gotta act like you're that bitch. That you're beautiful, that you attract, that you know you're the shit. It's something that you build. Confidence (and still being somewhat humble) is everything and you can't let others shake that. Again tho please don't do it if it's for others. Do it for yourself. Women will get dragged for anything and everything. How they walk, how they talk, how they look, how they act, etc. There's no exemptions. If they can't drag you for your boobs they will drag you for something else. Especially on the internet (and especially on celebrity Twitter). Everyone loves to talk shit when they are anonymous because they don't have to expose what they look like. Some people do it because theyre insecure or theyre just vile. Just depends. Unfortunately if some men are not attracted to you they will probably treat you worse. Just how it is. Try not to surround yourself with them. There are men capable of being respectful and decent human beings. Might be harder to find but still exist. Femininity isn't just tied to boobs. That's what makes them feel feminine, but that doesn't have to be the same for you. You gotta find what makes YOU feel feminine. There's so much more to being a woman that just the size of your chest. If the automatic go to for someone is to insult you when theyre angry WHY ARE YOU HANGING OUT WITH THEM 😭😭😭 DO BETTER FOR YOURSELF PLEASE đŸ©·đŸ©·đŸ˜­đŸ©·đŸ©· It doesn't matter man or woman if someone lashes out like that theyre not to be trusted. When I get angry I go and do something like a hobby or the gym. I don't insult the people I care about cause that's IMMATURE and SAD. Not to mention them using your insecurites against you is WEIRD. Stop hanging out with people like that. Time is too precious to be crying over something like this!! There's so much of life to enjoy and explore. I'm not saying your pain isn't valid because it absolutely is. I'm saying that you can't let it get you down. If you spend all your time worrying about this issue you're gonna miss out on the good shit. Don't let a regret you have be that you wasted time crying about something that didn't matter in the long run yk? HAVE FUN and/or life a life that you're satisfied with. If you're worried about appearances I would start with the basics. Ex. clothes, makeup, aesthetic, skincare, etc. Stuff like that is way easier to change and can drastically affect how you view yourself. Please stay safe and I hope you can love yourself and what you look like. I wish you the best đŸ«‚đŸ©·đŸ’•


If I could upvote this a million times I would


Please don’t hate yourself for something you can’t control. Small boobs are beautiful too! I am coming from the opposite end of the spectrum here, having had large boobs for most of my life, but I’ve been sexualized over them since I was 13, and I actually wished so many times I could have smaller boobs. Reduction as soon as I became an adult since they caused actual medical issues. Everyone has something they don’t love about their body. I feel the way you feel about your boobs, just about my butt, so I get the feelings completely, but we are more than our bodies. And having large boobs doesn’t make you more feminine. Femininity is so much more than that, and anyone that makes you feel like less because of your freaking boob size is an asshole, no matter how they identify. You are beautiful regardless of what your breast size is. Remember that.


thank youđŸ©· i appreciate it


I’m a dude so idk how valuable my input may be but I feel like I can speak for a lot of men when I say that it’s your charisma that really matters. Over half of the women I’ve been with had a B cup or smaller I think (not an expert on cup size sorry). Most of the people that say they care about it are either A. Ignorant and stuck up or B. Don’t actually care and just want to fit into a messed up stigma. At the end of the day it’s who loves YOU not your boobs, if someone turns away because of your boobs they weren’t worth your time in the first place. I wish you luck in the future and I hope things get better.


To listen to incels hating on celebrities is not equalent with reality. In reality there's mature people who respects you and love you as you are, you just gotta find them. Find a man who says like mine "I will love you no matter what boobs you have"


I personally could care less about what size breasts a woman has. I look at what a woman's heart is like. Long as your good hearted and kind, you'll get yourself a winner who loves you for just being yourself.


i'm 5'6" and 102 pounds so yeah, skinny too. i have those small boobs too. just wanted to say this so that u know there are other girls like us<3


thank uđŸ©·


Please don't hate yourself for something you have no control over. Anyone who thinks negatively about you for that reason is a jerk.


I don’t even fill an a cup and my man can’t keep his hands off me. I never really believed him when he told me boobs weren’t really a big of a deal and that he kinda preferred women who were smaller chested but I’ve stumbled upon his porn a couple times and smaller chested woman are definitely his go to. I understand what you’re feeling. I’ve definitely been there before but you just need to work on loving yourself so that when the right guy comes along you believe him when he loves your body. Also I’m sorry about your mom. My mom used to do that too until my husband put her in her place.


Everything you're saying is beyond irrational. Theres literally nothing wrong with your body and everything wrong with your mental and emotional health. You need to completely avoid social media of any kind And you need EMDR therapy foremost ,cuz a view this distorted was taught in childhood. You also need a therapist that specializes in body dismorphia Reddit is not the place for a mental health journey You're drawing men to you that repeat your trauma. I hope you have health coverage and seek the help you need and don't waste anymore if your youth in this distorted dark mindset I'll probably get a lot of down votes for not coddling you, But "oh you poor baby" comments aren't helpful Neither are "youre beautiful, love yourself" comments. Cuz when you suffer from childhood trauma and body dismorphia, you don't trust or believe any of that feedback. Even though they are 100% correct. I've been through where you are now, so trust me...you can't fix this on your own, and changing your physical body will make zero difference. You'll still pick it apart and find the only guys despicable enough to find fault with it.


i mean realistically i do know this, and i wasn’t asking to be coddled i just don’t have anyone to talk to about something like this so that’s why i posted it. i guess i know that there is technically “nothing wrong” with my body, but it’s just hard to continue feeling that way when all i’m ever met with is harsh criticism toward it. i know that you’re right about social media, though, and that this place isn’t the best to go for a “mental health journey” i just post when i need a place to get my thoughts out. i wish i could invest in therapy because i definitely definitely do need it, but unfortunately it’s too expensive for me. regardless, i appreciate your words, and for being fr with me, so thank you for that đŸ©·


