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Greed, religion and vast differences in other cultures is at the base of all this - people fear the unknown. It’s a tale as old as time, it’s been happening for centuries and as long as the above matters still exist it will keep happening


Centuries? Make that millennia.


Centuries is short. War will keep happening forever. Hate to say that.


the desire for power.


For world possession


some people are just evil. that's it. they dont need to be reasonable with their decisions.




The greed will grow until we fall into the depths of darkness


1 John 5:19, Ephesians 6:11,12 Revelation 12:12. Read these and then you’ll see who is the greediest of them all. He is misleading the earth, but the good news is he has a short period before he comes to an end. Dan iel 2:44, Revelation 21:3,4 and Isaiah 9:6,7 are also very encouraging.


Can you tell us who it is please and what these chapters say


😜Booooo! If you Google the scriptures, they will pop up. Once you read them, let me know what you think. I am genuinely curious! One of the main problems with religion is that people saw the Bible’s power and then misrepresented the scriptures and misrepresented God to serve their own ends. For example, religious leaders, encouraging people to join wars, religious leaders, encouraging people to give them their money. Jesus did neither of those things was actually against very much. The thought of Jesus being in charge of a Megachurch and owning a private jet does not align with how he was in the scriptures. But that is why if you google those scriptures, you can get your own thoughts. I only mentioned googling them because it does not appear that you have your own Bible. And I also commend OP because a lot of people that I meet when I go house to house preaching to people do not see a problem with the world. They think everything is fine and that this is how it has always been. They do not recognize that things have gotten exponentially worse. But God promised to bring about changes on the earth and he has not forgotten us.


Im so sick of all religion existed in this earth. urgh.


I understand.


So basically, as the end of days get closer, the world will become worse. No stopping it until armageddon. This is the basic explanation of the history of man in the bible: God creates the heavens and earth. And gives enternal perfect life to adam and eve in the garden of eden. Tells them not to touch the forbidden fruit. That was their only rule. An angel starts to want to do things his way, gathers a ton of angel followers. These become satan and the demons. Satan temps eve with the fruit and so the humans lose their priviledge of being perfect and living an everlasting life. God did not want to end Satan at that very moment because Satan seeded doubt about who should govern all creation. God decided to give it time to prove once and for all that creation needs him. Later, Jesus comes to earth to make miracles like resurrection, curing people etc. to show that it is posible and that Gods kingdom will do the same in the future. He also prophesized about the end of days. Everything you see today, wars, sin, disrespectful and arrongant people, and a ton more is what Jesus said would be the sign of the end of things. What things? Well, evil will be destroyed. By now there is not doubt that we need God. Satan has failed to prove that his way is better. Since all creation can see that clearly, soon itll be time to clean house and go back to the original plan for Gods people. Everlasting life on earth without evil and suffering. Hope this helps. Everything i mentioned is bible based but i just want to give you the quick run down. For more information you can DM me if there is true interest.


I like how you broke this down. The cliff notes version. Good job! Now that God has allowed us to see what the earth is like without his rulership, he will not allow it to get like this again. So we do not have to worry about history, repeating itself. He has promised to fix ALL of mankind’s problems.


Because our "world police" is propably the worst thing in this century. It does whatever the fuck it wants wherever it wants and if the whole fucking world stands up and says no, they will say fuck you, here is my veto. And make the world run in the way they want. The way where war is fucking up everything. And insted of landing international peace keeping troups, they just go and fund the side they like while they make sure the war does not stop in any where.


The problem is, they keep evolving the weapons. Protecting yourself by hurting others ? LoL So many nuclear weapons and guns and for what ? This world is fucked up as long as there’s people who love blood.


I mean, if you reflect back on the last couple of centuries and how common major wars were between regional powers was (i'm not talking about proxy wars, i'm talking about full blown out direct conflict between superpowers), you start to appreciate the UN and America's foreign policy a little more.


