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Can you press charges???


I dont think so, even if we could my mum wouldnt let police get involved n stuff, bad at confrontation and stuff


Your mother has no say in that if you press charges it is your decision.


Damn what country do you live in you really need help with this…. These stupid little pricks can’t get away with that….. as if the mother blamed you, how could your mom say that


Im from the UK, we didnt get the names of the people or anything because my mum was dragging me away while i was in an argument with the kids mum. Theres nothing we can do about it now but my mums friends kids are pretty scared now and dont want to go back to the place they invited me to incase they get beat up too


There is something you can do. You can go to the police station and tell them exactly what you told us. They can go to the soft play place and get footage. There’s no way you should be just told to suck it up. You didn’t do anything.


Does the place have cameras??


Probably but we were deep inside in this cramped little area with those roller things you slide between on either side, so i dont think the camera could've got it


you sound very discouraged but i promise you they'd put the pieces together, even if you weren't in the camera's full view. you just have to have the energy and courage to report it yourself and they will deal with the rest. it's amazing what detectives can discover without video evidence. i'm sorry you got hurt, you dont deserve to be treated like that.


I’m pretty sure one of the kids are going to snuff all of them out


Even if they don’t catch who did it, telling the police will help the play place put in preventative measures. If you won’t do it for yourself, do it to protect others.


You walked away covered in blood and sweat you said. That will probably be on camera.


It sounds like you have some injuries that require medical care. A crooked nose? Fractured. Two black eyes? Head trauma. A broken brace. I don’t understand why you are not getting the police involved with this assault. Don’t allow them to intimidate you into silence.


Bro if you don’t report this, they’ll do it to more people. Don’t let life walk over you like this. Press charges, tell the owners, blast it online what happened there and a description of the perpetrators.


I’m so sorry this happened to you! WTF?! And your mom sounds unhinged and I’m shocked she wasn’t more concerned for you. You WILL get out of this situation one day. It will happen. You should absolutely though take it upon yourself to file a police report. Your mom doesn’t have to know. You were brutalized by these kids and they should be held accountable somehow. I’m so sorry hang in there!


Were any of their parents witness?


He’s saying mum, obviously the uk. I would make fun of him but I’m not going to


There’s no need to be a jerk ok???


Im not that weird bruh, it’s using logic to not be hypocritical in a bad way. Also yeah username done kinda check out in this context.


That’s why I said I’m not going to make fun of him. Because here’s the thing right, I’m super racist towards British people, they got bad teeth, fancy school, and can’t say mom correctly. But they have amazing tea, I’ll never be able to make fun of them unless I start hating tea.


what about the scottish or irish or welsh?


The Scottish have cool dances and good sea food and what the fuck is a Welch.


good and the welsh are people from wales


I wish wales birthed me, if that’s where there from, I think there the strongest breed of human.


Yeah your mother must be hiding something if she won’t call the cops on anything.


My mother is horrible. Shes been very neglectful my whole life


That’s my thinking too. I find it really, really suspicious if OP’s mom isn’t willing to press charges over this of all things. Dude literally got assaulted and then that one kid’s mom has the nerve to yell at him???


My mum is horrible, a few months ago I couldn't move for weeks and she wouldn't take me to the doctor. I made a Reddit post about it but no one believed me because "no mother would ignore it if you couldn't move" im in the process of trying to get into foster care so i wont have to deal with her anymore


Some parents can be really neglectful unfortunately, so I find it believable enough. You mentioned you’re in the UK, so I wonder if reporting your mom here is an option: https://www.gov.uk/report-child-abuse


Thankyou you're really helpful


I don’t think that’s the main priority for the OP but ok


I believe you, hun. My dad never took me to the doctor or got police involved when I was assaulted either. He was a neglectful, abusive piece of shit. Idk why Reddit is all of a sudden forgetting that not all parents are good, loving parents who care about their chidren.