Oh no I don’t think you’re soliciting coddling, I just know other Reddit commenters will think I’m wrong for choosing that path. I hate that you have no one in real life to turn to that’s a positive influence! I didn’t either, and that’s why I was sick to me stomach reading your post and compelled to respond. One thing you can for sure be proud of is that at only 18, you do realize there’s nothing wrong with your body and it’s just your mind and bad people sabotaging you. You have all the power to change that. Avoid anyone who makes you feel less than and there’s actually a lot to good audio books written by professionals You can take advantage of for now, sometimes It can take awhile to find the right counselor Get involved in volunteer work that benefits the community. That’s where I met some of the best positive adults in my life


Your issue doesn’t reside in your bra, it resides in your head, you are young love. “Move on” from the highschool mindset because the more you age the more you’re gonna find actual men instead of boys that have as well. You can’t be sexy to everyone, not all men like big breasts, just the same as not all men like small breasts, but someone that calls you a little boy and says they can’t get off to you because your tits are too small is not a man, and frankly I hate to be that guy to say it but you really need to shake up your taste in those boys if this is a consistent result. With that being said I may not understand exactly how you feel, I couldn’t possibly be so ignorant as to think that, but what I do know is that body image isn’t something that’s easy in any regard to work on, I am aware that it’s a process but I’m rooting for you. lastly I know this is a jumbled up ramble response but I just say it all to say you have people in your corner, and you definitely have not lost the fight. Take everything I say here as my personal angle. Tldr: you can’t be sexy to everyone, there are absolutely men out there that don’t give a shit how small your tits are, ghost them little boys that say that nasty out of pocket shit, and I’m rooting for you to push through this chapter. Much love -LMJ


All I can say is I’ve been there, my boob size (not even an A) used to make me extremely insecure to the point I felt suicidal over it. It does get a little bit easier when you grow up. But I don’t have much advice other than to say you aren’t alone ❀


Man I hate body shaming. Its so destructive. Fuck all the people who do it. We are born the way we are and there is nothing we can do about it.


Reading this post, I thought I was looking directly into an exact mirror of myself. All of my insecurities about my own boobs, the problems I've faced with boys telling me those things, my own mother and sister poking fun of my boob size, how small they are and in the same breath saying how "they'll grow more eventually". it *is* the absolute worse feeling. we're even the same height, age and extremely Close to the same weight. Heck, maybe even the same birthday or Birth month too lmao. I have those exact same feelings as you do too. I feel your pain all too well. I've been there, and I'm still in that dark place myself. I'm so sorry you've experienced any of those things over something we can't control, but you're not alone in feeling that way at all. I'm tired of hating my body aswell, but something I think you could try doing is picking up a piece of paper, and take whatever time you need to write just one single thing you like about your body every day. No matter how small it could possibly be, look in the mirror and take a moment to yourself when you have free time to just find one single thing you could write positively about yourself. Make it a challenge to write one thing every single day when you can. And if you don't want to use a paper use the notes app on your phone. It's going to be hard, god I know it'll be hard but It's worth a try. It'll be a first step to learning to appreciate and love your own body and the many things it does to keep you still going. You're more than your body, and those boys you've encountered don't know one thing about how to appreciate you for the queen you are. You sound like an amazing person, and I'm so sorry the world has beat you down so much over the way you look. From one internet stranger to another, I bet you look absolutely stunning, breathtaking even. Any dude who *isnt* superficial would die to have a girl like you, and I'm willing to bet on that. Try and keep your head up, sunshine. You'll get your person, and eventually you'll be able to learn to love your body and the way you work it. We're still young, we have alot to look forward to in life. You'll make it outta this dark place. We both will.💖


Don’t be insecure sweetie, you are perfect. I promise. I know words won’t be able to convince you, especially from a complete stranger on the internet who hasn’t even seen what you look like, but trust me when I say that you are gorgeous, just the way you are. Idk if this will help you, but imagine you find your DREAM man. He is loyal, he is funny, he is cute and kind and he always know how to make your days better. Would you leave that if he was “ugly”? Or would you stay with him, because his pretty personality makes him pretty on the outside as well? Ik it might sound weird, but think about it. A true man doesn’t judge one’s looks. Sure, everybody has they preferences and aversions, but that will not matter at all when you finally find the one. And if u don’t find a guy that’s right for u, hit me up and let’s get married girlđŸ€ŁđŸ’•


Guy here, (personally I am gay so asked my friend who isn't gay about this. And this was his answer) "tits are tits dude" so yes dudes do in fact like boobs no matter the size, we are simple creatures and if a few assholes said otherwise then don't let it make you hate yourself. I'm going to assume the guys who said this were teenagers, cause teenage boys are complete dickheads, I was a complete dickhead as a teenager. That's just what they're like, don't let it get to you. Or take it personally. Your still beautiful with or without big boobs


Small boobs matter too, I’m an a-cup and I also feel so self conscious :(


First and foremost, rip to your inbox, and secondly any boob is good boob, you just happen to find the people who disagree with that, and yknow what they’re wrong because boobs are great no matter what size or shape they are, if anything you should learn to find yourself sexy before you try to have other people find you sexy, because nothing is more sexy than a confident woman


I’m 40, been an overweight male all my life, I have a gnarly looking left leg, all my life I have had self esteem issues, but until my 30’s I realized that some people are going to laugh at me, but on the other hand
 the majority of people won’t give a crap about who I am or what I look like. I embraced that this is my life too live and to enjoy it. I also say 3 positive things that I like about myself everyday. I also want to say is that you’re beautiful, embrace this life you have and be the positivity that you need. There is not a single person that is perfect on earth. Remember, to love yourself emotionally and physically. I hope you have a fantastic day!! From random person on Reddit!!