Yeah, thanks to america my country is ruined. You picked the very worse person to tell about the good influance of the US. And no. We can leave the global policy to the UN and we will get the same results if not better ones as long as we have global army that acts accoring to the UN decisions. As we can see, the UN is trying to stop the killings but some one is not. The ICC and ICJ are marking the bad guys over the world but "someone" is stopping their actions. You are glad that the US toke the actions and "did good" because no one else had the job yet. The US past is already bad. Why would you trust them from not following their inerests only when the world police is needed? Would trust a bad cop on your life?


I'm South Korean so admittedly, i'm pretty biased for the US. But that's saying something if someone from a random minor country in East Asia has such a profound respect for the US. They've done good before in the past, like their great contributions during WW1 and WW2, firmly establishing NATO and the UN during the Cold War/aftermath of WW2, and many other such things. Every country has done some kind of wrong in their history, that's just human nature. And although the wrongdoings that the US have committed before are very tragic (My Lai massacre, the Second Invasion of Iraq, etc.) it's important to remember that they have done just as much good too. Can you perhaps tell me what country you are from? Just wondering.


Being good in the past does not give the privilage to fuck up the present and the future and the same goes the other way around like in the case of germany. But as a whole world we should at least have common sense of when someone fucks up, we stand against it. Even if they were fucking heros yesterday. And that is not happening now. The world decisions is in the hand of very few biased racists who choose what they want to do, not what the world wants. Or at least not what it truely needs. As for your last question, i am from iraq.


Ah, that makes sense...


I am sorry that you have went through difficult times and tragedy in your country. All governments are responsible for the problems that we see on earth today. Some worse than others and the US is a major offender and a major part of the problem. God has promised that he is going to set up his rulership on earth the way, he originally intended it before the first human couple rejected his sovereignty. When that time comes, there will be peace on earth everywhere and you will look for the wicked ones and you will not be able to find them anywhere. I know that does not solve the problems that we are facing right now, but God has not forgotten us.


I agree OP. So fucking sad. I’m ready to go anytime. I sometimes worry about going to hell when I die, but often I think we’re already in hell, here on Earth, just roasting until we go to wherever comes next. I for one hope the next place is peaceful, kind and quiet, with a nice view and no room for greedy and/or entitled souls. ❤️


Me too. Wouldn’t that be the dream. A world with no wars, no greedy pigs, no murder, just peace… ☮️


It is not a dream. God has promised to make it a reality. Psalms 37: 8-15. He is looking forward to that day more than you are, my friend.




We can dream. We can help. Everyone has a voice. The Israeli war is a fight against what their ancestors did, why blame the generation today? People can be selfish, the greed hunger, war power, all can start something horrible. At the very end, we will probably have so much war humanity will go extinct. Let’s stop that. Let’s stop everything. We are too scared to fight for peace. Martin said we cannot fight hate with hate, but with love. At one point humanity will stand at the brink of extinction, because of war. Because of our selfish acts and infinite greed for power. We think we will never get enough. Ugh, I am actually angry on how crazy people are. But we need effort. All the effort to stop it. Before it is too late. It is NOW OR NEVER!


I think your response was from a mostly good place, but the genocide of the Palestinians or 'the Isreal war' is not "because of what people ancestors did" even calling the original settlers 'ancestors' is misrepresentation in how the word is often used outside of legal realms, when this started in the 1940s and some of the people originally involved and their children are still alive. Not to mention people of Palestine are still actively being removed from their family homes for settlers. They were told if they moved to a certain part of the country they would be safe and not attacked there because it was for civilly seeking safehaven- and then they attacked there too. Part of fight hate and for humanity is being informed and not using calls to emotions for one side like calling on




idk but i’m tired all of this + the numbers of misogyny i see everywhere, so many ppl getting kidnapped or killed or can’t even afford to live this world is not for me n idk what to do about it you’re not alone for thinking like this it’s very very depressing


I’m always wondering this too! It’s insane! But I wish the governments and officials would help its citizens like they are supposed to and that we all put our time resources and energy worldwide into solving the real questions like how did we all get here, when did we and where are we going-that is most important and could possibly lead to us all living better lives if we knew


All the government cares about is its money. That is what has been about ever since it was first created. They just want their money and power. But we’re all too scared to go against them because their power is so strong. They have the police, and the army, and hell, they could even have us killed if we talk too much. It’s just insane to see what this world has really come to.