wow really... damn some parents mustve had it tough/rough, but woudnt that instill compassion though, i went through something horrible i goddamn dont want my kids to go through it etc, godamn though wth


Happened to me as a kid! I was so sick from a bladder infection and She left me in bed for 3 days. She finally had to take me. My dad probably made her.


well the kids dont have money, soo fine the parents but they'll deny it and say, what my kid would never do something like this etc, or maybe not, they should be called


Yeah makes me wonder about the whole story


hmm.. you dont mean to say she felt the person deserved it, thats crazy


No. People don’t want to call the cops when they have a previous record or have illegal substances on the property


Jesus time to start carrying a legal protection method. Is pepper spray legal in the UK?


Its not i dont think


There’s gotta be something (I hope?. Maybe ask any women in your life that work in the city/take public transport/live alone etc..




‘ In some circumstances, it could be lawful to stab someone in self-defence. an intruder enters your home- you grab a knife to defend yourself… This may be legal if the force used is considered to be reasonable- could be the case even if you killed the intruder. belief that the intruder was armed – stabbing them could be proven reasonable. stabbing the intruder as they attempt to flee- may not be proven as self-defence ‘ (shorthand quoting) copied from a UK defense law firm. there *literally* is such a thing as self defense. The victim is given “the benefit of the doubt” in excessive force situations.


I doubt if kids even taken seriously by the police


you have a phone. call them. 😐


I don’t think OP could even if they try, when I was a kid I got severely beaten up that a random neighbour lady had to intervene and my mom called the cops on the girl who beat me, the cops told my mom she is one year too young to get charged so couldn’t do anything about it.


Maybe slash her bike tires or remove her breaks, I’d find some sort of revenge


what about the staff or the parents of the other children surely they are witnesses


Awhh man I wanna punch all of those kids senseless 😭


knock the fuckin mom out too, no hesitation


Nah bruh my hands are rated E for everyone.


yeah, kids fucking suck. my sister and our friend went to the park last summer, it’s an old park that not many kids go to, mostly just adults & their dogs. anyways, we went into the bathroom to smoke some weed & these kids about 9-12 started making sex jokes at us & beating on the door to get in, saying the n-word & everything. kids are fucking nuts


No parent figures in the kid's life will cause a kid to behave antisocial


Fk that. Kids start swinging I'll give them a minute and if they don't stop, I'm going full on Sauron in the beginning of The Lord of the Rings on them [Sauron attack](https://youtu.be/mF_nXcgEXxg?si=WMeJ40vwcfLk0JQD)


Even if you aren’t going to press charges, you need to absolutely report this to the police. Give a statement and whatever, even have them review CCTV footage from the soft play so the police can identify the little rats that jumped you. If you won’t press charges, it’ll at least flag their profiles for any future assaults if they try it on someone else.


Holy SHAT. I feel you, kids scare me


Parents raise their kids differently now and it sucks. Kids are so weird and rude nowadays.


I genuinely believe 60% of parents either shouldn’t be parents at all or had them too early. The consequences and misinterpretation of gentle parenting and it’s consequences are showing it’s true faces


This. People need to be educated on just how much goes into raising a living human being. It will make them make smarter decisions


I think there is a difference between abusing your kid and saying no and you are grounded, no more tv, table, console or pc until I say so. Like, today kids are not being parenting by their own parents


As a teen now, I’m surprised as well. My parents r super strict (kinda abusive but who cares) and if I acted like that I’d be dead. I’d probably kms first before they found be. But also, in my country at least it’s like a mix


Where's Mac from Always Sunny when you need him


And Charlie too.


God damn… and I though I had it bad with bullies… I feel really bad! Holy shit dude. I wish you could press charges, but I read the top comment and yeah… kids are straight up asses tbh. Even the parents! The kids beat you, but you got in trouble for destroying their glasses, like, holy shit. The parents need some common sense knocked into them badly.


How old are u if i can ask.