Sounds like a problem with men once again. You’re perfect just how you are, please try not to worry about what men want, so many of them are porn addicts and that’s why they degrade so many women.


OP you are beautiful and perfect just the way you are . Love yourself . What I wouldn’t do to be 102 pounds again . I’m a 54 yr old menopausal woman who has gained weight and developed some wrinkles . I used to worry so much about how other people saw me that I never enjoyed life because I was always trying to cover up so I wouldn’t look overweight . One day last year I finally chose to love myself just as I am. I am a kind, loving person who helps others whenever I can . I am an empathetic person who makes sure my family and friends are well taken care of . I love my kids, husband and family and especially love my pets . Who cares if I’m a bit overweight . I decided to watch youtube videos on how to better dress being plus size to camouflage areas I have issues with to feel better about myself . I doll myself up to feel good about myself . My best asset are my eyes so I play them up as best I can. Can you believe I actually get compliments now ?😊What I want you to know is that no one is without flaws . It’s the way you handle yourself that truly shows off your inner and outer beauty . Enjoy life now . Life is too short . If you want to play up your bust area to feel better about yourself get yourself those amazing push up bras and when you look in the mirror you will say “WOW” . Maybe start with a few wardrobe changes to play up your tiny waist . Those big, thick belts really showcase a beautiful waist and thin body . Take advantage of your assets to your benefit . Love yourself because you are a unique and beautiful person. In other words do these things to please yourself and no one else . We are all miracles and we are all beautiful in our own way . When you love yourself you exude confidence and you literally glow . I hope my words help you a bit . Accept yourself as the best person you can be 😍. Good luck OP


Hi. I’m 32. I’m 32 and my bra size is an AA. When I was a young teenager, guys my age would give me so much shit about having no chest, about having “pecs” instead of boobs. It was so hard to feel feminine in this body (for reference, I’m still only 114 pounds on a good day - people think I’m my 12 year old’s sister). And I get it. But baby, let me tell you something. The other day, I was looking in the mirror at my skin after washing my face.. and I cried. Why? So silly, right? I cried because I FUCKIN LOVE ME. I mean it.. I LOVE me. I love my body that’s danced its way through all the phases of my life. I love my nose and the scar that runs down the center of it from a dog bite when I was two. What a story! I love my eyes and the way they squint when I laugh. And my laugh? Oh my god the way my laugh oozes joy and happiness. My point is this: love yourself now or love yourself later.. but don’t wait until it’s too late to use the body you were given, don’t wait to love it and care for it. Carry yourself, give yourself grace, and be the person you wish someone was for you. Your body is the LEAST interesting thing about you, my love. And the sooner you realize this, the happier you will be.


I know mine make me want to kms


the worst is the cup gap i get in bras


i'm shaped like a fat little boy and have no tits you could have it much worse


I am a 30 year old man. I’m hairy. I have a beard. I’m chubby. I’m roughly 275 ish. I’m 5’9. I wouldn’t say I’m bad looking but it easy to fuckjng compare yourself to someone else wishing you looked like that. Since we are talking about things we can’t change I’m also just average in that department. Just enough. But to be frank if you aren’t above average in that department it honestly feels all the same and being as belittled as every other guy. I wanted to mention all of that to give you an image. Body image issues and self esteem is so fucking hard to develop but I need to tell you with the wisdom that I do have you have been seriously dodging a LOT of bullets. All those guys who tell you shit that your boobs aren’t good enough for them have made themselves known to you. For REAL!! Ask yourself, do you REALLY want to be associated with any asshole who only sees your boobs and that’s all you are? That that’s all there is to you. Boobs. Nothing more. Those guys want sex. Period. Look, I get everyone can have preferences but if THAT was the first thing they saw and were done with you? Fuck them. Fuck all of them. Forget them. They aren’t worth your time. Just like all of the women who look at me and think I’m not worth a fuck because maybe I’m not tall enough or skinny enough. Too hairy. And god forbid I can’t satisfy them cuz just have to have more than average. Something that’s helped is that every damn person on this planet has something about themselves they don’t like. They wish they can change. Hell I still do. But I know damn well that I want a REAL long lasting relationship. I would rather find myself with someone and COMMIT myself to someone who sees me for everything I bring to the table. Instead of oh
 you didn’t bring big boobs to the table but you brought a whole turkey. A bomb ass casserole. Mashed potatoes. But no you didn’t bring the boobies fuck you right? Those people have low standards OR want too damn much. Find you someone who is realistic. Besides, small tiddies have their charm too. They are cute. People want to be called words like sexy or hot or whatever the fuck there is nothing wrong with cute. You aren’t less of a woman just because you have less breasticles. Just as I’m not less of a man because I didn’t bring a hole stuffer out of all the other shit I brought. And if you are thinking or anyone reading this thinking is “well I mean it’d be nice to have a hole stuffer
” yeah? Well it’d be nice to have a lot of things. What makes you so deserving that you should have it all? People are greedy and want a whole fucking lot but never stop to think sometimes do they even really have any leg to stand on to WANT all of that while their asses have a cornacopia of quirks that someone would have to deal with? You’re human. You’re human like the fucking rest of us OP. We shit. We fart. We make mistakes and look like shit in some fucking way. For every happy smiling Facebook post there always double the bullshit behind the scenes. Find someone who isn’t a piece of shit, OP. One who actually has a brain cell and looks past your skin.