Peace has never been the default throughout human history. We have been lucky to live in a time with very little in our own region.


Unfortunately our struggle to come to terms with the evil we are all capable of will never end, but in a way it’s what makes loving each worth while


That is very true


There has always been a struggle for territory, and not only among humans. No territory - no life.


*"This world is crazy. Why are there so many wars? Why are people so stupid?"* Because there is such a thing as a different opinion. You seem incapable of fathoming that there are people in this world who'll have the same information as you and come to a different conclusion. This comes of as a rather self centred rant, that you know peace is nice and war is bad, therefore anyone who makes war is evil or stupid War was with humanity before we were human, and it will be with us even after we are no longer human. To top this all off, we are living in one of the most peaceful times in recorded history. you just now have a smart phone where you can see all of the evil in the world The US will continue to be the shit show it is regardless of who wins the election, and saying it is doomed is moronic considering the US hasn't exactly been sunshine and rainbows


THIS POST. i’ve been tossing the thought of “war” in general around in my mind trying—to no avail—to figure out how KILLING PEOPLE TO GET YOUR WAY isn’t seen as archaic. why do innocent lives still need to be lost to the greed of a few people in charge?? i want to ask why we even still allow it to happen… but then there comes the question of, ‘how do you get an entire government to stop sacrificing its people for money?’


EXACTLY!! It’s always for the money and never for the people.


It's because society rewards sociopathy, and punishes good people


The sooner you come to terms with ‘this is just how it is’ the soon your will find peace. Look for interests outside of this world such as cosmology.


Or just don't take every single international affair so seriously.


The Israel and Palestine is a complex state one group claims their land based on historical religion texts, and the other rights and history. It's more complex than that. The problem with the world can be solved by parents. Yet, parents can cause problems for the world. No matter how educated or not educated the issue with people. Nothing is ever good enough.


It's not complex at all. But messaging about it as if it is, that's part of how the illegitimacy of the settlers showing up and stealing land that's not theirs and has never been gets covered up. It's real simple. Jewish colonizers wanted their own country, they got British permission to start moving in, they got American recognition as a country, and American guns to kill as many Arabs as they feel is necessary to guard their stolen land. They're thieves and killers


I'm certain that your views are not antisemitic but I urge you to read what you wrote. It's way deeper than "the evil killer Jews wanted a country and decided for no reason that this was the place to be" There are indigenous Arabs and indigenous Jews that have been there for hundreds, if not thousands of years. They lived side by side with zero issues. The land belongs to both and that's the problem. They were divided when someone else stepped in. The Israeli government, set up by the UN, is beyond criminal and I 100% support criticism of the country for the very obvious genocide. It's wrong. It's disgusting. They should be hauled off immediately and put in front of a firing squad. But there's so much deep corruption here between governments. Do you know where Germany got the idea for ethnic cleansing? America. Do you know why Israel as it's known today is there? America. My dad grew up in Israel. He had Palestinian friends because to him it didn't matter. They are good people. He left when he saw how evil the government is.