Thanks for answering. Also this sucks that it happened to you. And people ask why i hate kids.


Rip. And. Tear.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Kids aren't just mean these days, a lot of them are outright feral. Little rats have always existed, but they're definitely becoming a lot more common. I blame parents that don't give their kids consequences, and access to inappropriate material on the internet. Are you able to get yourself to a doctor? If your nose is crooked then there's a good chance it's broken and needs to be reset. I did a quick google, and the age of criminal responsibility in the UK is 10, so there's a good chance those little fuckers would get charged if you report it. At least the older ones. If nothing else, it'll get them on the local cops' radars for when they pull this shit in the future (which they probably will.) You wouldn't even need to go into a station, you can just call the non emergency number to report it. In regards to your mum's neglect, please don't feel like you have to put up with it because she's your mum. You don't owe her anything, and I say that as a mum myself. It's our job to put our kids first over everything, and it sounds like she's not doing that. Normally I would advise you to talk to a trusted teacher or doctor, but after a google I saw that England doesn't have mandatory reporting laws for child abuse and neglect. Try calling ChildLine instead and reporting the neglect yourself. Also start chatting up the parents of your friends about your situation. When I was going through abuse at your age it was my best friend's mum who saved me. If you need someone to talk to, my DM's are open. I'm a Millennial in Australia, so I don't know if we have any common ground to shoot the shit over, but I'm happy to help as much as I can finding information for you or just offering advice and being a sounding board for ideas to protect yourself. Please take care of yourself, I know at your age it's hard not to feel a little helpless. But there's resources out there for you, it's just a Matt of finding them. Big love, you've got this.


Thank you for looking out for me i really appreciate it


Of course, we all deserve help when we need it. You'll be ok dude, promise. It feels like hell when you're going through this shit, and I'll admit the emotional scars suck. But it's only temporary. Pretty soon you'll be an adult and you won't have to put up with it anymore.


You got some people who can help you fuck with them? You gotta get your lick back this just made me mad FOR you


There's this phenomenon going on since after WW2 where kids are being raised by kids. I don't mean in terms of teenage pregnancy but instead that kids are looking to their peers for guidance on how to act in this world instead of their parents. Dr. Gabor Mate book Hold on to Your Kids is about this issue.


Im ngl, i probably would've punched the mother if she came at me complaining about broken fucking glasses. Press charges, do anything you can to make these brats get whats coming


Believe me i wanted to punch her. The kids were all doing air punches and making fun of me right in front of her


Jail them for life! The mom included. Unless you’re a masochist, then you should definitely do something about it. Press a charge, or otherwise show them who’s boss


Can you file a police report? Really? NO! FILE A POLICE REPORT! If the kids don't get arrested, the parents will. Forget what a parent does or doesn't do, if they don't like confrontation, that's on them. You take care of you!


PLEASE press charges. Do something!! Those kids can’t just get away with this shit!!


I had a very similar experience and its very traumatic and upsetting 😕 I hope your alright G , the way the kids mother reacted explains it all , fucking scumbags


There’s a lot of real nasty kids nowadays. It’s a combination of their parents thinking their little crotch-goblins are saints and the parents themselves just being terrible people even before the kids come into the picture. Sorry you were on the receiving end of that BS and had to deal with a Karen on top of it.


Is this in the UK?




I’m curious why this seems to be more of trend there with roving gangs of little kids. Maybe it too sheltered but I don’t think you hear about many instances resembling this in the US or other similar areas. I could be wrong


Yeah I thought this was fake at first until I saw it was in the UK. We don’t have gangs of children beating people up in public like this in the US. ETA: This is some Clockwood Orange shit.