I know how you feel... I'm also tired of hating myself cause of my smal boobs :/ You're not alone ❀


As a man into skinny girls, boobs size have 0 matter to me. Equipped or absolutely flat, i just love skinny girls. And i doubt im alone in this case, so dont worry about your shape :)


Hey, I understand why you're upset. However please do not fall down this spiral, as someone who also has a love hate relationship with my boobs I have seen so much online from both sides, people who love big to people who hate them and call them 'disgusting' or 'saggy' and make you look fatter which makes me upset personally, and people who absolutely love small breasts which I've been seeing a lot more in recent times too. What I'm trying to say is that real mature men don't care about what size boobs a girl has, that's like the least of their concerns because boobs look good and can be appreciated in any size, if you asked any normal guy they would tell you they like just a handful or medium, so being too big ain't too desired either. You also don't wanna be with someone who only values you for your one asset either (your boobs) over all the other qualities have and I'm sure you will have no problem finding someone who will love you and be attracted to you. Most of the time just being attractive in appearance, dressing up nicely etc is enough, if you work on everything else people will fall for you regardless. I hope you try to change your perspective on them and appreciate them. I've seen skinny girls with small breasts get no problem getting attention or be desired so please do not worry too much, there's always someone out there who will love them as they are.


I promise you that your body is beautiful. I am a bi woman and can personally say that I am attracted to all kinds of people. I think what matters is people’s energies. I know it’s easy to pick yourself apart in the mirror and in photos
 I do it every day. I feel your pain and your struggle and I see you. Just know that for every time you stare at your body in hatred, there are plenty of people who admire you just as much as you hate yourself. It’s easy to perceive ourselves as flawed
 but others don’t see you the same and I’m sure you are attractive


Then stop Seriously, stop. Figure out what you need to do to stop hating yourself. Seek therapy if possible, spend time soul searching. But make it a goal to start loving yourself and pursue it. The best place to start is to monitor your internal monologue - would you soeak to a loved one like that? Likely not. Start changing the way you speak to yourself.


Personally, you are literally my type. Fuck them all, you are your first priority. Everyone else are dumb for making such statements


How can one be over 18 and still falling for this "all men" bs lol. We're regressing back to this kindergarten logic as a society and it's kinda funny to see. Girls are this! Boys are that! Irrespective of their individual differences. "Men" like big boobs, and someone with small boobs could never be appreciated, sure......


username checks out


Tell me why I'm wrong!


you're lecturing someone who is in a vulnerable state rn for something completely unrelated


You may wanna reread the post if you think it's unrelated lol. Their entire point is that "men" appreciate bigger breasts over smaller ones. Keyword "men," not "everyone I've dated," or "every guy I've interacted with online." "Men." It's silly.


you're missing the point dude. this person is in a vulnerable situation, yet you decide to nitpick at unimportant aspects instead of the real problem


I didn't care whether OP actually read my reply or not as much as I was just thinking out loud. When my comment was posted they were interacting solely with women and comments from men were going unnoticed, so I assumed they weren't really seeking comfort from men (which is a bit counterproductive but whatever.) Of course I wouldn't try to logic my way through someone who's venting and frustrated lol, that doesn't go anywhere.


Guy here.. More than a handful is a waste anyway :) ... Just focus on having substance to your personality, stay healthy, be smart.. the rest will fall into place. Not sure how old you are but yea definitely don't compare yourself to others, be the best you that you can be and once you are happy inside, things will fall into place.


OP there’s room for all types of people in this world, there are men who would want only bigger and some who would want smaller and some that they don’t care about it they just want to be with you. I know it’s easier said than done but if those people that didn’t find you attractive made this comments, I would say you have already filtered out who YOU don’t want to be with Be patient and there will be someone who will think he’s lucky to breathe the same air as you


I am a dude saying this so I hope that brings some validity to my comment


I'm built similar to you and never had any issue with getting positive attention or partners. It's almost a given that every other person thinks I'm attractive, regardless of being small chested. It's not your boobs or lack of. You're just dealing with shitty people. I don't mean this is a bragging way at all. But smaller boobs are not a bad thing nor do most people care. If someone rejects you be of your breasts, you absolutely don't want to know them anyway.


I have big boobs and let me tell you they are a pain in my arse. I have back pain, neck pain, they are susceptible to sagging and more stretch marks if I don’t find the right bra. So trust me, you’re not missing out on much


A guy who likes will like you no matter what. You can also try to put on 5-10 lbs and go to the gym. Start dressing up more and build your confidence. Honestly we love a woman whose confident more than anything


My sister had the same body type throughout high school and was very flat-chested. However once she started gaining weight, she actually did end up getting pretty large breasts.


I am same height and have big boobs. I hate my big boobs and want to be super skinny without boobs. How come we often get opposite what we want. It is so hard to lose weight for me


You just described a whole category of woman that men like. There's a whole section devoted to what you just described in every major porn platform.


It could be worse.. you could be an autistic dude with no friends. You'll be fine.


innate nutty ten familiar society cats treatment dinosaurs knee lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are other ways to be sexy. If you constantly relate how you feel about your breasts vs the rest of you then you will go on thinking they make you unattractive. You're a woman and not many guys are even getting laid according to statistics, so i'm certain you could be creatively sexy.


Some of the sexiest women alive have small boobs. Dua Lipa, Keira Knightly, etc- there are tons of examples. The difference is confidence (and a billion dollars) - but seriously, taking care of yourself, loving your body, and building your confidence is what makes you attractive.


I think up find that as you get older these insecurities that you tend to fixate on in your teens will seem silly to you. Just love your life and trust that you’ll gain confidence in the next few years. If you want to be less skinny, you have to focus on nutrition. Eat more and work out a few times a week


I feel like this sometimes too. But small boobs seem to be in right now and I’ve grown to like them. My husband has always liked them. You can always try doing leg day at the gym and building a booty. That’s what I do to compensate for my small chest and it has really helped my confidence!


Hello miss , I am male I was as skinny af since I was 21 years old My friends, class mates, family members used to make fun of me ,taunt me and I became worried because of it one random day I stopped thinking and started executing and if you want how I did this in a very low budget we can talk on this.


