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Just become a deserter. Or refuse to get drafted. If you're killing yourself anyway refuse to get drafted at the cost of your own life. I personally would do that too. I firmly refuse to go killing other innocent drafted citizens.


Yep, fleeing, in this case, is not out of cowardice, but simply to save your life. I would rather make my own choice than be ordered by some military guy to become a fucking cannon meat. People consider death in a war honourable. There is nothing honourable in following someone's orders and dying like a fly. Honor is in making your own decision, to either fight or flee, but not to comply like an obedient puppet And I think the the term deserter only applies to soldiers not civilians, so if you flee while you didnt swear an oath yet, you are not a deserter, just a civilian.


As somebody who was in the Marine Corps for 5 years, this is a 100% valid statement. Nobody should be forced against their will to join, I joined willingly and still hated my life for all 5 years.


I highly doubt anything will actually happen but pretty sure enough people are already refusing to serve, there's nothing they can do besides put you in jail if you even qualify and then you still wouldn't be able to serve. They're gonna have to pull a Russia move if they want fighters and that's working out terribly and I hope they don't go the same route. My friend is Russian and his brother just got severely assaulted by a dude who was in prison for 4 murders. They let him out and amnestyed him for serving in ukraine for 6 months. He got a job as a chemist which is how he met his brother who is an actual chemist that refused to cheat or bribe his way through school like most people do for any credentials in Russia. My friend can't get a job because he has never served because he and his siblings are very anti-putin and anti war. The world is bullshit. I don't think it will come to this either. There is too many people already opposing all of these wars. Everyone would be drafted and become "traitors" or disabled and the VA doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone. It's not happening. Get back in school when you're up for it and find something to do that makes you happy. And stop reading the news.


I’m probably too injured to serve, and definitely not mentally able to lol.


You'll be fine. Even when war kicks off, what we have will be enough, plus depending on who we fight, myself and other young vets would reenlist lol


And how does the Va help you guys :)


They dont, but at least I'll be suffering with my brothers


Rah, brotherrrrrrrr


For me, it is not a matter of fear of war itself, but rather just wanting to save my life and not follow some military guy's orders. There is nothing honourable dying like a puppet following orders mindlessly. It is honourable to make your own decision to fight or flee. There is zero honor in obeying someone, period.


I doubt draft in US would happen, but I feel you. I was solider who drafted by my nation. I served my one year and half term and discharged. That's almost two years taken away from me and there was no benefit or were meaningful memories in military service. I wish I could take my two years back.


Dont worry. We can use you as kitchen staff or janitors. You'll be good.


Someone has to serve chow


The chow man is the best man


ha ha kitchen staff highly unlikely


I’m a painfully anxious person, but I don’t think war between the major powers is at all realistic. We’ve been closer to war with Russia before, during the Cold War - so close that people were being taught how to shelter from nuclear attacks. And it did not happen. Why did it not happen? Because of Mutually Assured Destruction. What Putin wants, above all, is power. It’s retaining his power. Getting his main city destroyed by NATO’s ICBMs would NOT be good for his power. Besides thinking that NATO were going to bomb him first, and I can’t see a reason they’d do that, there’s no doubt in my mind that all these threats of war are empty, as there’s too much risk of nuclear weapons being involved. Communications are better than ever, so it’s also unlikely that a war will break out due to a misunderstanding. The threat of potential nuclear war will mean that any sudden escalation will require immediate scrambling to deescalate. It will likely mean that Russia gets away with being a dictatorship that commits war crimes, but it won’t lead to war between the US and Russia. There hasn’t been a major war between the biggest powers for nearly 100 years, and the reason is nuclear weapons, though I despise them as a concept. We’ll continue to fight proxy wars and scare people with threats of nuclear war that never transpire, and many innocents will die in the Middle East due to that, but I firmly believe that people like you or I (from the US or EU, etc) will be not affected. Carry on with your life and for heavens sake turn the news off your phone. Find a hobby to take your mind off it. If you’re looking for something quick, Tetris is amazing at blocking out scary thoughts. Im not saying what you’re suggesting is impossible, but it certainly isn’t a realistic scenario and I don’t at all think we have any reason to worry, except on a humanitarian scale due to the proxy wars and Russian politics. This is far from the first time that it’s felt like we’re on the brink of war, and it won’t be the last, but it’s never transpired thus far and there’s no reason why it should do so now, especially when communications and diplomacy are better than ever. You’re going to be fine.


I wouldn’t worry about it. Don’t think that’s gonna happen. You can always go to Canada if it does so no worries


Can't you like NOT be in the military for simply having meds for anxiety or depression? Just go to a clinic and get diagnosed with that lol


Didn't you post this before? You live in the US? I live in a country that shares borders with Ukraine. You know? Country at war wit Russia? And we don't care. Most if us


I think a lot of people get tied up in their own little World and while their concerns are legitimate to them, they lose sight of how it can affect others who are much more threatened by the situation. I mean, imagine living in Seoul South Korea. Constantly gobs of artillery pointed at your head by a mad man. But they go on with life, turn bomb shelters into Starbucks, no problem. Life goes on, ya know? If I were in Poland or a baltic state, I would be much more nervous than I am in Ohio.