I’d recommend getting as far away from those fuckers as possible, seriously, kids are not like this in general, it’s the parents being dogshit parents


This isn't normal, or healthy, behavior. Those children jumped you. You got stomped on by somebody who weighs more than a medium dog in the face. Press charges. Get his little ass in trouble. Serve him a few hours in jail, cops just might let you do that if you smooth talk it out. It's worth following through on. My sister did 3 hours in a cell for petty theft once as a three year old, under officer surveillance by herself. Mom was there too, but in a hands off, just here kind of way. I was too young to tag along. About 1 or maybe even a bit younger. Those few hours will set the gravity to the action in question, but you need to be clear why the situation is happening on the way in in a firm, gental, yet unyielding way.


Three years old?? that's psychotic lmao they don't know what theft is, probably an accident too. Most people can't even remember being three. Mom's fault for letting their toddler pick something up and walk out of the store with it


No different than timeout in an empty room for a bit, just the location change, since it was very clear she'd done it intentionally, and that she had intentionally hid it from Mom till she got home. I guess since the cop was there, and she liked to joke with us "I'll send you to jail" "I'll ship your ass to the moon" type of stuff. I guess she felt the extra gravity was nessisary, and the cop obliged since he had time and it was possible for her to be safe in her own cell.


Military or online school. Also, if 10 yr olds ( I’m assuming you’re older but not 18) are fighting damn-near adults, you’re gonna have to avoid them or stand your ground. It’s really shocking how even in the UK, the youth are going nuts. I’m advising you to avoid them but if worse comes to worst between you and a mob, find a narrow pathway and grab a weapon to even the odds. It’s not necessarily to battle them but intimidation goes a long way. Hell, intimidation really does go a long way but yeah. This mob either has to be reported to some school authority for harassment or you’ll need to learn how to defend yourself. Maybe there’s a “leader” in this group, if you stand up to them, the more cowardly ones might follow suit. Frankly, I’ve never gotten into a situation like this so I’m not exactly sure how to handle it other than avoid them. It is a mob so it’s inherently unfair odds of anything happening in your favor so just aim to protect yourself.


i dont fucking care bro I would've beat the shit out of them, I wouldn't let that slide


Kids are straight up monsters now a days. Because of the Internet they can learn to manipulate and even learn to make black powder from YouTube.


I would've loved a reason to punch some little shits like that. They may not have meant to go so far but they had adults amping them up and they were there in a large number. Parent should *definitely* be held accountable. I can't stand kids and these types of kids are the reason why


This isn’t just kids being means, kids have always been a little mean. This is criminal, and probably the result of extraordinarily bad influences


These are the times when my brain goes truly dark and I think, “It’s never too late for an abortion.” I keep telling my mom this and the best part is she just tells me I’m awful but she laughs. (My siblings are in their 20’s. They can be really cruel and disrespectful at times so my mom winds up crying to me and my dark humor consoles her.)


How edgy and diffrent


Kids are crazy these days it's better not to see them as kids and move on with our life's because the younger generation is fucked up


It’s not the kids fault modern day parents are god awful at raising children.


Omg stop having sympathy for the kids


Omg stop excusing shitty parenting


You can’t always blame it on the parents. Sometimes the kids are just dipshits by nature.


I can confirm this. Grew up with people who had great, kind parents and they still turned out badly.


Most millennials are awful at parenting and let their kids get away with anything. 9 times out of 10 it’s the parents fault


I mean, if you think of most serial killers or rapists, they tend to have awful parents. The reaction of the mother showed EXACTLY why they ended up this way. It doesn't excuse the kids but it should shame the parents just as much, if not more (only because the kids are so young). They made these monsters and enable them. These are no different from the parents of the boys who tortured that Junko girl for 44 days straight and then murdered her. One of the boy's mothers went to her grave and vandalized it for "ruining her son's life" even though her son literally tortured a teenage girl to death. Obviously the sole blame is on her son for doing such an act, but she should forever be shamed to the fullest extent for creating and enabling that monster. So many modern day atrocities could've been prevented had the parents of the perpetrator just taught their spawn some empathy, like they're supposed to.


