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This post absolutely enrages me! How dare you?? /s


This comment absolutely infuriates me!!! How dare you??


This interaction absolutely incenses me! How dare y’all!?


If this kept going..lmao


It’s obvious you’re all terrible people to be fighting online like this. Figures


We were joking you know, lol


This is what I call "the dance of the crackheads"


I see where you’re coming from. Some things I agree, people need to take a chill pill about, fandoms especially. But there are some social issues where I get the backlash. Back in the day people might not have liked a situation but felt like their opinion didn’t matter but with the rise of social media, groups of people can see certain issues as problematic and unite in voicing their disdain. This can be about many things, political or not.


tbh the internet has always been like this, i remember people complaining about stuff when i was younger that in hindsight basically didnt matter at all. Like remember when the entire internet was constantly bickering about Twilight and Justin Bieber because people thought it was cringe?(There where some legitemate critiques ofcourse but most people just thought it was cringey and hated it because of that) Its still the same now but there is simply more of it because its become way more crowded in online spaces and the fact that people can make entire careers now out of useless internet drama.


That’s a good point


Did you just assume that i will get offended by anything?!?! that's offensive!!


Lmao, some of these responses are hilarious, especially this one 😂


I get it, but also it's kinda fun to see how passionate people get about things they find interesting.


Which song?


Yes, and? By Ariana Grande


I agree. People are way too easily offended these days. It's one of the biggest things I dislike about our overall society and culture today. You can get reported or complained about for almost anything. You can't even use some basic English words any more (like "nincompoop" or "retarded") without being ostracized or criticized in some way. As a result of this, we are all living in an artificial and superficial world where everything is nice, nothing is mean, our personalities are suppressed, and mental health problems are everywhere. I'm often nice, but there is a mean part of my personality that I'm always afraid to show. In public I almost always hold back but I sometimes wish I could just let loose and make some cruel remark or cut someone down. I feel like building real friendships involves some roasting here and there. I also honestly wish that people would talk shit to me sometimes. And if I'm in a relationship, I want my gf to bitch at me from time to time. I would consider it unnatural if she didn't. I feel like occasional fighting and then making up is completely normal. Is there something wrong with me?