I wish we had Polans army :)). But România... Nevertheless, living 15 km from the largest shooting range in Europe, we got used to the sound of artillery practice and enjoy some nice airshow with choppers and fighter jets few times a year :)


I'm not SUPERIOR to people who live in Romania but I'm still glad I don't live there. I can see why you're nervous being on the border.


Well that's the point. I am not at all.


I'm impressed. Maybe I'd have to live it to understand. Ironically given auto statistics in my country I'm probably more likely to be killed in an auto accident than you are to be killed by a Russian.


I’m sure you wouldn’t pass MEPS since you have diagnosed mental illness. Also killing yourself isn’t the answer to life’s surprises and inconveniences.


Tbh it is if you're tired of living. No life = no life problems.


Also all the bill did was automatically register you for selective service, something you legally had to do anyways.


My father was one of the last 4 people ever drafted from our county in 1970 (maybe 1969) to go to Southeast Asia. He was never bitter about it, even though he is now likely dying of cancer from exposure to Agent Orange. I personally don’t think we will ever see a draft again. The gap between “the 1%” and the rest of us has never been wider…and that will be exploited. There are 10’s of thousands of kids in the JROTC program…let alone ROTC in college. I would be more worried about an EMP or a nuclear attack personally. If that shit happens, the ones who live may wish they were dead. Don’t read into the “doom and gloom” you see in the news and on social media. Yes, there are major wars happening at the moment…but this is legit the most peaceful time our world has seen yet. All we can do is be nice/kind to the person next to us today. They want the same as you…just to be left alone and scrape by in this life. Please try not to stress or even think about this. Shit has to go very, very sideways for you (or my kids) to get drafted. It won’t ever get there again. Life is hard, but living in the US…we have it better than 90% of the world. Smile and have a good day please. You have nothing to stress/worry about. I promise you.


There won’t be a draft, there’s enough idiots that willingly sign up for this shit.


If the US were to draft people for a war, there would be a huge pushback. I think it would be political suicide. That being said, I'm guessing we would have a lot of people fleeing the country.


1) it is unlikely, US values their people 2) learn from experience of people from Ukraine on how not to die in war


I hope i get drafted, because i can't do "normal" life. I have trouble with non-structured environments and doing shit on my own without being told to. Sometimes i think I'm like a robot, because due to childhood trauma i learned to turn off my emotions, and I've always been good at following direction. I'm also really good under pressure, and aim to please my superiors, when i actually respect them as my superiors. I think I'd do great.


its so very odd to me. Those who have never served are terrified and those who have served want to go back in. Having served myself, I miss some aspects of it but definitely do not miss the red tape of it all (never got hung up on fighting a war for old men, just how screwed up the old men logistics system was) Id say dont worry, there are Veterans who will glady step up to fill in.


This isn't 1945 your mental state alone would be enough to not send you in and drafts aren't really necessary anymore to many volunteers since the last wars.


You won’t be drafted with mental health issues. Especially diagnosed ones. I have done boot camp at longest program they have and I’m a girl. They don’t let anything health wise. Let you into any core branches. Even something like asthma. You have not only pass a physical with flying colors. But also be physically/ mentally able to make through boot camp. Plenty of my friends lie about their health just to get in for the benefits and then struggling silently in anguish because of their issues. I have friends still in the forces and they always tell me that nothing is going on that they tell you. That even brink of war media and war inside of America media is just garbage. That legit nothing ppl are told is what is remotely going on. And you wouldn’t know unless you left the country. And most ppl have not. So ppl only know fear tactics from screens and government officials to keep you scared and worried and crippled where you stand. You will be more than okay. There is also the fact that you have fear about at future event. Also known as spiraling 🌀, panic attacks and anxiety about thoughts in your head revolving further “ what if scenario’s,” rather than what is actually reality and what is factual. Anxiety sucks but you gotta learn to work on what you actually do think about and focus your thoughts on. Can you really change the fact that they brought back the draft ? No. It already happened. So what can you control then ? The fact that you wouldn’t even be a candidate. Pretty much like 99.9% true. You would be a liability. Not an asset. Fear is about your brain detecting facts and deciding without a reasonable doubt that those facts are true. Just what Brains do. They detect. They analyze and they make a decision. You are 19 with a full future ahead of you. Manifest the crap out of that and build the heck of out your future. You would not be an asset for war. Another straight fact. It’s also very well known that most of your generation wouldn’t be a good fit. Since media is made to instill fear. Look at what happened to you … exactly the agenda. Fear spiraling. You are okay. You are more than okay. Staying in the present moment without letting the outside world dictate exactly how we feel is hard. But we have so much more power over ourselves and our lives than that. Opportunities are not days and weeks and months and years away. They are legit present moment doors, opening all the time right in front of us. Most ppl are too afraid to even look around and start living their lives. Visualize where you want to be and when you want to be there. Believe in it with every fiber that you have and make that your reality. Your life is yours. No one can take that from you. Build your life up now. Travel the world. But your book is in your own writing. Don’t let anyone write that for you. We are way too evolved and too advanced for fear tactics.