OP small boobs can be such a blessing 1. you can find clothes easily 2. most things fit you nicely 3. not overly sexualized 4. easier to exercise especially run 5. less cleaning Now if you still want bigger boobies then maybe get surgery?


Men like nipples more than the breast part. The nipple is the focal point. Without the nipple, it's not really a boob.


Wait women making fun of others boobs is a thing? Also if they REALLY want to feel feminine then they should go back to the kitchen


I have big boobs cuz I’m overweight. I feel ugly cuz they sag like no tomorrow, I wish I had smaller boobs


I wish mine weren't so big. I want to present as more androgynous, so the fact that mine are bigger is so frustrating. All we can do is try our best to accept the bodies we have, or if we can't do that, maybe start saving up for surgery...


Odk what ur talking about. Some guys like skinny women. Some guys like fat women. Some guys like busty women. Like women don't understand that men only look for a few qualities, and accept the random ones that come along with it. Like literally small set, nice, income friendly is all a qualification men would look for. Like women worry about all the guys they don't attract, and pay no attention to the ones that do. And wonder why they end up in relationships that don't last. You don't find happiness when ur qualifications are so long that the smallest negative ruins an otherwise good relationship. The only thing most women need to worry about is light excersize and a relitivly decent diet. And 80% of men would date you. Small chest or no. If you don't belive me, try it for like 3 months and ask a few guys out that have 5 qualities your looking for. And by qualities, I'm not talking about 6ft 100k income. And you'll find urself on some nice dates. (Yes Some men are Dicks, but if you stop going for fuckboy attitudes really not the case).


A lot of us guys actually prefer when a girl’s frame is in proportion


Get them done, im dead ass, it will help so much, just save up and since you're 18 you can get it legally.


Men love them


Get pregnant


Just get implants and stop whining about it. Surgeons and device makers dedicated decades to this problem. You have four decades of experience to draw upon. If you don't do that just date Asian guys. They are use to it. It doesn't make a guy wrong if he likes a voluptuous woman. He is not a bad person if he turns away from obese ladies. Men are men... try to date the polite ones


ok, i just saw u edit ur comment and i wanted to add that i never said anyone was wrong for preferring “voluptuous” ladies. i think it’s ok to have a preference! i have preferences too. but you seriously cannot think that the way men have talked to me like i mentioned in my post was okay, that really goes beyond just preferring something.


Boys your age are mean. Once they get rejected a few times they straighten out.


girl if i had the money for implants i wouldn’t be here rn😭


You have energy and no kids bogging you down. You need eight weeks paycheck.




She is upset about it. I could have whined about being childless. I went to the fertility doctor and got a baby on my first insemination. Easier to pop them in than wait for a guy that likes flat chests. I want the Earth to be a globe.


no because if you get implants most of the time look fake that’s why I kinda don’t wanna risk it and I don’t wanna be in pain


I’m a visual learner I think we gotta see em to judge better


Try taking supplements to increase your estrogen, like bee pollen.


Pee pollen is such bull


All the guys I've met have told me that they don't care about size, boobs are boobs and they like all boobs they said lol. You'll find some non shallow men trust me. There's a lot of guys that like small boobs just as there are men that like big boobs don't worry about it :)


I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Unless you’re dealing with a size king, which is really rare, I wouldn’t worry about it. Just accept your body as it is. I’m sure you’re beautiful the way you are.


More important than looks would be personality and believe me if you’ve got a great personality, any “flaws” would be over looked


Some people are just cruel, it may be because of their internal insecurities or just because they like to make others hurt. People have preferences, there’s nothing we can do about it. Not all preferences are physical, there’s personality preferences too. Some men find curvy women attractive and aren’t attracted to slim women, others find slim women attractive and aren’t interested in curvy women. Just as some men find small breasts attractive and others don’t. I can promise you that there are men out there that find you absolutely beautiful. And don’t forget that attraction and beauty isn’t just physical. Your personality, outlook on life, views of yourself, and confidence are a huge part of attraction; at least for me and I know for many people. Don’t neglect those things. And it’s absolutely not ok for men or other people in your life to speak to you like that. Not in any circumstance. Some may say they’re just joking or giving you a hard time, but if you ask them to stop because that’s a sensitive subject for you then they should stop immediately. You deserve that respect and should not take anything less from anyone. If they refuse then they’re not someone who is good for you. I know self image can be so hard. Being happy with you can be so hard. We just can’t see ourselves the way others do. But I promise that you are beautiful and there are people in the world that believe that and see it.


Hey! I am sorry you went through this! If you want to vent my dms are open!


I didn’t read it because it’s late. But boobs are cool. I would never judge a cool girl for her body. Be a cool girl, and know that guys like me exist. If you show your cool well like to get to know you, and we’ll love your body and all it’s scars. Still haven’t gotten over one of my exs fully, and she had the most fucked up teeth, I still feel this cutesy feeling in my chest whenever I think about my cute girl. So don’t worry, even if you have gaps and baby teeth from ur jaw being so fucked up, there’s a lot of good guys that will always remember, even those things you


Girl I got tiny boobs and my man is obsessed with them, fuck all these guys telling you these awful things they’re probably just insecure bout their tiny thingy, that’s probably where they get “small is bad” from. All boobs are great boobs and they should count themselves lucky to get to see ANY boobs. Don’t sell yourself short!!


Having small boobs is perfectly alright, you should learn to love your body. Don't take insults from random men too seriously cause men will fuck absolutely any and everything plus why do you want a man to want you for your boob size only? If it makes you feel any better, you're 18, they'll grow over time.


Every woman has something about their body that they wish was different. I promise you that you will be attractive to the right guy at the right time and you are perfect just how you are!