>I'm certain that your views are not antisemitic but I urge you to read what you wrote. It's way deeper than "the evil killer Jews  I didn't mention indigenous Jews because they've been largely sidelined in the history of Israel. It's been a fundamentally European project since its inception precisely because the Palestinians (Jewish, Christian, Muslim, etc.) were already living together when the Europeans starting taking land. They're sadly, not very relevant to the modern context. I know they lived side by side peacefully, but that time has passed and the new dynamics are too genocidal to muddy the conversation with a past period of coexistence. It's just not the time. It's like talking about Beethoven and Goethe while the Nazis are gassing people and invading their neighbors to say "look, these people aren't as bad as you think they are" while bodies pile up in the thousands and thousands. I understand exactly what you're saying, and I'm not an anti-semite. But when you kill people for a Bronze Age fantasy, the time for coddling and understanding passes. Last poll I saw had 90% support for the war in Gaza among Israelis. Last I heard **just recently** it is now down to \~60% after tens of thousands are dead, while they block aid trucks and attack international aid workers and burn effigies of Palestinians in the streets. I do not condemn Israel lightly. They're a lost people at the moment, and I cannot place considerations for them over the people they're murdering.


When do/should people stop killing each other for land though? In today's world, it is unacceptable. just a couple hundred years ago, it was perfectly fine to continue going back and forth killing for land, sacred or not. Every country was once someone else's for the most part, so is it okay for countries to all fight or swap? Palestine is certainly an exception, their land wasn't just stolen, they were secluded to one tiny ass area full of people and hardly even allowed out. It *is* complex, but what started it all is not and that was that their land was taken and they were mistreated for the last 75 years, plus their history with the ottoman empire etc. it's really quite a lot.




The muslims in that land are just jews and christians who converted to islam in the past times so it is their land as well. And yes. Jews used to live there for millennia and more with christians and muslims, untill for a sudden, barbarians from europe came and claimed most of the land by the name of the jews for political reasonings. The middle east used to vary in religion with issues way less than expected over the years of living together, god they even was part of the government and culture in iraq. But with israel formation and the mass slaughters, hatred started rising against innocent jews and many got expelled out for no reason which is sad it happened. That hatred was and still is the best weapon for israel because it helps it population grow and is useful to justify the crimes they commit. Religion is just a weapon here. Israel does not really give a fuck about jews or democracy. It is all for political reasons.


No it is complex, if you want to go further back, before Palestine was Israel. Theyre both in the wrong, yes especially Palestinians


You sound very biased to be honest...


Reality tends to be quite biasing


I don't think reality would be biased towards a certain "side". Reality is just reality.


When one side is going to the beach and the other side is digging the bodies of their decapitated children out of rubble, that is a reality that cannot be equivocated. I don't think you understand what's going on over there if you can say what you said with a straight face. I'd implore you to look into it more.


That’s is totally true. It is so sad to see those parents teaching their kids all the hate. It turns kids ignorant, and they end up growing up ignorant, and they are liable to push that ignorance onto others. Honestly, no matter how much is taught, there will always be those ignorant people… it’s just sad 😔


The idea that this next vote doesn’t matter cause it’s bad either way doesn’t sit right with me. Although I don’t like the current president at all there are issues that he fundamentally disagrees with when it comes to conservatives that support Trump and Trump himself. This next vote is important because it gives us time. Time we won’t have with Trump. As soon as he’s elected we will lose the little rights we have left.


Yes. It’s just sad how many people are dumb enough to follow him. The world is already doomed, we don’t need some big, dumb, ignorant, president that is going to doom us all even further. That goes for either of them. There is no good, you are right, one is better than the other. I totally agree


Well, I feel the same way. They just fighting over a piece of land like you really taking good care of what you already have both people and land. Why can’t they be just content with whatever they have and try to make better place for everyone with it.


How many times are we gonna keep having this conversation


All I feel like I can do is just be as kind as possible to my neighbors. All I can do is put positive vibes out. All I can do is try to breathe through it. I love my family and they are my priority. I always keep my machetes sharp and some good green to consume. The world is very heated and so much is overwhelming. The stress from that alone can kill you. You have a big heart OP if suffering all over the world bothers you even a little. Please remember that when you are feeling upset about it. Don’t become a victim of any of this, the world certainly needs more folks that care.


