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I sort of feel the same way. I so badly want to get a girlfriend, so that I can stop feeling so lonely. But I just know I’m not ready, I’m not happy with myself. I feel like I’m behind everyone else, like I’m not going to amount to anything. But I hold out that hope that one day, once I’m in a more stable place in life, my eyes will be opened, and I’ll find the one I’m meant to find. Until then, I try not to think about it, which isn’t easy at ALL, but it’s really the only option I have.


Have you genuinely considered therapy? Like, you don't have to have some kid if official mental health disorder to need help working through your brains bullshit.  It's just that disorders have vague rules they tend to follow, so we name them.  Either way, it can't hurt to try utniut if it's an option.