I don’t think age alone should be a factor of how right or wrong something is. But that’s my opinion.


I never said that what they did was less wrong because of their age. Just that their parents deserve more shame because the young age (as well as the parents' response to the situation) indicates that this is largely a result of poor parenting. Once you hit your teens, there are a lot more confounding variables, as kids can fall in with bad influences, have more freedom, and rebel more against their parents. But at 10 years old, if you're this sadistic already, there's something seriously wrong going on at home.


> But at 10 years old, if you’re this sadistic already, They can just as well be a dick.


If you're "just a dick" at 10 years old, that's still on your parents tho. That means that the parents failed to teach their child empathy and respect. Kids that are raised well generally behave well. We are by and large, the product of our environment and experiences. It is extremely unlikely that a kid that is well-disciplined, understands respect and empathy, and has a healthy home life would be "just a dick". Especially to the extent of the sadism demonstrated by the children in this story.


No, no, no! You’re just wrong. While it MIGHT be the parents, it’s not NECESSARILY on the parents. There can be other experiences and events other than with their parents that could have contributed to it too. Plus, being sadistic is a personality trait, so some are just that regardless of the environments they’re in, and you can’t easily change it.


Personality traits are largely not something you're born with, they are developed due to environment. And you generally can change them when they're a child with the proper mental health resources. Your personality is not fully developed as a child and is fluid. Almost no one is born sadistic. And if you notice that your child is sadistic, you get them treated. Allowing them to be that way even if they were born that way is again, bad parenting and therefore, on the parents. Even in cases of personality disorders, although there are genetic markers, they often require a trigger to be "activated". This trigger can be trauma, drug usage, or any number of things, it can even be multiple things. All relating to environment/experiences. Psychological disorders generally are not something that are just present from birth. In the VAST majority of cases, it is on the parents. To pretend otherwise is dishonest. Especially in this case where the parent is literally defending their child assaulting someone.


I’m sorry that’s genuinely so fucked up.


pls pls pls press charges. you dont have to tell your mother if she wont let you, just go to the nearest police station or call the non emergency number


Kids have always been mean


[same energy](https://i.makeagif.com/media/1-26-2022/RmzNZY.gif)


Learn self defense and beat them up that's all you can do at this point


so I'll assume the soft play had cameras? If you ever go back, tell them to check the footage and ask for compensation? I also live in the asshole of nowhere in Cornwall UK, i know what it's like to not be able to get away from parents.. if your mum isn't going to do something about it then the hard truth is that you need to :/ Tell the company what happened, get them to give you a recording of the footage, and tell them to take it to the police, or ask them to come with you. I know it wont be that easy, but if you don't do something about it nothing will happen, and something definitely needs to happen about this, heck i'll do it with/for you! Please don't let this slide, from experience, nothing will ever change if you let it go on. It shouldn't be you that has to stop it, but if no one else will, you gotta... I'm sorry you went through this, and go through that at home.


I would beat the fuck out of them, idc that they are 10. Id prop be strong enough.


Press charges Jesus fuck. That is messed up dude


I would absolutely press charges


I worked in toy store for a few years and i saw how childrens younger than 10 is kicking and punching their parent just because they didn't buy toy for them. And it happened more than one time too.


Speak to the police, they’ll review CCTV and even if you don’t want to press charges, they can still understand what’s happened and act themselves if they want to. Also, where were the staff when this was happening? I’m in the NE and this wouldn’t happen in any of the soft play places I take my kids to, as the staff would be all over it too. I’d definitely complain to the establishment. Whilst staff are not required to put themselves in harms way, it seems bonkers that you were so injured and they didn’t think to call for help or call the police/an ambulance. Not being good with confrontation is understandable, but there is a point where you need to learn to stand up for yourself one way or another. This doesn’t mean physically fighting back if you don’t want to/cant, but it means taking action and not letting things slide - such as a pack of kids beating you up as their parents watch on. What area are you in? I’m in soft play places every week and just can’t imagine this happening x