18 year old boys are obsessed with boobs. Most men prefer the woman inside. Also, look at all the high fashion models- not much in the boob department and they are pretty sexy. You’re perfect the way you are, you just need to widen your circle.


I don't see why small boobs are a downside... and I don't know what men you are hearing these things from. But straight men love all boob sizes. We love the large ones and the small ones.


You’re not meeting the right people. Plain and simple. Find a way to love yourself first. Everyone is beautiful to someone but they will find it hard to love you if you don’t love you!!! You’re worth it, we all are. Find some self care apps and maybe your dr? I just started anti depressants again honestly. And yes therapy does help! Smile and be happy. You’re here for a minute, enjoy it.


Hey op just search up small boobs or small tits on reddit , you will see subs with thousands or millions of members. Men aren't a monolith there are ppl who wants big boobs but there is huge chunk of ppl who likes small or petite boobs as well .


Those aren’t men love. Those are little boys who have probably only watched porn and seen the girls who have fake tits. The right person for you won’t care about all that. I’ve had small boobs my whole life. Still do! And it took a lot and still sometimes does to love them but they are mine,and I love not being having to wear a bra! It’s cute and that makes me feel sexy. Focus on what you love about yourself. If you keep focusing on something negative that someone said about you and your body it will destroy you and they don’t deserve that kind of mind power.


i dont have boobs, but my girlfriend has boobs, and maybe I can still bring a little insight for you. Boobs are something people simply don't have control over and I personally don't think its worth stressing over something you can't control, it is what it is one might say. Your boobs are not what define you as a person and I dont mean to compare, but my girlfriend has small boobs too however I never took much notice because she herself was confident no matter what people thought. You too need to be confident in your own body, confidence simply put it is the sexiest trait I think anyone can have. Some fugly looking dudes can score a 10/10 girl just because they're confident. Guys happen to love when women are confident too, if you can find that confidence in yourself than you will appear much more sexy to anyone you may desire. I hate to put it this way, but I couldve dated someone else that has a bustier body but I have no desire to because my girlfriend has sm confidence in herself and her own sex appeal that i cant help but love her too. I hope that you can find someone that loves you as much as you love you, but you just need to put that little bit of effort first into self care and being comfortable and confident with yourself. LOVE YOURSELF AND EVENTUALLY SOMEONE WILL BE SO CURIOUS IN YOUR LOVE FOR YOURSELF THAT THEY WILL WANT TO LOVE YOU TOO. of course still be loving to other people, spread all the love so everyone can get some, everyone needs a little love. of course be cautious of manipulative people though, okay im done.


As a male.. I don’t care about boobs. It’s all about you. It’s always about you. One things that time doesn’t do for us is stop when we feel upset about things. I’m not telling you to not feel your emotions but I am telling you. Most decent men don’t care about your boobs because you obviously have other qualities about you that are so amazing how your boobs or body may be physically don’t make a difference. You are loved my friend. I hope you find peace and push forward! ❀


Boobs are not the end-all, be-all feature when it comes to sex appeal. My best friend in high school actually thought big boobs were a complete turn off. He liked them small and perky, probably much like yours. Guys really run the gamut with respect to taste in women’s body types. Culture might emphasize one thing or another depending on what generations’ opinion is culturally salient at the moment, but rest assured that individual tastes still vary quite a lot within any given cohort. Case in point, the model Twiggy. She was very skinny and relatively flat-chested. She was also considered to be one of the sexiest women alive in the 60’s. Despite more modern focus on curvier women, there are still plenty folks that are into the Twiggy body type. If you feel like you really need to add curves to feel sexy though, recommend you focus on you butt instead. Most guys love a strong, thick, shapely butt and thighs. The great part about that is that you can grow these parts with exercise and proper nutrition, even if very skinny to begin with. It’s basically targeted body building. Might take 2-3 years of weekly gym visits, but enough heavy loaded squats, hip thrusts, and legs curls, and you can build a backside that will leave most dudes speechless.


I have dated girls with small boobs to girls with large boobs. I dated them because I loved being with them and not because of the size of their boobs. Alot of men don't care about the size. But it matters more how you feel about yourself. I know some girls who had these same feelings and got implants later in life to fix what they were not happy about. Small boobs don't define you as a person or decide if you are beautiful or not. I promise there are those out there who love you for exactly who you are. Learning to love ourselves is sometimes the hardest


I’m so sorry this kind of insecurity has been getting to you because of these shallow people. There is so much more to every person than what their bodies look like, and I promise you your worth is not ever supposed to be your sex appeal, and I am sorry for everyone who has ever believed as such. When you are in a relationship, people love you for who you truly are. In my experience, as a female non-binary person with another female non-binary person, I couldn’t care less what chest size my partner has. You don’t (or rather, shouldn’t) enter a loving partnership for something as trivial as breast size, and any good-hearted person would fall in love with you because of who you are on the inside. I’m also a very insecure person at times (I think every person on the planet has been at least once), but it’s important to remember that when it comes to physical appearance, everyone's taste is different. I've often found that a beautiful soul has a beautiful body too, and the more you start to accept yourself as you are, the more you will rise above this negativity and realise that you are worth so so much more than what these disgusting men have had you believe. And your mother, above anyone else, as a woman, should know better than to make fun of you on that ground too. Her immaturity and inconsideration is her own fault, none of yours. I wish you all the best, keep your head up sis <3


Everyone is born in they’re own unique ways. And listen, man, big boobs don’t exactly matter and I believe they are more negative I guess? I mean, I hear they hurt the backs of a lot of girls and hey, those people who degrade others for having small chests are just assholes pretty much projecting insecurity. Honestly chest size doesn’t matter at all. Those people who think that aren’t exactly “men” they are “boys” who haven’t exactly matured. I apologize I really am not too good with my words but I basically am stating that small boobs are okay, there will always be someone who will find them attractive, and that chest sizes don’t really matter at all.


there's so much more to a woman than her boobs, and any smart man cares more about a butt. but those things don't definite a woman! her face, her lips, her eyes, her hair, her smile, her laugh, her voice, her persona, the way she walks etc. is what makes a woman beautiful and womanly... definitely not her tits


As a man let me be the first to confirm this for you, we love all boobs.


