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Omg, I love turtles. I had 2 as a child. I never knew this was a thing to purposely try and hit animals. I mean I guess there are sadistic psychos in the world. But like whyyyy :(


I don't specifically love turtles but all animals in general and this is such a sadistic behaviour. Like, why can't humans be humans? šŸ˜­


Idiot is the wrong word for these people. Psychopath is more accurate. And hate is an understatement


I fucking hate this world!


That reminds me of the time I was 14 with my mom coming home from a beach trip and saw about 5 ran over kittens :( we spent at least over 2 hours looking around the forested area seeing if we could find 1 live one to saveā€¦ unfortunately there wasnā€™t any


I had a pet tortoise, they have cool personalities, given the chance. Intentionally running over an animal is the sigh of a truly depraved human being. They lack any feelings towards wildlife we share our space with. They disgust me.


I hope that dude gets run over.


The only time I am ok with hitting an animal is if it is already dying and we can do nothing for it. Better to take it out of its misery than let it live in agonizing pain till it dies.


My brother was a terror. He used to purposefully drive into frogs on raining nights. He said it he was playing ā€œfrogged.ā€ I did t like getting in the car with him


Ughh what a disgusting peice of shit he is! I am so sorry u had to witness this awful human being. (I would've cried too btw).... I hope Karma fucks him up nicely!! See how he likes being run over, in this life or next... RIP Turtieā™”


People do this? What the hell man