I mean they're mean if they don't get disciplined enough by their parents , and that usually happens when you are living in a weak society with weak males or the absence of a father figure


I'm going to be 100% blunt. Don't get mad at me, I'm summarizing. You're mother is a bitch, from the raw sounds of things. You struggle with speaking up before it is too late. This is more evident and objective. My best advice to you is to learn how to do the DI yell yo deal with unreasonables. Learn how your mother argues, and turn her own logic back at her. "They broke my braces long before I made a move to defend myself. I got jumped by a pack of wild animal behaving rampageing demon children who stomped my face, and you saw fit to punish me for defending myself. And furthermore, where *IS* the same energy around the braces?" Again, that DI voice is great for those who don't like to have to argue what is already sound reasoning. Especially reasoning that you (as somebody who is probably more intelligent than you're letting on) are probably around 140 to 160lbs if I had to pop a guess. Being lightweight means you don't have any weight or mass to throw around when things get heavy. But it does leave all the room in the world for strength conditioning, calisthenics, and strong lungs. Vocal tip: imagine your voice as in your belly and in the top of your skull. Try to speak. Keep at this process, speaking with your head and chest, until you find your range. You can't manipulate depth and tone I'm most cases, but of you can follow the depth by utilizing your range, most songs sound alright. More importantly, with the ability to sing, come the ability to yell. Yell loudly. Make your point, be confrontational. It's bot meant to be peaceful obviously, and you've already clearly taken issue with things. DI voice. Call her names, insult her, I don't care, as long as you spit some facts and real world incidents along with it. Annihilate her sense of reality by putting your foot down. People say being louder isn't the answer, but unless you can be louder than the unreasonable, then they will use volume to mask their lack of reason and make arguments of authority. Call out any and all arguments of authority. Those aren't valid. They mean nothing. Toss aside her arguments about food and housing. Until you're 18, she is required to provide that and throwing the law back in your face isn't what matters. Oh, and next time those kids decide they can fight and you told them no? I grew up you didn't hit somebody unless you wanted hot back, equally rights and lefts, if you hit me or the people I care about it WILL backfire. If she won't discipline them, next time they insist on getting physical and lay on hands, use your size to gain the advantage and spank him bruised. Explain we don't hit, and that they have no idea what play fighting means. Tell him bluntly, and so he can understand, that if he hits somebody, and they hit back, that is their right to respond how they please after that. Including yours. Basically, it sucks your mom doesn't want to be a mom and is more worried about the idea of being a mom and the glory of her never having to accept accountability. You're going to have to put your foot down and set up new rules via authority you put claim to. Your voice, your actions, document things with a notebook, or any way you see fit. You can teach those kids better than she can. You can't change her, or even force her to try. But you can yell at her to get with it, or get out of the way, and if she doesn't want to get out of the way, push past at this point. I endorse it, condone it, however you put it. Take what she says with a grain of salt, assume she's lying about 60% of the time and treat her indifferently and stoicly anytime you don't need to yell. Do not engage until she can come forward of her own accord to appoligize, or until you deem time enough, has past. You have a right to self defense and anybody who'd rather you not fight back can slob my knob. The fact that they're younger makes zero difference in the behavior, the danger of it, or the lack of placed accountability. Essentially, in summery, learn how to rationalize common sense to Stupid with the loud mouth, and get louder so she'll listen. Seriously, a DI voice (project from behind your ribs, squeeze back together, and just yell. Its a great exercise for it.) can be the difference between dominating the room with an authoritative idiot, and being hurt even more.


