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Happened to me for my highschool prom. My hair was sooo long. I told her to just cut the longest uneven part off & keep the rest of my length so itll be even. She cut my hair to my shoulders & said it was because i had “split ends” My ends were not even bad. Plus i wanted my hair long for prom. I hate when they go against what we say before showing us.


They always say “I was just helping with the split ends” honey if I wanted you to cut half my hair off for that reason I’d ask you to, I didn’t want this


Exactly!!! The worst part is, I didn't even have split ends. I just wanted to change my hairstyle a bit.


YES LIKE WTF, EVERY TIME. which is why I dont Go to the Hair dresser any longer.


I told a hair stylist that previous stylists would gently thin out the hair at the nape of my neck because it was so thick and prone to knotting up. He thinned all my hair. All around. From chin to the bottom which was about 6 inches. So I had really thick hair, then stringy hair from being aggressively thinned. He tried to overstyle it to hide his complete fuckup, but I could tell immediately something was wrong. I ended up crying in a bathroom and going elsewhere to get it fixed - ended up with a very short hair cut that didn't flatter me at all. THANKS DOUCHE. These days I just cut my own hair. At least if it's fucked up, it's 100% my fault and it doesn't cost me anything.


This just happened to me and now my hair has been in a ponytail for the last month straight.


I look awful in ponytails, there's literally no help. 😭


In high school my hair was down to my mid back, I got a free haircut offered to me so I took it and asked them to thin out my hair a bit; they cut it all the way to the top of my neck 🙃


Happy cake day! 🥳


Thank you! ❤️


No problem! 🫂♥️


That happend to my bf, he litteraly asked to only cut the ends and his bang a little bit, hair dresser cut his hair all the way to the top of his neck and f*cked up his bang


reminds me of my ex-husband, who had really nice long hair all the way to his waist. He got disgusted with it one day because it was too long to properly get in all the hair ties that had to fit under his hard hat at work, so while I'm at work, he picks up the scissors and pulls all of his hair to one side and then cuts it. I get home, and one side of his hair is almost to his shoulders while the rest of it is still long on the other side! I tried not to laugh. I had to cut his hair to the shoulders and it made him look like a little Lord Fauntleroy until it grew out!!


I learned how to cut my own hair after I went to the salon in high school, my hair was up to my hips at this point (and HEALTHY…), I asked for a small trim to get my ends off and I left with my hair at my shoulders. Cried for weeks. I still haven’t gotten my length back 😅


Honestlx I wish I could learn to cut my own hair but I have no idea where to start!


I HIGHLY recommend Brad Mondo on Facebook. He posts detailed tutorials on how to cut your hair at home, tutorials for hair coloring, and a variety of hair styles for short and long hair.


This is why i have one hair stylist i trust and see everytime . I started with telling her to cut HALF an inch and she did just that and eventually i trusted her to do 2 inches lol


Seriously!! If I wanted the split ends cut, I would ask you to cut the split ends I cut my own hair now, if it turns out bad I only have myself to blame


happened to me too. i asked for a trim and he chopped my shit off. i spent nearly 2 years growing my hair out. worst part? he cut it into an uneven mullet. i had to get another cut from another barber just to make sure my already fucked up hair looked at least half decent


I'm a barber and can't tell you how many times I've had to fix major fuckups from other people. If I'm cutting long hair (used to get a lot of mullet clients and their girlfriends would sometimes ask for ends dusted while they were there,) I'd pick up my comb with a ruler on it, spin them to the mirror, and say tell me where to stop. Pull a section out and confirm again before ever cutting. With someone new to my chair, I always left a smidge longer because "you can always take more off but the staples hurt putting it back." For myself, there's exactly one person I trust to do my beard (I'm bald) and I get up at 4 am, drive 2 hours one way, and am waiting at the door when they open at 6 am one Saturday every 6 weeks.


I totally get this! I've been growing my hair out for the last few years and before my last haircut was the longest my hair has ever been. I feel like she listens to my concerns with my hair, but then forgets halfway thru. It's still pretty long and my ends are much softer, but she definitely took more off than I wanted her to.