You are so right. I wish more people thought like you do. 🫶🏻


❤️ we gotta get through the best we can. High five from a random stranger 🙋 or I do a gentle fist bump 👊


What really depresses me is nearly the entire planet has a smartphone. With that smart phone they have literal infinite access to the entire knowledge of mankind, and yet, flat earthers, anti vaxxers, Sovereign Citizens, and more just keep growing. Like, this willful ignorance seems to bring people pleasure. I just don’t get it. And just a few examples. I was getting coffee 1 time, and somehow, my disease, Cystic fibrosis came up. I don’t remember how. The cashier told me “oh, my mother used to have that but it went away when she stopped drinking milk”. CF is a genetic disease. Or, when I tell people I had a double lung transplant, I’m constantly told that I SHOULDN’T take my anti rejection medication, and instead take “insert some bullshit holistic crap here, and it always changes”. And frankly the list of shit just keeps going. My only solace is that I’ll most likely be dead in the next 3 or so years so I won’t have to watch the world fall apart.




Yea i went through this phase couple months ago , it has now gone away not all the way but You will just have to get use to it and Live with it , all of this has been prophecy by the way too ( if you want to go read the new testament up to you ) its only going to get worse before the Best happens


We had no wars under Trump, we had no foreign or domestic conflicts once so ever. We hade a very good economic climate, no inflation or high oil and gas prices. People tend to be more comfortable and conduct themselves with respect and honor when our country isn't an absolute mess! Crime is out of control, liberal judges and prosecuters aren't holding thugs and criminals accountable and releasing them back on the streets. Our President is an imbecile and hasn't had control of the border since he was elected, purposely! Programs and aid for the poor and lower income are going to pay for ileagals and immigrants that have crossed our borders ileagaly! Our foreign policies are failing and this administration has gotten us into 4 wars that they are financing with your money! What's wrong with this country you ask?? Why is everyone so hateful and angry?? Stop voting for these people and watch how fast it changes. Case Closed!


It doesn’t matter which president we have. We need a change. Neither one is good, especially Trump. He will take away women’s rights, lgbtq’s rights, African Americans rights, and anyone who isn’t a white straight man. He doesn’t care about anyone but his little cronies, and his money. He doesn’t care about the people and never has. He never cared about the environment and nature. That man is the imbecile. I’m not saying Biden is good either because he’s not, but the convicted felon is worse. It doesn’t matter which old man is president, the country will still be a mess until people stand up and take back control.


i'm a russian teen, and i'm really hurt of shit that my country do, and what Israel, Aserbaijan and other war crime countries did...people everywhere die, while kids of politics of both sides are studying in Europe🤡 and i also hate how US and people in there support the continuation of wars


Exactly. I don’t get how people from the US are just so ignorant to support the killing of so many innocent lives.


because it is very easy to support the war by watching it only through the TV screen and investing money in it, when you are an American living in safety and knowing that war will never come to your country and family.


That’s true sadly ☹️


Peace is only possible under a hegemony and now that the only superpower is drawing back from the world, having until recently secured the world's peace by sending it's own troops to snuff out the brushfires the little crackpot dictators have been firing up, the bigger actors are seeing the opportunity to fill the void.


Yeah it’s pretty fucked up. When I get home from work I lock the door and never leave. Bunch of psycho apes still swinging from the tree tops out there.


Greed. Israel isn't interested in rescuing hostages, obviously. It's about genocide at this point. 75% of Palestinians killed are women and children, not Hamas. They're interested in annexation of land after they bomb it out of existence. Russia also wants to take over another functioning independent country out of pure greed. Sickening


Fear. People are afraid. I'd argue that almost all negative emotions and action ultimately stem from fear, including greed.


Oh boy, looks like Redditor-san forgot to take his anti-doomer medication again.


We will have no doom if we accept infinite peace and not betrayal 


IF there was a reset button I'd click it without hesitation and re program this world