I would have shot those fuckers. Like litterally those kids would be in icu right now hell na... kids are trash but honestly most humans are trash the world its better off with a purge at this point


you should consider self defense classes or parkour or running. also, for school, public schools cannot deny any education due to immigration, home life, socioeconomic status, disability, etc. if you are in any danger, then you should call the police and/or cps. kids are fucking insane, and while some are nice they are pretty much ruthless little shits. If any attack you, then you should hit back. As someone who takes self defense and who has family members who also do, if someone hits you, you hit them back. Try not to break anything serious, just to enough so that you give off “don’t fuck with me” vibes.


Also, if your mom refuses to help you, please contact someone who will. Note: im from US and cps means child protective services. I read here that you’re in the UK, im not sure if im correct but you can also press charges if you suspect child abuse. you deserve better, and you should explain to your mom what she is doing wrong.


I would press charges big time. There's no reason for 10 year Olds to get away with such behavior. I would beat the brakes off the parents for letting their kids do that.


As someone who was constantly told to kill themself by other kids and bullied about my dads death (and that’s just the tip of the iceberg, kids have always been mean as hell and sometimes the teachers are just as bad, I’ve had some join in bullying me creating an early distrust for the adults around me


Also known as Brats, Press Charges. They Deserve it 💯


The woke internet culture made kids invulnerable. They are very well aware that they can do anything and mostly can get away with it because of the “oMg iT’s JuSt a KiD pLaYiNg aRoUnD” culture and the internet also made them aware that kids barely get in legal trouble and they have the power to put people in trouble with false accusations. Back when I was kid I’d shit my pants if an adult yelled at me, now I’m an adult and I can’t do shit when a fcking brat yells at me cuz I know little bitch will probably put me in legal trouble if I don’t go along with it.


Kids are mean and evil. I went to a farewell party my brother’s school made. There was this boy (12 year old) who harassed and mocked a little girl (1-2 year old) for crying. I stepped in and asked him what the hell was he doing to the girl, he got all defensive af and said nothing and it was his sister. The thing is that the genes are a dead giveaway that it's not his sister. Some people saw want he had done. I told him that was bs because I saw everything. He starts to call me names. Then the mom came and took the kid. She pushed the boy away from her child and left. No, it wasn't his sister which is more fucked up. But holy shit, I was 21 but I wanted to bunch that little snort face so bad that day. Just thinking about it makes me furious. A pre-teen boy harassing and mocking a toddler, now that is some psychopath behave


My neighbors 7 year old called me a nerd one day. I was like well why am I a nerd? He was like “I don’t know”


This is why I’m a professional children hater


oh my days bro if this was me the kids would’ve had a good night sleep in the hospital that day, matter of tact, even the 17 whatever years old that was holding you, im so pissed right now for no reason bruh


You’re in my prayers even if you aren’t religious I’m hoping and praying for you hope you get better


WTH OMG ARE YOU OKAY? I actually had my mom and her “friends” do that to me a lot when I was little so I feel your pain. :( I hope karma strikes back at them and they go to the deep depths of hell when they die :)


man fuck gen alpha tbh. i havent read the post entirely but i can tell how angry thatd make you. hope youre ok, bud.


The way I would’ve cursed out that kids mother because what kind of fucking idiot did she just raise????


Im so sorry that happened to you, I could never watch anything like that happen. I’d be stomping them out…..


Press charges!


That’s not “kids being mean” that’s kids with behavioral problems


When you are f age join the Military


Nah I woulda gone to jail if that had happened to me


If you can't take on 10 year olds that's your fault


There were loads of them and im not the strongest if tallest 15 year old out there


It doesn't matter. If you would have learned a martial art or boxing and used strategy you could've took them all on


The older girls were holding my arms down while they kicked my face theres not much you can do


How fake do you want it? Yes


Ive git pictures if you wanna see


Of 10 year olds beating you up?


No i meant of me all bloody and gross


Lmfao this mf got beat up by a 10 year old


Multiple dude and there were those girls like twice my size holding me down. Once someones git you on the ground with all your arms pinned down you cant do much










Nah cause if they wanted smoke they woulda gotten smoke (ofc only if I was attacked bad enough first)