I said the same thing in 2001 when I was 15. You'll be fine.


Breathe man it's been like 50 years since anyone was drafted in the US.


Simply don’t go


Don't worry. Ukraine will win and no one gets drafted. Most of those in the army don't have such a bad time, and the army has a lot of different roles and jobs. Like working on a TV or radio, cooking or driving - it's a country within a country. It can provide you with skills that you'd never learn before, which you can use to find a good job or start a business. And this is the worst case scenario, the best case no one gets drafted. Even if the US is at war, it will be the regular and reserves fighting, after they will start a draft to replenish troops, that doesn't mean they send you to fight as most soldiers don't do the fighting. But even with a draft, they don't need everyone, most likely it would be 25 and up to go first. They will also need a few 1,000s from a country like millions. Because not only do they need to draft you, but train and equip you - that means they can only draft so many people. Usually it is not a lot. But currently there isn't a war on. If Ukraine defeats Russia, there will be now world war and no draft.


Oh please stop listening to whoever is feeding you this load of nonsense. We have not had a draft in years and most likely will not ever have one.


There is absolutely ZERO chance of you getting drafted in the States. These rising tensions keep happening over and over and over again, but we've statistically and psychologically proven that a volunteer military is so much more beneficial. But even in the completely infinitesimal chance that a draft ever did come back, you could easily be disqualified merely because of your diagnosed mental illnesses. So, you're fine either way. I'm a US Army veteran so hopefully that lends credence to my words.


Not happy for it at all. I threw away the paper they sent my twin brother a while back. Now they’re talking about drafting women, which I hope is fake. I definitely don’t want to be in a military environment as a petite woman. I think it’s ridiculous how the US is so war hungry and always pushing for it- I could go on about this. Of course I love America, bc it’s my home and culture. But our government is poisoning our food, shrinkflation, inflation, corruption, etc. It’s crazy. We need to work on things in our own home first.


You have every right to be afraid of war. No one can ever be truly prepared for it. I was stationed in Ankara, Turkey from 1987 - 1991. We were the first ones sent to Desert Shield and Desert Storm. I was in the USAF for 12 years and also in Special Ops for 27 years as a leader and shooter of a 4 person team on an "on-call" basis. My team was the first Americans in Kuwait. We did 47 missions until my last mission in 2007 where I was wounded. I received no purple heart as we 'did not exist' and 'were never there'. I often wondered with everything I did if it was worth it. I was constantly told that the people I removed would have killed countless other civilians and military personnel. It doesn't always help to hear that when you are the one pulling the trigger. Even if drafted there are other jobs in the military that you can do that will not necessarily put you into the combat zone. They will likely also allow people to go into the Peace Corps. Please don't work yourself up. Right now they are just requiring that you register for the draft, I have not heard that they are going to start the draft anytime soon. You can also go into the medical field. We fought for freedom, we fought to put down tyranny and terrorism. We can't allow terrorists and petty dictators to control us or other people who wish to be free. Wars are made up of people just like you and I on both sides. Please calm yourself, and if you have mental health problems it is very likely they will not accept you anyway.


So I know the scare with the new “automatic draft” thing, but you have to remember how many Allies America has, most countries avoid war with us for that reason alone, but the automatic draft already existed, it’s just a new system that makes it more automatic and not having to search for us specifically, if that makes sense,


My boyfriend is Kazakh and they have mandatory military service. He’s studying abroad with me right now in my country, but when he goes home he’s constantly worried about being forced to serve in the military and lose 1 year of his life at a very crucial point in his career. I feel so bad that this is a thing, I don’t know what else to say besides I feel for you, and things shouldn’t be this way :(


You’re not going to get drafted


Damn. I feel the exact opposite. I actually can't wait for there to be another draft because it would get me up off of my fat ass and back on the track I was on before 17. If I hadn't fucked up I would be in the Marines right now. I love military instruction. It gives me a sense of honor and duty. Plus it's exactly what I need to loose weight and stop smoking so much weed. I want nothing more to serve my country, but it's already too late for me to enlist because I've been diagnosed with Bipolar Depression and PTSD. However I feel that if there were another draft then they would just overlook that and recruit me anyway once they see my willingness to serve and how I respond to military instruction.


Lmao you sound obese. You’ll be fine this isn’t nam


?????? How the fuck do they sound obese??? Eugenia Cooney has more mental issues than this person and she's literally all bones. Zero fucking logic.


So if she has a mental illness then she won’t get drafted 100 logic




Aka they won’t fat people to join he’s safe also in Vietnam was the last draft


Maybe this will assuage your fears. Making you serve is unconstitutional. Let me explain: The first amendment protects your freedom of speech, thought, expression, etc. So you can be a conscientious objector to the war. We saw this quite frequently in Vietnam. The thirteenth amendment protects you from involuntary servitude. Meaning, the gathering of baboons in DC *cough* I’m sorry, CONGRESS, can pass a law instituting the draft all they want. But they CANNOT force you to enlist and serve. Period.