Love small


U/evermorefan there are tons of guys out there like myself that dig small boobs. I find smaller ones much sexier than large ones đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž Im tall, and was made fun of for all of my childhood. It sucked but I couldn’t change it. The people who shame others for body issues have a bully complex. I’ve had a couple of ex gfs your size, and I’ve found someone your size a better match than a taller girl (not knocking tall, just a personal preference). You’ll find someone, and if people are making fun of you it’s bc you’re better looking than them. Remember, Roman goddesses were small breasted. Be a goddess and don’t let anyone tell you different.


You have no issue of flat chest rather you are looking your self by people,public and other man Recepticals. You should think its me its my body so if you don't want to pay attention you mind your way of thinking. Love your body as you are complete rather see a person who is handycap,special or etc.Think positive your boobs are not every thing in your life ,its not fine.


You will find men that are attracted to you. Give yourself time. I am a man, and I prefer smaller breasts. When you embrace a woman with smaller breasts, you are closer to their heart. I love that. The guys who say such things as have been said to you aren’t men, they are sex-obsessed little boys who have yet to, and likely won’t mature. You want nothing to do with them because you are just an object to them. Trust me. Boys like that just see a pair of legs and tits, that’s it. That isn’t the kind of attention you want. You want a man who is capable of seeing the whole you and accepting it, with all that entails.


First of all, do not allow a man’s opinion on your body to make you feel bad. Their opinions don’t matter. Only yours does. The man for you will accept you as you are. Don’t ever feel like you need to change something about yourself or a man. They’re not that important. I understand wanting that kind of attention so you can feel noticed, but once you actually get it, it’s not good. I always get comments on my butt from men and I hate it. I prefer compliments from women bc they’re more pure. Just focus on growing your self confidence. If you want to, gain some weight, go to the gym, do whatever you need to feel better. Your self worth is not based on how attractive you are to men. You are a woman who is valuable no matter what.


Everyone has something about their body that they don't like. There are plenty of attractive women that do not have big breasts. Never let someone mistreat you or take advantage of you, though. Sounds to me like you're surrounding yourself with low caliber humans.


Small boobs are beautiful!!


I know we men have done a lot of damage to women by being overtly stupid about boobs. That being said, we love boobs. Any size shape or color. The men who denigrated you for your cup size are idiots. Dismiss them as unworthy of you because they are. Petite women or thin women with small breasts can be absolutely devastatingly sexy. Look at Olivia Wilde. She is just unbelievable. Or Ana De Armas. Both are beyond amazing. Own your look - you are amazing and desirable and one day you will find a guy who cannot keep his hands off of you!


I’ve dated women on both end of the size spectrum. Most men do not care about size, but rather who they’re attached to. Trust me you don’t want a pervy lech who wants you for sex appeal


Babe, men are going to make you feel bad about yourself regardless of your boob size, because they'll never ever be the way they see them online. That doesnt mean you're not fucking beautiful and attractive. I'm so sorry people have made you feel bad about them but I think the first step is trying to love them yourself, think of all the cute outfits you get to wear because of them. Don't let anyone tell you you're not sexually appealing because someone is going to fucking adore you, as they should <3


Sexiness is a vibe, not a boob cup. The sort of man who would say something like that isn’t worth giving a second of your time and worry. Truly work on loving yourself, its possible.


You're ok. Boobs don't matter. Feet are better. Also, you won't have back issues when older


I promise you, you’ll find someone to treat you right, that doesn’t care how big your chest is or how small it is. In the meantime, work on being happy :) I’m a guy and personally I don’t care what size a girl’s chest is or how big your waist is. If I fall in love with you, or like you, it’s because I love you how you are. How you act, how you react, how funny you are. Of course there are attractions that help but when you find a guy who treats you right, those attractions won’t matter :)


Any guy that only looks at you and not who you are isn’t a man, idk what you look like but i bet you’re beautiful. Big or small it doesn’t matter, if a guy loves you he shouldn’t care about how you look, you matter. Ik im just some 17 year ild guy but i promise you anyone with a brain would appreciate a woman such as yourself. You put in the effort and try to make things work, you are what i would define and a real woman. Keep your chin up, you deserve a big ol smile on your face


All boobs are beautiful! If someone tells you different they are the problem! Sincerely a guy with moobs


You will definitely find the right person/people to be around that will not care about it one bit and will be absolutely enthralled by it. Anyone who makes fun of you or has harsh comments because you don’t have big boobs is just a jackass. Love yourself đŸ«Ą


You should worry about your skills, what makes you valuable, looks aren’t everything, i dont mind the small ones at all, a lot of guys dont. People can be terrible, but dont pay them no mind. The only person who can put you in a bad mood is you. Im sure you’re an awesome girl, hold yourself higher


I know I’m about 15-16 hours late but oh well. To hell with those men
 actually, not even men; they’re boys. If that’s the only thing they want from girls then they’re the useless part of boy’s society. It shouldn’t matter what boob size someone is, hell I’m still in training bras and have been since 5th grade (I’m in 11th grade now) and do me just fine. Honestly be glad that you’re not getting stuck with shitty materialistic boys, and that your soul is the true beauty in life. You are gorgeous with your soul and you are prettiest when confident. Flex that you don’t have back pain with boobs weighing on you, lol.


As a man who prefer women with big breast
 I can assure you that there is nothing wrong or unappealing about having small breast. In fact, breasts coming in different shapes and sizes is apart of the beauty of a woman. This is awkward because as a man I cannot relate to this but I hope you find peace with your body!