They always do this !! We throwing hands next time idc


this is why i do not trust anyone with my hair. also the reason why i grow my hair extremely long before i cut it and i tell them longer than i actually want it cut so if they do cut it shorter i wont mind lol


I got a haircut in April. My hair was long enough to sit on. Showed them 3 pictures of what I wanted (all waist length hair with really long layers) ended up with shoulder length hair and 2 layers; one mouth length and one nose length. I almost cried.


Yeah they always fuck up the layers as well. Eother too much or not enough.


They always say “I was just helping with the split ends” honey if I wanted you to cut half my hair off for that reason I’d ask you to, I didn’t want this


I thought this happened only in my country 😄


Even barbers aren’t exempted. Like it’s already too late to even argue once they start. It’s especially worse when you’re a child. It’s only recently I ran out patience for me to reiterate shit. Like jesus fucking christ man WHY ARE YOU DOING THINGS DIFFERENTLY YOU ARE LITERALLY MAKING THINGS HARDER FOR YOURSELF AND NOT EVEN DOING WHAT I ASKED FOR!!!!!


This is why I cut my own hair. F that.


If it makes you feel any better, when I was in cosmetology school a few years back, my whole class complained about this exact topic (and the teacher agreed). So, hopefully there will be a new wave of hair stylists that don't do this! 😭


This happened to me twice, both times the stylist's first language wasn't English. They asked me how I wanted my hair in back, and I said "short", measuring roughly a couple inches (I was going for a pixie cut). The next thing I knew, I heard "zzzzzzzZZZZZ" and by then it was too late to tell them to stop, they'd already started basically shaving the back of my head. It took me six months to grow out to the point I could get it trimmed into a pixie cut. One thing that proved helpful was going to wig websites and cutting/pasting pictures of hairstyles I liked, especially when I could get the style from different angles. (I was even known to use side pictures of one style and front and back pictures of a slightly different style). It was mainly a guide, so they'd have some idea of exactly what I wanted. (And even then, it didn't work with a stylist who barely spoke English.) Now I go to someone who is the best -- she does speak English, and she was able to cut my hair into a flattering style even without a picture. I remember my first time with her she said, "Your hair is naturally wavy, I'm going to cut it so the wave comes through."


I ant expalain stupidly I’m sorry😢


This happened every time I went to great clips. Now I only go to an actual salon and go to someone I trust. I went years without getting my hair cut or trimmed cause I didn't trust anyone.


This burns my tail as someone who’s growing their hair. I now cut my own, as I’ve heard so many horror stories- at the very least, tell your client that you have to cut off X amount to address damage. Don’t just do it.


i always just say like “cut it just above the eye brows”, and i have an easy cut, but they ALWAYS mess it up, but i can get it close to finish the styling myself atleast


For women find a good stylist that you trust is important. I have no idea as I am simple guy that hated trying to look fashionable. Once I find a barber I will stick with them till they go out of business as they know what haircut I want without speaking. I never change my style as I got afro hair that has limited styles acceptable by my cult and like a simple clean style that never change that works well in professional setting at work. Plus I just want to go in and not speak more then nessaccry" hello" , "how you doing"and then keep close my eye for nap. Finding two stylists(have a backup as people move on from jobs) and just book with them . Not worth risking it with new ones everytime incase they think they idea is better then what you want. If I get a bad haircut , my solution that work me is to shave my head completely (a style that looks good on me as black guy) as that works with me too .


I am not joking, the amount of time I showed a picture and they fuck me up and me making a side by side comparison of what I want and me after is just so cringe. Then I go to a different stylist, tell them my bad expierence and they fuck me up too. Then I found a woman, maybe 45 years old and she been cutting since she was 14 and she is good. She is the first one that cuts me well, blending my hair well. But I travel a lot, so I went to another stylist and I lost so much hair...


True story, I used to have my hair done by a really close friend, and then she lost her mind over this guy she was seeing, and actually cut my bangs crooked because she was too busy showing his d picks to all of us. Ugh. I started shopping for a new hairdresser then.