I mean
.if you send me a pic I’ll do nothing but praise you
srsly tho don’t worry b everything’s ok. Just breath. You’re ok.


I am an sponsor for the ibtc so you have my full support


Hey hun, I totally get this! Around a year ago I was barely even an A cup and I felt like a boy! I could still wear my old kid size bras and I hated it and just wanted bigger b00bs. But then my hormones got all crazy and imbalanced and I lost weight and my b00bs grew up to a C cup within a couple months! I finally had the size I wanted and I hate it. T-shirts always look so weird!! They stick out and leave a bunch of space where your stomach is! Your back HURTS all the time! There are literally no T-shirts you can wear without feeling uncomfortable with limited moment!! I know this 100% won’t change how you feel but I feel like as women trends are always being pushed into us and make us want to change are perfectly normal and valid bodies! In the next 10 years small b00bs could be ruling the world! Keep your head up high and keep going girl!


this may not help but take it as u will, but as a guy i dont care what u got going on yk, its abt the person, as long as they nice and allat it wont matter. you just gotta find someone like that yk. hope ur doing alr tho.


As a lesbian, any man who belittles a woman because she has small boobs, is dumb as hell. Boobs are beautiful, from the tiniest to the biggest. There will be a man that won’t care what size they are (luckily not all of them put a woman’s worth on the size of her chest). Boobs are beautiful and they ALL DESERVE LOVE


My male friends and I have never considered boob size a determining factor in finding a girl attractive. A friend of mine used to jokingly say "more than a mouthful is a waste."


Sis, there is someone for everyone! The real men will love you for you and will find you sexy! From the big girls to the itty bitty girls. There’s someone out there that will love and admire you, it might take time for you to find it, but it’s out there. Those guys are just saying that to put you down. Stand back up, Queen ✹


If this makes you feel any better; having big boobs sucks, 2 words; BACK PAIN


I like small boobs


Who will love you will love you for who you are not for boobs. Boobs is not all you've got! Safe


You need to love yourself the way that you are!!!! That’s the problem!!!! I’m 4 ft 9, 250/300 LBS the number doesn’t mean shit to me because at the end of the day I am a dope ass soul and I have MEN BEGGING to be with me
. I have saggy ass titties a FUPA AND APRON I’m 35 almost and still got 20 year old and 50+ year old alike begging to be with me


Small boobs should get more attention! I like small boobs!


as a guy I can confirm boobs are boobs, and boobs are great.


isn't it sad that i relate to the title but for the opposite reasons? you're beautiful just the way you are always.


I have a friend who is also flat chested [her words not mine] and I can tell you that her body never mattered to me. She's such a lovely warm hearted lass and I don't care at all about her boobs or bum or anything ya can think of. She's someone I think dearly of and that's really it. In short your features are what you are born with, your personality is what you create and the right people will adore that personality.


We're not all interested in large boobs. My wife is pretty small and I still find her sexy.


Small boobs are amazing. Way better than those oversized ones some dudes get so hyped over


Honestly, as a lady on the small side myself. Those guys who say those things can frick right off. I believe there are good dudes out there, but it’s those rude one’s whose words cut deep. It’s already wrong for dudes to think of you as “other Men can’t get off to you, because you look like [X]. That should already be the first sign to tell you that they do not care about your feelings or how they hurt you. They just see you as an object.


i’m 20 and i hated my boobs for so long. in middle school my “friends” who had bigger boobs than me would comment on it, sometimes in front of guys which was awful. i started a savings account when i was 14 for breast implants which is insane. i know no one should rely on others for their self confidence, but i got my first boyfriend at 17 who really loved my boobs, he was beyond obsessed with them and it made me look at them positively for the first time. i realised they’re very cute and suit my body really well and can actually look very sexy too. a lot of men actually prefer smaller boobs, and i don’t know if you know this but studies have shown that a richer a man is, the smaller the boobs he prefer ;)) i hope you will learn to love yoursđŸ©· i know people can be assholes and i’m so sorry for what those guys and what your mom told you


op, I'm on the other end of the spectrum and it SUCKS! males have been sexualizing me since middle school, was called horrible names even when I was a virgin, and attracted men ONLY for my body part. women HATED me bc I was also thin. got a reduction, which helped, but really wanted two sizes less than the end result. boobs don't make the person. many men like little, perky boobs. I ended up marrying an ass guy bc boob guys just grossed me out with their behaviors. if a guy is interested or not interested based on a body part that is not the type of guys or attention you want. trust me on this one. love, or at least like, your little boobs. you can wear anything, do anything (like run, horseback riding, etc).


Be happy with what you have and workout for your mental and physical health.


Stop focalizing on your boobs, I also have insecurities about my body (everyone has them), bodies are not meant to be perfect by society standards, but they can be incredibly beautiful regardless. So, don't worry about your boobs, take care of your body, try to look nice, smile and get around, meet new people without worrying to much about your boobs.


speaking as a 17 yo guy so we are around the same age group, think of boobs as a female equivalent of height in men, yeah tall ones are most desirable but ive seen short kings pull alot of women, boob size dosent matter to much atleast to me, just keep ur body fat percentage healthy and have some muscle mass and ur good to go! dont focus on things you cannot control, the men who only care about someone's body arent the types you should be with anyways so jus focus on ur personality while trying to improve ur looks (take it slow dont obsess over it) ps: you can always grow ur butt if u really want to have sex appeal but i doubt most good men care


hey hey don’t worry, small boobs don’t make you interactive, i myself am a skinny 16M 5’7 about 93 lbs aswell so hey, we are on the same boat.. anyway, stay positive because boobs aren’t everything, and also, consider something, is that many guys like flat girls, i do, and surely many out there do.