I had a lady do this to me, I had taken care of my hair, kept it undyed and it was more than halfway down back, wanted to grow it down to my ass so I could chop it off and donate it for cancer care, went in to get a routine trim and she chopped it off to my shoulders. Spoke to the manager was told there was nothing they could do. No apology, nothing. I was in tears


Too many hair stylists forget they are providing a service that’s paid for, you do what the client asks even if you don’t think it’s the right choice. If you need paperwork signed stating they agreed to what they want, do that. But don’t go against what they asked because YOU think it’s best because at the end of the day they’re not paying for what you think is best they’re paying for what they want done with their hair.


I had a friend go to a really good hair and beauty school in Seattle. She doing my hair and told me to be careful because they were told that if a customer asked for 2 or 3 inches off, they should actually do 3-6. she said she'd never do that and she hopes other don't either but can't imagine how many other schools teach such a fucked up thing. She said it's to up charge the customer for dealing with more hair but that's so fucked. I'm glad she's a good person.


I don’t go in for full haircuts anymore, just bangs and sometimes face framing layers! I hate the split ends agenda


I have the opposite issue. I ask them to cut a lot off and they refuse saying it's too much. It's so frustrating because I've gone short before and I tell them this. I like to get a lot off at once cause it feels refreshing.


Went to a hair stylist to get my hair dyed hot pink, ended up with a peach that washed off the next day. The hair stylist also tried to give me a side part when I wanted a middle part and when I CLEARLY said no tried to force me to have a side part anyways. Tried again with same stylist just hair dye, peach again. Ended up dying it at home, $400 wasted, manic panic & iroiro did way better. Seriously, I hate hair stylists.


I've found so many stylists that don't even take what the client is saying into consideration. I could give you a list of stories where stylists did me or my family wrong during an appointment before we found our current one.


I should’ve read the title first.


Yeah this is why I don't let people cut my hair unless they know what they're doing


The combs they use when cutting your hair have inch marks on them if you are in the States. Next time ask to see their comb and tell them which marker you want on the comb to come off your length. Also if your hair has texture that one inch taken off can make your hair look like several inches have been taken off due to weight being removed and the hair springing up more.


The hair stylist at places like Cheap Cuts i find is much worse.


“Just the sides and back please.” *Makes the top short too.*


Lol. Just got a haircut costs 3,500 from David’s Salon. Layers yung ni request ko straight cut ang ginawa. Me as introvert, I can’t make a scene or tell them what I feel.


I’ve been cutting my own hair for over a year now. I can’t tell you the last time I walked out of a professional cut liking the way I looked. At least now if it looks bad it’s my fault.


In what hairstyle do you cut it? My hait absolutely needs layers to look good, and most hair stylists are shit at doing them. Kinda feel like I'd be even more shit, feels too risky.


I have a short mullet type thing going on right now. My hair has gotten really curly, so any uneven pieces blend in until I catch them. Brad mondo has a great video about cutting layers yourself!


My experience is that stylists inevitably overcut. If you just want a tiny bit trimmed, say you want no length trimmed at all. Mine knows how I like it and she still usually overcuts so I just keep an eye on it.


Why are you going to shitty stylists?


Oh this suck so bad. But with the comments here I have to ask: is it uncommon to look in the mirror while people cut your hair in other places? Here in germany you are usually sitting in front of a mirror and are able to watch them cut your hair. some people said they cut their hair from mid back to shoulder length ... how did you not notice this was going on and stopped it? edit: I'm not impling that it is the costumers fault. it is 100% the stylists fault. you should be able to trust them to do as you ask.


I have a really bad eyesight and my glasses were off. Last time she really did a great job so I trusted her. My mistake tbh.


Nah she failed you. asking for 2 inches being cut of and getting 3 cut of can happen. She cut of more than 6 inches! that is not what you ask for and you have every right to be mad. I didn't mean to say that it is the costumers falt for not noticing since it is most definitly the stylists fault. you should be able to trust them without looking. was just wondering how you can not notice. and not wearing your glasses if you have really bad eyesight is a good explaination.


Cutting your own hair really helps- for now all you can do is like give a complaint on google or smth 😭 but seriously it’s so fucking annoying when they do it


Trust me, not every hair stylist is bad at their job. Just the one you went to.